Apache VirtualHost Preventing Tomcat Connection - apache

Apache VirtualHost appears to prevent call to Tomcat.
I am attempting to setup configuration that will provide this result:
http://example.com/examples -- call Tomcat
http://example.com/examples/* -- call Tomcat
http://example.com/examples2 -- call Tomcat
http://example.com/examples2/* -- call Tomcat
http://example.com/AnythingElse -- call Apache
Server is Unix OmniOS (child of Open Solaris & Open BSD)
Installed Apache 2.4.38
Installed Tomcat 8.5.32
Installed jk 1.2.43
Apache is listening on two ports
Confirmed that Tomcat is running and JK connection is working when calling either of the Apache listing ports
I then install the Apache VirtualHost
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "/cgi-bin/example.com"
ServerName example.com
Now call to http://example.com/examples returns 404 not found instead of Tomcat.

Found it!
I just needed to add my JkMount entries inside my VirtualHost as well.


Wildfly, Tomcat, Apache and Subdomains

I have an Ubuntu server in AWS that is running multiple application servers -- a Wildfly serving up some pages and two Tomcats running a separate app.
I am trying to get subdomains working.
I have DNS's set up to point subdomain1.example.com, subdomain2.example.com. That works fine.
Wildfly is listening on port 80 (I think?), the Tomcats are listening on 8080 and 8090. The goal is to have www.example.com go to Wildfly, subdomain1.example.com go to Tomcat : 8080 and subdomain2.example.com go to Tomcat : 8090
I've found numerous posts that talk about setting up virtual hosts in Apache that should solve my problem. But I keep getting sent down rabbit holes. Some suggest adding to /opt/bitnami/apache2/bin/httpd.config and some suggest putting it in /opt/bitnami/apache2/sites-available/subdomain1.example.com.conf
My first issue: I don't think that Apache is even running. I was under the impression that Apache was baked into Wildfly, but when I execute:
service apache2 status
I get:
Loaded: not-found (Reason: No such file or directory)
Active: inactive (dead)
Running sudo service --status-all also doesn't show it running so I think that it is not. It seems to be installed (Bitnami stack) in /opt/bitnami/apache2
Do I have to turn Apache on as part of Wildfly (and how to turn it on)? If I do, then I would assume that Wildfly is no longer getting traffic.
Second - my research tells me I need i need to enable proxy and proxy_http using a2enmod and a2ensite but I don't have these. Research suggests that all Ubuntu's will have those scripts... do they get created if I turn on Apache?
Sorry for all the noob questions.... I'm a developer without a DevOps guy. This seems like it would so common it would be baked in or there would be a definite solution that I am probably missing.
For those looking for something similar, here is the solution that worked for me.
My server is a Wildfly-Apache2-MySQL AMI image on AWS. I did not need to use a2enmod nor a2ensite as my research suggested. It seems many of those modules are already enabled by the pre-built image.
To have a subdomain point to a simple Apache text site (yada.example.com):
Create a directory in ~/stack/apache2/htdocs called yada
Add an entry to the virtual hosts configuration file (sudo nano /opt/bitnami/apache2/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf)
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin info#example.com
DocumentRoot "/opt/bitnami/apache2/htdocs/yada"
ServerName yada.example.com
ErrorLog "logs/yada-subdomain-error-log"
CustomLog "logs/yada-subdomain-access-log" common
Modify the Apache configuration file to include the virtual hosts. (sudo nano /opt/bitnami/apache2/conf/httpd.conf):
# Supplemental configuration
# The configuration files in the conf/extra/ directory can be
# included to add extra features or to modify the default configuration of
# the server, or you may simply copy their contents here and change as
# necessary.
# Virtual hosts
Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
Restart Apache (sudo /opt/bitnami/ctlscript.sh restart apache)
To make it point to a Tomcat server, add this to the httpd-vhosts.conf:
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin info#example.com
ServerName yada.example.com
ProxyPreserveHost On
# setup the proxy
<Proxy *>
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
ProxyPass / http://localhost:8090/
ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8090/
Your port may differ.
FYI, I found this helpful: https://docs.bitnami.com/virtual-machine/components/apache/#how-to-configure-your-web-application-to-use-a-virtual-host
Good luck and shout out to #stdunbar for his guidance.

Apache httpd.conf - route request to different port

I have a CentOs 7.1 with Apache httpd running on port 9000.
So if i type in my browser: I see the Apache Testing 123 Page.
I also have a GitLab Server running on port 8888, but this port is closed by the firewall.
I want that Apache redirects traffic to internally to the GitLab server.
I have done this in my Apache config file /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:
<VirtualHost *:9000>
ProxyPass /gitlab
ProxyPassReverse /gitlab
When users browse to the login page appears (css seems broken though), but when logging in this appears:
Not Found
The requested URL /users/sign_in was not found on this server.
Is this something that is configurable with Apache and if so how?
Do I need to use some sort of Url-Rewriting, if yes which and how to get started?
All the links in gitlab will presume you are pointing at the original server.
So you need to look at mod_proxy_html to also replace these links in the HTML:

Connect apache and coldfusion 10 using mod_proxy_ajp

I'm trying to setup my local development environment and I'm only missing one piece of the puzzle.
I was able to successfully install the following on my Mac OSX 10.7.5 x86_x64
XAMPP - http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp-macosx.html
ColdFusion 10 - Developer Edition
Both are running fine. I was able to pull up localhost (Apache) and localhost:8500 (ColdFusion) - my ajp connector port is 8012
Now I want to be able to pass the request to my ColdFusion from Apache using mod_proxy_ajp.
I created an index.cfm file on the wwwroot/cf directory of ColdFusion, enabled the NameVirtualHost and created a VirtualHost directive in Apache that looks like this:
NameVirtualHost *:80
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName localhost
<Location "/cf">
Allow from all
ProxyPass ajp://localhost:8012/
After restarting everything, I get a 503 error.
Any help or pointers is much appreciated.
check your CF logs:
You probably have something like this in the log:
org.apache.coyote.ajp.AjpProcessor getRealPathFromServer
SEVERE: Error in getRealPathFromConn
java.io.IOException: Socket read failed
So mod_proxy_ajp is passing the request to Tomcat, but Tomcat can't read it.
Have you tried configuring with mod_jk instead?
Might not be the way you want to configure it, but it should get you up and running.

connect to alternate alternate host alias with ajp protocol

I am connecting to two tomcat application via the ajp protocol.
both of which are running in separate tomcat virtual host as ROOT.war.
On the server, I have configured the /etc/hosts file localhost tcvh1 tcvh2
apache httpd.conf:
Listen 80
NameVirtualHost *:80
<VirtualHost *:80>
#ProxyPreserveHost On
ServerName app1.example.com
ProxyPass / ajp://tcvh1:8082/
ProxyPassReverse / ajp://tcvh1:8082/
<VirtualHost *:80>
#ProxyPreserveHost On
ServerName app2.example.com
ProxyPass / ajp://tcvh2:8082/
ProxyPassReverse / ajp://tcvh2:8082/
Tomcat :
I have the applications deployed as:
app1 -- $CATALINA_HOME/tcvh1/ROOT.war
app2 -- $CATALINA_HOME/tcvh2/ROOT.war
If I changed the tomcat to run on port 8080, and changed the proxy pass to connect to http://tcvh1:8080, then it works. but if I used the configuration with AJP, it does NOT work.
Why does my host alias not work with AJP? is there a way to make it work?
It doesn't work because the mod_proxy_ajp always passes the host header received by httpd to Tomcat whereas the mod_proxy_http will use the host defined in the ProxyPass unless ProxyPreserveHost is set to On.
Since - as far as httpd is concerned - your virual hosts are app1.example.com and app2.example.com, these are what get passed to your Tomcat instance. Tomcat has no record of these virtual hosts. It has tcvh1 and tcvh2. Therefore all the requests will get routed to the default virtual host (which ever one is defined on your Engine element in server.xml).
There are several ways to fix this:
Rename you Tomcat virtual hosts to match your httpd virtual hosts
Add aliases ( see http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-7.0-doc/config/host.html#Host_Name_Aliases) to your Tomcat virtual hosts.
Personally, I'd go with option 2. Quicker and simpler.

How can I get Apache HTTP Server 2.2 and IIS 5.1 to both work on my localhost?

I figured the easiest thing to do was to just change the port number that Apache listens to, but I still can't get it to start back up after installing IIS. My IIS currently serves up pages correctly at http://localhost:80. I have several PHP projects, and here are the basics of how ports are configured in my httpd.conf:
Listen 81
# Begin listening for virtual hosts.
NameVirtualHost *:81
<VirtualHost *:81>
# virtual.myvirtualdomain.com virtual host.
ServerAdmin webmaster#virtual.myvirtualdomain.com
DocumentRoot "c:/Development/HTTPServer_WWW/virtual.myvirtualdomain.com/www"
ServerName virtual.myvirtualdomain.com
ErrorLog "c:/Development/HTTPServer_WWW/virtual.myvirtualdomain.com/logs/log"
<Directory "c:/Development/HTTPServer_WWW/virtual.myvirtualdomain.com/www">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Then in my Windows hosts file I have an entry like this: virtual.myvirtualdomain.com
I have several of these virtual domains setup, all running locally for numerous PHP projects I'm working on currently. This was all working correctly on port 80, but then I installed IIS 5.1, and the service no longer starts up. I did some research, and they can't both be running on the same port. I changed it so Apache looks to port 81 now, but it still will not start.
So, I uninstalled IIS, and now I can't get Apache HTTP Server to startup at all still. I changed all of the settings back to port 80, and it is still failing.
Stop the service, then run Apache from the command line. It will show you the errors occuring during start up.
I did what Haarsma suggested, and it turns out that I had removed a virtual directory, and so Apache couldn't find it (thus not starting). Apparently it had nothing to do with the ports at all, and was my dumb mistake. I reinstalled IIS, changed my config for Apache to listen on port 81, and it works!
Stop the iis server and see if apache starts.
In command line, run:
netstat -ano
this will tell you which process ID runs on which port.
Disable windows firewall
It's very strange! I have IIS 6.0 and Apache 2.2 working together correctly on my Windows Server 2003. IIS on port 80, Apache on port 8081, both services set to run automatically.