Empty POST request's body from Google Pay in program Loyalty Card - google-pay

We faced with testing problem on the side Google Pay.
At the current stage, we get into the GPay only after Card registration on the side of our site, when after filling out the form user is redirected to the GPay page to create a new Card.
A Card is being created : we see it with the data that is entered into the form, but the GPay doesn't send any requests to our site. A special test environment from GPay is needed?
Google Pay's support service asks: "Are you receiving the POST from GPay when you attempt the enrollment flow from the app?"
How we can apply from GPay if we can't create a Card from GP at this stage?
The process of creating a Card is described in paragraph 1 (on the site side).
How to get into the GPay for enrollment at the testing stage?
Support service writes "When you submit your user details from GPay, it sends a POST request to your server so that when your page is displayed it contains the information from the user data form. "
As we pointed, at the current stage we can't send data from the GPay.
It was expected thatGoogle Pay's support service send a POST request to our site, but we don't see POST request's body. It is empty.
Therefore, we asked earlier, What internet service we can see it with?
They answered, as we understood, that we can see it by sending from GPay.
How to send it from the GPay, if at the testing stage we can only see
newly created cards and we don’t get any requests from GPay?
Is testing take place from GPay app?
If so, why don't we have an access?
We get a request POST, but with an empty request body.
The GPay has a lot of users with the Loyalty Card.
Someone has already come across this.
We didn't find such situations on the Internet.
How anybody have handled situations like this before?
How to create a new Card from GPay and see a POST request?
We do not have access to the class settings in the account. On Russian language, we do not see the callback feature, and on English technical support sends to us a screenshot - there are settings in the account. Could there be access rights issues?
To accoding with your link from paragraph 5 https://developers.google.com/pay/passes/rest/v1/loyaltyclass#discoverableprogrammerchantsignupinfo - we did not find the insert barcode /manually settings. Can you tell us where to find them?
At the moment, we can scan the barcode in GPay app(due to help of GPay support service ), but we do not receive a Post request after inserting bar code in GPay app.
Our Russian account settings looks like:
GPay support service see our account on English so:
We don't see these settings for barcode.
In accordance with the documentation https://developers.google.com/pay/passes/guides/overview/how-to/use-callbacks, we set up a callback feature, but we do not receive a post request in the format json (php):
$responseJson_str = file_get_contents('php://input');
$responseJson = '[' . $responseJson_str . ']';
$response = json_decode($responseJson, true);
var_dump( $response);
$file_server = "server_calback.log";
$fw = fopen($file_server, "a");
fwrite($fw, "POST " . var_export($response, true) . "\n");
What is wrong?
I show a screenshot with the request POST to our site
from https://reqbin.com/
At the beginning of testing stage, we implemented signin / signup as you indicated in points 1-6. We did this functionality was not because we needed it, but thought that it was necessary for testing.
Then we wrote in support team that we need a barcode/manually, as users of other cards are used to. We were answered that we need settings in the account, we did not find them. Support team helped us to configure the barcode in the account of the Merchant Center - Google.We insert barcode in the GPay , but we don’t get json on the site. We assume a problem with access rights in the Merchant Center - Google. How do other cardholders usually set up a barcode in their accounts? We do not have access to the settings n the Merchant Center - Google, unfortunately. Support team writes that there should be access, but it does not.
It turned out that there are two ways to work with cards in the GPay. The first method is described in the documentation here https://developers.google.com/pay/passes/guides/enrollment-signin, the second method is to scan the card(barcode/manually) and use it as a card storage, but card data is not sent to the user’s server.
The Loyalty card is simply displayed in the GPay with its number(from barcode/manually) and that's all.

Sign up and enrollment are triggered from the google pay app: https://developers.google.com/pay/passes/guides/enrollment-signin
You will see post once a user goes into the Google Pay app and hits add pass then finds your program and hits sign up/ sign in.
See 1-2.
You have to use the account you provide to support team - its only visible for them for testing.
It may not be from Google. Google requests have the body with the user details.
Go to google pay app and sign in with user that is whitelisted by support to see the program. Hit add pass, then loyalty program then search for your program then hit sign up/ sign in and it will post to the endpoint defined here: https://developers.google.com/pay/passes/rest/v1/loyaltyclass#discoverableprogrammerchantsignupinfo
Let me also clarify enrollment and sign in. This is what a user sees, what the Google Pay app does and finally what a merchant needs to do:
Google Pay user navigates to passes tab in Google Pay App, hits "+ Pass":
Google Pay chooses which type of pass to add, hits loyalty for this example:
User searches and presses on the specific program they want to sign up for (theres a testing phase before it goes public, in which only accounts which you tell support team can see the program in google pay app):
User then fills out information to share and consents to share their information with this merchant, then they press continue.
Google Pay Then does a POST request with user info to endpoint defined here on the loyalty class by merchant: https://developers.google.com/pay/passes/rest/v1/loyaltyclass#discoverableprogrammerchantsignupinfo
Here is where merchant, yourself would have to be listening for POST to endpoint you defined in the setting mentioned previously and give user form to finish providing all details needed and then redirect to the JWT link to automatically save the pass.
See https://developers.google.com/pay/passes/partners/enrollment-signin for reference.

It turned out that there are two ways to work with cards in the GPay. The first method is described in the documentation here https://developers.google.com/pay/passes/guides/enrollment-signin, the second method is to scan the card(barcode/manually) and use it as a card storage, but card data is not sent to the user’s server. The Loyalty card is simply displayed in the GPay with its number(from barcode/manually) and that's all.


Correct way to ask for chatbot verification

I want to 1) be able to receive updates about the activity in the comments on my instagram page and then 2) to be able to leave a reply.
I far as I understand the products, 1) can be made using Webhooks and 2) requires Instagram Graph API.
My app is intended to be used only by me. However, when I try to go through verification process, the form requires me to show how users can log into the app and so on. This does not apply to me.
The app is really simple: the comment is posted -> Webhook sends an update -> a reply is generated (this is out of the scope of this question) -> a reply is posted using Instagram Graph API from my page. You can see that the app does not have or require any additional UI.
The owner/developer of this chatbot is business, however it does not provide any servicies to other businesses. When applying for verification, I am only requesting 'instagram_manage_comments', however even there they ask me about the user log in (see the attached screenshot).
The account went through business verification already.
I was not able to find the information that is 100% relevant to my case.
The question is: what is the correct way to ask for the verification? Does Instagram support apps without additional UI and logging in? And basically what am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance!

How do you pull customer data from Paypal?

What is the right procedure for pulling data about a customer (using OAuth to "Connect with Paypal" similar to the functionality that Stripe and Square provide) from Paypal?
The paypal documentation is confusing in two ways -
The OAuth scopes shown only have basic profile information like email, address, name, etc. and the link to the attributes page in the Account Information line item seems broken.
Other places mention that you have to sign onto the Paypal partner program to pull data on behalf of third parties.
So, for anyone that has gone through this - what is the right way to proceed/do I have to sign up to Paypal partner program? Is Permissions the right API to use?
I know broadly that connecting and fetching paypal account data is possible since, for example, Kabbage allows you to link your Paypal account and pulls data from it directly.
Connect with PayPal is so a user can click the CwPP button, sign into PayPal agreeing to give you access to certain profile information (based on the selected scopes) -- and then once they grant that permission and return, you're able to use the provided authorization code to access their profile information with its API.
In order to use CwPP in the live environment, your CwPP app has to be approved. You don't need to be in the PayPal partner program for this.

Linkedin API for full profile access

I want to access the full LinkedIn profile information using the API, but I have only managed to access the basic profile and e-mail address with the API-key and Secret Key.
Am I missing something or is it more restricted in some manner?
How did you get the LinkedIn API ?
Did you applied for partnership because as far as I know LinkedIn changed the policy of API , so the API will be available only through the partnership and for that you've to pay different fee based on partner program
Have a look here, the same thins we've too.
I've fulfilled the application 3 weeks ago but no response yet.
***Subject: Having acces on LinkedIn API [160721-001958]****
I had spoken with one of our experts on this and he had confirmed for me that you can still go through other workarounds for this.
Go to https://developer.linkedin.com/partner-programs
Click on either of the options based on your need. You will be directed to another page where if you scroll down you will find the button for Apply to become a LinkedIn Solutions Partner. Click on that.
You will be directed to a page that says Apply to become a LinkedIn Partner and you can fill up the form from there for access.

Account setup for use with REST API - signature or certificate credential option?

My boss is setting up a UK PayPal account for use with REST API for direct credit card payments and payouts.
During this process he's been asked to choose between signature and certificate credentials.
However as far as I understand the REST API uses OAuth 2.0 so what we need is an ID and secret associated to an App.
How should we proceed?
Setting up your credentials for REST is done on the developer site https://developer.paypal.com/. You are correct that the choice between "Signature" and "Certificate" is irrelevant in this case. Try the following:
Go to https://developer.paypal.com and log in using the email address and password of the live PayPal account that will be receiving payments.
Click on “Dashboard” up at the top of the page. You should see a list of your apps here. (If, instead, you see a sentence that says “Create your first app to view it here”, you will need to create at least 1 app)
Click the app name. You’ll see your client ID and Secret for the Sandbox. Toggle your view to “Live” in the upper right corner of the page to see the credentials for the live environment.
You can click on “Account Eligibility” to see what features are available for Live. If the feature isn’t already added there will be an “Enable” link to the right. Clicking on the link will start the request process for that feature.

I don't understand how Westpac Payway API and NET works

Been googling all day, reading numerous PDF's and still getting confused with the concepts of sending data to Payway system from Westpac (a bank in Australia). They offer access via API but also give access via what they call "NET."
The way I understand is that when client want to pay on my website, in case of NET, client gets to the page (hosted by a bank or hosted by me) where is provided with form to enter credit card info details. Then this form is submitted via normal POST call to Payway's specific https address. It is processed then and browser returns to the URL I specified as one of the parameters I sent in hidden field.
In case of API story is similar, so user receives form, fills in the data and then data is send to my backend (not Payway's). My backend then calls payway API with data provided and once answer received returns confirmation page to the client.
Is my understanding right? Please explain as I have a feeling I am missing something basic here.
There are a number of different ways to interact with PayWay Net, depending on how much control you want. The simpliest way is this:
You create a HTML format containing fields with certain names. This form is served up by your website, but when submitted goes to the PayWay website. You can add to this your own hidden fields and information fields.
Your user enters some details and clicks Submit.
Your user's browser submits the form to PayWay. PayWay validates the values and displays a page asking for credit card information (over https)
The user enters the credit card details then confirms the transaction.
PayWay processes the credit card transaction
Optionally, PayWay can conduct a post back to your server indicating the status of the transaction so you can complete the order (called server-to-server payment notification)
Optionally, PayWay can redirect the browser back to your server (but do not use this to update yoru database)
There are also ways to fully customise the credit card input page and receipt page.
PayWay API is different. You install a piece of software on your server. When you want to conduct a credit card transaction, you invoke this piece of software. It talks over the internet to the PayWay server, conducts a transaction, and gives you a response. You could use this if you were writing a phone payments system, for example, as no browser is involved in the PayWay interface.
(Disclaimer: I work for Qvalent, developers of PayWay).
Your understanding is correct.
I've done a couple of Payway integrations and have always opted for the API solution so that users get a consistent experience and are not jumping between websites.
An odd thing about PayWay, is that while most payment gateways have 2 options.. a merchant hosted or server hosted, PayWay offers this pseudo-merchant hosted with their NET option using the token request. Credit Card details are taken directly on the merchant site and only redirects the confirmation momentarily to the server and then back. This would be great if a payway account worked universally with both NET and API.. but it seems an API account doesn't support NET methods. So if you want to accept cards on your site, the NET token method is pretty much eclipsed by its bigger API brother.