FlatBuffers Data Add Overlay - flatbuffers

I'm making a chat program using a flat buffer.
I want to move four ball variables.
ex) value1 = true, value2 = false, value3 = true, value = false,
The schema name of Flatbuffers is ServerInfo.
(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
ServerInfo.AddValue(fb, value [i]);
I wrote this code.
A total of four values should be added, but only one was added.
The result I want) true, false, true, false.
Actual Results ) true, true, true, true
The ServerInfo value.value portion of the test [i] was the same as the value [0].
How can we put it together once?
Definition of ServerInfo.AddValue.
public static space addValue (FlatBufferBufferBufferBufferBufferBuilder) {builder.AddBool(4, Value, false); }

You are setting the same scalar field 4 times. Not sure what language you're doing this in, but that should result in an assert. If you want to store 4 values, replace bool in your schema with [bool].
I am guessing you're coming from Protobuf and expecting each field to be repeated?


Variable with multiple values to use

Im editing a script for fivem and Im trying to store multiple values into a variable then using an if statement to see if a player has one of the values in his inventory. So far i have this
Config.ItemVapeLiquid = 'liquid', 'liquidice', 'liquidberry'
the problem I'm having is it only runs when the player has 'liquid' on them, when they don't, it returns a nil value even if they have 'liquidice' or 'liquidberry'. what im trying to get do is:
Config.ItemVapeLiquid = 'liquid', 'liquidice', 'liquidberry'
if the player has a value from ItemVapeLiquid then
allow player to add liquid
I want it to check all the values in the variable before returning nil as it seems to be checking 1 value and returning nil if its not in the inventory
I appreciate any help!
While the first line compiles, it will ignore any unassigned values ('liquidice', 'liquidberry').
It expects three variables:
local a, b, c = 'liquid', 'liquidice', 'liquidberry'
Since that's impractical you need an array instead, as well as a function to search within that array:
Config.ItemVapeLiquid = {'liquid', 'liquidice', 'liquidberry'}
function check(array, value)
for _,v in ipairs(array) do
if v == value then
return true
return false
print(check(Config.ItemVapeLiquid, 'liquid'))
print(check(Config.ItemVapeLiquid, 'liquidice'))
print(check(Config.ItemVapeLiquid, 'liquidberry'))
print(check(Config.ItemVapeLiquid, 'something'))
If you plan on calling checks more often, consider transforming the array into a set instead, since this is much faster:
-- feel free to make an array-to-set function for this
Config.ItemVapeLiquid = {
['liquid'] = true,
['liquidice'] = true,
['liquidberry'] = true
Notice that a missing element is now nil, which evaluates to false and is therefore usually fine. If you really need a false value, append:
Config.ItemVapeLiquid["something"] or false

Hyperopt: return boolean value instead of int

In the space param, I declare it as:
"langevin": hp.choice("langevin", [True, False])
The fmin successfully ran. However when I use: model = Regressor(**best), it throws: CatBoostError: catboost/private/libs/options/json_helper.h:157: Can't parse parameter "langevin" with value: 1
How can I force the return value as True?

columnSummary is not added

I am trying to add columnSummary to my table using Handsontable. But it seems that the function does not fire. The stretchH value gets set and is set properly. But it does not react to the columnSummary option:
this.$refs.hot.hotInstance.updateSettings({stretchH: 'all',columnSummary: [
destinationRow: 0,
destinationColumn: 2,
reversedRowCoords: true,
type: 'custom',
customFunction: function(endpoint) {
}, false);
I have also tried with type:'sum' without any luck.
Thanks for all help and guidance!
columnSummary cannot be changed with updateSettings: GH #3597
You can set columnSummary settings at the initialization of Handsontable.
One workaround would be to somehow manage your own column summary, since Handsontable one could give you some headeache. So you may try to add one additional row to put your arithmetic in, but it is messy (it needs fixed rows number and does not work with filtering and sorting operations. Still, it could work well under some circumstances.
In my humble opinion though, a summary column has to be fully functionnal. We then need to set our summary row out of the table data. What comes to mind is to take the above mentioned additional row and take it away from the table data "area" but it would force us to make that out of the table row always looks like it still was in the table.
So I thought that instead of having a new line we could just have to add our column summary within column header:
Here is a working JSFiddle example.
Once the Handsontable table is rendered, we need to iterate through the columns and set our column summary right in the table cell HTML content:
for(var i=0;i<tableConfig.columns.length;i++) {
var columnHeader = document.querySelectorAll('.ht_clone_top th')[i];
if(columnHeader) { // Just to be sure column header exists
var summaryColumnHeader = document.createElement('div');
summaryColumnHeader.className = 'custom-column-summary';
columnHeader.appendChild( summaryColumnHeader );
Now that our placeholders are set, we have to update them with some arithmetic results:
var printedData = hotInstance.getData();
for(var i=0;i<tableConfig.columns.length;i++) {
var summaryColumnHeader = document.querySelectorAll('.ht_clone_top th')[i].querySelector('.custom-column-summary'); // Get back our column summary for each column
if(summaryColumnHeader) {
var res = 0;
printedData.forEach(function(row) { res += row[i] }); // Count all data that are stored under that column
summaryColumnHeader.innerText = '= '+ res;
This piece of code function may be called anytime it should be:
var hotInstance = new Handsontable(/* ... */);
setMySummaryHeaderCalc(); // When Handsontable table is printed
Handsontable.hooks.add('afterFilter', function(conditionsStack) { // When Handsontable table is filtered
}, hotInstance);
Feel free to comment, I could improve my answer.

Why does R.all with R.both does not equal R.allPass with the same arguments?

I'm just learning while doing ramda.js. Well, there are many ways to reach a goal with ramda, but there is on thing I do not understand.
I would like to check the input for an array of strings that all match one regular expression. I thought I could do it R.all(R.both(isString, isRegExp)), but it seems to deliver a true when the input is a number.
As expected R.allPass([isString, isRegExp]) gives a false with a number input.
But can anyone please explain me why R.all is returning a true? Or what and where is mistake (in thinking)?
Complete code:
var isString = R.is(String),
isMyRegExp = R.test(/^[a-z]+$/),
isMyRegExpString = R.both(isString, isMyRegExp),
isArrayOfMyRegExpStrings = R.all(isMyRegExpString),
isArrayOfMyRegExpStringsPass = R.allPass([isString, isMyRegExp]),
result = {
'all': isArrayOfMyRegExpStrings(9),
'allPass': isArrayOfMyRegExpStringsPass(9)
// {
// all: true,
// allPass: false
// }
I know that I could shorten conditions with just the regexp, but there could be other situations where I need both conditions to be true. eg. isArrayOfNumber and sumOfNumbersOver50.
The second argument to R.all is expecting a list of values to test. Due to the way the function is implemented it is treating the 9 in your example as an empty list, resulting in a vacuous truth and evaluating to true.

Adding x axis labels when using dojox.charting.DataSeries

I'm creating a Dojo line chart from a dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore using a dojox.charting.DataSeries. I'm using the third parameter (value) of the constructor of DataSeries to specify a method which will generate the points on the chart. e.g.
function formatLineGraphItem(store,item)
var o = {
x: graphIndex++,
y: store.getValue(item, "fileSize"),
return o;
The graphIndex is an integer which is incremented for every fileSize value. This gives me a line chart with the fileSize shown against a numeric count. This works fine.
What I'd like is to be able to specify the x axis label to use instead of the value of graphIndex i.e. the under lying data will still be 1,2,3,4 but the label will show text (in this case the time at which the file size was captured).
I can do this by passing in an array of labels into the x asis when I call chart.addAxis() but this requires me to know the the values before I iterate through the data. e.g.
var dataSeriesConfig = {query: {id: "*"}};
var xAxisLabels = [{text:"2011-11-20",value:1},{text:"2011-11-21",value:2},{text:"2011-11-22",value:3}];
var chart1 = new dojox.charting.Chart("chart1");
chart1.addPlot("default", {type: "Lines", tension: "4"});
chart1.addAxis("x", {labels: xAxisLabels});
chart1.addAxis("y", {vertical: true});
chart1.addSeries("Values", new dojox.charting.DataSeries(dataStore, dataSeriesConfig, formatLineGraphItem));
The xAxisLabels array can be created by preparsing the dataSeries but it's not a very nice work around.
Does anyone have any ideas how the formatLineGraphItem method could be extended to provide the x axis labels. Or does anyone have any documentation on what values the object o can contain?
Thanks in advance!
This will take a unix timestamp, multiply the value by 1000 (so that it has microseconds for JavaScript, and then pass the value to dojo date to format it).
You shouldn't have any problems editing this to the format you need.
You provided examples that your dates are like "1", "2", "3", which is clearly wrong. Those aren't dates.. so this is the best you can do unless you edit your question.
labelFunc: function(n){
if(isNaN(dojo.number.parse(n)) || dojo.number.parse(n) % 1 != 0){
return " ";
else {
// I am assuming that your timestamp needs to be multiplied by 1000.
var date = new Date(dojo.number.parse(n) * 1000);
return dojo.date.locale.format(date, {
selector: "date",
datePattern: "dd MMMM",
locale: "en"
maxLabelSize: 100