when is exhaustive so else is redundant? - kotlin

I am new to kotlin and I created a method that contains the when statement and IntelliJ suggesting me to remove the else branch.
I am not really sure why. Any idea why I need to remove the else branch here?
This is the code:
companion object{
#Synchronized fun getDriver(
url: String,
desiredCapabilities: DesiredCapabilities,
mobilePlatform: MobilePlatform)
: AppiumDriver<WebElement> =
MobilePlatform.ANDROID -> AndroidDriver<WebElement>(URL(url), desiredCapabilities)
MobilePlatform.IOS -> IOSDriver<WebElement>(URL(url), desiredCapabilities)
else -> throw RuntimeException("Cannot get the driver")

When you have exhausted all possible options of when there is no reason to have an else branch. This has the added advantage that you get a compiler error after adding elements to the enum without extending the when.

In kotlin, when on a sealed class object doesn't require else if all possible inner cases are covered.
Sample sealed class:
sealed class A {
object B: A()
object C: A()
Let the above be a sealed class then any object of class A (lets say a), can be used inside a when exhaustively(not necessarily) while returning
return when(a) {
is A.B -> return something
is A.C -> return something
} // no need of else here as all cases are covered.
There is one catch here, if you just need to check for one condition, let's say is A.B you can write an else. Also, please note that, you need NOT write exhaustive conditions/else if it's just a statement.
Example below:
some code ...
when(a) {
is A.B -> do some task
more code ...
Hope this helps !!

To utilize else block you can try something like:
enum class PaymentStatus(val value: Int) {
fun f(x: Int) {
val foo = when (x) {
PaymentStatus.PAID.value -> "PAID"
PaymentStatus.UNPAID.value -> "UNPAID"
else -> throw IllegalStateException()
create factory method create in the companion object of enum class:
enum class PaymentStatus(val value: Int) {
companion object {
fun create(x: Int): PaymentStatus {
return when (x) {
1 -> PAID
else -> throw IllegalStateException()
fun f(x: Int) {
val foo = when (PaymentStatus.create(x)) {
PaymentStatus.PAID -> "PAID"
PaymentStatus.UNPAID -> "UNPAID"
Check here more details


What is the type of a Kotlin 'data class'?

I have a situation where I need to create a copy of data class object. I don't know in advance which of the many data classes I have will come in into the function. I do know, however, that only data classes will be used as input to this function.
This is what didn't work:
fun doSomething(obj: Any): Any {
obj.copy(...) // <- there's no 'copy' on Any
This is what I really like to do:
fun doSomething(obj: KAnyDataClass): KAnyDataClass {
obj.copy(...) // <- works, data classes have a 'copy' method
I'm not a Kotlin developer, but it looks like the language does not support dynamic dispatch or traits. You might find success with the dynamic type, which just turns off the type-checker so it won't yell at you for using a method that it doesn't know about. However this opens up the possibility of a runtime error if you pass an argument that actually doesn't have that method.
There is no class or interface for data classes, but we know from the documentation of data classes that there are derived functions componentN and copy in each data class.
We can use that knowledge to write an abstract copy method that calls the copy method of a given arbitrary data class using reflection:
fun <T : Any> copy(data: T, vararg override: Pair<Int, Any?>): T {
val kClass = data::class
if (!kClass.isData) error("expected a data class")
val copyFun = kClass.functions.first { it.name == "copy" }
checkParameters(override, kClass)
val vals = determineComponentValues(copyFun, kClass, override, data)
return copyFun.call(data, *vals) as T
/** check if override of parameter has the right type and nullability */
private fun <T : Any> checkParameters(
override: Array<out Pair<Int, Any?>>,
kClass: KClass<out T>
) {
override.forEach { (index, value) ->
val expectedType = kClass.functions.first { it.name == "component${index + 1}" }.returnType
if (value == null) {
if (!kClass.functions.first { it.name == "component${index + 1}" }.returnType.isMarkedNullable) {
error("value for parameter $index is null but parameter is not nullable")
} else {
if (!expectedType.jvmErasure.isSuperclassOf(value::class))
error("wrong type for parameter $index: expected $expectedType but was ${value::class}")
/** determine for each componentN the value from override or data element */
private fun <T : Any> determineComponentValues(
copyFun: KFunction<*>,
kClass: KClass<out T>,
override: Array<out Pair<Int, Any?>>,
data: T
): Array<Any?> {
val vals = (1 until copyFun.parameters.size)
.map { "component$it" }
.map { name -> kClass.functions.first { it.name == name } }
.mapIndexed { index, component ->
override.find { it.first == index }.let { if (it !== null) it.second else component.call(data) }
return vals
Since this copy function is generic and not for a specific data class, it is not possible to specify overloads in the usual way, but I tried to support it in another way.
Let's say we have a data class and element
data class Example(
val a: Int,
val b: String,
val example: Any = Example(1, "x")
We can create a copy of example with copy(example) that has the same elements as the original.
If we want to override the first element, we cannot write copy(example, a = 2), but we can write copy(example, 0 to 2), saying that we want to override the first component with value 2.
Analogously we can write copy(example, 0 to 3, 1 to "y") to specify that we want to change the first and the second component.
I am not sure if this works for all cases since I just wrote it, but it should be a good start to work with.

How can I know which the subclass of sealed class will return when I use Compose in Android Studio?

The Result<out R> is a sealed class which hold three subclass Success, Error and Loading.
The fun Greeting is #Composable.
By my design, I define queryList as Result class, and it is assigned as Loading first, then it will be Success or Error.
1: But the following code can't be compiled as the following error information, what's wrong with my Code?
2: Is there a better solution for my design?
Compile error
Property delegate must have a 'getValue(Nothing?, KProperty>)' method. None of the following functions are suitable.*
fun Greeting(
name: String,
mViewMode:SoundViewModel= viewModel()
) {
Column() {
//The following code cause error.
val queryList by produceState(initialValue = Result<Flow<List<MRecord>>>.Loading ) {
value = mViewMode.listRecord()
when (queryList){
is Loading -> { ...}
is Error -> { ...}
is Success -> {...}
class SoundViewModel #Inject constructor(): ViewModel()
fun listRecord(): Result<Flow<List<MRecord>>>{
return aSoundMeter.listRecord()
sealed class Result<out R> {
data class Success<out T>(val data: T) : Result<T>()
data class Error(val exception: Exception) : Result<Nothing>()
object Loading : Result<Nothing>()
Since queryList is backed by a delegate, it can not be final.
This means in theory, each time you access it, it might hold a different value. The kotlin compiler is very pessimistic about this and assumes that between the time the is Result.Success branch of your when statement is selected and val mydata = queryList.data is executed, the value of queryList might have changed.
To solve this, you can assign the current value of queryList to a final variable and work with that one instead:
when (val currentList = queryList) {
is Result.Error -> {}
is Result.Loading -> {}
is Result.Success -> {
SomeComposable(currentList.data) //currentList is properly smart-cast to Result.Success

Generics in Objects

I have a question about sealed class, generics and object.
Let's say I would like to model something like 3 finite cases with a sealed class something like this:
sealed class ChangeState<S> {
fun reduceState(state: S): S
data class SetState<S>(val newState: S) : ChangeState<S>() {
override fun reduce(state: S): S = newState
object NoStateChange : ChangeState<Nothing>() { // What do I specify here for ChangeState? Nothing?
override fun reduce(state: Nothing): Nothing {
throw Exception("This should never be called")
The goal is to provide a convenient way to define NoStateChange in a generic way that it can be used as following:
fun foo(i : Int) : ChangeState<Int> {
return if (i==0)
NoStateChange // Won't compile because return type is ChangeState<Nothing> but expected ChangeState<Int>
Is there a way to do that with object and Generics somehow?
As pointed out by #Tenfour04 the issue is that out is needed but reduceState() would require in as well. However, reduceState() can be refactored out of the class hierarchy and moved to an extension function like that:
sealed class ChangeState<out S>
data class SetState<S>(val newState: S) : ChangeState<S>()
object NoStateChange : ChangeState<Nothing>()
fun <S> ChangeState<S>.reduce(state: S): S {
return when (val change = this) {
is SetState -> change.newState
is NoStateChange -> state

Kotlin extension function - compiler cannot infer that nullable is not null

Let's say I have a simple class Foo with a nullable String?
data class Foo(
val bar: String?
and I create a simple function capitalize
fun captitalize(foo: Foo) = when {
foo.bar != null -> runCatching { foo.bar.capitalize() }
else -> ""
which works fine, because the compiler infers that foo.bar cannot be null eventhough it's type is nullable. But then I decide to write the same function as an extension of Foo
fun Foo.captitalize2() = when {
bar != null -> runCatching { bar.capitalize() }
else -> ""
and all of a sudden the compiler is no longer able to infer that bar is not null, and IntelliJ tells me that "only safe (?.) or non-null asserted (!!.) calls are allowed on a nullable reciever of type String?"
Can anyone explain why?
I think it's because in the first case you are calling this function:
public inline fun <R> runCatching(block: () -> R): Result<R> {
return try {
} catch (e: Throwable) {
but in the second case you are calling function with receiver:
public inline fun <T, R> T.runCatching(block: T.() -> R): Result<R> {
return try {
} catch (e: Throwable) {
For me, it looks like an issue in the Kotlin compiler because if you inline code of this function by yourself it will work fine:
fun Foo.captitalize2() = when {
bar != null -> try {
} catch (e: Throwable) {
else -> ""
btw, if I were you I would like to write my capitalize2 function like this :)
fun Foo.captitalize2() = bar?.capitalize() ?: ""
So, finally I found an alternative approach that allows us to use runCatching without having the problem you shows.
As in my comment to the answer of #Andrei Tanana, in your code type parameters of fun <T, R> T.runCatching(block: () -> R) : Result<R> are inferred as <Foo, String> and the compiler can't use the information that this.bar is not null.
If you rewrite the capitalize2 function as follows
fun Foo.capitalize2(): Serializable = when {
bar != null -> bar.runCatching { capitalize() }
else -> ""
T is inferred as String (thanks of the bar != null case of the when expression) and the compiler does not complain about this.capitalize() invocation in the block passed to runCatching.
I hope this can help you, both as an approach than allows you to solve the problem and as explanation of the problem itself.

Why is subtype function overloading not possible with Kotlin sealed classes?

Let's say I have sealed class I'm using for a server response:
sealed class Response{
class Success: Response()
class ErrorA: Response()
class ErrorB: Response()
And a bogus response:
fun getResponse(): Response{
val r = Random()
return when (r.nextInt(3)) {
0 -> { Response.Success() }
1 -> { Response.ErrorA() }
2 -> { Response.ErrorB() }
else -> { throw IllegalStateException() }
And I want to handle the response. I currently could use something like this:
fun handle(response: Response) = when (response) {
is Response.Success -> { handle(response) }
is Response.ErrorA -> { handle(response) }
is Response.ErrorB -> { handle(response) }
Which the compiler will then ensure handles all cases. An awesome feature!
Why, though, could I not do something like this:
class ResponseHandler(){
fun handle(success: Response.Success) {}
fun handle(error: Response.ErrorB) {}
fun handle(error: Response.ErrorA) {}
and call
This achieves the same thing but does not compile, my question is this: in the same way that the compiler ensures, at runtime, that all cases are handled in a when statement, why can the same logic not be applied to method overloading?
Any information or referrals to further reading would be hugely helpful. Thanks
In principle it could be done (essentially by auto-generating the handle(response: Response) = when ... method). But I don't think it's ever likely to be. Overloading in Kotlin works basically the same as in Java/Scala/other JVM languages and introducing a major difference for so little benefit doesn't looks like a good idea (of course this doesn't apply to when which is Kotlin-specific).
If you want it, you can just define the same fun handle(response: Response) inside ResponseHandler (and make the other handle methods open so it's actually useful).
This problem can be broke down to this simplified example:
fun calc(i: Int) = i * 2
fun calc(d: Double) = d * 2
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val i: Number = 5
You have two specialized methods that take an Int and Double respectively. Your value is of type Number (supertype of both, Int and Double). Although i obviously is an integer, your variable has a type Number, which cannot be an argument to either calc(i: Int) or calc(d: Double).
In your case, you get a Response and want to invoke one of the overloaded methods, none of which takes a Response directly.