uint256 value is not exactly same that i initialised - smartcontracts

I deployed a smart contract includes a state uint256 value uint256 public cost=1000000000000000000;. But when, after deploy, i see the storage of that smart contract value cost:uint1441171407640000. Why both are not equal together.
Contract state variables:
string public fullname;
string public id;
bool public KYC;
uint public level;
uint256 public cost=1000000000000000000;
address payable[] public onboarded;
uint256 public arrayLength=0;
string public bankName;
bytes32 public docsHash;
Storage presented by Ganache:
enter image description here


Labview: error 1057 when casting to more specific object

I have two classes in C# compiled into a library to be imported into a LabView project.
public class Upper
public sbyte Signed8 { get; set; }
public char Unicode16 { get; set; }
public short Signed16 { get; set; }
public int Signed32 { get; set; }
public long Signed64 { get; set; }
public int UpperDoSomething() { return Signed32; }
public class Lower : Upper
public byte Unsigned8 { get; set; }
public ushort Unsigned16 { get; set; }
public uint Unsigned32 { get; set; }
public ulong Unsigned64 { get; set; }
public uint LowerDoSomething() { return Unsigned32; }
I keep getting error 1057:
"Type mismatch: Object cannot be cast to the specific type"
To spare anyone from downloading the file, analyzing the component "to more specific class":
Upper is connected to reference class
An unitialized Lower class is connected to target class
A property node is connected to specific class reference
(side note) for anyone who downloads the vi, there is a property connected to an indicator to not have any loose wires
You are calling the constructor of the Upper, then trying to case it to a Lower, which it isn't an instance of.
The tsc block (and generally casting to a descendant in OOP) is useful when you've passed subclass instances through code treating it as the parent class, but then have an operation that requires the subclass type. It has to have been created as an instance of the subclass though.

Why doesn't my obfuscation dictionary work?

I have the following configuration file for proguard:
-injars 'C:\Users\johndoe\Desktop\Assignment\classes\Assignment.jar'
-outjars 'C:\Users\johndoe\Desktop\Assignment\classes\Assignment_Obf.jar'
-libraryjars 'C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_161\lib\rt.jar'
-obfuscationdictionary shakespeare.txt
-classobfuscationdictionary shakespeare.txt
-packageobfuscationdictionary shakespeare.txt
# Keep - Applications. Keep all application classes, along with their 'main' methods.
-keepclasseswithmembers public class * {
public static void main(java.lang.String[]);
# Also keep - Enumerations. Keep the special static methods that are required in
# enumeration classes.
-keepclassmembers enum * {
public static **[] values();
public static ** valueOf(java.lang.String);
# Also keep - Database drivers. Keep all implementations of java.sql.Driver.
-keep class * extends java.sql.Driver
# Also keep - Swing UI L&F. Keep all extensions of javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI,
# along with the special 'createUI' method.
-keep class * extends javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI {
public static javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI createUI(javax.swing.JComponent);
# Keep - Native method names. Keep all native class/method names.
-keepclasseswithmembers,includedescriptorclasses,allowshrinking class * {
native <methods>;
# Remove - System method calls. Remove all invocations of System
# methods without side effects whose return values are not used.
-assumenosideeffects public class java.lang.System {
public static long currentTimeMillis();
static java.lang.Class getCallerClass();
public static int identityHashCode(java.lang.Object);
public static java.lang.SecurityManager getSecurityManager();
public static java.util.Properties getProperties();
public static java.lang.String getProperty(java.lang.String);
public static java.lang.String getenv(java.lang.String);
public static java.lang.String mapLibraryName(java.lang.String);
public static java.lang.String getProperty(java.lang.String,java.lang.String);
# Remove - Math method calls. Remove all invocations of Math
# methods without side effects whose return values are not used.
-assumenosideeffects public class java.lang.Math {
public static double sin(double);
public static double cos(double);
public static double tan(double);
public static double asin(double);
public static double acos(double);
public static double atan(double);
public static double toRadians(double);
public static double toDegrees(double);
public static double exp(double);
public static double log(double);
public static double log10(double);
public static double sqrt(double);
public static double cbrt(double);
public static double IEEEremainder(double,double);
public static double ceil(double);
public static double floor(double);
public static double rint(double);
public static double atan2(double,double);
public static double pow(double,double);
public static int round(float);
public static long round(double);
public static double random();
public static int abs(int);
public static long abs(long);
public static float abs(float);
public static double abs(double);
public static int max(int,int);
public static long max(long,long);
public static float max(float,float);
public static double max(double,double);
public static int min(int,int);
public static long min(long,long);
public static float min(float,float);
public static double min(double,double);
public static double ulp(double);
public static float ulp(float);
public static double signum(double);
public static float signum(float);
public static double sinh(double);
public static double cosh(double);
public static double tanh(double);
public static double hypot(double,double);
public static double expm1(double);
public static double log1p(double);
# Remove - Number method calls. Remove all invocations of Number
# methods without side effects whose return values are not used.
-assumenosideeffects public class java.lang.* extends java.lang.Number {
public static java.lang.String toString(byte);
public static java.lang.Byte valueOf(byte);
public static byte parseByte(java.lang.String);
public static byte parseByte(java.lang.String,int);
public static java.lang.Byte valueOf(java.lang.String,int);
public static java.lang.Byte valueOf(java.lang.String);
public static java.lang.Byte decode(java.lang.String);
public int compareTo(java.lang.Byte);
public static java.lang.String toString(short);
public static short parseShort(java.lang.String);
public static short parseShort(java.lang.String,int);
public static java.lang.Short valueOf(java.lang.String,int);
public static java.lang.Short valueOf(java.lang.String);
public static java.lang.Short valueOf(short);
public static java.lang.Short decode(java.lang.String);
public static short reverseBytes(short);
public int compareTo(java.lang.Short);
public static java.lang.String toString(int,int);
public static java.lang.String toHexString(int);
public static java.lang.String toOctalString(int);
public static java.lang.String toBinaryString(int);
public static java.lang.String toString(int);
public static int parseInt(java.lang.String,int);
public static int parseInt(java.lang.String);
public static java.lang.Integer valueOf(java.lang.String,int);
public static java.lang.Integer valueOf(java.lang.String);
public static java.lang.Integer valueOf(int);
public static java.lang.Integer getInteger(java.lang.String);
public static java.lang.Integer getInteger(java.lang.String,int);
public static java.lang.Integer getInteger(java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer);
public static java.lang.Integer decode(java.lang.String);
public static int highestOneBit(int);
public static int lowestOneBit(int);
public static int numberOfLeadingZeros(int);
public static int numberOfTrailingZeros(int);
public static int bitCount(int);
public static int rotateLeft(int,int);
public static int rotateRight(int,int);
public static int reverse(int);
public static int signum(int);
public static int reverseBytes(int);
public int compareTo(java.lang.Integer);
public static java.lang.String toString(long,int);
public static java.lang.String toHexString(long);
public static java.lang.String toOctalString(long);
public static java.lang.String toBinaryString(long);
public static java.lang.String toString(long);
public static long parseLong(java.lang.String,int);
public static long parseLong(java.lang.String);
public static java.lang.Long valueOf(java.lang.String,int);
public static java.lang.Long valueOf(java.lang.String);
public static java.lang.Long valueOf(long);
public static java.lang.Long decode(java.lang.String);
public static java.lang.Long getLong(java.lang.String);
public static java.lang.Long getLong(java.lang.String,long);
public static java.lang.Long getLong(java.lang.String,java.lang.Long);
public static long highestOneBit(long);
public static long lowestOneBit(long);
public static int numberOfLeadingZeros(long);
public static int numberOfTrailingZeros(long);
public static int bitCount(long);
public static long rotateLeft(long,int);
public static long rotateRight(long,int);
public static long reverse(long);
public static int signum(long);
public static long reverseBytes(long);
public int compareTo(java.lang.Long);
public static java.lang.String toString(float);
public static java.lang.String toHexString(float);
public static java.lang.Float valueOf(java.lang.String);
public static java.lang.Float valueOf(float);
public static float parseFloat(java.lang.String);
public static boolean isNaN(float);
public static boolean isInfinite(float);
public static int floatToIntBits(float);
public static int floatToRawIntBits(float);
public static float intBitsToFloat(int);
public static int compare(float,float);
public boolean isNaN();
public boolean isInfinite();
public int compareTo(java.lang.Float);
public static java.lang.String toString(double);
public static java.lang.String toHexString(double);
public static java.lang.Double valueOf(java.lang.String);
public static java.lang.Double valueOf(double);
public static double parseDouble(java.lang.String);
public static boolean isNaN(double);
public static boolean isInfinite(double);
public static long doubleToLongBits(double);
public static long doubleToRawLongBits(double);
public static double longBitsToDouble(long);
public static int compare(double,double);
public boolean isNaN();
public boolean isInfinite();
public int compareTo(java.lang.Double);
public byte byteValue();
public short shortValue();
public int intValue();
public long longValue();
public float floatValue();
public double doubleValue();
public int compareTo(java.lang.Object);
public boolean equals(java.lang.Object);
public int hashCode();
public java.lang.String toString();
# Remove - String method calls. Remove all invocations of String
# methods without side effects whose return values are not used.
-assumenosideeffects public class java.lang.String {
public static java.lang.String copyValueOf(char[]);
public static java.lang.String copyValueOf(char[],int,int);
public static java.lang.String valueOf(boolean);
public static java.lang.String valueOf(char);
public static java.lang.String valueOf(char[]);
public static java.lang.String valueOf(char[],int,int);
public static java.lang.String valueOf(double);
public static java.lang.String valueOf(float);
public static java.lang.String valueOf(int);
public static java.lang.String valueOf(java.lang.Object);
public static java.lang.String valueOf(long);
public boolean contentEquals(java.lang.StringBuffer);
public boolean endsWith(java.lang.String);
public boolean equalsIgnoreCase(java.lang.String);
public boolean equals(java.lang.Object);
public boolean matches(java.lang.String);
public boolean regionMatches(boolean,int,java.lang.String,int,int);
public boolean regionMatches(int,java.lang.String,int,int);
public boolean startsWith(java.lang.String);
public boolean startsWith(java.lang.String,int);
public byte[] getBytes();
public byte[] getBytes(java.lang.String);
public char charAt(int);
public char[] toCharArray();
public int compareToIgnoreCase(java.lang.String);
public int compareTo(java.lang.Object);
public int compareTo(java.lang.String);
public int hashCode();
public int indexOf(int);
public int indexOf(int,int);
public int indexOf(java.lang.String);
public int indexOf(java.lang.String,int);
public int lastIndexOf(int);
public int lastIndexOf(int,int);
public int lastIndexOf(java.lang.String);
public int lastIndexOf(java.lang.String,int);
public int length();
public java.lang.CharSequence subSequence(int,int);
public java.lang.String concat(java.lang.String);
public java.lang.String replaceAll(java.lang.String,java.lang.String);
public java.lang.String replace(char,char);
public java.lang.String replaceFirst(java.lang.String,java.lang.String);
public java.lang.String[] split(java.lang.String);
public java.lang.String[] split(java.lang.String,int);
public java.lang.String substring(int);
public java.lang.String substring(int,int);
public java.lang.String toLowerCase();
public java.lang.String toLowerCase(java.util.Locale);
public java.lang.String toString();
public java.lang.String toUpperCase();
public java.lang.String toUpperCase(java.util.Locale);
public java.lang.String trim();
# Remove - StringBuffer method calls. Remove all invocations of StringBuffer
# methods without side effects whose return values are not used.
-assumenosideeffects public class java.lang.StringBuffer {
public java.lang.String toString();
public char charAt(int);
public int capacity();
public int codePointAt(int);
public int codePointBefore(int);
public int indexOf(java.lang.String,int);
public int lastIndexOf(java.lang.String);
public int lastIndexOf(java.lang.String,int);
public int length();
public java.lang.String substring(int);
public java.lang.String substring(int,int);
# Remove - StringBuilder method calls. Remove all invocations of StringBuilder
# methods without side effects whose return values are not used.
-assumenosideeffects public class java.lang.StringBuilder {
public java.lang.String toString();
public char charAt(int);
public int capacity();
public int codePointAt(int);
public int codePointBefore(int);
public int indexOf(java.lang.String,int);
public int lastIndexOf(java.lang.String);
public int lastIndexOf(java.lang.String,int);
public int length();
public java.lang.String substring(int);
public java.lang.String substring(int,int);
It works and generates the output jar Assignment_Obf.jar , and no errors are reported.
I am using the example dictionary provided by ProGuard, the shakespeare.txt dictionary.
When I upload my Assignment_Obf.jar to an online class decompiler and I look at the decompiled code, I don't see the shakespeare text from the obfuscation dictionary shakespeare.txt
So it runs correctly, generates an output without errors, but the obfuscation dictionary doesn't seem to be working and I don't know why.
No errors, generates output, correct path to dictionary, so it's supposed to work...

Proguard removes the classes in a package ear

I'm using Proguard to obfuscate one ear package. The problem I have is that it eliminates the classes rather than obfuscate. How can I prevent this from happening.
And in the process I put the following settings:
-injars SPR_AQE_EAR_V1.0.25.ear
-outjars SPR_AQE_EAR_V1.0.25_Ofuscado.ear
-libraryjars 'C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\lib\rt.jar'
-printusage Objetos_Eliminados.txt
-printmapping Detalle_OfuscaciĆ³n.txt
# Keep - Applications. Keep all application classes, along with their 'main'
# methods.
-keepclasseswithmembers public class * {
public static void main(java.lang.String[]);
# Also keep - Enumerations. Keep the special static methods that are required in
# enumeration classes.
-keepclassmembers enum * {
public static **[] values();
public static ** valueOf(java.lang.String);
# Also keep - Database drivers. Keep all implementations of java.sql.Driver.
-keep class * extends java.sql.Driver
# Also keep - Swing UI L&F. Keep all extensions of javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI,
# along with the special 'createUI' method.
-keep class * extends javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI {
public static javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI createUI(javax.swing.JComponent);
# Keep names - Native method names. Keep all native class/method names.
-keepclasseswithmembers,allowshrinking class * {
native <methods>;
# Remove - System method calls. Remove all invocations of System
# methods without side effects whose return values are not used.
-assumenosideeffects public class java.lang.System {
public static long currentTimeMillis();
static java.lang.Class getCallerClass();
public static int identityHashCode(java.lang.Object);
public static java.lang.SecurityManager getSecurityManager();
public static java.util.Properties getProperties();
public static java.lang.String getProperty(java.lang.String);
public static java.lang.String getenv(java.lang.String);
public static java.lang.String mapLibraryName(java.lang.String);
public static java.lang.String getProperty(java.lang.String,java.lang.String);
# Remove - Math method calls. Remove all invocations of Math
# methods without side effects whose return values are not used.
-assumenosideeffects public class java.lang.Math {
public static double sin(double);
public static double cos(double);
public static double tan(double);
public static double asin(double);
public static double acos(double);
public static double atan(double);
public static double toRadians(double);
public static double toDegrees(double);
public static double exp(double);
public static double log(double);
public static double log10(double);
public static double sqrt(double);
public static double cbrt(double);
public static double IEEEremainder(double,double);
public static double ceil(double);
public static double floor(double);
public static double rint(double);
public static double atan2(double,double);
public static double pow(double,double);
public static int round(float);
public static long round(double);
public static double random();
public static int abs(int);
public static long abs(long);
public static float abs(float);
public static double abs(double);
public static int max(int,int);
public static long max(long,long);
public static float max(float,float);
public static double max(double,double);
public static int min(int,int);
public static long min(long,long);
public static float min(float,float);
public static double min(double,double);
public static double ulp(double);
public static float ulp(float);
public static double signum(double);
public static float signum(float);
public static double sinh(double);
public static double cosh(double);
public static double tanh(double);
public static double hypot(double,double);
public static double expm1(double);
public static double log1p(double);
# Remove - Number method calls. Remove all invocations of Number
# methods without side effects whose return values are not used.
-assumenosideeffects public class java.lang.* extends java.lang.Number {
public static java.lang.String toString(byte);
public static java.lang.Byte valueOf(byte);
public static byte parseByte(java.lang.String);
public static byte parseByte(java.lang.String,int);
public static java.lang.Byte valueOf(java.lang.String,int);
public static java.lang.Byte valueOf(java.lang.String);
public static java.lang.Byte decode(java.lang.String);
public int compareTo(java.lang.Byte);
public static java.lang.String toString(short);
public static short parseShort(java.lang.String);
public static short parseShort(java.lang.String,int);
public static java.lang.Short valueOf(java.lang.String,int);
public static java.lang.Short valueOf(java.lang.String);
public static java.lang.Short valueOf(short);
public static java.lang.Short decode(java.lang.String);
public static short reverseBytes(short);
public int compareTo(java.lang.Short);
public static java.lang.String toString(int,int);
public static java.lang.String toHexString(int);
public static java.lang.String toOctalString(int);
public static java.lang.String toBinaryString(int);
public static java.lang.String toString(int);
public static int parseInt(java.lang.String,int);
public static int parseInt(java.lang.String);
public static java.lang.Integer valueOf(java.lang.String,int);
public static java.lang.Integer valueOf(java.lang.String);
public static java.lang.Integer valueOf(int);
public static java.lang.Integer getInteger(java.lang.String);
public static java.lang.Integer getInteger(java.lang.String,int);
public static java.lang.Integer getInteger(java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer);
public static java.lang.Integer decode(java.lang.String);
public static int highestOneBit(int);
public static int lowestOneBit(int);
public static int numberOfLeadingZeros(int);
public static int numberOfTrailingZeros(int);
public static int bitCount(int);
public static int rotateLeft(int,int);
public static int rotateRight(int,int);
public static int reverse(int);
public static int signum(int);
public static int reverseBytes(int);
public int compareTo(java.lang.Integer);
public static java.lang.String toString(long,int);
public static java.lang.String toHexString(long);
public static java.lang.String toOctalString(long);
public static java.lang.String toBinaryString(long);
public static java.lang.String toString(long);
public static long parseLong(java.lang.String,int);
public static long parseLong(java.lang.String);
public static java.lang.Long valueOf(java.lang.String,int);
public static java.lang.Long valueOf(java.lang.String);
public static java.lang.Long valueOf(long);
public static java.lang.Long decode(java.lang.String);
public static java.lang.Long getLong(java.lang.String);
public static java.lang.Long getLong(java.lang.String,long);
public static java.lang.Long getLong(java.lang.String,java.lang.Long);
public static long highestOneBit(long);
public static long lowestOneBit(long);
public static int numberOfLeadingZeros(long);
public static int numberOfTrailingZeros(long);
public static int bitCount(long);
public static long rotateLeft(long,int);
public static long rotateRight(long,int);
public static long reverse(long);
public static int signum(long);
public static long reverseBytes(long);
public int compareTo(java.lang.Long);
public static java.lang.String toString(float);
public static java.lang.String toHexString(float);
public static java.lang.Float valueOf(java.lang.String);
public static java.lang.Float valueOf(float);
public static float parseFloat(java.lang.String);
public static boolean isNaN(float);
public static boolean isInfinite(float);
public static int floatToIntBits(float);
public static int floatToRawIntBits(float);
public static float intBitsToFloat(int);
public static int compare(float,float);
public boolean isNaN();
public boolean isInfinite();
public int compareTo(java.lang.Float);
public static java.lang.String toString(double);
public static java.lang.String toHexString(double);
public static java.lang.Double valueOf(java.lang.String);
public static java.lang.Double valueOf(double);
public static double parseDouble(java.lang.String);
public static boolean isNaN(double);
public static boolean isInfinite(double);
public static long doubleToLongBits(double);
public static long doubleToRawLongBits(double);
public static double longBitsToDouble(long);
public static int compare(double,double);
public boolean isNaN();
public boolean isInfinite();
public int compareTo(java.lang.Double);
public byte byteValue();
public short shortValue();
public int intValue();
public long longValue();
public float floatValue();
public double doubleValue();
public int compareTo(java.lang.Object);
public boolean equals(java.lang.Object);
public int hashCode();
public java.lang.String toString();
# Remove - String method calls. Remove all invocations of String
# methods without side effects whose return values are not used.
-assumenosideeffects public class java.lang.String {
public static java.lang.String copyValueOf(char[]);
public static java.lang.String copyValueOf(char[],int,int);
public static java.lang.String valueOf(boolean);
public static java.lang.String valueOf(char);
public static java.lang.String valueOf(char[]);
public static java.lang.String valueOf(char[],int,int);
public static java.lang.String valueOf(double);
public static java.lang.String valueOf(float);
public static java.lang.String valueOf(int);
public static java.lang.String valueOf(java.lang.Object);
public static java.lang.String valueOf(long);
public boolean contentEquals(java.lang.StringBuffer);
public boolean endsWith(java.lang.String);
public boolean equalsIgnoreCase(java.lang.String);
public boolean equals(java.lang.Object);
public boolean matches(java.lang.String);
public boolean regionMatches(boolean,int,java.lang.String,int,int);
public boolean regionMatches(int,java.lang.String,int,int);
public boolean startsWith(java.lang.String);
public boolean startsWith(java.lang.String,int);
public byte[] getBytes();
public byte[] getBytes(java.lang.String);
public char charAt(int);
public char[] toCharArray();
public int compareToIgnoreCase(java.lang.String);
public int compareTo(java.lang.Object);
public int compareTo(java.lang.String);
public int hashCode();
public int indexOf(int);
public int indexOf(int,int);
public int indexOf(java.lang.String);
public int indexOf(java.lang.String,int);
public int lastIndexOf(int);
public int lastIndexOf(int,int);
public int lastIndexOf(java.lang.String);
public int lastIndexOf(java.lang.String,int);
public int length();
public java.lang.CharSequence subSequence(int,int);
public java.lang.String concat(java.lang.String);
public java.lang.String replaceAll(java.lang.String,java.lang.String);
public java.lang.String replace(char,char);
public java.lang.String replaceFirst(java.lang.String,java.lang.String);
public java.lang.String[] split(java.lang.String);
public java.lang.String[] split(java.lang.String,int);
public java.lang.String substring(int);
public java.lang.String substring(int,int);
public java.lang.String toLowerCase();
public java.lang.String toLowerCase(java.util.Locale);
public java.lang.String toString();
public java.lang.String toUpperCase();
public java.lang.String toUpperCase(java.util.Locale);
public java.lang.String trim();
# Remove - StringBuffer method calls. Remove all invocations of StringBuffer
# methods without side effects whose return values are not used.
-assumenosideeffects public class java.lang.StringBuffer {
public java.lang.String toString();
public char charAt(int);
public int capacity();
public int codePointAt(int);
public int codePointBefore(int);
public int indexOf(java.lang.String,int);
public int lastIndexOf(java.lang.String);
public int lastIndexOf(java.lang.String,int);
public int length();
public java.lang.String substring(int);
public java.lang.String substring(int,int);
# Remove - StringBuilder method calls. Remove all invocations of StringBuilder
# methods without side effects whose return values are not used.
-assumenosideeffects public class java.lang.StringBuilder {
public java.lang.String toString();
public char charAt(int);
public int capacity();
public int codePointAt(int);
public int codePointBefore(int);
public int indexOf(java.lang.String,int);
public int lastIndexOf(java.lang.String);
public int lastIndexOf(java.lang.String,int);
public int length();
public java.lang.String substring(int);
public java.lang.String substring(int,int);
Appreciate your help.
You need to specify the entry points of your code, so ProGuard keeps them and all code that depends on them.
In your configuration, you're currently specifying the method 'void main(String[])' and its class(es). This is suitable for standard Java applications. ProGuard will keep this method and all code that depends on it. The Java SE environment can then still find the method and the class, and run the application.
Since you're processing an ear file, you're probably working with Java EE rather than Java SE. You'll then have to keep all the entry points that are specified in your XML configuration files. You'll also need to specify the proper Java EE runtime libraries (instead of switching off all warnings). Since Java EE relies heavily on reflection, obfuscating the code may require a lot more configuration.

ddd, collections of value object

class Feed : Entity {
public Guid Id {get;set;}
public string FeedText {get;set;}
public ISet<FeedUser> FeedUsers {get;set;}
public void AddFeedUser(User user) {
public void RemoveFeedUser(User user) {
public void MarkUserAsReadFeed(User user)
var feedUser = FeedUsers.Find(u=>u.Id == user.Id);
class FeedUser : ValueObject {
public Guid UserId {get;private set;}
public bool IsRead {get;private set;}
public DateTime? ReadDate=null {get;private set;}
public void Read(){
IsRead = true;
public void UnRead(){
IsRead = false;
In this case FeedUser is Value Object or Entity? I'm confuse because FeedUser no need identity but not 100% immutable (IsRead property changable)
A Feed have a lot of FeedUser. At NHibernate, should I load all FeedUsers property (Lazy Load or Eager loading) for add new FeedUser or remove from list?
Question1: The FeedUser is not a value object since it's mutable and has it's life cycle(but binding with the Feed's lifecycle). In this design, it's a local entity(userId as local identifier).
Question2: I'm afraid you have to load all FeedUsers first.
Indirect answer: If you think it's awkward, you may ask yourself what's the invariant to be protected? what about make FeedUser an aggregate?
class Feed : Entity {
public Guid Id {get;set;}
public string FeedText {get;set;}
public FeedUser AddFeedUser(User user) {
return new FeedUser(id, user); //sorry, I have to confess I'm not a .net guy.
class FeedUser : Entity {
public Guid id;
public Guid feedId;
public Guid UserId {get;private set;}
public bool IsRead {get;private set;}
public DateTime? ReadDate=null {get;private set;}
public void Read(){
IsRead = true;
public void UnRead(){
IsRead = false;
//FeedUserRepository is responsible for removeing FeedUser

wcf Service Known type attribute question

i wanna add a service behavior(or anything u'll suggest) that will automatically insert the types from dll to the service known types of the service
is it possible? how?
Known type attributes are passed to the DataContractSerializer constructor. You can customize the way this serializer is instantiated and provide the known types to the constructor of the serializer by reflecting over your assemblies and finding all types that derive from a base class.
Here's a sample code (not tested):
public interface FooContract
void MyOperation(SomeBaseType arg);
public class KnownTypesDataContractFormatAttribute : Attribute, IOperationBehavior
public Type BaseType { get; private set; }
public KnownTypesDataContractFormatAttribute(Type baseType)
BaseType = baseType;
public void AddBindingParameters(OperationDescription description, BindingParameterCollection parameters)
{ }
public void ApplyClientBehavior(OperationDescription description, System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.ClientOperation proxy)
IOperationBehavior innerBehavior = new KnownTypesDataContractSerializerOperationBehavior(description, BaseType);
innerBehavior.ApplyClientBehavior(description, proxy);
public void ApplyDispatchBehavior(OperationDescription description, System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.DispatchOperation dispatch)
IOperationBehavior innerBehavior = new KnownTypesDataContractSerializerOperationBehavior(description, BaseType);
innerBehavior.ApplyDispatchBehavior(description, dispatch);
public void Validate(OperationDescription description)
{ }
public class KnownTypesDataContractSerializerOperationBehavior : DataContractSerializerOperationBehavior
public Type BaseType { get; private set; }
public KnownTypesDataContractSerializerOperationBehavior(OperationDescription operationDescription, Type baseType) : base(operationDescription)
BaseType = baseType;
public override XmlObjectSerializer CreateSerializer(Type type, string name, string ns, IList<Type> knownTypes)
return new DataContractSerializer(type, name, ns, knownTypes);
public override XmlObjectSerializer CreateSerializer(Type type, XmlDictionaryString name, XmlDictionaryString ns, IList<Type> knownTypes)
return new DataContractSerializer(type, name, ns, knownTypes);
private IEnumerable<Type> GetKnownTypes()
// Try to find all types that derive from BaseType in the
// executing assembly and add them to the knownTypes collection
from type in Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes()
where type != BaseType && BaseType.IsAssignableFrom(type)
select type;