Do the webhook callback urls have to be https? - circuit-sdk

I'am currently trying to get messages from circuit working in my kotlin environment.
Registering a webhook works fine but circuit is not triggering my local webserver.
Does it have to be ssl/tls and if yes does the sandbox accept self signed ceritificates?
My Webserver seems to work if I call it myself local or over internet.
Does it have to be a certain port?

It can be http or https and if it is https, self signed certificates are accepted.
It has to be the default port for http (80) and https (443), you can not specify 8080 or 3000 or any other "local ports".
If you have a problem with that, I would recommend working with ngrok


Mitmproxy doesn't capture http request even after installing ssl certificates and setting up systemwide proxy

I'm using ubuntu 18.04 and I'm trying to cature http/https requests using mitmproxy
I was able to capture http/https requests sent by firefox browser by installing certificates on the browser and setting up browser proxy settings
But I want to capture every http/https request which are sent by any software in my computer.
So I installed system wide ssl certificate for mitmproxy and changed network proxy settings of the system. But now Mitmproxy doesn't capture any request.
network proxy settigns (manual) port 4001
mitmproxy listening on port 4001
what should I do? Have I done something wrong?
This is possible with mitmproxy running as a transparent proxy. See their documentation for how this is configured; your proxy box will need to be configured as the gateway for your testing box.

Internal and external services running behind Traefik in Docker Swarm mode

I'm having some trouble finding any way to make my situation workable. I have 2 applications:
1: External service web application running on If I run this application behind traefik with acme (LetsEncrypt) it works fine. I have a few more backend services (api/auth) that all run with a valid LetsEncrypt certificate and get their http traffic redirected to https by traefik
entryPoint = "https"
I have to have some form of http to https forwarding for this service.
2: Internal service web application running on I have a self signed trusted certificate (internal CA) which works fine behind traefik if I set it as a default certificate, or if I use it in the application itself (inside tomcat). However, since it is an internal service I can live without ssl for this if it solves my problem. However, this does not work with traefik's http to https forwarding.
I have been trying to get these 2 services to run behind the same traefik instance but all the possible scenarios I could think of do not work because they are either still work in progress or just plain not working.
1: No http to https redirect, don't bother with https for the internal service and just use http. Then inside the backend for the external webservice redirect to https.
Unable to have 2 traefik ports which traefik forwards too Unable to
forward 1 single port to another proto (since the backend is always
either http or https port)
Use ACME over the default cert
2: Use ACME over default certificate
someone else thought this was a good idea. It's just not working yet.
3: Re-use backend ssl certificate. Have traefik just redirect without "ssl termination". I'm not sure if this is the same thing but there is an option called "passTLSCert". However it seems that this is only possible with frontends defined in the .toml file which do not work (probably because I use docker for backends).
4: use DNS-01 challenge to create an SSL certificate for my internal service.
Sounds like this could work, so I'm now using CloudFlare and have an api key. However, it does not seem to work for subdomains. and there is no reply on my issue report:
EDIT: I might be able to fix the issue described in 4 to get this to work. It seems the internal DNS might be conflicting with traefik
Someone decided that on our internal DNS zones would be added per subdomain, meaning that the SOA request returned the subdomain as the name. This does not play nice with cloudflare since the internal dns zone is not the same as the cloudflare dns.
Changing this to a main zone with a records for the subdomains fixed the issue (in combination with the delayDontCheckDNS option).

cloudflare - ssl error

I try to get Cloudflare work with my website.
I have my website running on port 80 and my api on port 8443.
My proxy doesn't have a ssl certificate, I rely only on the one on Cloudflare.
I have set ssl to flexible.
I can access my website, but when I make an API call to my api on port 8443, I have the following message : CloudFlare is unable to establish an SSL connection to the origin server.
Do I need to have a certificate on my proxy for the API ?
Thanks for your help.
It sounds like you're using Cloudflare's Flexible SSL option whereby traffic is unencrypted to the origin web server (but encrypted from Cloudflare's Edge to the end-user).
This setting will only work for port 443->80, not for the other ports Cloudflare supports like 2053 (or 8443 in your case).
If you want to serve SSL traffic through a port other than 443, you will need to ensure your web server is configured to work with Cloudflare in either Full or Full (Strict) SSL mode.
For more info:
What do the SSL options mean?

Stream with Wowza over SSL, Connection Refused or invalid response

I installed Wowza and is Streaming by this links:
http ://[my-ip]:1935/myapp/definst/mp4:00.Intro.mp4/manifest.mpd
and also on
http ://[my-subdomain]:1935/myapp/definst/mp4:00.Intro.mp4/manifest.mpd
When is config Wowza to be able to stream on port 80, it works again on these links:
http ://[my-ip]/myapp/definst/mp4:00.Intro.mp4/manifest.mpd
http ://[my-subdomain]/myapp/definst/mp4:00.Intro.mp4/manifest.mpd
but we must stream over SSL protocol.
means: HTTPS:
https ://[my-subdomain]/myapp/definst/mp4:00.Intro.mp4/manifest.mpd
We installed a wildcard SSL on our server and everything is working great. In general, port 1935 does not work over HTTPS! even when we add port 80 to Wowza, HTTPS connection is refused and we can't have streaming over https.
How can we stream over SSL on wowza? even with or without port 1935
Yes, Wowza server supports streaming with SSL using StreamLock or your own SSL certificate.
You will need to set up a different port number for HTTPS. It could be that another process is using port 80. Port 443 is typically used.
From the Server tab, click Edit.
Click Add Host Port and fill in fields.
Check Enable SSL/StreamLock.
Save and re-start Wowza server.
Look in [install-dir]/logs/wowzastreamingengine_access.log for errors. It will give a clue as to whether there is a problem with the certificate, password or other.
I was recommend place a LB infront of my Wowza for SSL offloading so you can load the m3u8 over SSL. I was also told you can do that quite easily using HA Proxy for example. It is explained how to accomplish this here for RTMP but the same can obviously done with HTTP:
Note, I have not tried this yet and I am unclear on exactly the proper use scenario. Nor, have I successfully enable StreamLock with my own cert nor the cert provided through Wowza. If I manage to do so I will update this thread. Hope this is helpful.

Running Fiddler as a Reverse Proxy for HTTPS server

I have the following situation: 2 hosts, one is a client and the other an HTTPS server.
Client (:<brwsr-port>) <=============> Web server (:443)
I installed Fiddler on the server so that I now have Fiddler running on my server on port 8888.
The situation i would like to reach is the following:
|Client (:<brwsr-port>)| <===> |Fiddler (:8888) <===> Web server (:443)|
|-Me-------------------| |-Server--------------------------------|
From my computer I want to contact Fiddler which will redirect traffic to the web server. The web server however uses HTTPS.
On The server I set up Fiddler to handle HTTPS sessions and decrypt them. I was asked to install on the server Fiddler's fake CA's certificate and I did it! I also inserted the script suggested by the Fiddler wiki page to redirect HTTPS traffic
// HTTPS redirect -----------------------
FiddlerObject.log("Connect received...");
if (oSession.HTTPMethodIs("CONNECT") && (oSession.PathAndQuery == "<server-addr>:8888")) {
oSession.PathAndQuery = "<server-addr>:443";
// --------------------------------------
However when I try https://myserver:8888/index.html I fail!
Failure details
When using Fiddler on the client, I can see that the CONNECT request starts but the session fails because response is HTTP error 502. Looks like no one is listening on port 8888. In fact, If I stop Fiddler on the server I get the same situation: 502 bad gateway.
Please note that when I try https://myserver/index.html and https://myserver:443/index.html everything works!
What am I doing wrong?
Is it possible that...?
I thought that since maybe TLS/SSL works on port 443, I should have Fiddler listen there and move my web server to another port, like 444 (I should probably set on IIS an https binding on port 444 then). Is it correct?
If Fiddler isn't configured as the client's proxy and is instead running as a reverse proxy on the Server, then things get a bit more complicated.
Running Fiddler as a Reverse Proxy for HTTPS
Move your existing HTTPS server to a new port (e.g. 444)
Inside Tools > Fiddler Options > Connections, tick Allow Remote Clients to Connect. Restart Fiddler.
Inside Fiddler's QuickExec box, type !listen 443 ServerName where ServerName is whatever the server's hostname is; for instance, for https://Fuzzle/ you would use fuzzle for the server name.
Inside your OnBeforeRequest method, add:
if ((oSession.HostnameIs("fuzzle")) &&
(oSession.oRequest.pipeClient.LocalPort == 443) )
{ = "fuzzle:444";
Why do you need to do it this way?
The !listen command instructs Fiddler to create a new endpoint that will perform a HTTPS handshake with the client upon connection; the default proxy endpoint doesn't do that because when a proxy receives a connection for HTTPS traffic it gets a HTTP CONNECT request instead of a handshake.
I just ran into a similar situation where I have VS2013 (IISExpress) running a web application on HTTPS (port 44300) and I wanted to browse the application from a mobile device.
I configured Fiddler to "act as a reverse proxy" and "allow remote clients to connect" but it would only work on port 80 (HTTP).
Following on from EricLaw's suggestion, I changed the listening port from 8888 to 8889 and ran the command "!listen 8889 [host_machine_name]" and bingo I was able to browse my application on HTTPS on port 8889.
Note: I had previously entered the forwarding port number into the registry (as described here) so Fiddler already knew what port to forward the requests on to.