Can an IoT Edge module twin's properties be used for message enrichment? - azure-iot-hub

IoT Hub has the ability to enrich messages prior to being sent to an endpoint. It appears that the device twin's information can be added, but I don't see anything about the module twins online.
The use case here would be we will likely version a module data model contained within the messages at some point in the future. We would like to enrich the messages sent to endpoints with metadata about the state of the module it came from.
Another option that doesn't seem to exist is the ability to update device twin properties on deployment. Were this doable, then potentially we could update a modules version information at the device twin level.
Is this the wrong way to think about twins? Aka were such functionality even available, would the enrichment take the point in time twin reported value? Could there even be any guarantee that the twin has the correct reported value at the time the module sent the message? It that is the case, is the only real reliable way to send metadata about a module's message is within the message itself?

If you send an event from within a module using a module client, the keyword $twin in the message enrichment will refer to the module twin.


Mass Transit: ensure message processing order when there are different message types

I'm new to Mass Transit and I would like to understand if it can helps with my scenario.
I'm building a sample application implemented with a CQRS event sourcing architecture and I need a service bus in order to dispatch the events created by the command stack to the query stack denormalizers.
Let's suppose of having a single aggregate in our domain, let's call it Photo, and two different domain events: PhotoUploaded and PhotoArchived.
Given this scenario, we have two different message types and the default Mass Transit behaviour is creating two different RabbitMq exchanges: one for the PhotoUploaded message type and the other for the PhotoArchived message type.
Let's suppose of having a single denormalizer called PhotoDenormalizer: this service will be a consumer of both message types, because the photo read model must be updated whenever a photo is uploaded or archived.
Given the default Mass Transit topology, there will be two different exchanges so the message processing order cannot be guaranteed between events of different types: the only guarantee that we have is that all the events of the same type will be processed in order, but we cannot guarantee the processing order between events of different type (notice that, given the events semantic of my example, the processing order matters).
How can I handle such a scenario ? Is Mass Transit suitable with my needs ? Am I completely missing the point with domain events dispatching ?
Disclaimer: this is not an answer to your question, but rather a preventive message why you should not do what you are planning to do.
Whilst message brokers like RMQ and messaging middleware libraries like MassTransit are perfect for integration, I strongly advise against using message brokers for event-sourcing. I can refer to my old answer Event-sourcing: when (and not) should I use Message Queue? that explains the reasons behind it.
One of the reasons you have found yourself - event order will never be guaranteed.
Another obvious reason is that building read models from events that are published via a message broker effectively removes the possibility for replay and to build new read models that would need to start processing events from the beginning of time, but all they get are events that are being published now.
Aggregates form transactional boundaries, so every command needs to guarantee that it completes within one transaction. Whilst MT supports the transaction middleware, it only guarantees that you get a transaction for dependencies that support them, but not for context.Publish(#event) in the consumer body, since RMQ doesn't support transactions. You get a good chance of committing changes and not getting events on the read side. So, the rule of thumb for event stores that you should be able to subscribe to the stream of changes from the store, and not publish events from your code, unless those are integration events and not domain events.
For event-sourcing, it is crucial that each read-model keeps its own checkpoint in the stream of events it is projecting. Message brokers don't give you that kind of power since the "checkpoint" is actually your queue and as soon as the message is gone from the queue - it is gone forever, there's no coming back.
Concerning the actual question:
You can use the message topology configuration to set the same entity name for different messages and then they'll be published to the same exchange, but that falls to the "abuse" category like Chris wrote on that page. I haven't tried that but you definitely can experiment. Message CLR type is part of the metadata, so there shouldn't be deserialization issues.
But again, putting messages in the same exchange won't give you any ordering guarantees, except the fact that all messages will land in one queue for the consuming service.
You will have to at least set the partitioning filter based on your aggregate id, to prevent multiple messages for the same aggregate from being processed in parallel. That, by the way, is also useful for integration. That's how we do it:
void AddHandler<T>(Func<ConsumeContext<T>, string> partition) where T : class
=> ep.Handler<T>(
c => appService.Handle(c, aggregateStore),
hc => hc.UsePartitioner(8, partition));
AddHandler<InternalCommands.V1.Whatever>(c => c.Message.StreamGuid);

Is there a way to get an event when a device twins reported properties change?

Looking through the apis for DeviceClient, ServiceClient, and RegistryManager it doesn't look like there is any obvious way to get an event/callback when the reported properties for a device have changed. Therefore it seems like something consuming the IoTHub information wouldn't have any idea properties have changed without constantly polling. That seems rather inefficient and error prone. What am I missing?
The device twins has built-in an event driven notification model when the changes on the tags and properties are published via the Azure IoT Hub Routes path to the custom endpoints. See more details here.
The following screen snippet shows an example of the Azure IoT Hub Routes for TwinChangeEvents notifications:

how to capture bulletin messages in apache nifi

I want to know if there is a way to capture the bulletin messages(basically errors) that appear on the Nifi UI and store it in some attribute/file so that it can be looked upon later. The screen gets refreshed every 5 min and if there is a failure in any of the processors i would want to know the reason for it.
I am not particularly talking about the logging part here.
As you know, the bulletins reflect the messages that are already logged. So all this content is already stored in the {NIFI_HOME}/logs/nifi-app.log. However, if you wanted to consume the bulletin directly you have a couple different options.
You could consume the bulletins from the REST API. There are a couple endpoints for accessing the bulletins.
This request will get the status (including bulletins) of all components under the specified Process Group. You can use the alias 'root' for the root level Process Group. The recursive flag will indicate whether or not to return just the children of that Process Group or all descendant components.
This request will get the status (including bulletins) of the Controller level components. This includes any reported bulletins from Controller Services, Reporting Tasks, and the NiFi Framework itself (clustering messages, etc).
This request will access all bulletins and supports filtering based components, message and limiting the number of bulletins returned.
You could also create a Reporting Task implementation which has access to the bulletin repository. Reporting Tasks are an extension point which are meant to report details from this NiFi instance. This would require some Java code but would allow you to report the bulletin's however you like. Here is an example that reports metrics to Ambari [1].

NServiceBus Dynamic End Points

Is it possible to create end points dynamically at runtime. E.g. Send a message to a known endpoint with details of a new endpoint so that a network node can learn of new nodes on the fly.
NServiceBus does not support this out of the box, but if you really really want it (and you are sure that it is the right way to go), you are free to implement your own message routing and send messages explicitly to an endpoint with bus.Send(endpoint, message).
In a project I am currently involved with, we do this with great success, because it allows us to seamlessly sign services in and out of the system while it is running, resulting in zero downtime during upgrades.
It took a bit of work to get it working though, so I would only recommend this if you are certain that your requirements demand it.

Difference between Bus.Publish and Bus.Send in NServiceBus?

What are the essential differences between publishing a message using Bus.Publish and sending a message using Bus.Send? I am looking to understand how they differ and also when I should choose to use one over the other.
Publishing is used to notify multiple Subscribers of a particular event. A Publishing endpoint will have subscription storage to identify where to send messages to. Sending is typically used to issue a command to an endpoint. A command is telling the endpoint to do something and should not expect a reply(although you sometimes do want a reply and NSB supports this).
The reason you do not see a destination for Send() is that you specify the destination via configuration. In your app.config you will map message types(a whole assembly or a class) to a destination. When you do so, you do not have to provide the destination.
Bus.Publish: used when you don't know where the message is going (0 to many subscribers).
Bus.Send: when you are sending a message to a specific handler (client to server).
ususally Context.Publish() is for publishing Event Type and Context.Send() is for Command Type