Xero Oauth2 Node Examples - xero-api

I am doing some expermenting with the xero API, however i cant seem to get past the Connect to Xero returning an error
"Sorry, something went wrong
Go back and try again.
If the issue continues, check out our Status Page."
I have setup my App in the xero dev center
I have tried these 2 repos
Both yeld the same result just an error page, no information in console/dev tools
Any help would be amazing as im completely stuck with this

So that looks like the error you get when either API keys and/or callback urls are not setup correctly.
Have you swapped in all your api keys & callback urls to the .env (environment) files?
Create a .env file in the root of your project & replace the 3 variables
Create an .env file in the root of your project using touch .env or edit the sample prefix off sample.env and change out with your /myapps credentials of the app you just made.

Here is the library that is used successfully with ouath2.0 tokenization. The token is expired in 30 mints. After that, we need to refresh the token with old token objects.
First set up an app in developer.xero.com.
Add Company Name and Redirect URL while creating the app.
Setup environment configuration in your file.
Step-1: Here is the code for creating a token and refresh token.
public function actionConnectXero()
$session = Yii::$app->session;
$request = Yii::$app->request;
if (empty($request->get('code'))) {
// If we don't have an authorization code then get one
$authUrl = $this->provider->getAuthorizationUrl([
'scope' => 'offline_access openid email profile accounting.settings accounting.transactions accounting.contacts accounting.reports.read projects accounting.journals.read'
//offline_access openid email profile accounting.settings accounting.transactions accounting.contacts accounting.reports.read projects accounting.journals.read
$session->set('oauth2state', $this->provider->getState());
// Check given state against previously stored one to mitigate CSRF attack
} elseif (empty($request->get('state')) || ($request->get('state') !== $session->get('oauth2state'))) {
exit('Invalid state');
} else {
// Try to get an access token (using the authorization code grant)
$token = $this->provider->getAccessToken('authorization_code', [
'code' => $request->get('code')
$session->set('access_token', $token);
//If you added the openid/profile scopes you can access the authorizing user's identity.
$identity = $this->provider->getResourceOwner($token);
echo "<pre>";
//Get the tenants that this user is authorized to access
$tenants = $this->provider->getTenants($token);
$session->set('tenantId', $tenants[0]->tenantId);
Step-2: Redirect to URL.
public function actionRedirectXero()
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$codeStr = explode("?", $request->getUrl());
$token = $this->provider->getAccessToken('authorization_code', [
'code' => $request->get('code')
$tenants = $this->provider->getTenants($token);
$exits = XeroConfigs::find()->where(['created_by' => Yii::$app->user->identity->id])->one();
$xeroConf = $exits ? XeroConfigs::findOne($exits->id) : new XeroConfigs();
$xeroConf->access_token = $token;
$xeroConf->refresh_token = $token->getRefreshToken();
$xeroConf->expiry = $token->getExpires();
$xeroConf->tenant_id = isset($tenants[0]) ? $tenants[0]->id : 0;
$xeroConf->token_object = serialize($token);
$xeroConf->created_by = Yii::$app->user->identity->id;
Step-3: Get data from xero. I just save and get contacts. for more examples, you can check the package documentation.
public function actionGetXeroData(){
$configs = XeroConfigs::find()->where(['created_by' => Yii::$app->user->identity->id])->one();
if($configs->expiry < time()){
$newAccessToken = $this->provider->getAccessToken('refresh_token', [
'grant_type' => 'refresh_token',
'refresh_token' => $configs->refresh_token
$tenants = $this->provider->getTenants($newAccessToken);
$xeroConf = XeroConfigs::findOne($configs->id);
$xeroConf->access_token = $newAccessToken;
$xeroConf->refresh_token = $newAccessToken->getRefreshToken();
$xeroConf->expiry = $newAccessToken->getExpires();
$xeroConf->tenant_id = isset($tenants[0]) ? $tenants[0]->id : 0;;
$xeroConf->token_object = serialize($newAccessToken);;
$xeroConf->updated_at = Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString();
$xeroConf->created_by = Yii::$app->user->identity->id;
$configs = XeroConfigs::find()->where(['created_by' => Yii::$app->user->identity->id])->one();
$tokenObj = unserialize($configs->token_object);
$tenants = $this->provider->getTenants($tokenObj);
$xero = new \XeroPHP\Application($tokenObj, $tenants[0]->tenantId);
$contact = new Contact($xero);
$contact->setName('Hassan Raza')
$response = $contact->save();


Twilio Programmable Voice isn't working

When i try to pass param from my application using [TwilioVoice Call] method i am not able to get those param on twiML application. but when i try to pass same data from POSTMAN with FormData its working fine and also successfully able to create call.
Would you please help me how can i use param passed from my iOS application into twiML
TwiML Application in PHP :
* Makes a call to the specified client using the Twilio REST API.
$to = isset($_GET["to"]) ? $_GET["to"] : "";
if (!isset($to) || empty($to)) {
$to = isset($POST["to"]) ? $_POST["to"] : "";
$from = isset($_GET["from"]) ? $_GET["from"] : "";
if (!isset($from) || empty($from)) {
$from = isset($POST["from"]) ? $_POST["from"] : "";
use Twilio\Twiml;
$response = new Twiml();
$dial = $response->dial(['callerId' => $from]);
echo $response;
iOS Objective-C :
self.call = [TwilioVoice call:[self fetchAccessToken]
params:#{#"to": #"1",#"from":#"2"}
Twilio Error Log when i try to pass param from iOS
Warning - 13224 Dial: Twilio does not support calling this number or the number is invalid
Reference TwiML Application Code
Twilio developer evangelist here.
The 12100 error comes from Twilio not being able to parse the TwiML returned from your server. In this case, it is because your PHP is not returning TwiML, it's trying to make a call using the REST API.
It should return a <Dial> with a nested <Client>. You can build this up using the helper library too. Try changing your code to this:
$to = isset($_REQUEST["To"]) ? $_REQUEST["To"] : "";
$to = str_replace("client:", "", $to);
$from = isset($_REQUEST["From"]) ? $_REQUEST["From"] : "";
use Twilio\Twiml;
$response = new Twiml();
$dial = $response->dial(['callerId' => $from]);
echo $response;
Let me know if that helps.
Step 1. In the name you have to pass name of the user(any thing you want)
Step 2. You need to generate token using 3 parameters
Step 3. You need to create object of VoiceGrant
Step 4. You need to pass Id
Step 5. You need to set PUSH notification Id generate from twilio
$name = $this->input->post('name');
//$PUSH_CREDENTIAL_SID = 'CRaf1a66dd4a7656876e16c7820ef5c01e';
$outgoingApplicationSid = 'APf9b1b789ba690b8789d95a42511f2018';
// choose a random username for the connecting user
$identity = $name;
// Create access token, which we will serialize and send to the client
$token = new AccessToken(
// $chatGrant = new ChatGrant( $pushCredentialSid= "CRaf1a66dd4a7656876e16c7820ef5c01e");
// print_r($chatGrant);die;
// Create Chat grant
// $voiceGrant = new VoiceGrant($serviceSid = 'IS840a7e5f64634ab6bf179c3f8b0adfc4',$pushCredentialSid = 'CRaf1a66dd4a7656876e16c7820ef5c01e');
$voiceGrant = new VoiceGrant();
// Optional: add to allow incoming calls
// Add grant to token
// render token to string
$voice_token = $token->toJWT();
$data['token'] = $voice_token;
$this->response = array('status'=>1,'data'=>$data);
$this->response = array('status'=>0,'message'=>'Not found');

Create a webhook using API in shopify

Here I stuck in shopify creating webhook through API
I am using cake php for creating public shopify app
Now I would like to create carts/update hook for my app using API here is my code
Cake php library : https://github.com/cmcdonaldca/CakePHP-Shopify-Plugin
File : ShopifyApiComponent.php
public function createwebhook($shop_domain, $access_token){
$method = "POST";
$path = "/admin/webhooks.json";
$params = array("webhook" => array( "topic"=>"carts/create",
"address"=> $this->site_url."users/upUpdateCart",
"format"=> "json"));
$password = md5($this->secret.$access_token);//If your shopify app is public
$baseurl = "https://".$this->api_key.":".$password."#".$shop_domain."/";
$url = $baseurl.ltrim($path, '/');
$query = in_array($method, array('GET','DELETE')) ? $params : array();
$payload = in_array($method, array('POST','PUT')) ? stripslashes(json_encode($params)) : array();
$request_headers = in_array($method, array('POST','PUT')) ? array("Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8", 'Expect:') : array();
$request_headers[] = 'X-Shopify-Access-Token: ' . $access_token;
list($response_body, $response_headers) = $this->Curl->HttpRequest($method, $url, $query, $payload, $request_headers);
$this->last_response_headers = $response_headers;
$response = json_decode($response_body, true);
if (isset($response['errors']) or ($this->last_response_headers['http_status_code'] >= 400))
$body = $response['errors'];
$body = $response_body;
/*Debug the output in a text_file*/
$destination = realpath('../../app/webroot/execution_log') . '/';
$fh = fopen($destination."shopify_app.txt",'a') or die("can't open file");
fwrite($fh, "\n\nDATE: ".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."\n".$body);
/*Debug Code Ends*/
return (is_array($response) and (count($response) > 0)) ? array_shift($response) : $response;
and I called this function when I visit my app dashboard mean
Controller : Offers
function :dashboard
But its not seems to work because when I visit
https://test.myshopify.com/admin/webhooks.json its showing nothing but
If I am creating webhook through Admin->Setting->Notification then it show listing here https://test.myshopify.com/admin/webhooks.json
Please let me know how we can create webhook using API (cake php )
Shopify shows the list of webhooks through webhooks.json, those are created manually from the shopify admin. If you want to get the list of webhooks created through api then you need to run it from another browser or from a private browser (where shopify admin is not loged in)
Your link will be something like this -
Note: replace api key and password of your app and replace shop name in the link and try it in a new/private browser window.

How to get Facebook id using socialite laravel-5 using Face Book token

I am new in Laravel 5
I am creating API for Android app using Laravel 5
the other developer sent Facebook token in post method so
I have the Facebook token
I need guidelines to using the token to get Facebook id any help will be appreciated (i don't using socialite)
Anyway thanks in advance, guys.
I solved it any way
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
try {
$res = $client->get('https://graph.facebook.com/me?fields=name,picture&access_token=' . $facebook_token);
} catch (RequestException $e) {
$status = 'Login Invalid';
return \Response::json(['status' => $status, 'user' => '']);
$facebookUser = json_decode($res->getBody());
$facebookId = $facebookUser->id;
$facebookUsername = $facebookUser->name;
$facebookUserPicture = $facebookUser->picture;
$pictureURL = $facebookUserPicture->data->url;
hope that help any one

Google task API authentication issue ruby

I am having the problem to authenticate a user for google tasks.
At first it authenticates the user and do things perfect. But in the second trip it throws an error.
Signet::AuthorizationError - Authorization failed. Server message:
"error" : "invalid_grant"
following is the code:
def api_client code=""
#client ||= (begin
client = Google::APIClient.new
client.authorization.client_id = settings.credentials["client_id"]
client.authorization.client_secret = settings.credentials["client_secret"]
client.authorization.scope = settings.credentials["scope"]
client.authorization.access_token = "" #settings.credentials["access_token"]
client.authorization.redirect_uri = to('/callbackfunction')
client.authorization.code = code
get '/callbackfunction' do
code = params[:code]
c = api_client code
result = c.execute("tasks.tasklists.list",{"UserId"=>"me"})
unless result.response.status == 401
p "#{JSON.parse(result.body)}"
redirect ("/oauth2authorize")
get '/oauth2authorize' do
redirect api_client.authorization.authorization_uri.to_s, 303
What is the problem in performing the second request?
This is the link and parameters to user consent.
The problem is fixed.
In the callbackfunction the tokens which are received through the code provided by the user consent are stored in the database.
Then in other functions just retrieve those tokens from the database and use to process whatever you want against the google task API.
get '/callbackfunction' do
code = params[:code]
c = api_client code
# store the tokens in the database.
get '/tasklists' do
# Retrieve the codes from the database and create a client
result = client.execute("tasks.tasklists.list",{"UserId"=>"me"})
unless result.response.status == 401
p "#{JSON.parse(result.body)}"
redirect "/oauth2authorize"
I am using rails, and i store the token only inside DB.
then using a script i am setting up new client before calling execute, following is the code.
client = Google::APIClient.new(:application_name => 'my-app', :application_version => '1.0')
client.authorization.scope = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/analytics.readonly'
client.authorization.client_id = Settings.ga.app_key
client.authorization.client_secret = Settings.ga.app_secret
client.authorization.access_token = auth.token
client.authorization.refresh_token = true
client.authorization.update_token!({access_token: auth.token})
if client.authorization.refresh_token && client.authorization.expired?
puts "Getting accounts list..."
result = client.execute(:api_method => analytics.management.accounts.list)
puts " ===========> #{result.inspect}"
items = JSON.parse(result.response.body)['items']
But,it gives same error you are facing,
/signet-0.4.5/lib/signet/oauth_2/client.rb:875:in `fetch_access_token': Authorization failed. Server message: (Signet::AuthorizationError)
"error" : "invalid_grant"
from /signet-0.4.5/lib/signet/oauth_2/client.rb:888:in `fetch_access_token!'
Please suggest why it is not able to use the given token? I have used oauth2, so user is already authorized. Now i want to access the api and fetch the data...
===================UPDATE ===================
Ok, two issues were there,
Permission is to be added to devise.rb,
config.omniauth :google_oauth2, Settings.ga.app_key,Settings.ga.app_secret,{
access_type: "offline",
approval_prompt: "" ,
:scope => "userinfo.email, userinfo.profile, plus.me, analytics.readonly"
refresh_token must be passed to the API call, otherwise its not able to authorize.
I hope this helps to somebody, facing similar issue.

Why do I get HTTP 401 Unauthorized from my call the to Yahoo contacts API?

This is driving me crackers. I'm implementing a friend invite scheme on a website and need access to the user's Yahoo contacts list. To do this, I'm using OAuth and the yahoo REST api. Here's a complete rundown of the sequence of events:
I have a project set up on developers.yahoo.com which is configured to have read access to Contacts. It's on a made-up domain which I point to in my hosts file (On the off-chance that localhost was causing my woes). For this reason, the domain is not verified though my understanding is that this simply means I have less restrictions, not more.
Firstly, on the server I get a request token:
Which returns with (Formatted for vague attempt at clarity):
I then pop-up the xoauth_request_auth_url page to the user and receive a verifier code to my callback page. I then send that back to my server so that I can exchange it for an access token:
&oauth_verifier=b8ngvp <- verifier given via callback
That seems to work, and I get an access token back:
I then immediately attempt to get the contacts list with the access token and the GUID:
(HTTP Header added and formatted with line breaks for clarity...)
Authorization: OAuth
From this call I get a 401 Unauthorized, but it seems impossible to find out why. To sign these calls, I'm using this oath lib on github. I don't think it's doing anything extraordinary or incompatable. For the signature, I'm including the consumer key/secret and the access token/secret. I've looked at the signature base that's being hashed and it looks to be the same form as the examples visible on yahoo's documentation. I'm guessing that I'm missing something from the parameters that isn't being hashed. Is there a way to find out why the call is unauthorized, or does anyone know of an example showing exactly what form the signature base and authorization header must take?
Solved this myself. Adding the answer just in case it happens to help anyone who makes the same silly mistake I did. When I made the API call, I was using the token secret returned from the original request token call instead of the new one returned from the access token call.
this is the code with which I solved, the trusted code to use if yahooapis returns 403 forbidden:
init CODE
* Call the Yahoo Contact API
* https://developer.yahoo.com/yql/guide/yql-code-examples.html#yql_php
* #param string $consumer_key obtained when you registered your app
* #param string $consumer_secret obtained when you registered your app
* #param string $guid obtained from getacctok
* #param string $access_token obtained from getacctok
* #param string $access_token_secret obtained from getacctok
* #param bool $usePost use HTTP POST instead of GET
* #param bool $passOAuthInHeader pass the OAuth credentials in HTTP header
* #return response string with token or empty array on error
function call_yql($consumer_key, $consumer_secret, $querynum, $access_token, $access_token_secret, $oauth_session_handle, $usePost=false, $passOAuthInHeader = true){
global $godebug;
$response = array();
if ($consumer_key=='' || $consumer_secret=='' || $querynum=='' || $access_token=='' || $access_token_secret=='' || $oauth_session_handle) return array('0' => 'Forbidden');
if ($querynum == 1) {
$url = 'https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/yql';
// Show my profile
$params['q'] = 'select * from social.profile where guid=me';
} elseif ($querynum == 2) {
$url = 'https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/yql';
// here other query
$params['format'] = 'json'; //json xml
$params['Authorization'] = 'OAuth';
$params['oauth_session_handle'] = $oauth_session_handle;
$params['realm'] = 'yahooapis.com';
$params['callback'] = 'cbfunc';
$params['oauth_version'] = '1.0';
$params['oauth_nonce'] = mt_rand();
$params['oauth_timestamp'] = time();
$params['oauth_consumer_key'] = $consumer_key;
$params['oauth_callback'] = 'oob';
$params['oauth_token'] = $access_token;
$params['oauth_signature_method'] = 'HMAC-SHA1';
$params['oauth_signature'] = oauth_compute_hmac_sig($usePost? 'POST' : 'GET', $url, $params, $consumer_secret, $access_token_secret);
if ($passOAuthInHeader) {
$query_parameter_string = oauth_http_build_query($params, true);
$header = build_oauth_header($params, "yahooapis.com");
$headers[] = $header;
} else {
$query_parameter_string = oauth_http_build_query($params);
// POST or GET the request
if ($usePost) {
$request_url = $url;
$headers[] = 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
$response = do_post($request_url, $query_parameter_string, 443, $headers);
} else {
$request_url = $url . ($query_parameter_string ? ('?' . $query_parameter_string) : '' );
$response = do_get($request_url, 443, $headers);
// extract successful response
if (! empty($response)) {
list($info, $header, $body) = $response;
if ($godebug==true) {
echo "<p>Debug: function call_yql info: <pre>" . print_r($info, TRUE) . "</pre></p>";
echo "<p>Debug: function call_yql header: <pre>" . print_r($header, TRUE) . "</pre></p>";
echo "<p>Debug: function call_yql body: <pre>" . print_r($body, TRUE) . "</pre></p>";
if ($body) {
$body = GetBetween($body, 'cbfunc(', ')');
$full_array_body = json_decode($body);
if ($godebug==true) echo "<p>Debug: function call_yql full_array_body: <pre>" . print_r($full_array_body, TRUE) . "</pre></p>";
// return object
return $full_array_body->query;
END code