How can I get this effect in react native? - react-native

The radio button must be pair.
How can I make these 4 radio button in one group?

Hey Jin youcheng
You can use the react-native-radio-buttons-group package to implement the radio button group.
Have a look here:
import RadioGroup from 'react-native-radio-buttons-group';
export default class App extends Component {
state = {
data: [
label: 'Default value is same as label',
label: 'Value is different',
value: "I'm not same as label",
label: 'Color',
color: 'green',
disabled: true,
label: 'Disabled',
label: 'Size',
size: 32,
// update state
onPress = data => this.setState({ data });
render() {
let selectedButton = => e.selected == true);
selectedButton = selectedButton ? selectedButton.value :[0].label;
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<Text style={styles.valueText}>
Value = {selectedButton}
<RadioGroup radioButtons={} onPress={this.onPress} />
Or something like this
Hope this will work for you :)

If you want to do it without any third party library you can do it by making the layout and using Images of Radio Buttons(one for Selected and one for unselected) inside TouchableOpacity. You can take a variables for button and set them false for initial state. Now once you perform onPress of that particular Radio Button you can set that true. Now you can render Selected Radio Button by using Image source property. Here is the code where I have given background color to Image view as I don't have radio buttons. I also commented the source prop there which you can uncomment and pass the location of the radio buttons according to your condition.
<View style={{height: 200, marginTop:50, width: 220, borderColor: '#000000', borderWidth: 2, alignSelf: 'center'}}>
<View style={{flexDirection:'row', marginTop: 30}} >
<View style={{flexDirection:'row-reverse', width: '50%', height: 50, alignItems: 'center'}}>
<Text style={{marginRight: 5}}>Apple</Text>
// onPress = {() => this.selectRadioBtn}
<Image style={{height: 24, width: 24, backgroundColor: 'steelblue', marginRight: 5}}
// source={require('your_asset_url_her')}
<View style={{flexDirection:'row', width: '50%', height: 50, alignItems: 'center', marginLeft: 5}}>
// onPress = {() => this.selectRadioBtn}
<Image style={{height: 24, width: 24, backgroundColor: 'steelblue', marginRight: 5}}
// source={require('your_asset_url_her')}
<Text style={{marginRight: 5}}>Apple</Text>
<View style={{flexDirection:'row'}} >
<View style={{flexDirection:'row-reverse', width: '50%', height: 50, alignItems: 'center'}}>
<Text style={{marginRight: 5}}>Apple</Text>
// onPress = {() => this.selectRadioBtn}
<Image style={{height: 24, width: 24, backgroundColor: 'steelblue', marginRight: 5}}
// source={require('your_asset_url_her')}
<View style={{flexDirection:'row', width: '50%', height: 50, alignItems: 'center', marginLeft: 5}}>
// onPress = {() => this.selectRadioBtn}
<Image style={{height: 24, width: 24, backgroundColor: 'steelblue', marginRight: 5}}
// source={require('your_asset_url_her')}
<Text style={{marginRight: 5}}>Apple</Text>
<TouchableOpacity style={{height: 30, alignSelf: 'center', marginTop: 10, borderColor: '#000000', borderWidth: 2, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center'}}>
<Text style={{width: 80, alignSelf: 'center', textAlign: 'center'}}>OK</Text>
Please let me know if any clarification required. Thanks :)


Touchable Opacity not working when nested inside View component but works if Touchable opacity is made the parent component to wrap other components

I have the following component created for showing an image card on screen. Inside this card there is an image that I am trying to make touchable, however, its does seem to work and when I try clicking on it, nothing happens.
But if I make the Touchable opacity as a parent component below, then the complete image card component becomes touchable and it works on screen. However, I do not want that and only want to target sub elements in this below card component. Not sure how to fix this!
import React, { useState } from "react";
import {
} from "react-native";
const ImageCardView = ({
}) => {
return (
<View style={{ backgroundColor: "#d3c4de" }}>
<View style={styles.cardContainer}>
<RedCircle />
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => navigation.navigate("showCase")}>
uri: imageUrl,
<SeparatorVertical />
<View style={styles.textContainer}>
<Text style={styles.title}>{title}</Text>
<Text style={styles.category}>{category}</Text>
<Text style={styles.price}>${Price}</Text>
<SeparatorHorizontal />
<Text numberOfLines={2} style={styles.description}>
<View style={styles.rightBottom}>
onPress={() => setIsPressed(!isPressed)}
<Text>Add To Cart</Text>
{/* {isPressed && (
backgroundColor: "white",
paddingLeft: 16,
paddingRight: 16,
flexDirection: "row",
alignItems: "center",
paddingBottom: 12,
color={items.length > 0 ? "#00CCBB" : "gray"}
<TouchableOpacity onPress={addItemToBasket}>
<Icon name="plus-circle" size={40} color="#00CCBB" />
)} */}
<View style={styles.ratingContainer}>
{[...Array(5)].map((star, i) => {
const ratingValue = i + 1;
return (
ratingValue <= rating && styles.filledStar,
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
cardContainer: {
flexDirection: "row",
alignItems: "center",
backgroundColor: "white",
borderRadius: 5,
overflow: "hidden",
marginVertical: 10,
marginLeft: 3,
width: "98%",
height: 300,
shadowColor: "#000",
shadowOffset: {
width: 0,
height: 2,
shadowOpacity: 0.25,
shadowRadius: 3.84,
elevation: 5,
image: {
width: 150,
height: 228,
resizeMode: "cover",
textContainer: {
paddingLeft: 10,
title: {
fontWeight: "bold",
fontSize: 20,
marginBottom: 10,
category: {
color: "#d6c3b9",
price: {
fontSize: 20,
fontWeight: "bold",
color: "#05c3fa",
description: {
flexDirection: "row",
flexWrap: "wrap",
fontSize: 15,
color: "#666",
marginBottom: 20,
ratingContainer: {
flexDirection: "row",
alignItems: "center",
button: {
alignItems: "center",
backgroundColor: "#5cb85c",
borderRadius: 5,
padding: 10,
rightBottom: {
flexDirection: "row",
star: {
fontSize: 18,
color: "#888",
filledStar: {
color: "#ffd700",
export default ImageCardView;
Without seeing the all the code, my suggestion is to make sure your TouchableOpacity is being imported from "react-native" and not from "react-native-gesture-handler" or some other npm package like "react-native-web".
Check the below code and logs, it's working fine:
import React, { useState } from "react";
import {
} from "react-native";
const App = ({
}) => {
const [isPressed, setIsPressed] = useState(false)
return (
<View style={{ backgroundColor: "#d3c4de" }}>
<View style={styles.cardContainer}>
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => {
console.log("on pressed!!!!")
uri: imageUrl,
<View style={styles.textContainer}>
<Text style={styles.title}>{title}</Text>
<Text style={styles.category}>{category}</Text>
<Text style={styles.price}>${Price}</Text>
<Text numberOfLines={2} style={styles.description}>
<View style={styles.rightBottom}>
onPress={() => {
console.log("Add to card pressed!!!!")
<Text>Add To Cart</Text>
{isPressed && (
backgroundColor: "white",
paddingLeft: 16,
paddingRight: 16,
flexDirection: "row",
alignItems: "center",
paddingBottom: 12,
color={items.length > 0 ? "#00CCBB" : "gray"}
<TouchableOpacity onPress={addItemToBasket}>
<Icon name="plus-circle" size={40} color="#00CCBB" />
<View style={styles.ratingContainer}>
{[...Array(5)].map((star, i) => {
const ratingValue = i + 1;
return (
ratingValue <= rating && styles.filledStar,
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
cardContainer: {
flexDirection: "row",
alignItems: "center",
backgroundColor: "white",
borderRadius: 5,
overflow: "hidden",
marginVertical: 10,
marginLeft: 3,
width: "98%",
height: 300,
shadowColor: "#000",
shadowOffset: {
width: 0,
height: 2,
shadowOpacity: 0.25,
shadowRadius: 3.84,
elevation: 5,
image: {
width: 150,
height: 228,
resizeMode: "cover",
textContainer: {
paddingLeft: 10,
title: {
fontWeight: "bold",
fontSize: 20,
marginBottom: 10,
category: {
color: "#d6c3b9",
price: {
fontSize: 20,
fontWeight: "bold",
color: "#05c3fa",
description: {
flexDirection: "row",
flexWrap: "wrap",
fontSize: 15,
color: "#666",
marginBottom: 20,
ratingContainer: {
flexDirection: "row",
alignItems: "center",
button: {
alignItems: "center",
backgroundColor: "#5cb85c",
borderRadius: 5,
padding: 10,
rightBottom: {
flexDirection: "row",
star: {
fontSize: 18,
color: "#888",
filledStar: {
color: "#ffd700",
export default App;
For navigation, you need to get it referenced from parent props.
Thanks everyone. I got it fixed, in my case somehow the component was blocking the Touchable opacity, so included that inside my Touchable capacity to include the with the image and it started working

React Native Component Style

Hi I'm trying to build a chat item component but I'm having problems with the style I can't get it to work the way I want I would like the profile picture to be on the left but the text in the middle and the username on top where the time is on the far right what am I doing wrong?
const ChatItem = () => {
return (
<View style={styles.card}>
uri: '',
<Text style={}>Username</Text>
<Text style={styles.time}>01:00 AM</Text>
<Text>Hello World</Text>
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
imageWrapper: {},
card: {
flexDirection: 'row',
name: {
fontWeight: 'bold',
color: '#000',
time: {},
profileImage: {
width: 50,
height: 50,
borderRadius: 90,
🟢 Problem solved!
You need better understanding about react native styling, you can achive what you want with the following code fragment.
const ChatItem = () => {
return (<View style={{flexDirection: "row", width: '100%', backgroundColor: "lightgrey", padding: 8}}>
<View style={{justifyContent:"center"}}>
<Image style={{ width: 50, height: 50, borderRadius: 25 }} source={{uri:''}} />
<View style={{flexDirection: "column", marginLeft: 8, flex: 1}}>
<Text style={{ fontWeight: 700 }}>Username</Text>
<Text style={{ fontWeight: 300 }}>Hello, Good Morning! This is the message sent by the user </Text>
<Text style={{textAlign:"right", color: "grey", fontSize: 12}}>10:20 PM, Today</Text>
This will look like,

I want to change the width of the KeyboardAvoidingView movement with custom TextInput

I am developing iOS apps in React Native Expo.
To display the image icon and placeholder in the Input column, I set it to Image icon and TextInput in the View.
When using KeyboardAvoidingView, the keyboard scrolls to the bottom of TextInput as shown in the attached image (1), but does anyone know if it is possible to scroll to the bottom of the description of the input field as shown in image (2)?
The article is based on the following.
Parent function code.
<KeyboardAvoidingView behavior="padding" style={styles.containerStyle}>
<SafeAreaView style={styles.containerStyle}>
<ScrollView style={styles.containerStyle}>
<View style={styles.headContainerStyle}></View>
<View style={styles.mainContainerStyle}></View>
<View style={styles.headMessageContainerStyle}>
<Text style={styles.headMessageTextStyle}>Sign Up</Text>
{/* Email */}
{/* Password */}
{/* UserId */}
{/* Screen Bottom */}
<View style={styles.bottomStyle}>
{isCorrectMail && isCorrectPassewordSymbol && isCorrectPassewordStringCount && isCorrectUserIdSymbol && isCorrectUserIdStringCount && isAvailableUserId ?
<Text style={styles.buttonTextStyle}>Sign Up</Text>
) : (
style={[styles.buttonContainerStyle, styles.buttonContainerInvalidStyle]}
onPress={() => navigation.navigate('SignUp')}>
<Text style={styles.buttonTextStyle}>Sign Up</Text>
<View style={styles.toLoginStyle}>
<Text style={styles.toLoginTextStyle}>Do you have an account?</Text>
<Text style={[styles.toLoginTextStyle, styles.toLoginTextLinkStyle]}>Login here</Text>
The code for the <UserId/> component, which we want to support scrolling for this time.
<View style={styles.searchBoxStyle}>
<View style={styles.searchWrapperStyle}>
<Pressable style={styles.searchContainerStyle} onPress={() => textInputUserId.focus()}>
<Text style={styles.searchTitleStyle}>UserId</Text>
{/* <KeyboardAvoidingView behavior="padding"> */}
<View style={defaultUserIdBorderColor ? isCorrectUserIdSymbol && isCorrectUserIdStringCount ? styles.searchViewStyle : [styles.searchViewStyle, styles.inputIncorrectBorderColorStyle]: styles.searchViewStyle}>
<Image source={require("../../../assets/profile.png")} style={styles.searchIconStyle}/>
{/* <KeyboardAvoidingView behavior="padding"> */}
ref={(input) => textInputUserId = input}
onFocus={() => {
onEndEditing={() => {
{/* UserId Description */}
{displayUserIdDescription ? !isCorrectUserIdSymbol || !isCorrectUserIdStringCount || !isAvailableUserId ? (
<View style={styles.descriptionBoxStyle}>
<View style={styles.descriptionWrapperStyle}>
<View style={styles.descriptionContainerStyle}>
{!defaultDisplayUserIcons ? isCorrectUserIdSymbol ? <Image source={require("../../../assets/correct.png")} style={styles.descriptionIconStyle}/>: <Image source={require("../../../assets/incorrect.png")} style={styles.descriptionIconStyle}/>: null}
<Text style={styles.descriptionTextStyle}>Half-width alphanumeric characters only.</Text>
<View style={styles.descriptionContainerStyle}>
{!defaultDisplayUserIcons ? isCorrectUserIdStringCount ? <Image source={require("../../../assets/correct.png")} style={styles.descriptionIconStyle}/>: <Image source={require("../../../assets/incorrect.png")} style={styles.descriptionIconStyle}/>: null}
<Text style={styles.descriptionTextStyle} >More than 4 words and less than 100 words.</Text>
<View style={styles.descriptionContainerStyle}>
{!defaultDisplayUserIcons ? isAvailableUserId ? <Image source={require("../../../assets/correct.png")} style={styles.descriptionIconStyle}/>: <Image source={require("../../../assets/incorrect.png")} style={styles.descriptionIconStyle}/>: null}
<Text style={styles.descriptionTextStyle} >Available.</Text>
) : null: null}
Style sheet code.
import { StyleSheet } from 'react-native';
export const styles = StyleSheet.create({
containerStyle: {
flex: 1,
backgroundColor: "#1B1C56",
headContainerStyle: {
width: "100%",
height: "10%",
height: 40,
backgroundColor: "#1B1C56",
headMessageContainerStyle: {
backgroundColor: "#feffff",
alignItems: 'center',
headMessageTextStyle: {
fontSize: 50,
fontFamily: "AlfaSlabOne_400Regular",
color: "#1B1C56",
marginBottom: 32,
mainContainerStyle: {
width: "100%",
height: "15%",
backgroundColor: "#feffff",
borderTopLeftRadius: 50,
alignItems: 'center',
searchBoxStyle: {
flex: 1,
backgroundColor: "#feffff",
searchWrapperStyle: {
flex: 1,
alignItems: "center",
paddingBottom: 10,
searchContainerStyle: {
searchTitleStyle: {
fontFamily: "ABeeZee_400Regular_Italic",
color: "#262626",
marginBottom: 5,
searchIconStyle: {
width: 24,
height: 24,
marginRight: 10,
marginLeft: 10,
searchViewStyle: {
flexDirection: 'row',
alignItems: 'center',
backgroundColor: '#F6F7FB',
borderWidth: 0.5,
height: 60,
borderRadius: 5,
width: 300,
borderColor: "#F6F7FB",
searchContentStyle: {
flex: 1
borderWidth: 2,
borderColor: "#ED195E",
completeBoxStyle: {
width: 60,
alignItems: "center",
padding: 10,
completeTextStyle: {
fontSize: 18,
fontWeight: "bold",
color: "hsl(210, 100%, 60%)"
passwordIconStyle: {
marginRight: 10
display: "flex",
alignItems: "center",
backgroundColor: "#feffff",
paddingBottom: 10,
descriptionWrapperStyle: {
descriptionContainerStyle: {
flexDirection: "row",
width: 300,
descriptionTextStyle: {
color: "#262626",
fontSize: 12,
overflow: "visible"
marginRight: 10,
width: 12,
height: 12,
bottomStyle: {
display: "flex",
alignItems: "center",
height: "100%",
backgroundColor: "#feffff",
buttonContainerStyle: {
alignItems: "center",
justifyContent: "center",
backgroundColor: "#1B1C56",
width: 300,
height: 60,
borderRadius: 10,
fontSize: 18,
backgroundColor: "#C5C5C7",
buttonTextStyle: {
color: "#feffff",
fontFamily: "ABeeZee_400Regular_Italic",
toLoginStyle: {
marginTop: 10,
height: "5%",
flexDirection: "row"
toLoginTextStyle: {
fontFamily: "ABeeZee_400Regular_Italic",
toLoginTextLinkStyle: {
color: "#ED195E",
marginLeft: 10,
Swapped the positions of KeyboardAvoidingView, SafeAreaView and ScrollView. I have tried to set the keyboardVerticalOffset and the keyboardVerticalOffset, but each had its own problems, and the current code was the closest to the ideal.

How do I get a image link as input and make it appear on the view component below?

class Newsfeed extends React.Component{
state = {
text: ''
return (
<Text style={{fontSize: 50}}>Junior Facebook</Text>
<View style={{flex: 1, flexDirection: "column"}} />
<View style={{top: 20, marginLeft: 0, width: 300, height: 180, backgroundColor: "lightblue"}}>
height: 150,
borderStyle: "solid",
borderWidth: 2,
fontSize: 30
placeholder="New Post"
style={{ backgroundColor: "green", marginLeft: 220, width: 80, height: 40 }}
<Text style={{fontSize: 24}}>Enter</Text>
<View style={{marginTop: 30, marginLeft: 0, width: 300, height: 180, backgroundColor: "pink"}} >
<TouchableOpacity style={{width: 65, height: 45, marginLeft: 260}}><Text>Share</Text></TouchableOpacity>
<TouchableOpacity style={{width: 65, height: 45, marginLeft: 220, marginTop: -45}}><Text>Like</Text></TouchableOpacity>
<View style={{marginTop: 10, marginLeft: 0, width: 300, height: 130, backgroundColor: "yellow"}} >
The above is my current code. When I type in an image link in TextInput, I want the image to appear on the yellow View Component below. I have tried many different ways but it still does not work. How can I do so?
Thank you
#高鵬翔 answer is perfect, but said that you want to display image after clicking on 'enter' button. So here is my solution :
import { View, Text, Image } from "react-native";
this.state = {
link: "",
enteredImageUri: "",
render() {
return (
top: 20,
marginLeft: 0,
width: 300,
height: 180,
backgroundColor: "lightblue",
height: 150,
borderStyle: "solid",
borderWidth: 2,
fontSize: 30,
placeholder="New Post"
onChangeText={(link) => this.setState({ link })}
backgroundColor: "green",
marginLeft: 220,
width: 80,
height: 40,
onPress={() => {
<Text style={{ fontSize: 24 }}>Enter</Text>
{/* Image View */}
{this.state.enteredImageUri === "" ? (
<Text>No Image link entered</Text>
) : (
source={{ uri: this.state.enteredImageUri }}
style={{ width: 400, height: 400 }}
As you can see I have just assigned textinput text into the another state variable enteredImageUri, which will be used to display image.
You have to use Image Tag to show image.
Like this:
import {Image} from 'react-native';
<Image source={{uri: ''}}
style={{width: 400, height: 400}} />
And you have to store the text input as a state to control Image as #Will said.
So you have to add a state and the text input should like this:
constructor(props) {
this.state = { text: '' };
style={{height: 40, borderColor: 'gray', borderWidth: 1}}
onChangeText={(text) => this.setState({text})}
And see how you want to control Image view to show something like this, but this may be error if the uri haven't finish? Based on when you pass the correct uri to let it show, but it's an another question:
import {Image} from 'react-native';
<Image source={{uri: this.state.text}}
style={{width: 400, height: 400}} />

Play youtube video in react-native-video

How can i play youtube video on react-native-video,
i don't want to play video in react-native-youtube or in webview,
Another option that I have checked and used is the WebView. To use it make sure you put the component in a View with a flex. Ex:
<View style={{flex: 1}}>
style={ { marginTop: (Platform.OS == 'ios') ? 20 : 0,} }
source={{uri: ''+this.state.pictureData.idVideo }}
in my case, what I did was to obtain the identifying part of the YouTube video that would be for example:
this.state.pictureData.idVideo would contain only: KQ6zr6kCPj8
To use it install:
$ npm install --save react-native-webview
link react-native-webview
and if you want more information:
react-native-video does not support YouTube playback. This is something we have been investigating in our own projects. While it will support playback of Vimeo pro videos due to the direct HLS and MP4 files being exposed, YouTube does not provide this reliably. It used to be sometimes possible to get the direct video URL from some YouTube videos but that is not reliable anymore and might not even be possible with the latest API.
Currently, we have been dumping out to the YouTube app or the YouTube site in order to avoid having to implement the official react-native-youtube repository, but we will be eventually integrating with that repo in order to provide a more seamless user experience.
I understand that you don't want to use this solution, but, unfortunately, using react-native-video is not an option for you for this issue right now, and likely never will be. See this SO question for more.
A solution to your question is to use react-native youtube.
Here is an example I tried :
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { StyleSheet, View, Text, ScrollView, TouchableOpacity, PixelRatio, Platform, Button, Dimensions, } from 'react-native';
import YouTube, { YouTubeStandaloneIOS, YouTubeStandaloneAndroid } from 'react-native-youtube';
export default class YouTubeExample extends Component {
state = {
isReady: false,
status: null,
quality: null,
error: null,
isPlaying: true,
isLooping: true,
duration: 0,
currentTime: 0,
fullscreen: false,
playerWidth: Dimensions.get('window').width,
_youTubeRef = React.createRef();
const YOUR_API_KEY = "paste yout api key here";
return (<View>
<ScrollView style={styles.container}>
<Text style={styles.welcome}>{'<YouTube /> component for React Native.'} </Text>
// You must have an API Key for the player to load in Android
apiKey = {YOUR_API_KEY}
// Un-comment one of videoId / videoIds / playlist.
// You can also edit these props while Hot-Loading in development mode to see how
// it affects the loaded native module
// videoIds={['uMK0prafzw0', 'qzYgSecGQww', 'XXlZfc1TrD0', 'czcjU1w-c6k']}
{ height: PixelRatio.roundToNearestPixel(this.state.playerWidth / (16 / 9)) },
onError={e => {
this.setState({ error: e.error });
onReady={e => {
this.setState({ isReady: true });
onChangeState={e => {
this.setState({ status: e.state });
onChangeQuality={e => {
this.setState({ quality: e.quality });
onChangeFullscreen={e => {
this.setState({ fullscreen: e.isFullscreen });
onProgress={e => {
this.setState({ currentTime: e.currentTime });
{/* Playing / Looping */}
<View style={styles.buttonGroup}>
title={this.state.status == 'playing' ? 'Pause' : 'Play'}
color={this.state.status == 'playing' ? 'red' : undefined}
onPress={() => {
this.setState(state => ({ isPlaying: !state.isPlaying }));
<Text> </Text>
title={this.state.isLooping ? 'Looping' : 'Not Looping'}
color={this.state.isLooping ? 'green' : undefined}
onPress={() => {
this.setState(state => ({ isLooping: !state.isLooping }));
{/* Previous / Next video */}
<View style={styles.buttonGroup}>
title="Previous Video"
onPress={() => {
if (this._youTubeRef.current) {
<Text> </Text>
title="Next Video"
onPress={() => {
if (this._youTubeRef.current) {
{/* Go To Specific time in played video with seekTo() */}
<View style={styles.buttonGroup}>
title="15 Seconds"
onPress={() => {
if (this._youTubeRef.current) {
<Text> </Text>
title="2 Minutes"
onPress={() => {
if (this._youTubeRef.current) {
this._youTubeRef.current.seekTo(2 * 60);
<Text> </Text>
title="15 Minutes"
onPress={() => {
if (this._youTubeRef.current) {
this._youTubeRef.current.seekTo(15 * 60);
{/* Play specific video in a videoIds array by index */}
{this._youTubeRef.current &&
this._youTubeRef.current.props.videoIds &&
Array.isArray(this._youTubeRef.current.props.videoIds) && (
<View style={styles.buttonGroup}>
{, i) => (
<React.Fragment key={i}>
title={`Video ${i}`}
onPress={() => {
if (this._youTubeRef.current) {
<Text> </Text>
{/* Get current played video's position index when playing videoIds (and playlist in iOS) */}
<View style={styles.buttonGroup}>
title={'Get Videos Index: ' + this.state.videosIndex}
onPress={() => {
if (this._youTubeRef.current) {
.then(index => this.setState({ videosIndex: index }))
.catch(errorMessage => this.setState({ error: errorMessage }));
{/* Fullscreen */}
{!this.state.fullscreen && (
<View style={styles.buttonGroup}>
title="Set Fullscreen"
onPress={() => {
this.setState({ fullscreen: true });
{/* Get Duration (iOS) */}
{Platform.OS === 'ios' && (
<View style={styles.buttonGroup}>
title="Get Duration (iOS)"
onPress={() => {
if (this._youTubeRef.current) {
.then(duration => this.setState({ duration }))
.catch(errorMessage => this.setState({ error: errorMessage }));
{/* Get Progress & Duration (Android) */}
{Platform.OS === 'android' && (
<View style={styles.buttonGroup}>
title="Get Progress & Duration (Android)"
onPress={() => {
if (this._youTubeRef.current) {
.then(currentTime => this.setState({ currentTime }))
.catch(errorMessage => this.setState({ error: errorMessage }));
.then(duration => this.setState({ duration }))
.catch(errorMessage => this.setState({ error: errorMessage }));
{/* Standalone Player (iOS) */}
{Platform.OS === 'ios' && YouTubeStandaloneIOS && (
<View style={styles.buttonGroup}>
title="Launch Standalone Player"
onPress={() => {
.then(() => console.log('iOS Standalone Player Finished'))
.catch(errorMessage => this.setState({ error: errorMessage }));
{/* Standalone Player (Android) */}
{Platform.OS === 'android' && YouTubeStandaloneAndroid && (
<View style={styles.buttonGroup}>
title="Standalone: One Video"
onPress={() => {
apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
videoId: 'KVZ-P-ZI6W4',
autoplay: true,
lightboxMode: false,
startTime: 124.5,
.then(() => {
console.log('Android Standalone Player Finished');
.catch(errorMessage => {
this.setState({ error: errorMessage });
<Text> </Text>
onPress={() => {
apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
videoIds: ['HcXNPI-IPPM', 'XXlZfc1TrD0', 'czcjU1w-c6k', 'uMK0prafzw0'],
autoplay: false,
lightboxMode: true,
startIndex: 1,
startTime: 99.5,
.then(() => {
console.log('Android Standalone Player Finished');
.catch(errorMessage => {
this.setState({ error: errorMessage });
<Text> </Text>
onPress={() => {
apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
playlistId: 'PLF797E961509B4EB5',
autoplay: false,
lightboxMode: false,
startIndex: 2,
startTime: 100.5,
.then(() => {
console.log('Android Standalone Player Finished');
.catch(errorMessage => {
this.setState({ error: errorMessage });
{/* Reload iFrame for updated props (Only needed for iOS) */}
{Platform.OS === 'ios' && (
<View style={styles.buttonGroup}>
title="Reload iFrame (iOS)"
onPress={() => {
if (this._youTubeRef.current) {
<Text style={styles.instructions}>
{this.state.isReady ? 'Player is ready' : 'Player setting up...'}
<Text style={styles.instructions}>Status: {this.state.status}</Text>
<Text style={styles.instructions}>Quality: {this.state.quality}</Text>
{/* Show Progress */}
<Text style={styles.instructions}>
Progress: {Math.trunc(this.state.currentTime)}s ({Math.trunc(this.state.duration / 60)}:
{Math.trunc(this.state.duration % 60)}s)
{Platform.OS !== 'ios' && <Text> (Click Update Progress & Duration)</Text>}
<Text style={styles.instructions}>
{this.state.error ? 'Error: ' + this.state.error : ''}
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
backgroundColor: 'grey',
welcome: {
fontSize: 20,
textAlign: 'center',
margin: 10,
buttonGroup: {
flexDirection: 'row',
alignSelf: 'center',
paddingBottom: 5,
instructions: {
textAlign: 'center',
color: '#333333',
marginBottom: 5,
player: {
alignSelf: 'stretch',
marginVertical: 10,
For the API Key, follow this link :
You have the id of the playlist in the address :
Install the component like this :
npm install react-native-youtube -S
I had errors with '#Nullable', if you have the same problem, go to
and in 'dependencies' section, add this line :
implementation 'androidx.annotation:annotation:1.1.0'
Maybe you'll need to clean gradle:
cd android
gradlew clean (or .\gradlew clean)
This is a snapshot of my actual android emulator :
React native video doesn't have the feature to play a youtube video for that you have to use external libraries as mentioned above like webView or react native youtube.
I personally used Youtube Iframe Visit, it is a much newer library compared to others and has some wonderful features like you can hide controls and also alter the state of the displayed video
I have listed the code example below on how to use it in your component(functional).
import React, { useState, useCallback } from "react";
import { View, Text, SafeAreaView, TouchableOpacity, Image, ScrollView,
StatusBar, StyleSheet, Button, Linking } from 'react-native';
import { scale, verticalScale, moderateScale, scaleFont, fullHeight,
fullWidth, constants, colors } from './utils'
import Video from 'react-native-video';
import YoutubePlayer from "react-native-youtube-iframe";
import Modal from "react-native-modal";
import { Mute, Unmute, DashBoardLogo, Truck, Gift, MMtLogo } from "./assets/images";
const Dashboard = (props) => {
const [mute, setMute] = useState(true);
const video = require('./assets/Video/video.mp4')
const [mute2, setMute2] = useState(false);
const [isVisible, setisvisible] = useState(false)
const togglemute = useCallback(() => {
setMute((prev) => !prev);
}, [])
const togglemute2 = useCallback(() => {
setMute2((prev) => !prev);
}, [])
return (
<View style={{ flex: 1, backgroundColor: '#fff' }}>
<SafeAreaView style={{ flex: 0, backgroundColor: '#fff' }} />
hidden={false} translucent={false}
><SafeAreaView style={{ flex: 0, backgroundColor: '#fff' }} />
hidden={false} translucent={false}
<ScrollView showsVerticalScrollIndicator={false} style={{ flex: 1, backgroundColor: '#fff', width: fullWidth, alignSelf: 'center', height: fullHeight, position: 'absolute' }}>
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => setisvisible(false)} >
<Text style={{ color: 'red', alignSelf: 'center', fontWeight: '700', marginTop: verticalScale(20), fontSize: scaleFont(24), width: scale(100), textAlign: 'center' }}>Close</Text>
<Text style={{ color: '#000', fontSize: scaleFont(20), fontWeight: '600', marginLeft: scale(20), marginTop: verticalScale(30) }} >Libraries Used:</Text>
<View style={{ flexDirection: 'row', width: scale(340), alignSelf: 'center' }}>
<View style={{ color: 'grey', marginTop: verticalScale(10) }} >
<Text style={{ color: 'grey' }} >react-native-youtube-iframe</Text>
<Text style={{ color: 'grey' }} >react-native-video</Text>
<Text style={{ color: 'grey' }} >react-native-modal </Text>
<Text style={{ color: 'grey' }} >react-native-svg and</Text>
<Text style={{ color: 'grey' }} >react-native-svg-transformer</Text>
<View style={{ color: 'grey', marginTop: verticalScale(10) }} >
<Text style={{ color: 'grey' }} > : To play the first video</Text>
<Text style={{ color: 'grey' }} > : To play the second video</Text>
<Text style={{ color: 'grey' }} > : For Showing this modal</Text>
<Text style={{ color: 'grey', }} > : To use svg images for</Text>
<Text style={{ color: 'grey', }} > better clarity</Text>
<View style={{ width: scale(330), alignSelf: 'center' }}>
<Text style={{ color: '#000', fontSize: scaleFont(20), fontWeight: '600', marginTop: verticalScale(30) }} >Description</Text>
<Text style={{ color: 'grey', width: scale(330), alignSelf: 'center' }} >This project is designed using react-native --version 0.68, I have a two seperate cards to play the videos, the first video is being played using youtube Iframe , the second video is present in the local file and being played through the react-native-video library, also used svg libraries to enhance the quality of icons and images used in the project</Text>
<View style={{ width: scale(330), alignSelf: 'center', }}>
<Text style={{ color: 'red', fontSize: scaleFont(20), fontWeight: '600', marginTop: verticalScale(30) }} >Note</Text>
<Text style={{ color: 'grey', }} >I have tried to make the functionalities similar to the figma file but for any sugesstion or review please feel free to contact me at <Text onPress={() => Linking.openURL('')} style={{ color: colors.primary }} ></Text>, <Text style={{ color: '#000', fontWeight: '700' }}>8958460383</Text></Text>
<View style={{ alignSelf: 'center', width: scale(330), marginTop: verticalScale(50), marginBottom: verticalScale(100) }}>
<Text style={{ color: '#000', fontSize: scale(20), marginTop: verticalScale(30), fontWeight: '700' }}>Regards,</Text>
<Text style={{ color: '#000' }}>Harsh Pratap Singh</Text>
</Modal >
<ScrollView overScrollMode="never">
<View style={{}}>
{/* Header */}
<View style={{ alignSelf: 'center', flexDirection: 'row', justifyContent: "space-between", alignItems: 'center', width: scale(329), height: verticalScale(47.96), marginTop: verticalScale(10) }}>
<Text style={{
fontSize: scaleFont(12), fontWeight: "500", color: 'rgba(17, 20, 45, 0.65)'
Welcome Back
<Text style={{
fontSize: scaleFont(24), fontWeight: "600", color: '#11142D'
Rahul Kumar
onPress={() => setisvisible(true)}
width: verticalScale(38), height: verticalScale(38), borderRadius: verticalScale(100), shadowColor: 'green', shadowOffset: { width: 0.25, height: 0.25 }, shadowOpacity: 0.15, shadowRadius: 8, elevation: 4, backgroundColor: '#fff', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center',
<DashBoardLogo />
{/* First Card */}
<View style={{ width: scale(332), height: verticalScale(480.29), marginTop: verticalScale(28.72), borderRadius: verticalScale(17), alignSelf: 'center', shadowColor: colors.shadowColor, shadowOffset: { width: 0, height: 0.25 }, shadowOpacity: 0.15, shadowRadius: 8, elevation: 4, backgroundColor: '#fff', }}>
<View style={{ height: verticalScale(255), backgroundColor: '#000', borderTopLeftRadius: verticalScale(17.71), borderTopRightRadius: verticalScale(17.71), justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center' }}>
initialPlayerParams={{ controls: false, loop: true, rel: false, iv_load_policy: 3 }}
mute ? (<TouchableOpacity
width: scale(49),
height: verticalScale(31),
backgroundColor: 'grey',
justifyContent: 'center',
alignItems: 'center',
alignSelf: 'flex-end',
marginTop: verticalScale(-40),
marginRight: scale(11),
borderRadius: verticalScale(6),
<Mute />
</TouchableOpacity>) : (<TouchableOpacity
width: scale(49),
height: verticalScale(31),
backgroundColor: 'grey',
justifyContent: 'center',
alignItems: 'center',
alignSelf: 'flex-end',
marginTop: verticalScale(-40),
marginRight: scale(11),
borderRadius: verticalScale(6),
<Unmute />
style={{ marginTop: verticalScale(13.68), fontSize: scaleFont(12), color: '#6F767E', fontWeight: "600", marginLeft: scale(19) }}
<Text style={{ fontSize: scaleFont(23), fontWeight: '700', marginTop: verticalScale(5.5), width: scale(290), color: '#001B19', marginLeft: scale(19), }}>
Save up for the next iPhone and <Text style={{ color: 'green' }}>get 10% Cashback!</Text>
<View style={{ flexDirection: 'row', alignSelf: 'center', marginTop: verticalScale(14.11), alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'space-between', width: scale(293.27) }}>
<TouchableOpacity style={{
width: scale(79.26), height: verticalScale(59.45), backgroundColor: 'rgba(239, 239, 239, 1)', borderRadius: verticalScale(4), justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center'
<Truck />
<Text style={{ alignSelf: 'center', fontSize: scaleFont(10), fontWeight: '600', color: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)' }}>Priority Delivery</Text>
<TouchableOpacity style={{
width: scale(79.26), height: verticalScale(59.45), backgroundColor: 'rgba(239, 239, 239, 1)', borderRadius: verticalScale(4), justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center'
<Image source={require('./assets/images/Charger1.png')} style={{ marginTop: verticalScale(6) }} />
<Text style={{ alignSelf: 'center', fontSize: scaleFont(10), fontWeight: '600', color: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)' }}>Free Charger</Text>
<TouchableOpacity style={{
width: scale(79.26), height: verticalScale(59.45), backgroundColor: 'rgba(239, 239, 239, 1)', borderRadius: verticalScale(4), justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center'
<Gift />
<Text style={{ alignSelf: 'center', fontSize: scaleFont(10), fontWeight: '600', color: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)' }}>Tortoise Merch</Text>
{/* Second Card */}
<View style={{ width: scale(332), height: verticalScale(531), marginTop: verticalScale(28.72), borderRadius: verticalScale(17), alignSelf: 'center', shadowColor: colors.shadowColor, shadowOffset: { width: 0, height: 0.25 }, shadowOpacity: 0.15, shadowRadius: 8, elevation: 4, backgroundColor: '#fff', marginBottom: verticalScale(100) }}>
<View style={{ height: verticalScale(420), borderTopLeftRadius: verticalScale(17), borderTopRightRadius: verticalScale(17), }}>
<Video source={video}
style={{ height: verticalScale(415), borderTopLeftRadius: verticalScale(17), borderTopRightRadius: verticalScale(17) }}
mute2 ? (<TouchableOpacity
width: scale(49),
height: verticalScale(31),
backgroundColor: 'grey',
justifyContent: 'center',
alignItems: 'center',
alignSelf: 'flex-end',
marginTop: verticalScale(-40),
marginRight: scale(11),
borderRadius: verticalScale(6),
<Mute />
</TouchableOpacity>) : (<TouchableOpacity
width: scale(49),
height: verticalScale(31),
backgroundColor: 'grey',
justifyContent: 'center',
alignItems: 'center',
alignSelf: 'flex-end',
marginTop: verticalScale(-40),
marginRight: scale(11),
borderRadius: verticalScale(6),
<Unmute />
<MMtLogo style={{ marginTop: verticalScale(-55), marginLeft: scale(18) }} />
style={{ marginTop: verticalScale(13.68), fontSize: scaleFont(12), color: '#6F767E', fontWeight: "600", marginLeft: scale(19) }}
<Text style={{ fontSize: scaleFont(20), fontWeight: '700', marginTop: verticalScale(5.5), width: scale(290), color: '#001B19', marginLeft: scale(19), }}>
Save up for the next Vacation and <Text style={{ color: 'green' }}>get 10% Cashback!</Text>
</View >
export default Dashboard;
But if still you doesn't want to use any library and use the react native video component then you have to host your videos on a different server to use them in your application
You can't play Youtube video with react-native-video module. It is not supported at this moment and never was. Also it doesn't seem to be in their roadmap. So you should discuss other options and i recommend latest version of react-native-webview. I have tested it myself and works great. Especially i love the thing that they added fullscreen mode for android.
Well, I haven't tried it yet, but I will need it in my project. As I read there is a package called: react-native-youtube
Here some information about the package:
If you wait for tomorrow I check and I tell you, if you do and I left if you could tell how it went ... ^^