Google BigQuery fails with "Resources exceeded during query execution: UDF out of memory" when loading Parquet file - google-bigquery

We use the BigQuery Java API to upload data from local data source as described here. When uploading a Parquet file with 18 columns (16 string, 1 float64, 1 timestamp) and 13 Mio rows (e.g. 17GB of data) the upload fails with the following exception:
Resources exceeded during query execution: UDF out of memory.; Failed
to read Parquet file . This might happen if the file contains a row
that is too large, or if the total size of the pages loaded for the
queried columns is too large.
However when uploading the same data using CSV (17.5GB of data) the upload succeeds. My questions are:
What is the difference when uploading Parquet or CSV?
What query is executed during upload?
Is it possible to increase the memory for this query?

Parquet is columnar data format, which means that loading data requires reading all columns. In parquet, columns are divided into pages. BigQuery keeps entire uncompressed pages for each column in memory while reading data from them. If the input file contains too many columns, BigQuery workers can hit Out of Memory errors.
Even when a precise limit is not enforced as it happens with other formats, it is recommended that records should in the range of 50 Mb, loading larger records may lead to resourcesExceeded errors.
Taking into account the above considerations, it would be great to clarify the following points:
What is the maximum size of rows in your Parquet file?
What is the maximum page size per column?
This info can be retrieved by publicly available tool.
If you think about increasing the alocated memory for queries, you need to read about Bigquery slots.

In my case, I ran bq load --autodetect --source_format=PARQUET ... which failed with the same error (resources exceeded during query execution). Finally, I had to split the data into multiple Parquet files so that they would be loaded in batches.


Why spark is reading more data that I expect it to read using read schema?

In my spark job, I'm reading a huge table (parquet) with more than 30 columns. To limit the size of data read I specify schema with one column only (I need only this one). Unfortunately, when reading the info in spark UI I get the information that the size of files read equals 1123.8 GiB but filesystem read data size total equals 417.0 GiB. I was expecting that if I take one from 30 columns the filesystem read data size total will be around 1/30 of the initial size, not almost half.
Could you explain to me why is that happening?

Unable to extract data in a single .csv file from Google Big Query (though data is smaller than 1GB)

I am able to export the data in 4 different files of about 90 MB each. (which doesn't make sense)
I have read the limitations of Google Big Query and it says that data with more than 1 GB in size cannot be downloaded in a single CSV file.
My data size is about 250 - 300 MB in size.
This is what usually I do to export data from GBQ:
I saved the table in Google Big Query (as it has more than 16000 rows)
Then exported it in the Bucket using as follows:
I think 2M rows of data is less than 1 GB. (Let me know if I am wrong)
Can I get this data in a single csv file ?
Thank you.
You should take out the wildcard from the name of the blob you want to write to. This tells BQ you want to export as multiple files.
So you should rather export to gs://[your_bucket]/file-name.csv
As you noted, this won't work if your data is bigger than 1GB, but you should be fine if total is about 300MB.
You can get node.js readable stream that contains result of your query (
Chunk of data is a row of result set.
And then write data (row by row) to csv (locally or to cloud storage).

BQ Load error : Avro parsing error in position 893786302. Size of data block 27406834 is larger than the maximum allowed value 16777216

To BigQuery experts,
I am working on the process which requires us to represent customers shopping history in way where we concatenate all last 12 months of transactions in a single column for Solr faceting using prefixes.
while trying to load this data in BIG Query, we are getting below row limit exceed error. Is there any way to get around this? the actual tuple size is around 64 mb where as the avro limit is 16mb.
[ ~]$ bq load --source_format=AVRO --allow_quoted_newlines --max_bad_records=10 "syw-dw-prod":"MAP_ETL_STG.mde_golden_tbl" "gs://data/final/tbl1/tbl/part-m-00005.avro"
Waiting on bqjob_r7e84784c187b9a6f_0000015ee7349c47_1 ... (5s) Current status: DONE
BigQuery error in load operation: Error processing job 'syw-dw-prod:bqjob_r7e84784c187b9a6f_0000015ee7349c47_1': Avro parsing error in position 893786302. Size of data
block 27406834 is larger than the maximum allowed value 16777216.
Update: This is no longer true, the limit has been lifted.
BigQuery's limit on loaded Avro file's block size is 16MB ( Unless each row is actually greater than 16MB, you should be able to split up the rows into more blocks to stay within the 16MB block limit. Using a compression codec may reduce the block size.

Increasing Spark Read and Parquet Conversion Performance for Gzipped Text File

Use case:
A> Have Text Gzipped files in AWS s3 location
B> Hive Table created on top of the file, to access the data from the file as Table
C> Using Spark Dataframe to read the table and converting into Parquet Data with Snappy Compression
D> Number of fields in the table is 25, which includes 2 partition columns. Data Type is String except for two fields which has Decimal as data type.
Used following Spark Option: --executor-memory 37G --executor-cores 5 --num-executors 20
Cluster Size - 10 Data Nodes of type r3.8xLarge
Found the number of vCores used in AWS EMR is always equal to the number of files, may be because gzip files are not splittable. Gzipped files are coming from different system and size of files are around 8 GB.
Total Time taken is more than 2 hours for Parquet conversion for 6 files with total size 29.8GB.
Is there a way to improve the performance via Spark, using version 2.0.2?
Code Snippet:
val srcDF = spark.sql(stgQuery)
It doesn't matter how many nodes you ask for, or how many cores there are, if you have 6 files, six threads will be assigned to work on them. Try to do one of
save in a splittable format (snappy)
get the source to save their data is many smaller files
do some incremental conversion into a new format as you go along (e.g a single spark-streaming core polling for new gzip files, then saving elsewhere into snappy files. Maybe try with AWS-Lambda as the trigger for this, to save dedicating a single VM to the task.

Google Dataflow not reading more than 3 input compressed files at once when there are multiple sources

Background: I have 30 days data in 30 separate compressed files stored in google storage. I have to write them to a BigQuery table in 30 different partitions in the same table. Each compressed file size was around 750MB.
I did 2 experiments on the same data set on Google Dataflow today.
Experiment 1: I read each day's compressed file using TextIO, applied a simple ParDo transform to prepare TableRow objects and wrote them directly to BigQuery using BigQueryIO. So basically 30 pairs of parallel unconnected sources and and sinks got created. But I found that at any point of time, only 3 files were read, transformed and written to BigQuery. The ParDo transformation and BigQuery writing speed of Google Dataflow was around 6000-8000 elements/sec at any point in time.
So only 3 source and sinks were being processed out of 30 at any time which significantly slowed the process. In over 90 minutes only 7 out 30 files were written to separate BigQuery partitions of a table.
Experiment 2: Here I first read each day's data from the same compressed file for 30 days, applied ParDo transformation on these the 30 PCollections and stored these 30 resultant Pcollections in a PCollectionList object. All these 30 TextIO sources were being read in parallel.
Now I wrote each PCollection corresponding to each day's data in the PCollectionList to BigQuery using BigQueryIO directly. So 30 sinks were being written into again in parallel.
I found that out of 30 parallel sources, again only 3 sources were being read and applied ParDo transformation at a speed of around 20000 elements/sec. At the time of writing of this question when 1 hr had already elapsed, reading from the all the compressed file had not even read completely 50% of the files and writing to the BigQuery table partitions had not even started.
These problems seem to occur only when Google Dataflow reads compressed files. I had asked a question about its slow reading from compressed files(Relatively poor performance when reading compressed files vis a vis normal text files kept in google storage using google dataflow) and was told that parallelizing work would make reading faster as only 1 worker reads a compressed file and multiple sources would mean multiple workers being given chance to read multiple files. But this also does not seem to be working.
Is there any way to speed up this whole process of reading from multiple compressed files and writing to separate partitions of the same table in BigQuery in dataflow job at the same time?
Each compressed file will be read by a single worker. The initial number of workers for a job can be increased with the numWorkers pipeline option, and the maximum number that can be scaled up to can be set with the maxNumWorkers pipeline option.