With TestCafe Selector, How to verify the text of the selected item in a <select>? - testing

I'm using TestCafe 1.8.1 and have a slightly different case than the documentation at https://devexpress.github.io/testcafe/documentation/recipes/test-select-elements.html - my problem is that the example assumes the value of an <option> and its text content will be the same, and in my case, the value is a very unpredictable value.
I can select an item in the dropdown without trouble, using .withText(value) to filter the options, and .click(item) to select it. However, my app then refreshes the page, and ought to re-select the relevant item as it loads up. This is not working and I want to test for it.
So I might have options in the select like:
<select id="foo">
<option value="1234">100x100</option>
<option value="5432">200x100</option>
<option value="9999">100x200</option>
Obviously, if I test with .expect(citySelect.value).eql('London'); as in the docs it'll fail because the values are nothing like the text content e.g. having clicked '200x100' in the dropdown the value becomes "5432".
Do I need to use a ClientFunction to get the text of the selected item? I understand it's quite awkward passing data into a ClientFunction, would I need to pass the id of the select so the ClientFunction can getElementById to find the select and retrieve it's selected option's text content? It all sounds like the wrong way to be doing things.

Please check the following example that uses ClientFunction API to obtain an option value:
import { Selector, ClientFunction } from 'testcafe';
fixture `Fixture 1`
.page `https://kys0l.csb.app/`;
test('Test 1', async t => {
const selector = Selector('select');
const getValue = ClientFunction((index) => {
const select = selector();
return select.options[index].value;
}, { dependencies: { selector } });
await t
See also: Obtain Client-Side Info.

Try using


Automating mat-option in testcafe

Tried automating dropdown using the below methods but the dropdown values couldn't be selected.
Method 1:
const comboOption = Selector("mat-option").child("span").withExactText("Hello");
await t.click(comboOption);
Method 2:
ClientFunction(() => {
document.getElementsByClassName('mat-option-text')[0].innerText = 'Hello';
return "Hello";});
The mat-option tag is not within mat-select. It is outside mat-select and within div tag.
Are there other ways to achieve automating mat-option ?
Thank you for the code snippets.
As far as I understand, you are trying to click an option element in another select element.
I created a simple test that should perform the steps you described:
import { Selector } from 'testcafe';
fixture`Getting Started`
const selectElement = Selector('#preferred-interface');
const optionElement = selectElement.find('option');
test('My first test', async t => {
await t
If I misunderstood your question, could you please share a simple example of your .html and a detailed description of
what you want to do in the test and which results you expect?

How to get all <a> tag under the <div> in testcafe

In selenium query for selector, if my selector value was (#div-id a). It return all a tags.
Does in testcafe is it posible this to selector function? i just want to avoid looping to get all a tags.
Code Sample
const element = selector('#div-id').find()
var get = await brandUrls.hasAttribute();
Actual element attached
Yes, it is also possible to achieve the desired behavior with TestCafè in a similar way:
import { Selector } from "testcafe";
// one option
const firstLinkSelector = Selector("#directoryLink-1 a");
// another option
const secondLinkSelector = Selector("#directoryLink-1").find("a");
Read more about the find()-method here.

Select element by containing text in TestCafe

How can I select an HTML element containing specific text?
In Selenium Xpath selectors are used, but TestCafe doesn't support Xpath.
How do I do it in TestCafe?
According to the official documentation, in order to select an element containing a certain text, I should use the .withText() method with the selected element, example given is:
import { Selector } from 'testcafe';
fixture `Example`
.page `https://devexpress.github.io/testcafe/example/`;
test('Click test', async t => {
const selectBasedOnText = Selector('label').withText('I have tried TestCafe');
await t
for selecting a label element with the text "I have tried TestCafe".
what worked for me:
import xPathToCss from 'xpath-to-css'
and then use as ex:
.click(xPathToCss("//a[#class='icon-menu login show-login-panel list-item list-item-next']"));
testcafe supports xpath
download the xpath selector
after downloading that
go to your testcafe file and type:
importing xpath-selector
import XPathSelector from './xpath-selector';
using it:
const usingxpath = XPathSelector("your xpath");
if any doubt ask it in reply

Vue.js: binding select boxes, but don't want to ajax all the options

Good day. I'm using Vue.js to render an arbitrary number of select elements from the data in a component.
Here's sample JSON data that indicates there are two select elements, each with one or more options.
"val":"Option 1A"
"nm":"Product Name",
"val":"Option 2A"
"val":"Option 2B"
Here's the template HTML:
<div v-for="dropdown in dropdowns">
<div v-if="dropdown.availableToView">
<select v-model="dropdown.selected" v-on:change="triggerUpdate">
<option value="">(Make a selection)</option>
<option v-for="option in dropdown.options" :value="option.cd">{{option.val}}</option>
So far so good.
I've got the data loading and Vue is building the dropdowns.
When the user changes any select box (remember there can be an arbitrary number of them), the trigger action needs to submit ALL of the elements in the form via ajax. It sounds like the most correct option is to bind the form fields to the underlying component data, as I've done.
My triggerUpdate looks like this:
methods: {
triggerUpdate: function() {
method: "post",
url: actionURL,
data: this.dropdowns
.then(response => (this.data = response));
...but this submits the entire dropdowns data element, including all of the options in each select box. It's unnecessary to send all of the options in. I just want to send each field name along with its selected option (i.e. the "value").
I know i could serialize the whole form and make that my ajax payload. But that seems to be making an "end run" around Vue.js. Everyone talks about having your form fields bound to the Vue model...is it then correct to basically ignore the model when making an ajax request whose purpose is to then update the model?
I'm relatively new to Vue.js so I'd appreciate help with what I'm overlooking here. How should I go about sending in the data from the form (a) while using proper Vue.js binding and (b) without sending extraneous data?
Thanks for your time.
If you need to post only the selected values, and you store those in each dropdown's selected property, the sensible approach seems to be just mapping it to a simple array of name/value objects.
Try this (it assumes the name of each field is the formname property, if it isn't you can just replace it):
var submitData = this.dropdowns.map((dropdown) => {
return { name: dropdown.formname, value: dropdown.selected };
Then you send submitData in your ajax request.

TestCafe and grabbing an element/selector when no ID or CSS is present

Hello I have a simple page of our application, the start page that has a disclaimer on it and one button. Because of the technology we are using the IDs are stripped out and obfuscated.
So the button's name is 'ok' as it appears in the page-source view below. Note no ID. Even if I put it in our code, when it is produced the ID is removed.
<div style="text-align:center;">
<input type="button" name="ok" value="Ok" width="40" onclick="swap()" />
I have the following in my TestCafe js file:
import {Selector } from 'testcafe';
import { ClientFunction } from 'testcafe';
fixture `My fixture`
.page ``;
test('Disclaimer Page 1', async t => {
const okBtn = Selector('button').withAttribute('ok');
await t
test('Disclaimer Page 2 -- of course tried this ', async t => {
await t
.click('ok') -- does not work either
Tried numerous things even trying findElementByName .. but nothing works with Window vs Document and Selector vs element.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have been all over looking at how to grab selectors on TestCafe docs. None seem to fit this scenario which is quite simple -- but highly problematic.
Thanks in advance.
If you want to select this element:
<input type="button" name="ok" value="Ok" width="40" onclick="swap()" />
you can use (one or more) attribute selectors like this:
If only one element on the page has the attribute name="ok", you can grab that single element in javascript, using document.querySelector(), like this:
const myButton = document.querySelector('input[type="button"][name="ok"]');
N.B. If multiple elements on the page have the attribute name="ok", you can grab all of them in javascript, using document.querySelectorALL().