Invariant Violation: TurboMoudleRegistry.getEnforcing:'AppState' could not be found.Verify that module by this name is registered in native binary - react-native

This error appears after ejecting expo project to bareflow react native project v0.61.5.
I have tried finding implementation for AppState in project but could't find any.
I am running my project with react-native run-android after react-native start


invariant violation: requirenativecomponent: "rncamera" was not found in the uimanager

In react native I want to add a barcode scanner and take a picture on my app but I am running in to the following error:
invariant violation: requirenativecomponent: "rncamera" was not found
in the uimanager.
When barcode component view opens.
react-native-camera 3.3.0
react-native sdk-32 (expo)
Had the same problem with react-native-camera, rebuild(react-native run-android) fixed the problem. I have noticed that similar issues with other libs as well. I think linking sometimes doesn't properly take affect with just reloading
you will most likely have to eject to native code out of expo because any third party package that asks you to run the command "react-native link" as part of the setup process is strictly to be used with pure react native app. hope that helps

TypeError: null is not an object for Zeroconf

I'm developing React Native for Android, and am using Zeroconf. For the past 2 days, I have been trying to move to Expo SDK 34, and have worked through most of the issues. However, I have run into the following error:
TypeError: TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'RNZeroconf.scan')
-node_modules/react-native-zeroconf/dist/index.js:1:4265 in scan
I did not have this error when running on Expo SDK 32. The relevant code bits:
import Zeroconf from 'react-native-zeroconf'
this.zeroconf = new Zeroconf()
this.zeroconf.scan('http','tcp','local.'); //this is where the error traces back to
You can't use this module if you haven't ejected Expo.
Because you have to link this module to Android and iOS folders.
There are two ways you can solve it. One is to ejecting the Expo
and then link module.
The other thing is that you can create a project using React Native
and then do it.
First Way to apply Android
1. Expo eject
2. react-native link react-native-zeroconf
Second way to apply Android
1. react-native init yourproject
2. cd yourproject && yarn add react-native-zeroconf && react-native link react-native-zeroconf
3. and run react-native
If you want nothing, you must find another module.

How to import existing project in expo?

I have a project which developed in react native using expo tool. Now I am trying to import project in expo but facing below error,
F:\ProjectPath>expo start
Starting project at F:\ProjectPath
Expo DevTools is running at http://localhost:19002
Error: Missing app.json. See
No Expo configuration found. Are you sure this is a project directory?

create-react-native-app - eject does not create index.js

I am new to React Native. I created my React Native app with create-react-native-app. But now I want to use some libraries which require me to link via react-native link so I decided to eject using react-native eject. However, when start the server with react-native start then run react-native android I got the following error on my Android emulator:
Cannot find entry file index.js in any of the root
What should I do to get the app running?

Native Module cannot be null - when integrating react-native project inside another react-native project

I have a react-native cross platform project based on Underdark library for exchanging data using Bluetooth and Wifi. this is working as react-native project. I am able to transfer data between iPhone and android.
Now i want to integrate this into another react native project as a package or use it in another project. But the private Underdark react native project is not a proper package in itself. It is just a working react native project.
I have integrated by using the following commands.
npm install —save
In Xcode I have imported the project and added the libraries/framework (underdark and protocol buffers ) into Build phases.
On the react side the entire project gets installed under node-modules.
Now i create a component and import the files in underdark library in node modules.
I run the react-native run-ios command to run it on my device.
It builds successfully but gives the following error.
2017-06-29 12:31:27.406 [error][tid:com.facebook.react.JavaScript] Native module cannot be null.
2017-06-29 12:31:27.523 [error][tid:com.facebook.react.JavaScript] Module AppRegistry is not a registered callable module (calling runApplication)
My question is
Is it possible to use a react native project in another project as a third party library. even if it is not a package.
How to remove this error.