Aurelia: EventAggregator fires twice - aurelia

The function called by the subscription function triggers twice.
The publisher is not being used in an activate or attached function, but in an async function of a different class. Both classes recieve the same EventAggregator through binding.
Console.Trace() has the same routes in both cases. The Publish/Subscribe set is unique and not used by any other classes.
async sender(item:any):Promise<void> {{
viewModel: CaModalConfirm,
model: {
color: this.color
}).whenClosed(async response => {
if (response.wasCancelled === false) {
this.moduleName = params.params.moduleId;
await this.selectionEventAggregator.publish('requestSelection',{item: item});
attached() {
params => this.sendSelection(params)
sendSelection(params):void {
selection: this.itemSelection,
item: params.item

The Custom Element which contained the custom Element with the Subscription has been used twice, which caused the issue. This was not an EventAggregator issue.


Mobx observe only specific objects in array

I have a store with events
export class EventStore {
events: Event[] = [];
addEvent(event: Event) { = [, event]
My Event look like this :
export class Event{
classType: string;
I want to observe change on events properties of store BUT only of a specific classType
For Eg :
I have Event with classType "AddToCart" and "Order", and I want to observe only "Order" added, removed from events
I want to use import { observer } from "mobx-react"
Question :
Is there some magic trick to do in the EventStore or I have to handle it in my component (with some if) ?
My unperfect solution
Meanwhile, I'm doing somehting like this :
() => eventStore.lastEvent,
event => {
if (event.classType === "Order")
this.newEvent = { ...event }
You can add computed property
get orderEvents() {
// Add whatever filtering you want
return => event.classType === 'Order')
If you need to pass arguments you could you computedFn from mobx-utils:
filteredEvents = computedFn(function (classType) {
return => event.classType === classType)
Note: don't use arrow functions as the this would be incorrect.

custom element, custom event handler attributes

Built in browser elements have event attributes which execute arbitrary javascript as described below
Is there any way to create a custom element with a similar behaving custom event handler attribute, and is there a standard pattern for doing so? Where the {some custom eventType}="{some code}" executes with the correct values in scope and the this binding set correctly.
<some-custom-element oncustomevent="alert('worked')" />
First question is: Do you really want to allow executing code from a string? Because it requires eval()
There is nothing wrong with using eval() when you understand the implications:
Trigger dynamic (string) code:
from a Custom Element attribute onevent
from a Custom Element setter onevent
from a Custom Event onevent detail (see connectedCallback)
function triggerEvent(name, code = "console.warn('No code parameter')") {
console.log(name, this);
if (this === window) console.warn('no element scope');
try {
if (typeof code === "string") eval(code);
else console.warn("code is not a string")
} catch (e) { console.error(e) }
customElements.define("my-element", class extends HTMLElement {
static get observedAttributes() {
return ['onevent'];
constructor() {
this.onclick = () =>, "element Click", "console.log('from element click')");
connectedCallback() {
document.addEventListener("onevent", evt => {, "EventListener", evt.detail);
attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) {
if (name === "onevent") {, "attributeChangedCallback", newValue);
set onevent(newValue) {, "setter", newValue);
setTimeout(() => document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("onevent", {
detail: "console.log('from dispatchEvent detail')"
})), 2000); //execute after elements listen
<my-element onevent="console.log('from element attribute')">click my-element</my-element>
<button onclick="document.querySelector('my-element').onevent='console.log("from button")'"
>Call setter</button>
JSFiddle playground at:

Access an element's Binding

I have a custom attribute that processes authentication data and does some fun stuff based on the instructions.
<div auth="disabled: abc; show: xyz; highlight: 123">
There's a lot of complicated, delicate stuff happening in here and it makes sense to keep it separate from semantic bindings like disabled.bind. However, some elements will have application-logic level bindings as well.
<div auth="disabled.bind: canEdit" disabled.bind="!editing">
Under the covers, my auth attribute looks at the logged in user, determines if the user has the correct permissions, and takes the correct action based on the result.
disabledChanged(value) {
const isDisabled = this.checkPermissions(value);
if (isDisabled) {
this.element.disabled = true;
This result needs to override other bindings, which may or may not exist. Ideally, I'd like to look for an existing Binding and override it ala binding behaviors.
constructor(element) {
const bindings = this.getBindings(element); // What is the getBindings() function?
const method = bindings['disabled']
if (method) {
bindings['disabled'] = () => this.checkPermission(this.value) && method();
The question is what is this getBindings(element) function? How can I access arbitrary bindings on an element?
Edit: Gist here:
The disabled attribute is just an element attribute, so you can simply use the built in APIs to do this. Check out a runnable example here:
Using setAttribute and removeAttribute (since the disabled attribute does not really have a value, its mere existence causes the element to be disabled), is all that needs to happen:
import {inject} from 'aurelia-framework';
export class AuthCustomAttribute {
constructor(element) {
this.el = element;
attached() {
let val = false;
setInterval(() => {
if(this.val) {
this.el.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
} else {
this.val = !this.val;
}, 1000);
You need to work directly with the binding engine. A runnable gist is located here:
Basically, you need to get the original binding expression, cache it, and then replace it (if auth === false) with a binding expression of true. Then you need to unbind and rebind the binding expression:
import {inject} from 'aurelia-framework';
import {Parser} from 'aurelia-binding';
#inject(Element, Parser)
export class AuthCustomAttribute {
constructor(element, parser) {
this.el = element;
this.parser = parser;
created(owningView) {
this.disabledBinding = owningView.bindings.find( b => === this.el && b.targetProperty === 'disabled');
if( this.disabledBinding ) {
this.disabledBinding.originalSourceExpression = this.disabledBinding.sourceExpression;
// this expression will always evaluate to true
this.expression = this.parser.parse('true');
bind() {
// for some reason if I don't do this, then valueChanged is getting called before created
unbind() {
if(this.disabledBinding) {
this.disabledBinding.sourceExpression = this.disabledBinding.originalSourceExpression;
this.disabledBinding.originalSourceExpression = null;
this.disabledBinding = null;
valueChanged() {
if(this.disabledBinding ) {
if( this.value === true ) {
this.disabledBinding.sourceExpression = this.disabledBinding.originalSourceExpression;
} else {
this.disabledBinding.sourceExpression = this.expression;
} else {
if( this.value === true ) {
} else {
this.el.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
rebind() {
const source = this.disabledBinding.source;
It is important that the attribute clean up after itself, as I do in the unbind callback. I'll be honest that I'm not sure that the call to rebind is actually necessary in the unbind, but it's there for completeness.

Durandal Composition Binding with canDeactivate

I am using Durandal 2.1, and I am having a problem with view composition. I have a view for managing many types of items. I also want a view to manage a subset of those types. So I created a manage view and a managesubset view. The managesubset view just composes the manage view and passes it an array containing the subset of items. This way the user can go to /100/manage or 100/managesubset where managesubset will only allow the user to manage a subset of items. I am using this pattern because I will have multiple different versions of managesubset.
My problem is that the canDeactivate method is not fired when going to managesubset. Is there anyway to fire the canDeactivate and Deactivate lifecycle events when composing?
According to #3 under Activator Lifecycle Callbacks here, I should be able to do this, but I cannot find any good examples.
define(['durandal/app', 'plugins/router'], function (app, router) {
var constructor = function () {
var self = this;
//...variable creation and assignment
//life cycle events
self.activate = function (viewmodel) {
self.pageHeaderTitle = viewmodel.pageHeaderTitle;
self.pageHeaderIcon = viewmodel.pageHeaderIcon;
self.canActivate = function (id) {
var deferred = $.Deferred();
//check if user has access to manage equipment
self.canDeactivate = function () {
if (!self.saveSuccessfull() && this.isDirty()) {
return app.showMessage("You have unsaved changes, are you sure you want to leave?", "Unsaved Changes", ["Yes", "No"]);
else {
return true;
return constructor;
define([], function () {
var recordId = ko.observable();
var manageRecord = ko.observable();
return {
recordId: recordId,
manageRecord: manageRecord,
activate: function (id) {
pageHeaderTitle: 'Manage Subset',
pageHeaderIcon: 'cb-subset',
assignableTypes: [102],
recordId: recordId()
canActivate: function (id) {
var deferred = $.Deferred();
//check if user has access to manage equipment
<div data-bind="compose: { model: 'manage', activationData: manageRecord() }"></div>
The activate is called correctly each time. The deactivate and canDeactive are what don't work, and they are never called.

Durandal Custom View Location Strategy

I am trying to figure out how to use a custom view location strategy, I have read the documentation at this page but I don't exactly understand what the strategy function should look like.
Can anybody give me a quick example of what the implementation of this function would be like and the promise that returns (even a simple one) etc?
Thanks in advance,
p.s. This is the code in my html:
<div data-bind="compose: {model: 'viewmodels/childRouter/first/simpleModel', strategy:
'viewmodels/childRouter/first/myCustomViewStrategy'}"></div> </div>
and this is the code in my myCustomViewStrategy:
define(function () {
var myCustomViewStrategy = function () {
var deferred = $.Deferred();
deferred.done(function () { console.log('done'); return 'simpleModelView'; }); () { console.log('error'); });
setTimeout(function () { deferred.resolve('done'); }, 5000);
return deferred.promise();
return myCustomViewStrategy;
but I get the error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'display' of undefined - this is after done has been logged in the console window.
Okay I solved this by creating my custom view strategy by the following:
define(['durandal/system', 'durandal/viewEngine'], function (system, viewEngine) {
var myCustomViewStrategy = function () {
return viewEngine.createView('views/childRouter/first/sModelView');
return myCustomViewStrategy;
As I found the documentation a bit lacking on compose binding's strategy setting I checked the source code how it works. To summ it up:
The module specified by the compose binding's strategy setting by its moduleId
must return a function named 'strategy'
which returns a promise which results in the view to be bound
as a HTML element object.
As a parameter the strategy method receives the compose binding's settings object
with the model object already resolved.
A working example:
define(['durandal/system', 'durandal/viewEngine'], function (system, viewEngine) {
var strategy = function(settings){
var viewid = null;
// replaces model's module id's last segment ('/viewmodel') with '/view'
viewid = settings.model.__moduleId__.replace(/\/[^\/]*$/, '/view');
return viewEngine.createView(viewid);
return strategy;
Durandal's source:
// composition.js:485
for (var attrName in settings) {
if (ko.utils.arrayIndexOf(bindableSettings, attrName) != -1) {
* strategy is unwrapped
settings[attrName] = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(settings[attrName]);
} else {
settings[attrName] = settings[attrName];
// composition.js:523
if (system.isString(context.strategy)) {
* strategy is loaded
system.acquire(context.strategy).then(function (strategy) {
context.strategy = strategy;
system.error('Failed to load view strategy (' + context.strategy + '). Details: ' + err.message);
} else {
// composition.js:501
executeStrategy: function (context) {
* strategy is executed
* expected to be a promise
* which returns the view to be bound and inserted to the DOM
context.strategy(context).then(function (child) {
composition.bindAndShow(child, context);