C# Add-In (VSTO .NET): Add domain name to outlook junk-email list - vsto

With the Outlook UI you can add an email address to your junk-email list, you can add a domain name as trusted domain, but you can't add a domain name to your junk-email list. You must manually edit the email address in your junk-email list to achieve that, so I wrote an Add-In to do this for me, but cant find the method to do that. Apparently the Outlook object model doesn't provide anything for that.
Is there a code workaround for this fatal limitation?

That is correct. Outlook Object Model does not provide any means to access or manipulate Junk Email settings.
You can try to use Extended MAPI (C++ or Delphi) to build the MAPI server side rule that lists all the blocked senders, but it is definitely not for the faint-hearted.
If using Redemption (I am its author) is an option, it exposes RDOJunkEmailOptions object (returned from RDOSession.JunkEmailOptions, RDOAccount.JunkEmailOptions, RDOExchangeMailboxStore.JunkEmailOptions), which allow to add blocked senders using RDOJunkEmailOptions.BlockedSenders.Add.


Copy one account client-side rule to all client-side rules

Is there any way to copy the outlook rule of one account to another account using VBA code. I have researched on the internet I have not found anything related to my question, Pls help me. I will be very thankful to you.
The Outlook object model doesn't provide any property or method for that. However, you can use a low-level functionality to access rules. Use the PropertyAccessor object to get and set item-level properties that are not explicitly exposed in the Outlook object model, or properties for the following non-item objects: AddressEntry, AddressList, Attachment, ExchangeDistributionList, ExchangeUser, Folder, Recipient, and Store.
Rules are kept as hidden items in your Inbox folder (see the associated content which is not visible in the Outlook UI). You may use MFCMAPI or OutlookSpy for exploring the hidden content.

I need to create a custom (mail merge) email in conjunction with MS Access's and MS Outlooks Data Collection feature

I'm using the data collection features available through Microsoft Access 2007 and Microsoft Outlook 2007 to send out an email and collect data from the recipient. The data is then stored in an Access Table.
The feature that I am using is explained here pretty well: Collecting Data Using Email
The issue that I have run into is that other than the email address, there's no way to customize the email that is being distributed. What I'm hoping to accomplish is the ability to essentially do a mail merge of sorts to personalize the email. This doesn't seem possible using the wizard approached described in the attached article. Is this something that I could accomplish via Visual Basic or some other means within MS Office.
If you've chosen the HTML-option you will get only text boxes and there is no way to customise the email if sent directly from Access. If you do not specify an email address, Access will generate the email so that you can type in the recipient - you can customise the email at that point.
If you do want all the fancy stuff (ie, customising the email, using drop downs, yes/no buttons, validation etc) then you'll need to use InfoPath as a source (again, if using Access). That's the application where you can build your form using validation and controls. The disadvantage is that the recipient needs to have InfoPath installed on their machine.
You could of course create an application to loop through your records and you can customise the HTML as much as you like then, this is probably best done outside of Office.

Outlook VSTO attach meta data

I am writing an Outlook addin that inserts content into an email, and I have a emailSent event that I would like send an event back to my server letting me know some content was shared.
Is there a way to attach some meta information to the email (or the word doc, which is what you are creating in outlook) so that I can grab that meta info so I can send it back to my server.
Right now, the only way I think I can do it is to search through the email on the send event looking for my content with regex and pull out the info i need, but that seems cumbersome, and also means I need to run the regex for every email sent, even when they haven't added my content.
There is the concept of MAPI user properties, which you can add to an Outlook item. Since Office 2007 the object model allows access to them. If your add-in must run also with older Outlook version, you should recurr to use Redemption (which I prefer also for higher office versions because it has more flexibility, albeit a greater footprint in distribution).
See UserProperties Interface on MSDN.

Programmatically accessing a Sharepoint list at runtime (without creating a service reference at design time)

I'm creating an app that will be configurable by the end-user to access SharePoint lists, on various different SharePoint sites, that are entered by the user.
All of the examples for reading SharePoint lists I've come across online are of the form:
Open or create a Visual Studio
In Solution Explorer,
right-click the References node, and
then click Add Service Reference.
In the Address box, type the URL to
the target site and append
/_vti_bin/ListData.svc. For example,
the address for the site
intranet.wingtip.com would be
Change the default name in the
Namespace box from ServiceReference1
to something more appropriate, such
as WingtipSite.
etc, etc, etc
This method creates proxy classes within your project based on the specified server reference. However, in my case, the server/site is not known at design time, only runtime by reading the sites/lists specified by the user. How would one go about doing that (reading the list via http://intranet.wingtip.com/_vti_bin/ListData.svc, but at runtime only)?
Note: I am making this call from a different machine than the one running Sharepoint.
There are a couple answers.
If the lists schemas will be consistent across all the sites you are querying, you can still use the generated proxy. When you create the DataContext, you just need to pass in the URI to the ListData.svc for the site chosen by the user.
If not, then you can use an ASP.NET WebRequest with an appropriately formatted URI and parse out the ATOM or JSON response that comes back.
For more information on using the REST APIs, check out this talk from the 2009 SharePoint Conference
You can set the URL in your proxy class at runtime with the Url property.
SharePoint does not provide a proxy class for their web services. Therefore it's not possible to set the url at runtime. WHat I have had to do is add 2 service references and then paramaterize which one I will access. I use a config setting to determine which one to access. If the site name changes or list changes, then I need to remove the references, re-add them, recompile and redeploy. There is no way to change the SharePoint site/list at runtime. Have been searching for 3 days for an answer. Microsoft does not know how to accomplish this.

SMTP Headers in VB.Net without Redemption

I'm writing a mail component for a VB.Net app, and need to handle mails differently that are "Sent on Behalf" of someone. Although the Outlook Object Model exposes "SentOnBehalfOfName", it doesn't expose the email address for that party. Supposedly it's in the "OtherHeaders" field of the SMTP header, but I don't see an easy way to get to those through the Mailitem object. Am I missing something simple?
You could look up the name in AD or the GAL ?
or you could look up the PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_EMAIL_ADDRESS via a MailItem.PropertyAccessor id you are using 2007
our hacky workaround right now has been to construct a dummy reply. the reply-to field is populated based on the sentonbehalfof name, so then we can grab it and destroy the dummy. inelegant for sure, but it works