Kotlin: Omitting enum name when its unambiguous - kotlin

With Swift enums you can omit the name of the enum in cases where only a value of that type can be used.
So when given the enum (Swift/Kotlin)
enum (class) CompassPoint {
case north
case south
case east
case west
Swift only needs the enums name when creating a new variable:
// type unclear, enum name needed
var directionToHead = CompassPoint.west
// type clear, enum name can be dropped
directionToHead = .east
// type clear, enum name can be dropped
switch directionToHead {
case .north:
print("Lots of planets have a north")
case .south:
print("Watch out for penguins")
case .east:
print("Where the sun rises")
case .west:
print("Where the skies are blue")
While in Kotlin, for the same situation you'd have to write
// type unclear, enum name needed
var directionToHead = CompassPoint.west
// type clear, enum name still needed
directionToHead = CompassPoint.east
// each case needs the enum name
when(directionToHead) {
CompassPoint.north -> println("Lots of planets have a north")
CompassPoint.south -> println("Watch out for penguins")
CompassPoint.east -> println("Where the sun rises")
CompassPoint.west -> println("Where the skies are blue")
Is there a reason for this, and/or are there situations in Kotlin where just .north or north can be used?
Edit: It seems importing the enum 'fixes' this and is necessary even when the enum is defined in the same file as it is used.
While this helped practically, I still don't understand why the import is needed.

Just use import, so you can use enum values without enum name
import CompassPoint.*

Edit: It seems importing the enum 'fixes' this and is necessary even when the enum is defined in the same file as it is used.
While this helped practically, I still don't understand why the import is needed.
Simply because it isn't treated specially. import CompassPoint.* lets you write just <name> for anything you'd write as CompassPoint.<name> without it (if the name doesn't conflict with anything). If you happen to be in the file where CompassName is defined, it works exactly the same.
You can refer to the values as north etc. without imports inside the enum definition, exactly like you can refer to an object's members inside this object:
object Obj {
val v = 0
val v1 = v
val v2 = Obj.v
import Obj.* // or import Obj.v
val v2 = v

FWIW, the Kotlin team is considering implementing unqualified enum constants when the enum type is unambiguous.
They're currently doing a feature survey to gather feedback, and unqualified enum constants are on there too.


Generic variance type parameter(Kotlin)

I do not fully understand how variance in Generics work. In the code below the classes are as follows Any -> Mammals -> Cats. Any is the supertype, there is a parameter called from in the copy function
From what I understand about the out and in keywords, out allows reference to any of it's subtype, can only be produced not consumed.
in allows reference to any of it's supertype, can only be consumed not produced.
However in the copytest function we are instantiating the function copy. I gave it a catlist1 argument in the from parameter. Since the parameter has an out keyword wouldn't it mean that we can only input parameters that are a subtype of catlist2?
To top of my confusion I have seen many conflicting definitions, for instance , In Kotlin, we can use the out keyword on the generic type which means we can assign this reference to any of its supertypes.
Now I am really confused could anybody guide me on how all of these works? Preferably from scratch, thanks!
class list2<ITEM>{
val data = mutableListOf<ITEM>()
fun get(n:Int):ITEM = data[n]
fun add(Item:ITEM){data.add(Item)}
fun <T> Copy(from: list2<out T>, to:list2<T>){
fun copytest(){
val catlist1 = list2<Cat>()
val catlist2 = list2<Cat>()
val mammallist = list2<Mammal>()
I think maybe you're mixing up class-declaration-site generics and use-site generics.
Class-declaration-site generics
Defined at the class declaration site with covariant out, it is true you cannot use the generic type as the type of a function parameter for any functions in the class.
class MyList<out T>(
private val items: Array<T>
) {
fun pullRandomItem(): T { // allowed
return items.random()
fun addItem(item: T) { // Not allowed by compiler!
// ...
// Reason:
val cowList = MyList<Cow>(arrayOf(Cow()))
// The declaration site out covariance allows us to up-cast to a more general type.
// It makes logical sense, any cow you pull out of the original list qualifies as an animal.
val animalList: MyList<Animal> = cowList
// If it let us put an item in, though:
// Now there's a horse in the cow list. That doesn't make logical sense
cowList.pullRandomItem() // Might return a Horse, impossible!
It is not logical to say, "I'm going to put a horse in a list that may have the requirement that all items retrieved from it must be cows."
Use-site generics
This has nothing to do with the class level restriction. It's only describing what kind of input the function gets. It is perfectly logical to say, "my function does something with a container that I'm going to pull something out of".
// Given a class with no declaration-site covariance of contravariance:
class Bag<T: Any>(var contents: T?)
// This function will take any bag of food as a parameter. Inside the function, it will
// only get things out of the bag. It won't put things in it. This makes it possible
// to pass a Bag of Chips or a Bag of Pretzels
fun eatBagContents(bagOfAnything: Bag<out Food>) {
eat(bagOfAnything.contents) // we know the contents are food so this is OK
bagOfAnything.contents = myChips // Not allowed! we don't know what kind of stuff
// this bag is permitted to contain
// If we didn't define the function with "out"
fun eatBagContentsAndPutInSomething(bagOfAnything: Bag<Food>) {
eat(bagOfAnything.contents) // this is fine, we know it's food
bagOfAnything.contents = myChips // this is fine, the bag can hold any kind of Food
// but now you cannot do this
val myBagOfPretzels: Bag<Pretzels> = Bag(somePretzels)
eatBagContentsAndPutInSomething(myBagOfPretzels) // Not allowed! This function would
// try to put chips in this pretzels-only bag.
Combining both
What could be confusing to you is if you saw an example that combines both of the above. You can have a class where T is a declaration site type, but the class has functions where there are input parameters where T is part of the definition of what parameters the function can take. For example:
abstract class ComplicatedCopier<T> {
abstract fun createCopy(item: T): T
fun createCopiesFromBagToAnother(copyFrom: Bag<out T>, copyTo: Bag<in T>) {
val originalItem = copyFrom.contents
val copiedItem = createCopy(originalItem)
copyTo.contents = copiedItem
This logically makes sense since the class generic type has no variance restriction at the declaration site. This function has one bag that it's allowed to take items out of, and one bag that it's allowed to put items into. These in and out keywords make it more permissive of what types of bags you can pass to it, but it limits what you're allowed to do with each of those bags inside the function.

Cannot access nested type through typealias

I have a Quantity/Units library in Kotlin which has classes like Weight, Distance, Force. These classes inherit from a Quantity class and each contain a nested enum class Unit with information about the respective units for each type of quantity.
As a kind of physical oddity, the consumption of an electric car (e.g. kWh/100km) is technically the same dimension as a force, so the Force.Unit class contains both NEWTON and KILOWATTHOUR_PER_100_KILOMETERS.
Of course, we use FuelConsumption for combustion cars and the quantity for electric cars should look similar, so I have created a typealias ElectricConsumption = Force.
For some reason, I can't access the inner class ElectricConsumption.Unit through that typealias. This is extremely inconvenient. Is this by design? Why? Is there a workaround?
class A {
enum class B { X }
typealias AA = A
fun main() {
print(A.B.X) // prints X
print(AA.B.X) // Unresolved reference: B
Given that the Kotlin Language Specification says "Type alias introduces an alternative name for the specified type", you would reasonably expect to be able to use the typealias name wherever you can use the original type name. This is not the case in your example, and I suspect that this is a bug (KT-34281) as it obviously doesn't conform to the official description of typealias.
You might be able to work around this issue by using import as instead of typealias:
import A as AA
class A {
enum class B { X }
fun main() {
See it working at https://pl.kotl.in/1JUSVZtCL

kotlin get static type of a class property

I'm trying to get the type of some class properties in order to strongly typing my Kotlin Code.
In typescript, we can do this (stupid examplebut this is to explain)
class Test {
private _prop:string
this._prop = val
public get prop():Test["_prop"] { return this._prop}
const t:Test["_prop"] = "fdds"
The benefit here is that if I need to chnange the type of "_prop", no need to refactor the whole code, as the type is find thanks to Test["_prop"].
Is there a way to do this in Kotlin ?
I've seen reflection functions in Kotlin, but can't get what I want
Kotlin code :
class Test(val prop:Int) {
fun ppr() {
fun getProp():Int {
return prop
fun main() {
println("Hello, world!!!")
var t:Test = Test(4)
var a:Int = t.getProp() // how to change :Int by "return type of func Test.prop
What you're trying to do is the opposite of strong typing. The point of a strong-typed system is that you're defining exactly what things are, and the system requires you to interact with those things correctly, and prevents you from doing things those types don't support
You're working with specific types and defined type hierarchies, and the way you can interact them is strongly enforced. It's possible to go outside the type system, e.g. with unchecked casts, or by reflection (which can get close to throwing the whole thing out completely) - but that's losing the benefits of strong typing, the guarantees and assistance it can provide, and makes errors a lot more likely
Basically if you want to change the type, you're supposed to refactor it. That lets the system handle it all for you systematically, and it will point out any problems that change might introduce, so you can resolve and handle them. This is another benefit of a strongly typed system - it can help you in this way
If you want to stay within the type system, but just want to update a type and avoid creating changes in a bunch of files, then #Sweeper's typealias approach will work - kinda abstracting a type definition away to one place (and you can give it a more meaningful name that doesn't reflect the specific type it happens to be right now). But if you meaningfully change what that underlying type is, your code will probably have to handle it anyway, unless you're just doing a common call on it like toString().
I might have got what you're asking for wrong, but I wanted to point this stuff out just in case, since you were talking about reflection and all!
You can't do it exactly like that in Kotlin, but you can declare a type alias, which sort of achieves the same result - enabling you to change the type of multiple things by editing only one place.
typealias PropType = Int
class Test(val prop: PropType) {
fun prop(): PropType {
return prop
To change the type of both, just change the typealias PropType = Int line.
However, note that you don't actually need to do this if you just want to write a getter. You don't need to explicitly write getters if all it does is just returning the property's value. If you want to do something extra in the getter, you can do:
class Test(prop: Int) {
val prop = prop
get() {
// do something extra in the getter
println("getting prop!")
return field // return the underlying field
The getter will be called whenever you access Test.prop, and again, you only need to change one place to change the type of the property.

Kotlin type specific object declaration

I want to make a class that can be declared with specific type operation. Like this (I don't know what this is called):
val div: Division = Division<Indonesia>("Division number 17th")
val div1 = Division<Palestine>("Division number 15")
Here is some other code:
class Division(name: String) {
// secret...
How I can make things like this:
You're talking about generics. Here's the Java docs covering the basics, here's the Kotlin-specific stuff. You give the class a generic type like this:
class Division<T>(name: String)
That's the most basic example... but I think you need to read the generics tutorial I linked

Getting annotation of enum value

I know how to get an annotation of an enum value in Java.
However Kotlin has its own reflection library and I feel there should be a better way to do the job.
Could please anybody post an example.
Just to be specific let's define an enum class
enum class Enum {
I need a function f(e: Enum): String so that f(Enum.Constant) == "constant".
You can use a similar approach with java by getting the field by name and then reaching out to the annotation using annotation class.
So if you have below enum and annotation class definitions;
enum class Enum {
annotation class SerialName(val value: String)
Then you can define the below function and call it as shown below;
fun getAnnotationValue(enum:Enum):String = enum.declaringClass.getField(enum.name).getAnnotation(SerialName::class.java).value
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
Hope this helps.
I did only a little research here, but it appears there isn't support for this in the Kotlin reflection library. In fact, I discovered the linter doesn't even correctly suggest an annotation target of FIELD for your annotation if you give it one that doesn't work for Enum values, and instead incorrectly offers to automatically add a target of CLASS.
The problem is that Enum values are basically static member fields, which don't exist in Kotlin except in Enum classes. And the reflection classes don't seem to provide a way to access this special case.
I am struggling however to come up with a use case for Enum value annotations that can't be solved using properties in the Enum constructor(s).
enum class MyEnum(val someConstant: String? = null) {