import { callApi } from "./api";
export default {
name: "App",
data: function() {
return {
geoJson: {}
methods: {
fetchData() {
callApi().then(res => {
this.geoJson = res.data;
<button #click="fetchData">Fetch data</button>
each time I click a button trigger fetching data, the heap memory goes up.
I've checked there is no other variable refer to this.geoJson
not sure what cause this
codesandbox: https://codesandbox.io/s/stoic-chaplygin-7sj56
The heap size grows because you are allocating new objects that live on the heap. Like you mention, there are no extra references to that value so when it is overwritten, the old value becomes garbage (not freed). It still exists on the heap despite not being reachable from anywhere until the garbage collector reclaims it.
Try clicking on the Collect Garbage (garbage can icon near the record button) to manually trigger it and see the heap size drop again.
I have this code:
import Vue from 'vue'
import s from 'vue-styled-components'
import Test1x from './test1x'
export default Vue.extend({
const Div=s.div`
const test1x1=new Test1x()
const test1x2=new Test1x()
const el=
<button vOn:click={()=>test1x1.commit('change')}>change</button>
<button vOn:click={()=>test1x2.commit('change')}>change</button>
return el
and test1x.js file is as follows:
import withStore from './withStore'
export default withStore({
state: {
mutations: {
and withStore.js file is as follows:
import Vue from 'vue'
export default ({ state, mutations }) => {
return Vue.extend({
data () {
return { state }
methods: {
commit (mutationName) {
Given that code, I assume each greeting will be changed by the corresponding button, separately, individually, but not, when I press a button all two greetings change. Anyone knows why? Thank you in advance.
And even more strange is that while at least code presented before is reactive, I mean, greeting change when pressing a button, code below it is not:
import Vue from 'vue'
import s from 'vue-styled-components'
import withStore from './withStore'
export default Vue.extend({
const Div=s.div`
const Test1x=withStore({
state: {
mutations: {
const test1x1=new Test1x()
const test1x2=new Test1x()
const el=
<button vOn:click={()=>test1x1.commit('change')}>change</button>
<button vOn:click={()=>test1x2.commit('change')}>change</button>
return el
when pressing button nothing happens, greeting remains with hola instead of hello. Isn't that strange? Anyone knows why? Thanks again.
thanks to #skirtle answer, I solved the issue doing this:
import Vue from 'vue'
import s from 'vue-styled-components'
import Test1 from './test1/test1'
import Test1x from './test1/test1x'
export default Vue.extend({
const Div=s.div`
const test1x1=new Test1x()
const test1x2=new Test1x()
const el=
<Test1 test1x={test1x1}/>
<Test1 test1x={test1x2}/>
return el
and test1.js being this:
import Vue from 'vue'
import s from 'vue-styled-components'
export default Vue.extend({
const Div=s.div`
const el=
<button vOn:click={()=>this.test1x.commit('change')}>changes</button>
return el
and test1x.js being this:
import withStore from './withStore'
export default withStore({
state: null,
mutations: {
This works. The strange thing now is that if I uncomment test1x1.commit('init') I get an infinite loop, don't know why. If I then comment test1x1.state={greeting:'hola'} I don't get an infinite loop but I get an error that cannot read property greeting of null in test1.js. Anyone knows why this is happening? The thing is test1x1.commit('init') does not change the value test1x1.state, it remains null. Thanks.
Addressing the first problem first.
The problem starts here:
state: {
The value of state points to a specific object. That object then gets passed around but at no point is a copy taken. The result is that both test1x1 and test1x2 will have the same object for state.
You can confirm this by adding a bit of console logging:
console.log(test1x1.state === test1x2.state)
The way Vuex handles this problem is to allow state to be a function, just like data:
state () {
return {
Each time the state function is invoked it will return a new object.
As you aren't using Vuex you would need to ensure that you call the state function at the correct point to generate the relevant object. Something like this:
data () {
if (typeof state === 'function') {
state = state()
return { state }
So, to your second problem. I'm afraid I don't know what the problem is there. However, I very much doubt that 'when pressing button nothing happens'. It may not update the message but that isn't the same as 'nothing happens'. It should be relatively straightforward to add in some console logging at each stage and to establish exactly what does and doesn't happen. Once you've gathered all of that extra information about precisely what is happening it should be fairly simple to pinpoint precisely where the disconnect is occurring.
My suspicion would be that you've made some other changes to withStore that are causing this new problem. It could also be a file caching problem, so that the code you're running is not the code you think it is. Either way the extra logging should reveal all.
If you need further help with that then please update the question with the extra information gathered via console logging.
This is why the updated code causes an infinite rendering loop:
Inside the render function there is a call to test1x1.commit('init').
Inside commit it accesses the property this.state. This will add the property this.state as a rendering dependency for the component. It doesn't matter what the current value of this.state is, it's the property itself that is the dependency, not its current value.
On the next line it sets test1x1.state={greeting:'hola'}. This changes the value of the state property. This is the same state that has just been registered as a rendering dependency. As a rendering dependency has now changed the component will be re-added to the rendering queue, even though it hasn't finished the current rendering yet.
Eventually Vue will work its way through the rendering queue and get back to this same component. It will again call render to try to render the component. The previous steps will all occur again and so the component keeps being rendered over and over.
The bottom line here is that you shouldn't be initialising these data structures within the render function in the first place. There are various places you might create them but inside render does not appear to be appropriate based on the code you've provided.
I am getting error "You may have an infinite update loop in a component render function." What should I do?
I have tried making the arrays a data value. Also, I have tried using a for loop. It seems like it's isolated in the first method.
data() {
return {
activeTab: 0,
uniqueLobs: []
methods: {
var newVal = "$" + val;
return newVal.replace(/<(?:.|\n)*?>/gm, ''); // Trims white space
removeDuplicateLOB(lineOfBusiness) {
// Removes duplicate LOBs for tabs
let incomingLobs = [];
lineOfBusiness.forEach((business) => {
this.uniqueLobs = [...new Set(incomingLobs)];
return this.uniqueLobs;
//compares tab LOB to all incoming card data and shows only the LOB data for that specific tab
let activeTabData = [];
this.product_rate_card.forEach((product) => {
if (product.line_of_business.name == this.uniqueLobs[activeTab] ) {
return activeTabData;
The 'loop' in this case refers to an infinite recursion rather than a for loop.
That warning is logged here:
It may not be immediately obvious what most of that is doing but the key part of the code is the line if (circular[id] > MAX_UPDATE_COUNT) {, which is checking whether a particular watcher has been triggered more than 100 times.
When reactive data changes it will cause any components that depend on that data to be re-rendered. If the rendering process changes that same data then rendering will be triggered again. If the data never stabilizes then this will continue forever.
Here's a simple example of a component that triggers that warning:
{{ getNextCount() }}
export default {
data () {
return {
count: 1
methods: {
getNextCount () {
return this.count
The template has a dependency on count but by calling getNextCount it will also change the value of count. When that value changes the component will be re-added to the rendering queue because a dependency has changed. It can never break out of this cycle because the value keeps changing.
I can't say for sure what is causing this problem in your component as you haven't posted enough code. However, it could be something like the line this.uniqueLobs = ..., assuming that is being called during rendering. In general I would suggest avoiding changing anything on this during the rendering phase. Rendering should be read-only. Generally you'd use computed properties for any derived data that you want to keep around.
Most times it’s as a result of how you're passing props to another component.
If it’s Vue.js 2, try using v-on:[variable-name].
I'm passing down an array of image urls as props to my Konva component, creating a image object for each url, storing that object in a data object (using Vue's $set method to keep the object literal reactive), then using v-for to create a v-image for each image object in my data object. This seems to be working fine, however I'm running into a problem where if I try to remove one of the images, 2 images will be removed. This only happens if the image that I try to remove is not the topmost image. In the console, I'm getting the warning Konva warning: Node has no parent. zIndex parameter is ignored.. My hunch is that this is a result of konva's destroy method clashing with vue's $delete method on a data object used in a v-for. I've been battling with this for hours, and would appreciate any help I can get. Relevant code is below. Thanks!
<editor ref="editor" :image-props.sync="images"/>
<button #click="remove">remove</button>
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
images: [url1, url2, etc...],
methods: {
remove() {
<v-image v-for="image in Object.values(images)"
:key="image.id" :config="image"/>
export default {
props: {
imageProps: Array,
data() {
return {
images: {},
selectedNode: null //this gets updated on click
watch: {
imageProps() {
mounted() {
methods: {
registerImages() {
this.imageProps.forEach(url => {
if (!this.images[url]) {
let img = new Image();
img.src = url;
img.onload = () => {
this.$set(this.images, url, {
image: img,
draggable: true,
name: url,
x: 0,
y: 0,
removeSelectedLayer() {
let newImageProps = this.imageProps.filter(url => url !== this.selectedImageName);
this.$emit('update:image-props', newImageProps);
this.$delete(this.images, this.selectedImageName);
If I inspect the component in Vue devtools, the images object looks correct as well as imageProps, (even the Vue DOM tree looks right with the correct amount of v-images) however the canvas shows 1 less image than it should. Again, this only happens if I remove a image that wasn't initially on top. It seems to function fine if I remove the top-most image.
When you are developing an app with vue-konva it is better not to touch Konva nodes manually (there only rare cases when you need it, like updating Konva.Transformer).
You don't need to call node.destroy() manually. Just an item for your data.
From your demo, I see you are not using key attribute (you are using image.id for that, but it is undefined). It is very important to use keys in such case.
Updated demo: https://codesandbox.io/s/30qpxpx38q
Normally when working with Vue, I expect the callback for a watched property to be triggered only when the value of that property changes. However, a colleague noticed that this does not seem to hold when watching computed properties, as can be demonstrated by the following example:
<div id = "demo">
{{ numbers }} </br>
{{ evenNumbers }}
<script src="./vue.js"></script>
var demo = new Vue({
el: '#demo',
data: function(){
return {
numbers: [1,2,3,4,5,6]
computed: {
evenNumbers: function () {
return this.numbers.filter(x => (x % 2 == 0))
watch: {
evenNumbers: function (val) {
alert("yes, computed property changed")
setTimeout(() => { demo.numbers.push(7) }, 5000)
After 5s, the alert is displayed, but the value of the computed numbers array doesn't change. It's tempting to infer that the watcher is triggered if the dependencies of the computed property update, even when the computed property itself doesn't.
It turns out that this suits us fine for the application we're working on, but I don't understand the behaviour, and I don't know if we can rely on it, or under what conditions it will hold. (For example, I have two arrays here, but would it still work if I had primitives involved instead? I have no idea, and I might experiment if I have time, but issues with comparing object equality were just the first thing that occurred to me as I typed this, and the pitfalls with Vue's reactivity and composite objects were the second.) I'd also imagine it might be an unpleasant surprise if the callback to your watcher were an expensive operation.
If anyone could explain how this works, and if we can rely on this behaviour, I'd be grateful.
Every time evenNumbers() is executed, it generates an entirely new array. Since arrays are compared by equality of reference, they can never be equal. The only way to properly detect this change is to manually compare the contents of the previously calculated array to the newly calculated one.
Example, using lodash:
import { isEqual } from 'lodash';
watch: {
evenNumbers(newValue, oldValue) {
if(!isEqual(newValue, oldValue) {
The watcher was triggered because it had no way of knowing whether the change on data.numbers will affect the result of computed.evenNumbers.
However, upon recalculating, it discovers that 7 is not even, so the array remains [2, 4, 6].
If you want to make sure the callback only runs when the value actually changes, you can designate it like
watch: {
evenNumbers(newValue, oldValue){
if(newValue !== oldValue) {
I'm new to Vue and I'm trying to bind a component value to a property of an exported object. The initial value is set correctly but it's not reactive. I'm not sure I'm using the right terminology, but the relevant sections are
// Settings.js
export const settings = { showOverlay: true }
// Overlay.vue
<div v-show="enabled"> Some stuff </div>
import { settings } from "../js/Settings.js";
export default {
data() {
return {
enabled: settings.showOverlay
Now, I know that the exported object (settings) is a read-only view onto the object, because that's how modules work, so probably Vue can't put its hooks into it. The thing is, I want the setting to be "owned" by this Settings service, which is responsible for persisting the values between page loads, but I don't feel like the service should have to be aware that the component wants to watch a value and take care of manually triggering updates on the component when the value changes -- I probably just misunderstand the pattern I'm supposed to use for cases like this.
This is being built with Webpack / babel, if that makes any difference.
I'm feeling a little bit sheepish at the moment. I went down a little rabbit hole based on some syntax I saw in your question and that let to a whole bunch of unnecessary gyrations. The syntax was this:
data() {
return {
enabled: settings.showOverlay
Which, for some reason, I interpreted as "well sure, whenever enabled changes, settings.showOverlay is going to change because Vue is reactive".
Yeah, no.
In that code, settings.showOverlay is just the initial value for the enabled property. The enabled property will be reactive, but in no way is it going to pass values to the settings object. Basically the data function returns an object with an enabled property that has an initial value of whatever settings.showOverlay is and then that object is turned into a reactive object.
If you want the changes made in Vue to be passed along to your settings object then all you need to do is expose the settings object on Vue's data object.
data() {
return {
Now if you have code like
<div v-show="settings.showOverlay"> Some stuff </div>
<button #click="settings.showOverlay= !settings.showOverlay"></button>
settings.showOverlay will not only be reactive in the Vue, but in the settings object. No need for any of the hoops I jumped through below (/facepalm).
FWIW I believe some of the links I mentioned in the comments are referring to the data object itself. The data object needs to be a plain javascript object, not necessarily all the properties on it.
In other words, in
data() {
return something
something must be a plain javascript object.
Original Answer
I've done this in a couple ways in my Vue apps. In my first app I wanted to do the same thing, store the settings in an external module that could manage persisting the settings and expose those settings on my Vue. I ended up writing a class that looks like this.
class Settings {
// read settings from persisted solution
// return "key" from settings
// set "key" in settings
// save settings to persisted solution
export default Settings
And then used that in my Vue like this.
import Settings from "./settings"
new Vue({
someSetting: Settings.get("someSetting")
And then some point later, trigger set() and save(). That point for me was whenever a route change was triggered, I'd just set all the settings back to the Settings object and then save.
It sounds like what you have is you're exporting an object that has getter/setter properties possibly something like this.
export const settings = {
overlay: stored.showOverlay,
get showOverlay(){
return this.overlay
set showOverlay(v){
this.overlay = v
Where you maybe trigger a save when set is triggered. I like that idea better than the solution I described above. But getting it to work is a little more work. First I tried using a computed.
new Vue({
showOverlay: {
get(){ return settings.showOverlay }
set(v) { settings.showOverlay = v }
But that doesn't quite work because it doesn't reflect changes to the Vue. That makes sense because Vue doesn't really know the value changed. Adding a $forceUpdate to the setter doesn't work either, I expect because of the caching nature of computed values. Using a computed in combination with a data property, however, does work.
new Vue({
return {
showOverlay_internal: settings.showOverlay
showOverlay: {
get(){ return this.showOverlay_internal }
set(v) {
settings.showOverlay = v
this.showOverlayInternal = v
That changes both the state of the Vue and triggers the change in the settings object (which in turn can trigger persisting it).
But, damn, that's a lot of work.
It's important to remember sometimes, though, that the objects we use to instantiate Vue are just plain old javascript objects and we can manipulate them. I wondered if I could write some code that creates the data property and the computed value for us. Taking a cue from Vuex, yes we can.
What I ended up with was this.
import {settings, mapSetting} from "./settings"
const definition = {
mapSetting(definition, "showOverlay"
export default definition
mapSetting does all the work we did above for us. showOverlay is now a computed property that reacts to changes in Vue and updates our settings object. The only drawback at the moment is that it exposes a showOverlay_internal data property. I'm not sure how much that matters. It could be improved to map multiple properties at a time.
Here is the complete code I wrote that uses localStorage as a persistence medium.
function saveData(s){
localStorage.setItem("settings", JSON.stringify(s))
let stored = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("settings"))
if (null == stored) {
stored = {}
export const settings = {
overlay: stored.showOverlay,
get showOverlay(){
return this.overlay
set showOverlay(v){
this.overlay = v
function generateDataFn(definition, setting, internalName){
let originalDataFn = definition.data
return function(){
let data = originalDataFn ? originalDataFn() : {}
data[internalName] = settings[setting]
return data
function generateComputed(internalName, setting){
return {
return this[internalName]
settings[setting] = v
this[internalName] = v
export function mapSetting(definition, setting){
let internalName = `${setting}_internal`
definition.data = generateDataFn(definition, setting, internalName)
if (!definition.computed)
definition.computed = {}
definition.computed[setting] = generateComputed(internalName, setting)