How to select value from Oracle table having field name as default keyword - sql

We have Oracle table having default keyword(i.e in as field name) field name.Now i am querying table but unable to extract specific field data.
select a.filename, from table a
Following error appears "invalid field name.

Try using double quotes.
select a."IN" from table a

You can use default (oracle reserved) keywords as the name of the columns but yes it is not advisable to use it.
Anyway, If you want to use oracle reserved keywords then you must have to enclose them in the double-quotes.
Note that oracle is case insensitive in terms of its object names until and unless it is wrapped in the double-quotes. it means if you enclose any object name in double-quotes then you must have to use them anywhere in the entire DB as case sensitive manner.
So if your table definition is:
Then you need to use "IN" wherever you want to refer the column but if your table definition is:
Then you need to use "in" wherever you want to refer the column. -- case sensitive names.
I hope it will clear all your doubts.


Why do you only need double quotation marks in SQL for particular cases?

I have a column in my database table named UID. For some reason queries fail unless I surround the column name with double quotation marks (" "). None of the other columns require these quotation marks.
For example, this doesn't work:
SELECT user_name FROM user_table WHERE UID = '...'
But this does:
SELECT user_name FROM user_table WHERE "UID" = '...'
Is UID some kind of keyword? Why is it only happening to that column? How do I know if I need to use double quotes for other columns?
By the way, I'm running JDK 1.8_221 and using an oracle JDBC driver if that makes a difference.
Yes, it is about keywords. You can double quote everything (tables, columns) to avoid this but I can understand you don't want to do this.
To have a list of standard keywords: SQL Keywords
But you can see UID is not in this list as I assume it is a reserved keyword by your database implementation. I had the same problem with a table called "order" as it contains orders. ORDER is a keyword so I had to quote it each time.
So best is to test your statements using a SQL client tool.
Since you mention Oracle: Oracle keywords: "You can obtain a list of keywords by querying the V$RESERVED_WORDS data dictionary view."
If your create table command for user_table looks something like this:
create table user_table ("UID" varchar2(10))
then you will have to use quotes around UID in your query. This query:
select * from user_table where UID = 'somestring'
means to use the Oracle predefined UID pseudo column and your table's UID column will not be accessed.
If your table doesn't have a user-defined UID column, then using "UID" should fail.
My guess is your table does indeed have a UID column and when you say it "doesn't work" without using the quotes you probably mean it motivates an ORA-1722.
The type of failure, when using UID without quotes, depends on the content of the string 'somestring'. If the content of that string can be cast as a number then you probably won't get the rows you expect. If it cannot be cast as a number then you'll get an ORA-1722.
As an aside, if you try to execute this, then you'll get an ORA-904:
create table user_table (UID number)
Yes, it is keywords and return
UID returns an integer that uniquely identifies the session user (the
user who logged on).
By default, Oracle identifiers (table names, column names, etc.) are case-insensitive. You can make them case-sensitive by using quotes around them when creating them (eg: SELECT * FROM "My_Table" WHERE "my_field" = 1). SQL keywords (SELECT, WHERE, JOIN, etc.) are always case-insensitive.
You can use it for more information here.

Asp Classic & Firbird Sql without quotation marks

I have a script in ASP Classic that uses a Firebird database. I would like to execute a query without "quotation marks"
Now I must write this:
SQL = "SELECT ""TArticoli"".""IDArticolo"",""TArticoli"".""Desc"" FROM ""TArticoli"";"
I would write this:
SQL = "SELECT TArticles.IDArticle, TArticles.Desc FROM TArticles;"
The first one is accepted the second not, how can I do this?
You can't. DESC is a reserved word in Firebird, so to be able to use it as a column name (or any other object name for that matter), you will need to enclose it in quotes.
A second problem is that you are currently using
SELECT "TArticoli"."IDArticolo","TArticoli"."Desc" FROM "TArticoli"
And this means both your table name and the column names are case sensitive, and in that case, quoting those object names is mandatory. Unquoted object names are case insensitive, but are mapped to object names in upper case. This means that select * from TArticoli will select from a table called TARTICOLI, while select * from "TArticoli", selects from a table called TArticoli.
So unless you are going to rename or recreate all your tables or columns, you will not be able to get rid of quotes. The only thing you can do to reduce the number of quotes, is by not prefixing the columns with the table names (in the query shown it isn't necessary), or otherwise use a case insensitive alias for the table, eg
SELECT "IDArticolo", "Desc" FROM "TArticoli"
SELECT a."IDArticolo", a."Desc" FROM "TArticoli" AS a

Oracle DB quote column names

When using regular tables, its fine to use the following Oracle SQL query:
SELECT max(some_primary_key) FROM MyTable
However, when using Database Objects (i.e. a table of an object), this yields to the following error:
ORA-00904: "SOME_PRIMARY_KEY": invalid identifier
When quoting the column name, like this:
SELECT max("some_primary_key") FROM MyTable
This works like expected. Why is it necessary to escape column names when working with Objects, but not with Tables?
It doesn't have to do with objects or tables, it has to do with how these objects/tables have been created.
If you do
create table "blabla" then you always need to address this table with "blabla", if you do create table blabla then you can address this table via BLABLA or blabla or bLabLa. Using " " makes the name case sensitive and that is the reason why most developers don't use " " because usually you don't want case sensitive names .
Database Object Naming Rules
Every database object has a name. In a SQL statement, you represent
the name of an object with a quoted identifier or a nonquoted
A quoted identifier begins and ends with double quotation marks ("). If you name a schema object using a quoted identifier, then you
must use the double quotation marks whenever you refer to that object.
A nonquoted identifier is not surrounded by any punctuation.
You can use either quoted or nonquoted identifiers to name any
database object. However, database names, global database names, and
database link names are always case insensitive and are stored as
uppercase. If you specify such names as quoted identifiers, then the
quotation marks are silently ignored. Refer to CREATE USER for
additional rules for naming users and passwords.
To summarize this
When you do :
SELECT max(some_primary_key) FROM MyTable
Oracle assume that your column was declared like this :
some_primary_key INT,
Seing the resulting error, it's not the case. You obviously declared it like this :
"some_primary_key" INT,
And you should thus always refer to that column using double quotes and proper case, thus :
SELECT max("some_primary_key") FROM MyTable
The bible : Oracle Database Object Names and Qualifiers
[TL;DR] The simplest thing to do is to never use double quotes around object names and just let oracle manage the case-sensitivity in its default manner.
Oracle databases are, by default, case sensitive; however, they will also, by default, convert everything to upper-case so that the case sensitivity is abstracted from you, the user.
CREATE TABLE Test ( column_name NUMBER );
SELECT COUNT(column_name) FROM test;
SELECT COUNT(Column_Name) FROM Test;
Will all give the same output and:
Name Null Type
----------- ---- ------
(Note: Oracle's default behaviour is to convert the name to upper case.)
If you use double quotes then oracle will respect your use of case in the object's name (and you are then required to always use the same case):
(Note: Both the table and column name are surrounded in double quotes and now require you to use exactly the same case, and quotes, when you refer to them.)
Then you can only do (since you need to respect the case sensitivity):
Name Null Type
----------- ---- ------
(Note: Oracle has respected the case sensitivity.)
I created one object in Oracle 11g:
some_property NUMBER(20),
CONSTRUCTOR FUNCTION MyType(some_property number default 123) RETURN SELF AS RESULT
CONSTRUCTOR FUNCTION MyType(some_property number default 123)
SELF.some_property := some_property;
---Created a table of my object
---issued the statement.
SELECT max(some_property) FROM MYTABLE;
Its working fine for me without quotes. Not sure why its not working in your case. Whats your oracle version ?

Are PostgreSQL column names case-sensitive?

I have a db table say, persons in Postgres handed down by another team that has a column name say, "first_Name". Now am trying to use PG commander to query this table on this column-name.
select * from persons where first_Name="xyz";
And it just returns
ERROR: column "first_Name" does not exist
Not sure if I am doing something silly or is there a workaround to this problem that I am missing?
Identifiers (including column names) that are not double-quoted are folded to lowercase in PostgreSQL. Column names that were created with double-quotes and thereby retained uppercase letters (and/or other syntax violations) have to be double-quoted for the rest of their life:
Values (string literals / constants) are enclosed in single quotes:
So, yes, PostgreSQL column names are case-sensitive (when double-quoted):
SELECT * FROM persons WHERE "first_Name" = 'xyz';
Read the manual on identifiers here.
My standing advice is to use legal, lower-case names exclusively so double-quoting is never required.
To quote the documentation:
Key words and unquoted identifiers are case insensitive. Therefore:
can equivalently be written as:
uPDaTE my_TabLE SeT a = 5;
You could also write it using quoted identifiers:
UPDATE "my_table" SET "a" = 5;
Quoting an identifier makes it case-sensitive, whereas unquoted names are always folded to lower case (unlike the SQL standard where unquoted names are folded to upper case). For example, the identifiers FOO, foo, and "foo" are considered the same by PostgreSQL, but "Foo" and "FOO" are different from these three and each other.
If you want to write portable applications you are advised to always quote a particular name or never quote it.
The column names which are mixed case or uppercase have to be double quoted in PostgresQL. So best convention will be to follow all small case with underscore.
if use JPA I recommend change to lowercase schema, table and column names, you can use next intructions for help you:
pg_catalog.pg_stat_all_tables psat,
pg_catalog.pg_attribute pa
psat.relid = pa.attrelid
change schema name:
change table names:
change column names:
You can try this example for table and column naming in capital letters. (postgresql)
create table "Test"
"ID" integer,
"NAME" varchar(255)
string sqlCommand = $#"create table ""TestTable"" (
""ID"" integer GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY primary key,
""ExampleProperty"" boolean,
""ColumnName"" varchar(255))";

Oracle table column name with space

Is it possible to create a table with column name containing space? If so how can I create and use it?
It is possible, but it is not advisable. You need to enclose the column name in double quotes.
create table my_table ("MY COLUMN" number);
But note the warning in the documentation:
Note: Oracle does not recommend using quoted identifiers for database
object names. These quoted identifiers are accepted by SQL*Plus, but
they may not be valid when using other tools that manage database
The name will be case-sensitive, and you wil have to enclose the name in double quotes every time you reference it:
select "MY COLUMN" from my_table;
So... don't, would be my advice...
Yes, it's possible. You just have to be sure to quote the column name. For instance:
CREATE TABLE Fubar ("Foo Bar" INT);
SELECT "Foo Bar" FROM SpaceMonster
Even though it's possible, it doesn't make it a good idea. You'll probably save yourself from a lot of pain if just replace all you spaces with underscores.
it is possible by naming the column between two "
example: "My columN" , the column name becomes case sensitive which means.
SELECT "my column" from table; --NOT OK
SELECT "My columN" from table; --OK
You can (see the Oracle doc) if you quote these appropriately. However I suspect this is not a good idea, since you'll have to quote everything. Generally db naming standards / conventions (e.g. here or here) favour using underscores (which don't require quoting) over whitespace.
This is the columns rule defined for oracle
Columns (for tables)
All columns are in form {alias}_{colname}. For example prs_id,
prs_name, prs_adr_id, adr_street_name. This guarantees that column
names are unique in a schema, except denormalized columns from
another table, which are populated using triggers or application
All columns are in singular. If you think you need a column name in plural think twice whether it is the right design? Usually it
means you are including multiple values in the same column and that
should be avoided.
All tables have surrogate primary key column in form {alias}_id, which is the first column in the table. For example, prs_id, mat_id,
you can always have alias for column name bu using ""
Did you Google for this? I did - the 6th link was this, in which I find the following:
create table employee (
"First Name" varchar2(20),
"Last Name" varchar2(20),
Address varchar2(60),
Phone varchar2(15),
Salary number,
EmpID number,
DeptID number
... which works fine when I tried it in 10g.