SQL Server Left join on two parameters not returning the not found on B table - sql-server-2005

I have two tables: "addToCart" and "order2":
addToCart - Users that added Product to the cart
order - Users that bought the product
In both tables I also have the product category.
UserID ProductCategory Date
001id ProductCategory1 02/24/2020 10:00 AM
001id ProductCategory2 02/24/2020 11:00 AM
001id ProductCategory2 02/24/2020 11:40 AM
001id ProductCategory3 02/24/2020 12:40 PM
UserID ProductCategory Date
001id ProductCategory1 02/24/2020 11:00 AM
001id ProductCategory2 02/24/2020 11:30 AM
I need to get the users that abandoned the cart in every ProductCategory. To achieve this, I look to users that added to cart and not generate an order or the last addToCart for one ProductCategory is older than the order for that same ProductCategory.
So, everyday I run this query:
max(added.[Date]) as addedDate
from addTocart added
left join order2 ord
on added.UserID = ord.UserID
and added.ProductCategory = ord.ProductCategory
group by added.UserID, added.ProductCategory
having max(added.[Date]) > max(ord.[Date])
For what I know, if I do a left join between table A and table B (on A.id = B.id), I can bring rows from table A that doesn't have a match in table B.
But when I run this query with the two parameters in the on clause, the id001 for ProductCategory3 isn't returned. Can someone help identify why and want can I do to return the contacts that have added to cart some productCategory but, doesn't have the ordered this productCategory?

I do not have any server at the moment, but maybe "having"
may have something like this:
having max(added.[Date]) > max(ord.[Date]) or IsNull(ord.[Date])
P. S.
I do not know the semantics of your developed query, but it looks like the problem is in that clause.


SQL-sum over dynamic period

I have 2 tables: Customers and Actions, where each customer has uniqe ID (which can be found in each table).
Part of the customers became club members at a specific date (change between the customers). I'm trying to summarize their purchases until that date, and to get those who purchase more than (for example) 200 until they become club members.
For example, I can have the following customer:
custID purchDate purchAmount
1 2015-05-12 100
1 2015-07-12 150
1 2015-12-29 320
Now, assume that custID=1 became a club member at 2015-12-25; in that case, I'd like to get SUM(purchAmount)=250 (pay attention that I'd like to get this customer because 250>200).
I tried the following:
SELECT cust.custID, SUM(purchAmount)totAmount
FROM customers cust
JOIN actions act
ON cust.custID=act.custID
WHERE act.clubMember=1
AND cust.purchDate<act.clubMemberDate
GROUP BY cust.custID
HAVING totAmount>200;
Is it the right way to "attack" this question, or should I use something like while loop over the clubMemberDate (which telling the truth-I don't know how to do)?
I'm working with Teradata.
Your help will be appreciated.

POSTGRESQL - Finding specific product when

I've attempted to write a query but I've not managed to get it working correctly.
I'm attempting to retrieve where a specific product has been bought but where it also has been bought with other products. In the case below, I want to find where product A01 has been bought but also when it was bought with other products.
Data (extracted from tables for illustration):
Order | Product
123456 | A01
123457 | A01
123457 | B02
123458 | C03
123459 | A01
123459 | C03
Query which will return all orders with product A01 without showing other products:
P.NUMBER = 'A01'
I've tried to create a sub query which brings back just orders of product A01 but I don't know how to place it in the query for it to return all orders containing product A01 as well as any other product ordered with it.
Any help on this would be very grateful.
Thanks in advance.
You can use conditional SUM to detect if one ORDER group have one ore more 'A01'
("Order" int, "Product" varchar(3))
("Order", "Product")
(123456, 'A01'),
(123457, 'A01'),
(123457, 'B02'),
(123458, 'C03'),
(123459, 'A01'),
(123459, 'C03')
SELECT "Order"
FROM orders
GROUP BY "Order"
HAVING SUM(CASE WHEN "Product" = 'A01' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) > 0
I appreciated Juan's including the DDL to create the database on my system. By the time I saw it, I'd already done all the same work, except that I got around the reserved word problem by naming that field Order1.
Sadly, I didn't consider that either of the offered queries worked on my system. I used MySQL.
The first one returned the A01 lines of the two orders on which other products were ordered too. I took Alex's purpose to include seeing all items of all orders that included A01. (Perhaps he wants to tell future customers what other products other customers have ordered with A01, and generate sales that way.)
The second one returned the three A01 lines.
Maybe Alex wants:
select *
from orders
where Order1 in (select Order1
from orders
where Product = 'A01')
It outputs all lines of all orders that include A01. The subquery makes a list of all orders with A01. The first query returns all lines of those orders.
In a big database, you might not want to run two queries, but this is the only way I see to get the result I understood Alex wanted. If that is what he wanted, he would have to run a second query once armed with output from the queries offered, so there's no real gain.
Good discussion. Thanks to all!
Use GROUP BY clause along with HAVING like
select "order", Product
from data
group by "order"
having count(distinct product) > 1;

DB2 Select from two tables when one table requires sum

In a DB2 Database, I want to do the following simple mathematics using a SQL query:
AvailableStock = SupplyStock - DemandStock
SupplyStock is stored in 1 table in 1 row, let's call this table the Supply table.
So the Supply table has this data:
ProductID | SupplyStock
109 10
244 7 edit: exclude this product from the search
DemandStock is stored in a separate table Demand, where demand is logged as each customer logs demand during a customer order journey. Example data from the Demand table:
ProductID | DemandStock
109 1
244 4 edit: exclude this product
109 6
109 2
So in our heads, if I want to calculate the AvailableStock for product '109', Supply is 10, Demand for product 109 totals to 9, and so Available stock is 1.
How do I do this in one select query in DB2 SQL?
The knowledge I have so far of some of the imagined steps in PseudoCode:
I select SupplyStock where product ID = '109'
I select sum(DemandStock) where product ID = '109'
I subtract SupplyStock from DemandStock
I present this as a resulting AvailableStock
The results will look like this:
Product ID | AvailableStock
109 9
I'd love to get this selected in one SQL select query.
Edit: I've since received an answer (that was almost perfect) and realised the question missed out some information.
This information:
We need to exclude data from products we don't want to select data for, and we also need to specifically select product 109.
My apologies, this was omitted from the original question.
I've since added a 'where' to select the product and this works for me. But for future sake, perhaps the answer should include this information too.
You do this using a join to bring the tables together and group by to aggregate the results of the join:
select s.ProductId, s.SupplyStock, sum(d.DemandStock),
(s.SupplyStock - sum(d.DemandStock)) as Available
from Supply s left join
Demand d
on s.ProductId = d.ProductId
where s.ProductId = 109
group by s.ProductId, s.SupplyStock;

Joining a table to two one-to-many relationship tables in SQL Server

Happy Friday folks,
I'm trying to write an SSRS report displaying data from three (actually about 12, but only three relevant) tables that have akward relationships and the SQL query behind the data is proving difficult.
There are three entities involved - a Purchase Order, a Sales Order, and a Delivery. The problem is the a Purchase Order can have many sales orders, and also many deliveries which are NOT linked to the sales orders...that would be too easy.
Both the Sales Order and Delivery tables can be linked to the Purchase Order table by foreign keys and an intermediate table each.
I need to basically list Purchase Orders, a list of sales orders and a list of deliveries next to them, with NULLs for any fields that aren't valid so that'll give the required output in SSRS/when read by a human, ie, for a purchase order with 2 sales orders and 4 delivery dates;
PO SO Delivery
1234 ABC 05/10
1234 DEF 09/10
1234 NULL 10/12
1234 NULL 14/12
The above (when grouped by PO) will tell the users there are two sales orders and four (unlinked) delivery dates.
Likewise if there are more SOs than deliveries, we need NULLs in the Delivery column;
PO SO Delivery
1234 ABC 03/08
Above would be the case with 4 SOs and one delivery date.
Using Left Outer joins alone gives too much duplication - in this case 8 rows, as it gives 4 delivery dates for each match on the sales order;
PO SO Delivery
1234 ABC 05/10
1234 ABC 09/10
1234 ABC 10/12
1234 ABC 14/12
1234 DEF 05/10
1234 DEF 09/10
1234 DEF 10/12
1234 DEF 14/12
It's fine that the PO column is duplicated as SSRS can visually group that - but the SO/Delivery fields can't be allowed to duplicate as this can't be got rid of in the report - if I group the column in SSRS by SO then it still spits out 4 delivery dates for each one.
The only situation our query works nice is when there is just one SO per PO. In that case the single PO and SO numbers are duplicated together for x deliveries and can both be neatly grouped in SSRS. Unfortunately this is a rare occurence in the data.
I've thought of trying to use some sort of windowing function or CROSS APPLY but both fall down as they will repeat for every PO number listed and end up spitting out too much data.
At the point of thinking this just isn't set-based enough to be doable in SQL, I know the data is horrible..
Any help much appreciated.
EDIT - basical sqlfiddle link to the table schemas. Omitted many columns which aren't relevant. http://sqlfiddle.com/#!2/5ba16
Example data...
Purchase Order
PO_Number Style
1001 Black work boots
1002 Green hat
1006 Red Scarf
Sales Order
Sales_order_number PO_number Qty Retailer
A100-21 1001 15 Walmart
A100-22 1001 29 Walmart
A200-31 1006 1000 Asda
Delivery_ID Delivery_Date PO_number
1543285 10/05/2014 1001
1543286 12/05/2014 1001
1543287 17/05/2014 1001
1543288 21/05/2014 1002
If you assign row numbers to the elements in salesorders and deliveries, you can link on that.
Something like this
declare #salesorders table (po int, so varchar(10))
declare #deliveries table (po int, delivery date)
declare #purchaseorders table (po int)
insert #purchaseorders values (123),(456)
insert #salesorders values (123,'a'),(123,'b'),(456,'c')
insert #deliveries values (123,'2014-1-1'),(456,'2014-2-1'),(456,'2014-2-1')
select *
select numbers.number, p.po, so.so, d.delivery from #purchaseorders p
cross join (Select number from master..spt_values where type='p') numbers
left join (select *,ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by po order by so) sor from #salesorders ) so
on p.po = so.po and numbers.number = so.sor
left join (select * , ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by po order by delivery) dor from #deliveries) d
on p.po = d.po and numbers.number = d.dor
) v
where so is not null or delivery is not null
order by po,number

Retrieving the latest transaction for an item

I have a table that lists lots of item transactions. I need to get the last record for each item (the one dated the latest).
For example my table looks like this:
Item Date TrxLocation
aaaa 1/1/13 warehouse
aaaa 2/1/13 WAREHOUSE
I want the data to come back as follows:
I tried doing something like this but it is bringing back the wrong date
select Distinct ITEMNMBR
from TEST
where DateRecd = (select max(DATERECD)
from TEST)
Any help is appreciated.
You're on the right track. You just need to change your subquery to a correlated subquery, which means that you give it some context to the outer query. If you just run your subquery (select max(DATERECD) from TEST) by itself, what do you get? You get a single date that is the latest date in the whole table, regardless of item. You need to tie the subquery to the outer query by linking on the ITEMNMBR column, like this:
WHERE DateRecd = (
No need for subquery. You are querying a single table and need to select MAX(date) and GROUP BY item and TrxLocation.
SELECT Item, max(DATERECD) AS max_dt_recd, TrxLocation
FROM test
GROUP BY Item, TrxLocation