TFS Build definition - add step to run DacPac for Unit Tests - sql

We are using an on-premise installation of Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation Server Version 16.131.
We have a Development Continuous integration build definition that includes running some unit-tests on a very old application. As such, the unit-tests require a database to run (I know, not an ideal situation with unit tests...)
One of the artifacts of the build is a DACPAC of the database.
I'd like to deploy any database changes from that DACPAC as part of the build definition, before running the Unit-Test steps. That way, any tests that are added / changed that are dependent on database changes will (hopefully) pass.
Any ideas if this is possible, and if so, how can I publish from the DACPAC within the build definition?

We are using a PowerShell step in the build/release pipeline.
In the powershell script you will call SqlPackage:
&"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\140\DAC\bin\SqlPackage.exe" /Action:Publish /SourceFile:"Dacpac_Artifact\DACPAC\DB.dacpac" /Profile:"Dacpac_Artifact\DACPAC\FileWithPublishPrife.publish.xml"

You could also have a look at this Microsoft DevLabs task, it also contains a sub task to deploy dacpac remotely, so you could deploy to another machine (or use localhost to deploy on the build server itself if you want). There are also other marketplace task you could use just navigate to the store and type sql you'll see a dozen.
IIS Web App Deployment Using WinRM


On Premises TFS to VSTS migration of XAML builds

Currently we are using TFS 2017 update 1 on premises but we have to Migrate TFS at VSTS cloud platform. Also we TFS Build Servers on premises having XAML builds using customized build template. Our problem is after migration all XAML build definition would working as usual or not?
Currently we are using TFS 2017 update 1 on premises but we have to Migrate TFS at VSTS cloud platform. Also we TFS Build Servers on premises having XAML builds using customized build template. Our problem is after migration all XAML build definition would working as usual or not?
there is no code. Do we need to Re-configure all build server again?
After migration on VSTS can we configure All build servers on premises as well using old all XAML build definitions or not?
Please suggest on this.
XAML builds are still supported with Azure DevOps Service (with some limitations), see official response from Microsoft:
XAML build is still here until now. Current state :
If you have any XAML build data in your team project collection, you
will get a warning about the deprecation of XAML build features. You
will need to use VS or Team Explorer 2017 to edit XAML build
definitions or to queue new XAML builds. If you need to create new
XAML build agents, you will need to install them using the TFS 2015
build agent installer. Please refer to official document -XAML builds:
And we will keep it longer, how long does it can be used depend on
user feedbacks.
Installing TFS2015 Update 4.1 locally allows you to configure Build Server, Service and Agents that are connected to Azure DevOps Service, and run all your XAML builds from either Azure DevOps or Visual Studio.
XAML builds are no longer available in VSTS, so they will not work at all after a migration.
The good news is that TFS 2017 supports build vNext so you can convert your builds before you migrate to make sure you can still build after the migration.
Build vNext (Azure DevOps Pipelines) are much more flexible and easier to set up and customise than the old XAML builds. However if you have a lot of customised builds then it might take a while to convert them all.
One big advantage of the new build system is that the same build can be used across multiple branches, which might mean that you don't need to put as much effort in to converting builds as in the XAML system you needed a build per branch.
My suggestion is that you begin by familiarise yourself with the new build system and start to convert the builds before you migrate, then you can import you TFS database in to VSTS.

Deploying a .Net application built in VSTS to a remote agent machine

I have been trying to figure this out for a few days to no avail.
I have an MVC .Net Application that is stored in a GIT repo in VSTS. When I check in code it is being built and unit testa are being run in the cloud.
Now If these unit tests succeed I would like the project to be deployed to a remote machine that has the VSTS agent installed. I can see the agent in the VSTS web interface but I don't know how I get the automatic build to send the completed build to d:/mydeploypath on the remote agent machine.
Is this possible?
Absolutely possible!
There are build steps available to copy files to a remote machine such as Copy Files over SSH and Windows Machine File Copy. But if you are trying to deploy the code to the machine you are building on, you can use the Copy Files step since it won't require credentials. Since it is a web application, there are a few steps like IIS Utilities to stop\start the application pool so the files won't be locked for the deployment.
So using the Copy Files build step, you could use $(Agent.BuildDirectory) as the source directory (or wherever you have your build output going) and set the target folder to your desired destination on the machine.
The build/release variables helped me out a lot during the development of our release process:
The easy way is using WinRM-IIS Web App Deployment task.
To generate the web deployment package, you can specify these arguments in MSBuild Arguments box of Visual Studio Build task:
/p:SkipInvalidConfigurations=true /p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:WebPublishMethod=Package /p:PackageLocation="$(build.artifactstagingdirectory)" /P:PackageTempRootDir=""

What is the easiest way to publish a SQL project from VS to multiple dbs

Multitenant system with several dbs sharing the same schema. Dev and test environments have multiple example tenants. Db schema maintained in SSDT/SQL Project in VS2k13.
What would be the easiest way of publishing to all DBs from within VS automatically?
The easiest is to create a batch file or powershell script that calls sqlpackage.exe using the /Action:Script and the dacpac which is the output from your project as the /SourceFile and each database as the /TargetConnectionString
Have one line in the batch for each database.
The recommended (my recommendation anyway) is to have a CI server like TeamCity or Tfs which monitors for check-ins and then when a check-in happens:
Build the project
Use sqlpackage.exe to compare the dacpac to each database / environment
Depending on the database / environment either push all the changes out or generate a deployment script for each database.
If you publish from visual studio you don't have the strict process of:
Develop code locally, test locally
Check in code - merge code
Ideally push changes to a CI database and run the unit tests / integration tests
Generate / deploy to specific databases

ASP.NET 5 (vNext) Deployment via TFS 2015

We're trying to work through the new tool chain for building and deploying an ASP.NET 5 (vNext) CoreCLR web site to a server cluster. Between the new compilation changes and the changes to TFS, I'm not sure how everything now gets built and deployed. The scenario is as follows:
On-premise TFS for source control and build agent
Targeting ASP.NET 5 under CoreCLR, hosted via IIS
Questions are:
Using TFS for continuous integration builds (and hopefully deployment to an on-premise IIS server), how does one build and deploy this new application type?
It seems like MSBuild might still be usable to point at a .sln file so as to indirectly invoke dnu.exe, is that correct? Is that the appropriate way to do that now?
Should we be running a scripted build task instead to run dnu.exe instead?
How are these new CoreCLR builds deployed? Just a straight copy to a directory on a remote machine?
This is a new application and we're using a multi-layered application architecture, where the DAL and Business logic are in their own CoreCLR projects, if that makes a difference.
Thanks in advance for shedding some light on the situation.
Here is what we ended up doing:
Powershell script "prebuild.ps1" as per the previous answer and Microsoft deployment guidelines:
Vanilla MSBuild build. no switches or special settings.
Powershell script to execute xUnit test runner. We used guidance from this post at
Powershell script to run "dnu publish". This creates a directory of the entire web application's structure.
"Windows File Copy" task to deploy the directory structure created in #4 to all of the target machines in the test environment.
To build and deploy ASP.NET 5 via TFS2015 vNext build system, you need to:
1). Create a PowerShell script (named Prebuild.ps1, for example) to install DNX. Details of the PowerShell script can be found: . Add the script file into TFS version control.
2). Add the PowerShell script build step into build definition. Run the Prebuild.ps1 script in this step:
3). In the MSBuild step, specify the project needs to be built, and add the following /p:DeployOnBuild=True /p:DeployTarget=MSDeployPublish /p:CreatePackageOnPublish=True /p:MSDeployPublishMethod=InProc /p:MsDeployServiceUrl=localhost /p:DeployIisAppPath="Default Web Site/TFSTest1" /p:VisualStudioVersion=14.0 to publish the project to IIS.

Anybody out there using MsBuild to do Installs?

I've noticed projects such as Msbuild Extension Pack and MsBuild Community Tasks give msbuild the power to install assemblies, sql, and setup IIS. These features seem to be oriented to doing installs and not builds.
So I was wondering how many people out there are using msbuild, perhaps in conjunction with Cruise Control.Net to do installs on staging environments?
I use MsBuild to build, and part of the build process runs Wix to create an installer(MSI) which is used to deploy to production.
I wrote up a little sample of templating configurations for different target environments with msbuild:
We use CC.NET & MSBuild to build and then also to publish to our dev and stage environments, however we do not have the push live on CruiseControl.NET, we run that MSBuild by hand. We just thought it would be way to tempting with a button to publish live ;) It took probably 2 or 3 revisions to get our MSBuild set up right. But now everything is in one file, and everything is based on Targets and Properties to do all the work. About 6 months ago, was what should be the last update and that was a multi-server push so we are ready for scaling up. We can now push any combination of parts to any combination of servers. So if we want 5 database servers, 3 contenet servers, and 2 web servers we have that ability. No need to use anything else. MSBuild can do it.
I created a deployment system where a central coordinator can:
- identify the right target server for a given component (e.g Windows service goes to a given server, web services go to another, etc.)
- perform a PsExec of a deployment MSBuild script on the target server
- the deployment MSBuild script is responsible for:
a) downloading the right component package (in my case a .zip)
b) backing up previous versions of the component
c) extracting the package to the right place
d) tailoring the installation steps to the type of component to deploy (e.g. needs to perform an Exec task of installutil.exe on a Windows service )
e) logging the result of the deployment
This system is built using a mix of:
- core MSBuild tasks
- [Tigris MSBuild community tasks][1]
- [MS SDC tasks][2]
- and custom tasks
The system allows us to perform consistent deployment of complex apps across partitioned environments (e.g. DEV, QA, UAT, etc) made of virtual servers.
I use MSBuild to build a fairly large client/server application. I use InstallShield 2008 to create a separate client and server install set.
By adding a custom target into the build process you can combine the creation of the installers into the build.
I would recommend that you create and test the build and the installer separately, before attempting to integrate the two.
I know this is an old question... but...
I am currently using MSBuild with MSBuild Extension Pack ( to do my entire deployment. The database portion is handled with the VS database command-line tool (vsdbcmd.exe - That Extension Pack is pretty amazing, and is letting me build web sites, app pools, Windows services, update config, and much more.
I've also put Team City agents on the test servers, so I can deploy as part of a build chain (introduced in version 7 of Team City). And running my deploy MSBuild script is super easy from Team City.
I used to use MSBuild, now I'm using PowerShell. MSBuild is a build language. It is painful to script in. There is a lot I wanted to do in it that were difficult and sometimes impossible.
Over the past year, I've created an PowerShell module somewhat equivalent to MSBuild Extension Pack called Carbon.
I strongly, strongly encourage everyone out there to learn and use PowerShell.