Kaitai (KSY) - optional attribute - ssh

I'm trying to describe SSH protocol in Kaitai language (.ksy file).
At the beginning, there is a protocol version exchange in the following format:
SSH-protoversion-softwareversion SP comments CR LF
where SP comments is optional. AFAIK, there is not way of describing attribute as fully optional, only via if condition. Does anybody know how to describe this relation in Kaitai, so that parser accepts also this format: SSH-protoversion-softwareversion CR LF?

Kaitai Struct is not designed to be what you would call a grammar in its traditional meaning (i.e. something mapping to a regular language, context-free grammar, BNF, or something similar). Traditional grammars have notion of "this element being optional" or "this element can be repeated multiple times", but KS works the other way around: it's not even attempting to solve the ambiguility problem, but rather builds on a fact that all binary formats are designed to be non-ambiguous.
So, whenever you're encountering something like "optional element" or "repeated element" without any further context, please take a pause and consider if Kaitai Struct is a right tool for the task, and is it really a binary format you're trying to parse. For example, parsing something like JSON or XML or YAML might be theoretically possible with KS, but the result will be not of much use.
That said, in this particular case, it's perfectly possible to use Kaitai Struct, you'll just need to think on how a real-life binary parser will handle this. From my understanding, a real-life parser will read the whole line until the CR byte, and then will do a second pass at trying to interpret the contents of that line. You can model that in KS using something like that:
- id: line
terminator: 0xd # CR
type: version_line
# ^^^ this creates a substream with all bytes up to CR byte
- id: reserved_lf
contents: [0xa]
- id: magic
contents: 'SSH-'
- id: proto_version
type: str
terminator: 0x2d # '-'
- id: software_version
type: str
terminator: 0x20 # ' '
eos-error: false
# ^^^ if we don't find that space and will just hit end of stream, that's fine
- id: comments
type: str
size-eos: true
# ^^^ if we still have some data in the stream, that's all comment
If you want to get null instead of empty string for comments when they're not included, just add extra if: not _io.eof for the comments attribute.


Howto parse runlength encoded binary subformat with antlr

Given the following input:
The part #5# defines the start of a binary subformat with the length of 5. The sub format can contain any kind of character and is likely to contain tokens from the main format. (ex. AA is a keyword/token inside the main format).
I want to build a lexer that is able to extract one token for the whole binary part.
I already tried several approaches (ex. partials, sematic predicates) but I did not get them working together the right way.
Finally I found the solution by myself.
Below are the relevant parts of the lexer definition
#members {
public int _binLength;
BINARYHEAD: '#' [0-9]+ '#' { _binLength = Integer.parseInt(getText().substring(1,getText().length()-1)); } -> pushMode(RAW) ;
mode RAW;
BINARY: .+ {getText().length() <= _binLength}? -> popMode;
The solution is based on an extra field that set while parsing the length definition of the binary field. Afterward a semantic predicate is used to restrict the validity of the binary content to the size of that field.
Any suggestion to simplify the parseInt call is welcome.

antlr4: need to convert sequences of symbols to characters in lexer

I am writing a parser for Wolfram Language. The language has a concept of "named characters", which are specified by a name delimited by \[, and ]. For example: \[Pi].
Suppose I want to specify a regular expression for an identifier. Identifiers can include named characters. I see two ways to do it: one is to have a preprocessor that would convert all named characters to their unicode representation, and two is to enumerate all possible named characters in their source form as part of the regular expression.
The second approach does not seem feasible because there are a lot of named characters. I would prefer to have ranges of unicode characters in my regex.
So I want to preprocess my token stream. In other words, it seems to me that the lexer needs to check if the named characters syntax is correct and then look up the name and convert it to unicode.
But if the syntax is incorrect or the name does not exist I need to tell the user about it. How do I propagate this error to the user and yet let antlr4 recover from the error and resume? Maybe I can sort of "pipe" lexers/parsers? (I am new to antlr).
In Wolfram Language I can have this string as an identifier: \[Pi]Squared. The part between brackets is called "named character". There is a limited set of named characters, each of which corresponds to a unicode code point. I am trying to figure out how to tokenize identifiers like this.
I could have a rule for my token like this (simplified to just a combination of named characters and ASCII characters):
NAME : ('\\[' [a-z]+ ']'|[a-zA-Z])+ ;
but I would like to check if the named character actually exists (and other attributes such as if it is a letter, but the latter part is outside of the scope of the question), so this regex won't work.
I considered making a list of allowed named characters and just making a long regex that enumerates all of them, but this seems ugly.
What would be a good approach to this?
A common approach is to write the lexer/parser to allow syntactically correct input and defer semantic issues to the analysis of the generated parse tree. In this case, the lexer can naively accept named characters:
NChar : NCBeg .? RBrack ;
fragment NCBeg : '\\[' ;
fragment LBrack: '[' ;
fragment RBrack: ']' ;
In the parser, allow the NChar's to exist in the parse-tree as discrete terminal nodes:
idents : ident+ ;
ident : NChar // named character string
| ID // simple character string?
| Literal // something quoted?
| ....
This makes analysis of the parse tree considerably easier: each ident context will contain only one non-null value for a discretely identifiable alt; and isolates analysis of all ordering issues to the idents context.
For an input \[Pi]Squared, the parse tree form that would be easiest to analyze would be an idents node with two well-ordered children, \[Pi] and Squared.
Best practice would not be to pack both children into the same token - would just have to later manually break the token text into the two parts to check if it is contains a valid named character and whether the particular sequence of parts is allowable.
No regex is going to allow conclusive verification of the named characters. That will require a list. Tightening the lexer definition of an NChar can, however, achieve a result equivalent to a regex:
NChar : NCBeg [A-Z][A-Za-z]+ RBrack ;
If the concern is that there might be a space after the named character, consider that this circumstance is likely better treated with a semantic warning as opposed to a syntactic error. Rather than skipping whitespace in the lexer, put the whitespace on the hidden channel. Then, in the verification analysis of each idents context, check the hidden channel for intervening whitespace and issue a warning as appropriate.
A parse-tree visitor can then examine, validate, and warn as appropriate regarding unknown or misspelled named characters.
To do the validation in the parser, if more desirable, use a predicated rule to distinguish known from unknown named characters:
#members {
ArrayList<String> keyList = .... // list of named chars
public boolean inList(String id) {
return keyList.contains(id) ;
nChar : known
| unknown
known : NChar { inList($NChar.getText()) }? ;
unknown : NChar { error("Unknown " + $NChar.getText()); } ;
The inList function could implement a distance metric to detect misspellings, but correcting the text directly in the parse-tree is a bit complex. Easier to do when implemented as a parse-tree decoration during a visitor operation.
Finally, a scrape and munge of the named characters into a usable map (both unicode and ascii) is likely worthwhile to handle both representations as well as conversions and misspelling.

Encoding issue in I/O with Jena

I'm generating some RDF files with Jena. The whole application works with utf-8 text. The source code as well is stored in utf-8.
When I print a string contaning non-English characters on the console, I get the right format, e.g. Est un lieu généralement officielle assis....
Then, I use the RDF writer to output the file:
Model m = loadMyModelWithMultipleLanguages()
log.info( getSomeStringFromModel(m) ) // log4j, correct output
RDFWriter w = m.getWriter( "RDF/XML" ) // default enc: utf-8
w.setProperty("showXmlDeclaration","true") // optional
OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(pathToFile)
w.write( m, out, "http://someurl.org/base/" )
// file contains garbled text
The RDF file starts with: <?xml version="1.0"?>. If I add utf-8 nothing changes.
By default the text should be encoded to utf-8.
The resulting RDF file validates ok, but when I open it with any editor/visualiser (vim, Firefox, etc.), non-English text is all messed up: Est un lieu généralement officielle assis ... or Est un lieu g\u221A\u00A9n\u221A\u00A9ralement officielle assis....
(Either way, this is obviously not acceptable from the user's viewpoint).
The same issue happens with any output format supported by Jena (RDF, NT, etc.).
I can't really find a logical explanation to this.
The official documentation doesn't seem to address this issue.
Any hint or tests I can run to figure it out?
My guess would be that your strings are messed up, and your printStringFromModel() method just happens to output them in a way that accidentally makes them display correctly, but it's rather hard to say without more information.
You're instructing Jena to include an XML declaration in the RDF/XML file, but don't say what encoding (if any) Jena declares in the XML declaration. This would be helpful to know.
You're also not showing how you're printing the strings in the printStringFromModel() method.
Also, in Firefox, go to the View menu and then to Character Encoding. What encoding is selected? If it's not UTF-8, then what happens when you select UTF-8? Do you get it to show things correctly when selecting some other encoding?
Edit: The snippet you show in your post looks fine and should work. My best guess is that the code that reads your source strings into a Jena model is broken, and reads the UTF-8 source as ISO-8859-1 or something similar. You should be able to confirm or disconfirm that by checking the length() of one of the offending strings: If each of the troublesome characters like é are counted as two, then the error is on reading; if it's correctly counted as one, then it's on writing.
My hint/answer would be to inspect the byte sequence in 3 places:
The data source. Using a hex editor, confirm that the é character in your source data is represented by the expected utf-8 hex sequence 0xc3a8.
In memory. Right after your call to printStringFromModel, put a breakpoint and inspect the bytes in the string (or convert to hex and print them out.
The output file. Again, use a hex editor to inspect the byte sequence is 0xc3a8.
This will tell exactly what is happening to the bytes as they travel along the path of your program, and also where they deviate from the expected 0xc3a8.
The best way to address this would be to package up the smallest unit of your code that you can that demonstrates the issue, and submit a complete, runnable test case as a ticket on the Jena Jira.

How to identify binary and text files using Smalltalk

I want to verify that a given file in a path is of type text file, i.e. not binary, i.e. readable by a human. I guess reading first characters and check each character with :
isOctetCharacter ???
but joining all those testing methods with and: [ ... and: [ ... and: [ ] ] ] seems not to be very smalltalkish. Any suggestion for a more elegant way?
(There is a Python version here How to identify binary and text files using Python? which could be useful but syntax and implementation looks like C.)
only heuristics; you can never be really certain...
For ascii, the following may do:
|isPlausibleAscii numChecked|
isPlausibleAscii :=
[:char |
((char codePoint between:32 and:127)
or:[ char isSeparator ])
numChecked := text size min: 1024.
isPossiblyText := text from:1 to:numChecked conform: isPlausibleAscii.
For unicode (UTF8 ?) things become more difficult; you could then try to convert. If there is a conversion error, assume binary.
PS: if you don't have from:to:conform:, replace by (copyFrom:to:) conform:
PPS: if you don't have conform: , try allSatisfy:
All text contains more space than you'd expect to see in a binary file, and some encodings (UTF16/32) will contain lots of 0's for common languages.
A smalltalky solution would be to hide the gory details in method on Standard/MultiByte-FileStream, #isProbablyText would probably be a good choice.
It would essentially do the following:
- store current state if you intend to use it later, reset to start (Set Latin1 converter if you use a MultiByteStream)
Iterate over N next characters (where N is an appropriate number)
Encounter a non-printable ascii char? It's probably binary, so return false. (not a special selector, use a map, implement a new method on Character or something)
Increase 2 counters if appropriate, one for space characters, and another for zero characters.
If loop finishes, return whether either of the counters have been read a statistically significant amount
TLDR; Use a method to hide the gory details, otherwise it's pretty much the same.

Can NMEA values contain '*' (asterisks)?

I am trying to create NMEA-compatible proprietary sentences, which may contain arbitrary strings.
The usual format for an NMEA sentence with checksum is:
where * marks the start of a 2-digit checksum.
My question is: Can any of the value fields contain a * character themselves?
It would seem possible for a parser to wait for the final <cr><lf>, then to look back at the previous 3 characters to find the checksum if present (rather than just waiting for the first * in the sentence). However I don't know if the standard allows it.
Are there other characters which may cause problems?
The two ASCII characters to be careful with are $, which has to be at the start, and * which precedes the checksum. Anyone else parsing your custom NMEA wouldn't expect to find either of those characters anywhere else. Some parsers, when they hit a $ assume that a new line has started. With serial port communication sometimes characters get lost in transit, and that's why there's a $ start of sentence marker.
If you're going to make your own NMEA commands it is customary to start them with P followed by a 3 character code indicating the manufacturer or company creating the proprietary message, so you could use $PSQU. Note that although it is recommended that NMEA commands are 5 characters long, there are proprietary messages out there by various hardware and software manufacturers that are anywhere from 4 characters to 7 characters long.
Obviously if you're writing your own parser you can do what you like.
This website is rather useful:
If you're extending the protocol yourself (based on "proprietary") - then sure, you can put in anything you like. I would stick to ASCII, but go wild within those bounds. (Obviously, you need to come up with your own $GPxxx so as not to clash with existing messages. Perhaps a new header $SQUEL, ...)
By definition, a proprietary message will not be NMEA-compatible.
A standard parser listening to an NMEA stream should ignore anything that doesn't match what it thinks is 'good' data. That means a checksum error, or any massively corrupted message like it would think your new message is with some random *s thrown in.
If you are merely writing an existing message, then a * doesn't make sense, and should be ignored, but you run the risk of major issues if the checksum is correct, and the parser doesn't understand the payload.