Failed to connect to port 443: Connexion refused - amazon-s3

I have a problem with amazon S3, I created a site hosted on OVH, when I am on the site I can upload and download files but when I try to connect in SSH, I have the following error:
running : curl -v
* Rebuilt URL to:
* Hostname was NOT found in DNS cache
* Trying
* connect to port 443 failed: Connexion refused
* Failed to connect to port 443: Connexion refused
* Closing connection 0
curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 443: Connexion refused
If someone has an idea where the problem may come from and how to resolve it, it would really help me


curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 5636: Connection refused

Trying to follow the instructions here:
And I'm getting curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 5636: Connection refused
How to fix this?
Tried UFW, but got no luck.

I cannot connect to RabbitMQ at port 5672

I'm new to RabbitMQ and docker. I'm running a Springboot app and I have a docker container that is running the management console on 15672. I'm able to get to that in my browser just fine, but I cannot connect to RabbitMQ when I start the application using this in my yml file:
username: test
password: test
host: localhost
port: 5672
test is a user I created with admin permissions same as guest.
When I change the user/password to guest, it tries over and over to connect to 5672 and finally times out. test/test just fails fast with this error:
Rabbit health check failed
org.springframework.amqp.AmqpConnectException: Connection refused (Connection refused)
at ~[spring-rabbit-2.2.6.RELEASE.jar:2.2.6.RELEASE]
Any advice for a newbie would be greatly appreciated.
I'm expecting to connect to RabbitMQ using test/test on port 5672. But I must have something configured incorrectly.

How to setup secure tunnel to allow a client to communicate to a websocket?

I need to allow client to connect to a websocket on server The server does not have SSL installed on it but it have a websocket that is running on port 8080.
I need to setup a secure tunnel to allow the client to connect to the websocket.
I installed the stunnel on my windows Server 2008 R2, And changed my stunnel.conf file to look loke this
accept = 8443
connect = 8080
verify = 2
CAfile = ca-certs.pem
client = yes
I am expecting to connect to the server on port 8433 and the stunnel will allow the connection to connect to port 8080
This is the code that I use in the client's console "Of course, the console is on a PC that is on my internal network"
var conn = new WebSocket('wss://');
conn.onopen = function(e) {
console.log("Connection established!");
conn.onmessage = function(e) {
While on the server I open up a command line and I execute this
telnet localhost 8080
I get a command line and when I fire the code above from a console I see this in the server's command line
But few seconds later I get this error in the console
WebSocket connection to 'wss://' failed: Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_TIMED_OUT
If I try to send a command using conn.sent('Hello') I get this error
VM289:2 Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'send' on 'WebSocket': Still in CONNECTING state.
at Error (native)
at <anonymous>:2:6
at Object.InjectedScript._evaluateOn (<anonymous>:905:140)
at Object.InjectedScript._evaluateAndWrap (<anonymous>:838:34)
at Object.InjectedScript.evaluate (<anonymous>:694:21)
Additionally, I tried to turn on debugging in strunnel by adding debug = 7
This is what I got in the stunnel console. I don't understand what is wrong as the logs show that the client is connected but I can't send messages from the client to the server
2015.08.16 16:40:06 LOG7[36]: Service [websockets] started
2015.08.16 16:40:06 LOG5[36]: Service [websockets] accepted connection from
2015.08.16 16:40:06 LOG6[36]: s_connect: connecting
2015.08.16 16:40:06 LOG7[36]: s_connect: s_poll_wait waiting 10 seconds
2015.08.16 16:40:06 LOG5[36]: s_connect: connected
2015.08.16 16:40:06 LOG5[36]: Service [websockets] connected remote server from
2015.08.16 16:40:06 LOG7[36]: Remote socket (FD=668) initialized
2015.08.16 16:40:06 LOG6[36]: SNI: sending servername: localhost
2015.08.16 16:40:06 LOG7[36]: SSL state (connect): before/connect initialization
2015.08.16 16:40:06 LOG7[36]: SSL state (connect): SSLv2/v3 write client hello A
What am I doing wrong here?
How come the connection keeps failing?

OpenSSL installed and working, one client can connect but another connection refused

I have an API server (Debian Apache2) with OpenSSL installed and working. I also have a staging and production web server (also Debian Apache2, exactly the same spec - they are VM clones). All servers are on the same subnet. I can browse to the wsdl from my local machine on 443 successfully, and I can wget the wsdl successfully from my staging server on 443, but a wget from my production web server will not connect:
--2015-04-16 10:26:18--
Resolving ( XX.XX.XX.XX
Connecting to (|XX.XX.XX.XX|:443... failed: Connection refused.
I can connect over https from a PHP nusoap client on staging no problem, but the same code on my production server returns:
wsdl error: HTTP ERROR: cURL ERROR: 7: couldn't connect to host
http_code: 0
header_size: 0
request_size: 0
filetime: -1
ssl_verify_result: 0
redirect_count: 0
total_time: 5.272228
namelookup_time: 5.271805
connect_time: 0
pretransfer_time: 0
size_upload: 0
size_download: 0
speed_download: 0
speed_upload: 0
download_content_length: -1
upload_content_length: -1
starttransfer_time: 0
redirect_time: 0
certinfo: Array
primary_ip: XX.XX.XX.XX
primary_port: 443
local_port: 0
An openssl s_client -connect from both web servers produces the same output.
After my production server returns connection refused, there are no new entries in the API server's error.log, therefore this must be a client issue.
Is there a Debian-specific/internal firewall config I may have inadvertently changed that would prevent the one client from connecting to a secure web server over HTTPS and not another?
"Connection refused" usually indicates a failure to complete the initial TCP connection. Things to check include:
iptables, firewalls, hosts.deny
is apache listening on the interface/ip address the is attempting to connect to?
Does wget or curl work from the local server when you use but not http://THE-SERVER'S-PUBLIC-IP-ADDRESS/ ?
What do you see when you run wget with --debug and --verbose ?

I try to connect to local host and glassfish server and cannot establish connection

I have recently instaled glassfish-4.1. When i try to establish connection with the localhost page or to glassfish ( or - i get an error reply. When I checked the Netstat- an command on my cmd - I couldnt find either ports in the log. I get "Error connection refused" What should i do?