How can I subtract datetime in Python? - python-3.8

I'm trying to make an age calculator for python and I have a problem with subtracting the user's input date of birth and today's date. I have tried float but it doesn't work. I tried subtracting the variables itself but that doesn't work, either.
age_str = input ("Enter your birthday on dd-mm-yy Format:")```
age = datetime.datetime.strptime(age_str, '%d-%m-%Y')```
today_str =```
today = datetime.datetime.strptime(today_str, '%d-%m-%Y')```
total = age - today```

from datetime import date
def calculate_age(born):
today =
return today.year - born.year - ((today.month, < (born.month,


list comprehension vs lambda function in pandas dataframe

I'm trying to convert decimal years to datetime format in Python. I've managed to make the conversion using a list comprehension, but I cannot get a lambda function working to do the same thing. What am I doing wrong? How can I use a lambda function to make this conversion?
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import calendar
df = pd.DataFrame(data = [2021.3, 2021.6], columns = ['dec_date'])
# define a function to convert decimal dates to datetime
def convert_partial_year(number):
# round down to get the year
year = int(number)
# get the fractional year
year_fraction = number - year
# get the number of days in the given year
days_in_year = (365 + calendar.isleap(year))
# convert the fractional year into days
d = timedelta(days=year_fraction * days_in_year)
# convert the year into a date format
day_one = datetime(year, 1, 1)
# add the days into the year onto the date format
date = d + day_one
# return the result
return date
# my lambda function does not work
date = lambda x: convert_partial_year(x.dec_date)
# my list comprehension does work
date = [convert_partial_year(x) for x in df.dec_date]

Pandas: Read dates in column which has different formats

I would like to read a csv, with dates in a column, but the dates are in different formats within the column.
Specifically, some dates are in "dd/mm/yyyy" format, and some are in "4####" format (excel 1900 date system, serial number represents days elapsed since 1900/1/1).
Is there any way to use read_csv or pandas.to_datetime to convert the column to datetime?
Have tried using pandas.to_datetime with no parameters to no avail.
df["Date"] = pd.to_datetime(df["Date"])
ValueError: year 42613 is out of range
Presumably it can read the "dd/mm/yyyy" format fine but produces an error for the "4####" format.
Note: the column is mixed type as well
Appreciate any help
dates = ['25/07/2016', '42315']
df = DataFrame (dates, columns=['Date'])
#desired output ['25/07/2016', '07/11/2015']
Let's try:
dates = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'], dayfirst=True, errors='coerce')
m = dates.isna()
dates.loc[m] = (
pd.TimedeltaIndex(df.loc[m, 'Date'].astype(int), unit='d')
+ pd.Timestamp(year=1899, month=12, day=30)
df['Date'] = dates
Or alternatively with seconds conversion:
dates = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'], dayfirst=True, errors='coerce')
m = dates.isna()
dates.loc[m] = pd.to_datetime(
(df.loc[m, 'Date'].astype(int) - 25569) * 86400.0,
df['Date'] = dates
0 2016-07-25
1 2015-11-07
First convert to datetime all that can be done with pd.to_datetime:
dates = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'], dayfirst=True, errors='coerce')
Check which values couldn't be converted:
m = dates.isna()
Convert NaTs
a. Offset as days since 1899-12-30 using TimedeltaIndex + pd.Timestamp:
dates.loc[m] = (
pd.TimedeltaIndex(df.loc[m, 'Date'].astype(int), unit='d')
+ pd.Timestamp(year=1899, month=12, day=30)
b. Or convert serial days to seconds mathematically:
dates.loc[m] = pd.to_datetime(
(df.loc[m, 'Date'].astype(int) - 25569) * 86400.0,
Update the Date column:
df['Date'] = dates

Convert string to datetime in cosmos db

In my cosmos db a date field is stored as string like this
"ValidationWeekStartDay": "27-Apr-2020"
I have to write a query to extract all documents whose ValidationWeekStartDay is greater than current date. How can I achieve this in cosmos db query?
Select * from c wher c.ValidationWeekStartDay > GetCurrentDateTime ()
this does not give me correct result.
This is the problem with date format, the documents you are storing is in format 'dd-MMM-yyyy' while GetCurrentDateTime() function gets the date in format 'yyyy-mm-dd....'. So when you run the above query, comparison like below happens:
'27-Apr-2020' > '2020-08-17'
It compares the characters one by one and first 2 characters of first value becomes greater than second value. For testing purpose, anything above date 20 will be returned by your query irrespective of any month.
There are 2 ways to resolve this.
Store the date in same format as GetCurrentDateTime() function.
Create a udf like below. You can create your own udf, this is just a sample one based on date format.(pardon the formatting, you can copy and run it as it is)
function formatdatetime(datetime){ datetime = datetime.substring(7,11) + '-' + datetime.substring(3,6) + '-' + datetime.substring(0,2); datetime = datetime.replace('Jan','01'); datetime = datetime.replace('Feb','02'); datetime = datetime.replace('Mar','03'); datetime = datetime.replace('Apr','04'); datetime = datetime.replace('May','05'); datetime = datetime.replace('Jun','06'); datetime = datetime.replace('Jul','07'); datetime = datetime.replace('Aug','08'); datetime = datetime.replace('Sep','09'); datetime = datetime.replace('Oct','10'); datetime = datetime.replace('Nov','11'); datetime = datetime.replace('Dec','12'); return datetime; }
And then use the below query:
select c.stdDates as stdDates from c Where udf.formatdatetime(c.stdDates) > GetCurrentDateTime ()

Get weekday id in odoo

I want get day id from my datetime field.
print( --> return 4
my_datetime = self.start
print(my_datetime) return 2017-07-14 09:47:14
How replace with my my_datetime?
Try this example, return day name:
my_datetime = self.start
day_name = datetime.strptime(my_datetime, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
Use Odoo's built-in convert methods to do that:
from odoo import fields # usually already done for odoo models
if self.start:
day = fields.Datetime.from_string(self.start).weekday()

dateTimePicker only returning today's date in vb express

I have a vb net project where I have multiple forms each outfitted with a datetimepicker.
For some reason, my datetimepicker in any form isn't returning the selected value i pick but rather, it only returns the current date. I'm ultimately trying to get a string out of the datetimepicker in the format of "YYYYMMDD" (i.e Jan 12, 2016 = "20160112") using a private function below:
for example I picked on my datetimepicker Jan 12, 2016. However the function computes y = 2016, m = 6, and d = 9 as today is Jul 9, 2016.
Private Function getdatefromdatepicker() As String
Dim y, m, d As String
y = Me.DateTimePicker.Value.Year.ToString()
m = Me.DateTimePicker.Value.Month.ToString()
d = Me.DateTimePicker.Value.Day.ToString()
Return y & m & d
End Function
I'm lost with this. If someone could solve how to extract the selected date and get the string format I desire, that would be great. Thanks in Advance.
The DateTimePicker exposes the DateTime value through the Value property. You can then use use Day, Month and Year to get the values like so:
int day = DateTimePicker.Value.Day;
int month = DateTimePicker.Value.Month;
int year = DateTimePicker.Value.Year;