Keras showing multiple processes for one training - tensorflow

Whenever I launch a training with Keras, I end up with multiples processes (dozens), as you can see on this htop screenshot. Is that normal?
Could it be the reason of why I experienced memory issues ? The cache becomes full as the training goes, then the swap is activated, and after some hours the machine needs to be restarted.
The training is done on a single GPU, using fit_generator:
Keras 2.2.4
tensorflow-gpu 1.13.1
CUDA 10.0
Thanks for your help!

From the information which you have provided, it seems to be the case of Out of Memory.
Please confirm if you are using GPU. You can check it by running the command,
print("Num GPUs Available: ", len(tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices('GPU')))
Also, if we use GPU, the processes can be monitored in nvtop and not on htop.
The best way to identify which operation in your entire project is consuming more memory and time is to use Tensorflow Profiler.
So, you can think of upgrading your Tensorflow Version to 1.15 or 2.2 if possible in which does the job of model.fit_generator too.
Code to use Profiler is shown below:
# Create a TensorBoard callback
logs = "logs/" +"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
tboard_callback = tf.keras.callbacks.TensorBoard(log_dir = logs,
histogram_freq = 1,
profile_batch = '500,520'),
callbacks = [tboard_callback])
High level details of the execution can be viewed in the Overview page of Profiler can be viewed in the Profile tab of Tensorboard as shown below.
From the above screenshot, it can be understood that Input Processing is taking most of the Execution Time (83%).
Also, it will provide us the Recommendations to reduce the Memory Consumption and hence to Optimize our Execution.
Also, other Options in the Tools dropdown like TraceViewer provide useful information like execution information at Operations Level.
For more information, please refer Profiler Tutorial, Profiler Guide and Youtube Video.
Hope this helps. Happy Learning!


Tensorflow GPU profiling

I am training a model using the TF keras API, the issue I am having is that I am unable to maximise the usage of the GPU, it is under-utilised in both memory & processing.
When profiling the model, I can see a lot of operations labelled as _Send which I assume is some data hopping between GPU & CPU.
Since I am using keras, I am not directly placing variables on device so I am not clear on why this is occuring or how to optimise.
Another interesting side effect seems to be that larger batches make training slower, with huge long waits for the GPU to get data from the CPU.
The profiler also suggests:
59.4 % of the total step time sampled is spent on 'Kernel Launch'. It could be due to CPU contention with In this case, you may try to set the environment variable TF_GPU_THREAD_MODE=gpu_private.
I have set this env var at the top of the notebook, with no effect - I am not clear on how to check if it is having the intended effect.
Your help here would be greatly appreciated, I have read all the available guides on the tensorflow docs.

How do I view the Tensorflow Memory Profiler tool in the TensorBoard?

I'm having Out of Memory issues during TensorFlow training. I'd like to use the TensorFlow Profiler to help diagnose this, in particular the Memory profile tool.
I have followed the quick-start guide, and it works, but my Tensorboard is showing everything except the memory profiler.
In my tools list, I can see memory pipeline analyzer, tensorflow stats, trace viewer, kernel stats, but no memory profiler.
Is there anything in particular I need to do to launch the TensorFlow profiler with the memory profile tool?
(OK this is kind of embarrassing...)
The data in that picture is the example data that comes pre-loaded with TensorFlow Profiler.
My mistake was that I needed to start the profiling just before I start training my model, see here for the API. I assumed Profiler didn't need an API hook.
After adding this code, I can click the 'Capture Profile' button on TensorBoard and then on the 'Runs' dropdown I can select the data captured from my model.

TensorFlow model serving on Google AI Platform online prediction too slow with instance batches

I'm trying to deploy a TensorFlow model to Google AI Platform for Online Prediction. I'm having latency and throughput issues.
The model runs on my machine in less than 1 second (with only an Intel Core I7 4790K CPU) for a single image. I deployed it to AI Platform on a machine with 8 cores and an NVIDIA T4 GPU.
When running the model on AI Platform on the mentioned configuration, it takes a little less than a second when sending only one image. If I start sending many requests, each with one image, the model eventually blocks and stops responding. So I'm instead sending batches of images on each request (from 2 to 10, depending on external factors).
The problem is that I expected the batched requests to be almost constant in time. When sending 1 image, the CPU utilization was around 10% and GPU 12%. So I expected that a batch of 9 images would use ~100% of the hardware and respond in the same time ~1 sec, but this is not the case. A batch of 7 to 10 images takes anywhere from 15 to 50 seconds to be processed.
I already tried to optimize my model. I was using map_fn, replaced that with manual loops, switched from Float 32 to Float 16, tried to vectorize the operations as much as possible, but it's still in the same situation.
What am I missing here?
I'm using the latest AI Platform runtime for online prediction (Python 3.7, TensorFlow 2.1, CUDA 10.1).
The model is a large version of YOLOv4 (~250MB in SavedModel format). I've built a few postprocessing algorithms in TensorFlow that operates on the output of the model.
Last but not least, I also tried debugging with TensorBoard, and it turns out that the YOLOv4 part of the TensorFlow Graph is taking ~90% of the processing time. I expected this particular part of the model to be highly parallel.
Thanks in advance for any help with this. Please ask me for any information that you may need to better understand the issue.
UPDATE 2020-07-13: as suggested in a comment below, I also tried running the model on CPU, but it's really slow and suffers of the same problems than with GPU. It doesn't seem to process images from a single request in parallel.
Also, I think I'm running into issues with TensorFlow Serving due to the rate and amount of requests. I used the tensorflow/serving:latest-gpu Docker image locally to test this further. The model answers 3 times faster on my machine (GeForce GTX 1650) than on AI Platform, but its really inconsistent with response times. I'm getting the following response times (<amount of images> <response time in milliseconds>):
3 9004
3 8051
11 4332
1 222
3 4386
3 3547
11 5101
9 3016
10 3122
11 3341
9 4039
11 3783
11 3294
Then, after running for a minute, I start getting delays and errors:
3 27578
3 28563
3 31867
3 18855
message: 'Request failed with status code 504',
response: {
data: { error: 'Timed out waiting for notification' },
status: 504
For others with the same problem as me when using AI Platform:
As stated in a comment from the Google Cloud team here, AI Platform does not execute batches of instances at once. They plan on adding the feature, though.
We've since moved on from AI Platform to a custom deployment of NVIDIA's Triton Inference Server hosted on Google Cloud Compute Engine. We're getting much better performance than we expected, and we can still apply many more optimizations to our model provided by Triton.
Thanks to everyone who tried to help by replying to this answer.
From the Google Cloud documentation:
If you use a simple model and a small set of input instances, you'll find that there is a considerable difference between how long it takes to finish identical prediction requests using online versus batch prediction. It might take a batch job several minutes to complete predictions that are returned almost instantly by an online request. This is a side-effect of the different infrastructure used by the two methods of prediction. AI Platform Prediction allocates and initializes resources for a batch prediction job when you send the request. Online prediction is typically ready to process at the time of request.
This has to do, like the quote says, with the difference in node allocations, specially with:
Node allocation for online prediction:
Keeps at least one node ready over a period of several minutes, to handle requests even when there are none to handle. The ready state ensures that the service can serve each prediction promptly.
You can learn more about that here
The model is a large version of YOLOv4 (~250MB in SavedModel format). I've built a few postprocessing algorithms in TensorFlow that operates on the output of the model.
What are the postprocessing modifications have you made to the YOLOv4? Is it possible that the source of the slowdown are from those operations? One test you can do to validate this hypothesis locally is to benchmark an unmodified version of YOLOv4 against the benchmarks you've already made for your modified version.
Last but not least, I also tried debugging with TensorBoard, and it turns out that the YOLOv4 part of the TensorFlow Graph is taking ~90% of the processing time. I expected this particular part of the model to be highly parallel.
It would be interesting to take a look at the "debugging output" you're mentioning here. If you use, what are the breakdown of the most expensive operations? I've had some experience digging into TF ops -- I've found some strange bottlenecks due to CPU <-> GPU data transfer bottlenecks in some cases. Would be happy to hop on a call sometime and take a look with you if you shoot me a DM.

Training segmentation model, 4 GPUs are working, 1 fills and getting: "CUDA error: out of memory"

I'm trying to build a segmentation model,and I keep getting
"CUDA error: out of memory",after ivestigating, I realized that all the 4 GPUs are working but one of them is filling.
Some technical details:
My Model:
the model is written in pytorch and has 3.8M parameters.
My Hardware:
I have 4 GPUs with 12GRAM (Titan V) each.
I'm trying to understand why one of my GPUs is filling up, and what am I doing wrong.
as can be seen from the screenshot below, all the GPUs are working, but one of them just keep filling until he gets his limit.
I'll try to explain what I did in the code:
First my model:
model = model.cuda()
model = nn.DataParallel(model, device_ids=None)
Second, Inputs and targets:
inputs ='cuda')
masks ='cuda')
Those are the lines that working with the GPUs, if I missed something, and you need anything else, please share.
I'm feeling like I'm missing something so basic, that will affect not only this model but also the models in the future, I'll be more than happy for some help.
Thanks a lot!
Without knowing much of the details I can say the following
nvidia-smi is not the most reliable and up-to-date measurement mechanism
the PyTorch GPU allocator does not help either - it will cache blocks of memory artificially blowing up used resources (though it is not an issue here)
I believe there is still a "master" GPU which is the one data is loaded to directly (and then broadcast to other GPUs in DataParallel)
I don't know enough about PyTorch to reliably answer, but you can definitely check if a single GPU setup works with batch size divided by 4. And perhaps if you can load the model + the batch at one (without processing it).

keras + scikit-learn wrapper, appears to hang when GridSearchCV with n_jobs >1

UPDATE: I have to re-write this question as after some investigation I realise that this is a different problem.
Context: running keras in a gridsearch setting using the kerasclassifier wrapper with scikit learn. Sys: Ubuntu 16.04, libraries: anaconda distribution 5.1, keras 2.0.9, scikitlearn 0.19.1, tensorflow 1.3.0 or theano 0.9.0, using CPUs only.
I simply used the code here for testing:, the second example 'Grid Search Deep Learning Model Parameters'. Pay attention to line 35, which reads:
grid = GridSearchCV(estimator=model, param_grid=param_grid)
Symptoms: When grid search uses more than 1 jobs (means cpus?), e.g.,, setting 'n_jobs' on the above line A to '2', line below:
grid = GridSearchCV(estimator=model, param_grid=param_grid, n_jobs=2)
will cause the code to hang indefinitely, either with tensorflow or theano, and there is no cpu usage (see attached screenshot, where 5 python processes were created but none is using cpu).
By debugging, it appears to be the following line with 'sklearn.model_selection._search' that causes problems:
line 648: for parameters, (train, test) in product(candidate_params,
cv.split(X, y, groups)))
, on which the program hangs and cannot continue.
I would really appreciate some insights as to what this means and why this could happen.
Thanks in advance
Are you using a GPU? If so, you can't have multiple threads running each variation of the params because they won't be able to share the GPU.
Here's a full example on how to use keras, sklearn wrappers in a Pipeline with GridsearchCV: Pipeline with a Keras Model
If you really want to have multiple jobs in the GridSearchCV, you can try to limit the GPU fraction used by each job (e.g. if each job only allocates 0.5 of the available GPU memory, you can run 2 jobs simultaneously)
See these issues:
Limit the resource usage for tensorflow backend
GPU memory fraction does not work in keras 2.0.9 but it works in 2.0.8
I dealt with this problem too and it really slowed me down not being able to run what is essentially trivially-parallelizable code. The issue is indeed with the tensorflow session. If a session in created in the parent process before, it will hang!
The solution for me was to keep all session/graph creation code restricted to the KerasClassifer class and the model creation function i passed to it.
Also what Felipe said about the memory is true, you will want to restrict the memory usage of TF in either the model creation function or a subclass of KerasClassifier.
Related info:
Session hang issue with python multiprocessing
Keras + Tensorflow and Multiprocessing in Python
TL;DR Answer: You can't because your Keras model can't be serialized, and serialization is needed for parallelizing in Python with joblib.
This problem is much detailed here:
The solution to parallelize your code is to make your Keras estimator serializable. This can be done using savers as described at the link above.
If you're lucky enough to be using TensorFlow v2's prebuilt Keras module, the following practical code sample will reveal to be useful to you as you'd practically just need to take the code and modify it with yours:
In this example, all the saving and loading code is all pre-written for you using Neuraxle-TensorFlow, and this makes it parallelizeable if you use Neuraxle's AutoML methods (e.g.: Neuraxle's grid search and Neuraxle's own parallelism things).