MS Access merge two tables - sql

I need to create a new table base on two tables. I have a database in ms access and need to migrate.
tableT tableS
ID CustID DATE Exp1 Exp2 ID CustID DATE Tem1 Tem2
-------------------------------- ---------------------------------
1 1 1/1/00 5 5 1 1 1/1/00 3 4
2 2 1/1/00 1 3 2 2 1/1/00 5 0
3 1 3/1/00 3 2 3 1 5/1/00 0 3
4 3 4/1/00 4 1 4 3 6/1/00 0 0
Desired output table tableNew:
ID CustID DATE Exp1 Exp2 Tem1 Tem2
1 1 1/1/00 5 5 3 4
2 2 1/1/00 1 3 5 0
3 1 3/1/00 3 2
4 3 4/1/00 4 1
5 1 5/1/00 0 3
6 3 6/1/00 0 0
If I use outer join, I will not get the output I need.
Any idea or help.

You want a full join. You can emulate this in MS Access using:
select t.CustID, t.DATE, t.Exp1, t.Exp2, s.tem1, s.tem2
from TableT as t left outer join
tableS as s
on t.CustId = s.CustId and =
union all
select s.CustID, s.DATE, null, null, s.tem1, s.tem2
from tableS as s left outer join
tableT as t
on t.CustId = s.CustId and =
where t.CustId is null;


Join multiple columns, filling non-existent values with 0

I have 2 tables, staff_product and orders_with_over_20k_product.
---------- ----------
2 6
2 4
2 5
2 7
1 6
1 4
1 5
1 7
3 6
3 4
3 5
3 7
---------- ---------- ----------
1 4 20
2 5 100
1 5 10
1 7 8
2 7 1
2 4 10
2 6 100
1 6 100
3 4 1
I want to join them such that if there is a record in staff_product that has matching values in orders_with_over_20k_product then PQ will be copied, and if there isn't then PQ will be set to 0. I also want to preserve the order or product_id in staff_product (it's important for how my program handles this query). The desired output is as follows
---------- ---------- ---------
2 6 100
2 4 10
2 5 100
2 7 1
1 6 100
1 4 20
1 5 10
1 7 8
3 6 0
3 4 1
3 5 0
3 7 0
I'll be executing this select in a stored procedure and both the existing tables are currently views made of different queries. How would construct a query for my desired output?
I think you just want a left join and coalesce():
select sp.*, coalesce(ow.pq, 0) as pq
from staff_product sp left join
orders_with_over_20k_product ow
on sp.staff_id = ow.staff_id and sp.product_id = ow.product_id
You can do a left join and coalesce():
coalesce(o.pq, 0) pq
from staff_product p
left join orders_with_over_20k_product o
on o.product_id = p.product_id and o.staff_id = p.staff_id
Please use below SQL code for this issue.
,coalesce(B.PQ, 0) AS PQ
FROM staff_product AS A
LEFT JOIN orders_with_over_20k_product AS B ON A.STAFF_ID = B.STAFF_ID

Select Command return Duplicate Rows

I have 3 tables:
Table 1 ExamTB:
ID ExamTerm ExamDate
1 MidTerm 2017-09-24
2 FinalTerm 2017-12-01
Table 2 ExamSubMarksTB
ID ExamID ClassID SubjectID TotalMarks PassMarks
1 1 1 1 100 50
2 1 1 2 100 50
3 1 1 3 100 50
4 2 1 1 100 50
5 2 1 2 100 50
6 2 1 3 100 50
Table 3 ExamResultTB
ID ExamID ClassID SubjectID MarksObtain StdID
1 1 1 1 80 1
2 1 1 2 70 1
3 1 1 3 60 1
4 2 1 1 50 1
5 2 1 2 72 1
6 2 1 3 68 1
Now when I create a Stored Procedure the SELECT this Select Command returns duplicate rows
SELECT ExamResultTB.ExamID
, ExamTB.ExamTerm
, ExamTB.ExamDate
, ExamResultTB.StdID
, StudentTB.Name
, StudentTB.FatherName
, ClassTB.ClassName
, SubjectTB.Subject
, ExamResultTB.ObtainMarks
, ExamSubMarksTB.TotalMarks
, ExamSubMarksTB.PassMarks
FROM ExamResultTB
INNER JOIN ExamTB ON ExamResultTB.ExamID = ExamTB.ID
INNER JOIN ClassTB ON ExamResultTB.ClassID = ClassTB.ID
INNER JOIN SubjectTB ON ExamResultTB.SubjectID = SubjectTB.ID
INNER JOIN StudentTB ON ExamResultTB.StdID = StudentTB.ID
INNER JOIN ExamSubMarksTB ON ExamResultTB.ExamID = ExamSubMarksTB.ExamID
WHERE ExamResultTB.ExamID = 4
AND ExamResultTB.StdID=1
For sure this line make a duplicate row:
INNER JOIN ExamSubMarksTB ON ExamResultTB.ExamID = ExamSubMarksTB.ExamID
You should do it in this way:
INNER JOIN ExamSubMarksTB ON ExamResultTB.ExamID = ExamSubMarksTB.ExamID and
ExamResultTB.ClassId = ExamSubMarksTB.ClassId and ExamResultTB.SubjectID =

Adding non existing data to SQL query

My SQL query returns the following result (screenshot):
x y count
----------- ----------- -----------
1 1 10
1 2 2
2 4 3
2 5 5
4 1 5
5 1 8
what i want is x, y should always contain 1 to 5 values, even if the query doesn't return them, in the above scenario x is missing 3. How to add the missing values here that are between 1 & 5.
Thanks in Advance
First you need to generate the desired data. You can use a table of numbers for this. Use CROSS JOIN to generate all possible combinations of two tables. Finally, OUTER JOIN the generated data with your table.
In the following query I have used union to build a list of numbers instead of fetching them from a table. But the idea remains same:
SELECT XList.x, YList.y, #temp.count
) AS XList
) AS YList
LEFT JOIN #temp ON XList.x = #temp.x AND YList.y = #temp.y
x y count
----------- ----------- -----------
1 1 10
2 1 NULL
3 1 NULL
4 1 5
5 1 8
1 2 2
2 2 NULL
3 2 NULL
4 2 NULL
5 2 NULL
1 3 NULL
2 3 NULL
3 3 NULL
4 3 NULL
5 3 NULL
1 4 NULL
2 4 3
3 4 NULL
4 4 NULL
5 4 NULL
1 5 NULL
2 5 5
3 5 NULL
4 5 NULL
5 5 NULL
You can do it this way:
select t1.x, t2.y, s.count from
(values(1),(2),(3),(4),(5)) t1(x) cross join
(values(1),(2),(3),(4),(5)) t2(y)
left join #temp s on t1.x = s.x and t2.y = s.y

Selecting rows and filler (null data)

I have a table that looks like this:
ReportID | TeamID | Inning | Runs
1 A 1 3
1 A 2 3
1 A 5 7
1 B 1 3
1 B 3 2
1 B 6 1
I need to select all of that data, plus null data for the missing innings. It also need to stop at the max Inning for both teams (i.e. teamB's highest inning is 6, so I would collect 6 rows for both teamA and teamB yielding 12 total rows.)
For a visual, I need the output of the query to look like this:
ReportID | TeamID | Inning | Runs
1 A 1 3
1 A 2 3
1 A 3 NULL
1 A 4 NULL
1 A 5 7
1 A 6 NULL
1 B 1 3
1 B 2 NULL
1 B 3 2
1 B 4 NULL
1 B 5 NULL
1 B 6 1
Is there anyway to do this with just a query? Modifying the original table to add the null values is not an option.
Self join to generate the permutations of reports and teams
Left self join to generate hits which might be nullable.
This is probably a lot more efficient if it's done outside of SQL
SELECT ins.ReportID, teams.TeamID, ins.inning, score.Runs
FROM games as ins
JOIN games AS teams
ON ins.ReportID = teams.ReportID
LEFT JOIN games AS score
ON ins.ReportID = score.ReportID
AND teams.TeamID = score.TeamID
AND ins.inning = score.inning
GROUP BY ins.ReportID, teams.TeamID, ins.inning;

Fetch the latest records from many-to-many relationship table

I am using SQL Server 2008 R2.
I am having three tables in my database are having many-to-many relationship as below.
Id ServiceLevel Code
1 C 1
2 R 1
3 V 1
4 R Test 4
5 C Test 4
6 S 2
7 K 3
Id Name
1 A
2 B
3 C
4 D
5 E
6 F
Id UserId ServiceLevelId Status
1 1 1 Active
2 1 1 Deactive
3 2 3 Active
4 3 4 Active
5 1 5 Active
6 5 1 Active
7 2 3 Deactive
8 3 4 Deactive
9 5 1 Deactive
10 2 3 Active
11 3 4 Active
12 4 1 Active
From this tables, I want distinct users that are exists in TblUserServiceLevel and
having latest service level ="Active" and ServiceLevel.Code <> 4.
Can anyone help me?
The result is 2 and 4 user id.
select t1.UserId
from TblUserServiceLevel t1
inner join (
select UserId, max (Id) as maxId
from TblUserServiceLevel
group by UserId
) t2 on t1.UserId = t2.UserId and t1.Id = t2.maxId
inner join TblServiceLevel sl on t1.ServiceLevelId = sl.Id and sl.Code <> 4
where t1.Status = 'Active'