How to Read GZIP csv from S3 directly into pandas dataframe - pandas

I'm writing an airflow job to read a gzipped file from s3.
First I get the key for the object, which works fine
obj = self.s3_hook.get_key(key, bucket_name=self.s3_bucket)
obj looks fine, something like this:
Now I want to read the contents into a pandas dataframe. I've tried a number of things but this is my current iteration:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv(obj['Body'], compression='gzip')
This returns the following error:
TypeError: 's3.Object' object is not subscriptable
What am I doing wrong? i feel like I need to do something with StringIO or BytesIO...I was able to read it in as bytes, but thought there was a more straight forward way to get to a dataframe
Just in case it matters, one row of the data looks like this when I unzip and open in CSV:
9671211|ddc9979d5ff90a4714fec7290657c90f|2138|2018-01-30 00:00:12|2018-01-30 00:00:16.069048|42b32863522dbe52e963034bb0aa68b6|1909705|8803795|collect|\\N|0||0||0|

figured it out:
obj = self.s3_hook.get_key(key, bucket_name=self.s3_bucket)
df = pd.read_csv(obj.get()['Body'], compression='gzip', header = None, sep = '|')


Loading CSV file with pandas - Error Tokenizing

i am trying to load a csv file
import pandas as pd
dfc = pd.read_csv('data/Vehicles0515.csv', sep =',')
but i have the following error
ParserError: Error tokenizing data. C error: Expected 22 fields in line 3004427, saw 23
i have read to include error_bad_lines = False
but it doesn't solve the problem
Thanks a lot
Sometimes parser is getting confused by the head of csv file.
try this:
dfc = pd.read_csv('data/Vehicles0515.csv', header=None)
dfc = pd.read_csv('data/Vehicles0515.csv', skiprows=2)
Also you don't need provide an comma separator owing to fact that comma is default value in pandas read_csv method.

using dask read_csv to read filename as a column name

I am importing 4000+ csv files all with the same columns, columns=['Date', 'Datapint'] the importing the csv's to dask is pretty straight forward and is working fine for me.
file_paths = '/root/data/daily/'
df = dd.read_csv(file_paths+'*.csv',
The task I am trying to achive is to be able to name the 'Datapoint' column the filename of the .csv. I know you can set a column to the path using include_path_column = True. But I am wondering if there is a simple way use that pathname as a column name with out having to run a separate step down the line.
I was able to do this (fairly straight forward) using dask's delayed function:
import pandas as pd
import dask.dataframe as dd
from dask import delayed
import glob
path = r'/root/data/daily' # use your path
file_list = glob.glob(path + "/*.csv")
def read_and_label_csv(filename):
# reads each csv file to a pandas.DataFrame
df_csv = pd.read_csv(filename,
df_csv.rename(columns={'Close':path_2_column}, inplace=True)
return df_csv
# create a list of functions ready to return a pandas.DataFrame
dfs = [delayed(read_and_label_csv)(fname) for fname in file_list]
# using delayed, assemble the pandas.DataFrames into a dask.DataFrame
ddf = dd.from_delayed(dfs)
It is unclear to me what exactly you are trying to accomplish. If you are just trying to change the name of the column that the filepaths are written to, you can set include_path_column='New Column Name'. If you are naming a column based on the path to each file, it seems like you'll get a rather sparse array once the data are concatenated and I would argue that a groupby would probably work better.

Read multiple parquet files in a folder and write to single csv file using python

I am new to python and I have a scenario where there are multiple parquet files with file names in order. ex: par_file1,par_file2,par_file3 and so on upto 100 files in a folder.
I need to read these parquet files starting from file1 in order and write it to a singe csv file. After writing contents of file1, file2 contents should be appended to same csv without header. Note that all files have same column names and only data is split into multiple files.
I learnt to convert single parquet to csv file using pyarrow with the following code:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_parquet('par_file.parquet')
But I could'nt extend this to loop for multiple parquet files and append to single csv.
Is there a method in pandas to do this? or any other way to do this would be of great help. Thank you.
I ran into this question looking to see if pandas can natively read partitioned parquet datasets. I have to say that the current answer is unnecessarily verbose (making it difficult to parse). I also imagine that it's not particularly efficient to be constantly opening/closing file handles then scanning to the end of them depending on the size.
A better alternative would be to read all the parquet files into a single DataFrame, and write it once:
from pathlib import Path
import pandas as pd
data_dir = Path('dir/to/parquet/files')
full_df = pd.concat(
for parquet_file in data_dir.glob('*.parquet')
Alternatively, if you really want to just append to the file:
data_dir = Path('dir/to/parquet/files')
for i, parquet_path in enumerate(data_dir.glob('*.parquet')):
df = pd.read_parquet(parquet_path)
write_header = i == 0 # write header only on the 0th file
write_mode = 'w' if i == 0 else 'a' # 'write' mode for 0th file, 'append' otherwise
df.to_csv('csv_file.csv', mode=write_mode, header=write_header)
A final alternative for appending each file that opens the target CSV file in "a+" mode at the onset, keeping the file handle scanned to the end of the file for each write/append (I believe this works, but haven't actually tested it):
data_dir = Path('dir/to/parquet/files')
with open('csv_file.csv', "a+") as csv_handle:
for i, parquet_path in enumerate(data_dir.glob('*.parquet')):
df = pd.read_parquet(parquet_path)
write_header = i == 0 # write header only on the 0th file
df.to_csv(csv_handle, header=write_header)
I'm having a similar need and I read current Pandas version supports a directory path as argument for the read_csv function. So you can read multiple parquet files like this:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_parquet('path/to/the/parquet/files/directory')
It concats everything into a single dataframe so you can convert it to a csv right after:
Make sure you have the following dependencies according to the doc:
This helped me to load all parquet files into one data frame
import glob
files = glob.glob("*.snappy.parquet")
data = [pd.read_parquet(f,engine='fastparquet') for f in files]
merged_data = pd.concat(data,ignore_index=True)
If you are going to copy the files over to your local machine and run your code you could do something like this. The code below assumes that you are running your code in the same directory as the parquet files. It also assumes the naming of files as your provided above: "order. ex: par_file1,par_file2,par_file3 and so on upto 100 files in a folder." If you need to search for your files then you will need to get the file names using glob and explicitly provide the path where you want to save the csv: open(r'this\is\your\path\to\csv_file.csv', 'a') Hope this helps.
import pandas as pd
# Create an empty csv file and write the first parquet file with headers
with open('csv_file.csv','w') as csv_file:
print('Reading par_file1.parquet')
df = pd.read_parquet('par_file1.parquet')
df.to_csv(csv_file, index=False)
print('par_file1.parquet appended to csv_file.csv\n')
# create your file names and append to an empty list to look for in the current directory
files = []
for i in range(2,101):
# open files and append to csv_file.csv
for f in files:
print(f'Reading {f}')
df = pd.read_parquet(f)
with open('csv_file.csv','a') as file:
df.to_csv(file, header=False, index=False)
print(f'{f} appended to csv_file.csv\n')
You can remove the print statements if you want.
Tested in python 3.6 using pandas 0.23.3
a small change for those trying to read remote files, which helps to read it faster (direct read_parquet for remote files was doing this much slower for me):
import io
merged = []
# remote_reader = ... <- init some remote reader, for example AzureDLFileSystem()
for f in files:
with, 'rb') as f_reader:
merged = pd.concat((pd.read_parquet(io.BytesIO(file_bytes)) for file_bytes in merged))
Adds a little temporary memory overhead though.
You can use Dask to read in the multiple Parquet files and write them to a single CSV.
Dask accepts an asterisk (*) as wildcard / glob character to match related filenames.
Make sure to set single_file to True and index to False when writing the CSV file.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# create some dummy dataframes using np.random and write to separate parquet files
rng = np.random.default_rng()
for i in range(3):
df = pd.DataFrame(rng.integers(0, 100, size=(10, 4)), columns=list('ABCD'))
# load multiple parquet files with Dask
import dask.dataframe as dd
ddf = dd.read_parquet('dummy_df_*.parquet', index=False)
# write to single csv
# test to verify
df_test = pd.read_csv("dummy_df_all.csv")
Using Dask for this means you won't have to worry about the resulting file size (Dask is a distributed computing framework that can handle anything you throw at it, while pandas might throw a MemoryError if the resulting DataFrame is too large) and you can easily read and write from cloud data storage like Amazon S3.

How to I convert multiple Pandas DFs into a single Spark DF?

I have several Excel files that I need to load and pre-process before loading them into a Spark DF. I have a list of these files that need to be processed. I do something like this to read them in:
file_list_rdd = sc.emptyRDD()
for file_path in file_list:
current_file_rdd = sc.binaryFiles(file_path)
file_list_rdd = file_list_rdd.union(current_file_rdd)
I then have some mapper function that turns file_list_rdd from a set of (path, bytes) tuples to (path, Pandas DataFrame) tuples. This allows me to use Pandas to read the Excel file and to manipulate the files so that they're uniform before making them into a Spark DataFrame.
How do I take an RDD of (file path, Pandas DF) tuples and turn it into a single Spark DF? I'm aware of functions that can do a single transformation, but not one that can do several.
My first attempt was something like this:
sqlCtx = SQLContext(sc)
def convert_pd_df_to_spark_df(item):
return sqlCtx.createDataFrame(item[0][1])
I'm guessing that didn't work because sqlCtx isn't distributed with the computation (it's a guess because the stack trace doesn't make much sense to me).
Thanks in advance for taking the time to read :).
Can be done using conversion to Arrow RecordBatches which Spark > 2.3 can process into a DF in a very efficient manner.
This snippet monkey-patches spark to include a createFromPandasDataframesRDD method.
The createFromPandasDataframesRDD method accepts a RDD object of pandas DFs (Assumes same columns) and returns a single Spark DF.
I solved this by writing a function like this:
def pd_df_to_row(rdd_row):
key = rdd_row[0]
pd_df = rdd_row[1]
rows = list()
for index, series in pd_df.iterrows():
# Takes a row of a df, exports it as a dict, and then passes an unpacked-dict into the Row constructor
row_dict = {str(k):v for k,v in series.to_dict().items()}
return rows
You can invoke it by calling something like:
processed_excel_rdd = processed_excel_rdd.flatMap(pd_df_to_row)
pd_df_to_row now has a collection of Spark Row objects. You can now say:
There's probably something more efficient than the Series-> dict-> Row operation, but this got me through.
Why not make a list of the dataframes or filenames and then call union in a loop. Something like this:
If pandas dataframes:
dfs = [df1, df2, df3, df4]
sdf = None
for df in dfs:
if sdf:
sdf = sdf.union(spark.createDataFrame(df))
sdf = spark.createDataFrame(df)
If filenames:
names = [name1, name2, name3, name4]
sdf = None
for name in names:
if sdf:
sdf = sdf.union(spark.createDataFrame(pd.read_excel(name))
sdf = spark.createDataFrame(pd.read_excel(name))

Stuck importing NetCDF file into Pandas DataFrame

I've been working on this as a beginner for a while. Overall, I want to read in a NetCDF file and import multiple (~50) columns (and 17520 cases) into a Pandas DataFrame. At the moment I have set it up for a list of 4 variables but I want to be able to expand that somehow. I made a start, but any help on how to loop through to make this happen with 50 variables would be great. It does work using the code below for 4 variables. I know its not pretty - still learning!
Another question I have it that when I try to read the numpy arrays directly into Pandas DataFrame it doesn't work and instead creates a DataFrame that is 17520 columns large. It should be the other way (transposed). If I create a series, it works fine. So I have had to use the following lines to get around this. Not even sure why it works. Any suggestions of a better way (especially when it comes to 50 variables)?
d={vnames[0] :vartemp[0], vnames[1] :vartemp[1], vnames[2] :vartemp[2], vnames[3] :vartemp[3]}
hs = pd.DataFrame(d,index=times)
The whole code is pasted below:
import pandas as pd
import datetime as dt
import xlrd
import numpy as np
import netCDF4
def excel_to_pydate(exceldate):
datemode=0 # datemode: 0 for 1900-based, 1 for 1904-based
pyear, pmonth, pday, phour, pminute, psecond = xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(exceldate, datemode)
py_date = dt.datetime(pyear, pmonth, pday, phour, pminute, psecond)
def main():
#Define a list of variables names we want from the netcdf file
vnames = ['xlDateTime', 'Fa', 'Fh' ,'Fg']
# Open the NetCDF file
nc = netCDF4.Dataset(filename)
#Create some lists of size equal to length of vnames list.
#Enumerate the list and assign each NetCDF variable to an element in the lists.
# First get the netcdf variable object assign to temp
# Then strip the data from that and add to temporary variable (vartemp)
for index, variable in enumerate(vnames):
temp[index]= nc.variables[variable]
vartemp[index] = temp[index][:]
# Now call the function to convert to datetime from excel. Assume datemode: 0
times = [excel_to_pydate(elem) for elem in vartemp[0]]
#Dont know why I cant just pass a list of variables i.e. [vartemp[0], vartemp[1], vartemp[2]]
#But this is only thing that worked
#Create Pandas dataframe using times as index
d={vnames[0] :vartemp[0], vnames[1] :vartemp[1], vnames[2] :vartemp[2], vnames[3] :vartemp[3]}
theDataFrame = pd.DataFrame(d,index=times)
#Define missing data value and apply to DataFrame
theDataFrame1=theDataFrame.replace({vnames[0] :missing, vnames[1] :missing, vnames[2] :missing, vnames[3] :missing},'NaN')
You could replace:
d = {vnames[0] :vartemp[0], ..., vnames[3]: vartemp[3]}
hs = pd.DataFrame(d, index=times)
hs = pd.DataFrame(vartemp[0:4], columns=vnames[0:4], index=times)
Saying that, pandas can read HDF5 directly, so perhaps the same is true for netCDF (which is based on HDF5)...