Is it possible to run cucumber scenarios in parallel with CucumberJS and WEbdriverIO? - webdriver-io

Is it possible to run cucumber scenarios in parallel with CucumberJS and WEbdriverIO while executing test scenarios on mobile devices?

We are executing feature files in Parallel as of now.
Running scenarios in parallel may not be possible as webdriverio and cucumber integration is using webdriverio runner.


What is the procedure to test cypress-cucumber tests to run on multiple browsers

I am new to Cypress, I have tests ready running on cypress gui, but now want to automate these tests running on multiple browsers. Can I get help running my tests in multiple browsers.
I have my tests written in feature files and step definitions
Have you checked docs? You can prepare cli commands with desired browsers and run them all. Or as separate processes.

How can I install Selenium RC in TeamCity?

I need to link Selenium IDE to automate the tests I have in my Firefox suite, but I don't know how to install Selenium in TeamCity.
Short answer, you don't. You have to record your tests in firefox, and then import them as a unit tests into your project (Maven for Java, NUnit for C# etc.). Then, run those tests as any others. Here are some solutions, you might want to take a look
Running selenium automation tests on remote teamcity build agent
Automate Selenium tests on TeamCity Continuous Integration server
Best way to wire up Selenium test automation
How to setup TeamCity for run selenium auto tests?

Reports with Cucumber JVM Parallel plugin

I am new to the Cucumber. Can anyone please help me on how to run Cucumber with parallel execution and at the same time have thread safe reports?
I am able to run Cucumber with JVM parallel plugin with surefire, but the problem is I'm not getting thread safe reports (meaning: I was having extent reports and ExtendedCucumberOptions Report but it does not generate after I run the execution with Parallel plugin).
All my requirement are if someone can guide (GitHub link) with me which is best method to achieve the following:
- BDD with Cucumber
- Headless Mode(Chrome Headless)
- Parallel Execution
- Thread safe Reports with screenshots (Success/Failure).
Just want to know if it is possible.

Is it possible to use Serenity with Cucumber-JVM for parallel test run?

I am using Serenity with Cucumber-JVM. Can I configure my tests to run in parallel to reduce execution time?
Cucumber-jvm is not thread-safe. That being said, you can look here and here for a solution that assigns a test runner to each feature file.

How does parallelism work in the JUnit test framework?

How does parallelism work in the JUnit test framework?
How can I run multiple tests in parallel in JUnit?
Or you can simply start two Runners/JUnitcores in different Threads.
You can use Maven and configure it to run your test suite in parallel. You can configure it to run your tests in parallel by method or by classes. See Running JUnit tests in parallel with Maven for more information.