python - pandas - dataframe - data padding multidimensional statistics - pandas

i have a dataframe with columns accounting for different characteristics of stars and rows accounting for measurements of different stars. (something like this)
\property_______A _______A_error_______B_______B_error_______C_______C_error ...
in some measurements the error for a specifc property is -1.00 which means the measurement was faulty.
in such case i want to discard the measurement.
one way to do so is by eliminating the entire row (along with other properties who's error was not -1.00)
i think it's possible to fill in the faulty measurement with a value generated by the distribution based on all the other measurements, meaning - given the other properties which are fine, this property should have this value in order to reduce the error of the entire dataset.
is there a proper name to the idea i'm referring to?
how would you apply such an algorithm?
i'm a student on a solo project so would really appreciate answers that also elaborate on theory (:
after further reading, i think what i was referring to is called regression imputation.
so i guess my question is - how can i implement multidimensional linear regression in a dataframe in the most efficient way???


How can I recode 53k unique addresses (saved as objects) w/o One-Hot-Encoding in Pandas?

My data frame has 3.8 million rows and 20 or so features, many of which are categorical. After paring down the number of features, I can "dummy up" one critical column with 20 or so categories and my COLAB with (allegedly) TPU running won't crash.
But there's another column with about 53,000 unique values. Trying to "dummy up" this feature crashes my session. I can't ditch this column.
I've looked up target encoding, but the data set is very imbalanced and I'm concerned about target leakage. Is there a way around this?
EDIT: My target variable is a simple binary one.
Without knowing more details of the problem/feature, there's no obvious way to do this. This is the part of Data Science/Machine Learning that is an art, not a science. A couple ideas:
One hot encode everything, then use a dimensionality reduction algorithm to remove some of the columns (PCA, SVD, etc).
Only one hot encode some values (say limit it to 10 or 100 categories, rather than 53,000), then for the rest, use an "other" category.
If it's possible to construct an embedding for these variables (Not always possible), you can explore this.
Group/bin the values in the columns by some underlying feature. I.e. if the feature is something like days_since_X, bin it by 100 or something. Or if it's names of animals, group it by type instead (mammal, reptile, etc.)

How do you deal with missing data when it's missing like 60%?

My data has a lot of missing values and I have to predict those values. One way is to take the average of those values. But I want to hear an other perspective on it. How experienced data scientist solve such kind of issue?
Are your missing values categorical or continuous?
One way is to remove the samples entirely, however this may lead to a sampling bias, since the missing values could have been the result of some causal effect, that is the missing values are not missing completely at random.
If your data has enough dimensionality, you can treat your missing values as the output and try to apply a predicting model and hope that it can faithfully estimate the missing values, given the explanatory variables you already have.
Picking the most frequent value, the median, or averaging as you point out could also be an option, however be careful with outliers when averaging as these can have a tremendous effect on the mean.
It depends on nature of variables, it may be some statistics like mean or median. Another practice is assign to missing variables some value different from others for example 0, -1 or something like this.
The hardest approach is to impute the dataset and not deviate too far from the truth. A test to validate how well you have done this is the following. If the other parameters provide enough evidenced insight to impute with a level of precision for missing should be able to do it with existing data.
So if 60 percent of the column is missing, take the row observations where this column is PRESENT.
Next, randomly choose to remove 60% of this subsetted data. Now run imputation methods of your choosing.
Compare the imputed dataset to the real data set for similarity. Decide if they are close enough for you to then run this against the full data set. At least this approach will give you a leg to stand on if you need to defend yourself.
Fight the Good Fight.

Assigning values to missing data for use in binary logistic regression in SAS

Many of the variables in the data I use on a daily basis have blank fields, some of which, have meaning (ex. A blank response for a variable dealing with the ratio of satisfactory accounts to toal accounts, thus the individual does not have any accounts if they do not have a response in this column, whereas a response of 0 means the individual has no satisfactory accounts).
Currently, these records do not get included into logistic regression analyses as they have missing values for one or more fields. Is there a way to include these records into a logistic regression model?
I am aware that I can assign these blank fields with a value that is not in the range of the data (ex. if we go back to the above ratio variable, we could use 9999 or -1 as these values are not included in the range of a ratio variable (0 to 1)). I am just curious to know if there is a more appropriate way of going about this. Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!
You can impute values for the missing fields, subject to logical restrictions on your experimental design and the fact that it will weaken the power of your experiment some relative to having the same experiment with no missing values.
SAS offers a few ways to do this. The simplest is to use PROC MI and PROC MIANALYZE, but even those are certainly not a simple matter of plugging a few numbers in. See this page for more information. Ultimately this is probably a better question for Cross-Validated at least until you have figured out the experimental design issues.

Fourier Transformation -

I've been doing a lot of research on this topic and I'm finally getting somewhere. Below is two complex numbers from the java code I'm using:
-9771.0 - j2125.0
-16184.09634718744 - j53968.71008512241
I know the amplitude/magnitude can be computed by doing the sqrt(a^2 + b^2) and this as far as I've gotten with this. I've read about sample rate but I'll need a better explanation of this alone and would like to be pointed in the right direction to obtain the knowledge. I've done the powerspectum graph but I need to do this on paper so I'll know how to obtain the frequency.
Applying Fourier Transformation to two values is pretty meaningless. You apply it to series of values (signal), then frequency starts to make sense. You can't speak about frequency in series of two values.

How to distinguish in master data and calculated interpolated data?

I'm getting a bunch of vectors with datapoints for a fixed set of values, in the example below you see an example of a vector with a value per time point
But alas not for all the timepoints is a value available. All vectors are stored in a database and with a trigger we calcuate the missing values by interpolation, or possibly a more advanced algorithm. Somehow I want to be able to tell which data points have been calculated and which have been original delivered to us. Of course I can add a flag column to the table with values indicating whether the value was a master value or is calculated, but I'm wondering whether there is a more sophisticated way. We probably don't need to determine on a regular basis, so cpu cycles are not an issue for determining or insertion.
The example above shows some nice looking numbers but in reality it would look more somethin like 3.1415966533.
The database for storage is called oracle 10.
Could you deactivate the trigger temporarily?