Deduplicate rows in complex schema in a bigquery partition - sql

I have read some threads but I know too little sql to solve my problem.
I have a table with a complex schema with records and nested fields.
Below you see a query which finds the exact row that I need to deduplicate.
FROM my-data-project-214805.rfid_data.rfid_data_table
AND DetectorDataMessage.Header.MessageID ='478993053'
DetectorDataMessage.Header.MessageID is supposed to be unique.
How can I delete one of these rows? (there are two)
If possible I would like deduplicate the whole table but its partitioned and I can't get it right. I try the suggestions in below threads but I get this error Column DetectorDataMessage of type STRUCT cannot be used in...
Threads of interest:
Deduplicate rows in a BigQuery partition
Delete duplicate rows from a BigQuery table
Any suggestions? Can you guide me in the right direction?

Try using a MERGE to remove the existing duplicate rows, and a single identical one. In this case I'm going for a specific date and id, as in the question:
MERGE `temp.many_random` t
# choose a single row to replace the duplicates
FROM `temp.many_random` a
AND DetectorDataMessage.Header.MessageID ='478993053'
GROUP BY _PARTITIONTIME, DetectorDataMessage.Header.MessageID
# delete the duplicates
AND DetectorDataMessage.Header.MessageID ='478993053'
Based on this answer:
Deduplicate rows in a BigQuery partition

If all of the values in the duplicate rows are the same, just use 'SELECT distinct'.
If not, I would use the ROW_NUMBER() function to create a rank for each unique index, and then just choose the first rank.
I don't know what your columns are, but here's an example:
WITH subquery as
(select MessageId
ROW_NUMBER() OVER(partition by MessageID order by MessageId ASC) AS rank
select *
from subquery
where rank = 1


SQL Query for multiple columns with one column distinct

I've spent an inordinate amount of time this morning trying to Google what I thought would be a simple thing. I need to set up an SQL query that selects multiple columns, but only returns one instance if one of the columns (let's call it case_number) returns duplicate rows.
select case_number, name, date_entered from ticket order by date_entered
There are rows in the ticket table that have duplicate case_number, so I want to eliminate those duplicate rows from the results and only show one instance of them. If I use "select distinct case_number, name, date_entered" it applies the distinct operator to all three fields, instead of just the case_number field. I need that logic to apply to only the case_number field and not all three. If I use "group by case_number having count (*)>1" then it returns only the duplicates, which I don't want.
Any ideas on what to do here are appreciated, thank you so much!
You can use ROW_NUMBER(). For example
select *
from (
select *,
row_number() over(partition by case_number) as rn
) x
where rn = 1
The query above will pseudo-randomly pick one row for each case_number. If you want a better selection criteria you can add ORDER BY or window frames to the OVER clause.

Number of rows increased when I used UNNEST in BigQuery

I have a orders table which contain 134537 rows I want to fetch data from this table and insert to testing table. To do the same I wrote a query and used unnest function in it which increased rows 134537 to 234832.
I found some duplicate rows of users orders which reflect in final result. How to handle it?
It makes sense to have more rows after unnested your data. You are actually "flattening" your data .
There are different approaches to remove data duplication. It can be at the same moment you are unnested your data, or after that. In the second scenario, there is already an answer from Jordan Tigani that should help you.
row_number FROM <TABLE>)
WHERE row_number = 1

How to find duplicate rows in Hive?

I want to find duplicate rows from one of the Hive table for which I was given two approaches.
First approach is to use following two queries:
select count(*) from mytable; // this will give total row count
second query is as below which will give count of distinct rows
select count(distinct primary_key1, primary_key2) from mytable;
With this approach, for one of my table total row count derived using first query is 3500 and second query gives row count 2700. So it tells us that 3500 - 2700 = 800 rows are duplicate. But this query doesn't tell which rows are duplicated.
My second approach to find duplicate is:
select primary_key1, primary_key2, count(*)
from mytable
group by primary_key1, primary_key2
having count(*) > 1;
Above query should list of rows which are duplicated and how many times particular row is duplicated. but this query shows zero rows which means there are no duplicate rows in that table.
So I would like to know:
If my first approach is correct - if yes then how do I find which rows are duplicated
Why second approach is not providing list of rows which are duplicated?
Is there any other way to find the duplicates?
Hive does not validate primary and foreign key constraints.
Since these constraints are not validated, an upstream system needs to
ensure data integrity before it is loaded into Hive.
That means that Hive allows duplicates in Primary Keys.
To solve your issue, you should do something like this:
select [every column], count(*)
from mytable
group by [every column]
having count(*) > 1;
This way you will get list of duplicated rows.
analytic window function row_number() is quite useful and can provide the duplicates based upon the elements specified in the partition by clause. A simply in-line view and exists clause will then pinpoint what corresponding sets of records contain these duplicates from the original table. In some databases (like TD, you can forgo the inline view using a QUALIFY pragma option)
SQL1 & SQL2 can be combined. SQL2: If you want to deal with NULLs and not simply dismiss, then a coalesce and concatenation might be better in the
SELECT count(1) , count(distinct coalesce(keypart1 ,'') + coalesce(keypart2 ,'') )
FROM srcTable s
3) Finds all records, not just the > 1 records. This provides all context data as well as the keys so it can be useful when analyzing why you have dups and not just the keys.
select * from srcTable s
where exists
( select 1 from (
row_number() over( partition by keypart1, keypart2 ) seq
FROM srcTable t
-- (whatever additional filtering you want)
) t
where seq > 1
AND t.keypart1 = s.keypart1
AND t.keypart2 = s.keypart2
Suppose your want get duplicate rows based on a particular column ID here. Below query will give you all the IDs which are duplicate in table in hive.
HAVING count(ID) > 1

Deleting Duplicate Records from a Table

I Have a table called Table1 which has 48 records. Out of which only 24 should be there in that table. For some reason I got duplicate records inserted into it. How do I delete the duplicate records from that table.
Here's something you might try if SQL Server version is 2005 or later.
SELECT {list-of-columns-in-table},
row_number() over (PARTITION BY {list-of-key-columns} ORDER BY {rule-to-determine-row-to-keep}) as sequence
FROM myTable
WHERE sequence > 1
This uses a common table expression (CTE) and adds a sequence column. {list-of-columns-in-table} is just as it states. Not all columns are needed, but I won't explain here.
The {list-of-key-columns] is the columns that you use to define what is a duplicate.
{rule-to-determine-row-to-keep} is a sequence so that the first row is the row to keep. For example, if you want to keep the oldest row, you would use a date column for sequence.
Here's an example of the query with real columns.
SELECT ID, CourseName, DateAdded,
row_number() over (PARTITION BY CourseName ORDER BY DateAdded) as sequence
FROM Courses
WHERE sequence > 1
This example removes duplicate rows based on the CoursName value and keeps the oldest basesd on the DateAdded value.
This section is the key. The primary point you should take away. ;)
This article discusses how to locate
and remove duplicate primary keys from
a table. However, you should closely
examine the process which allowed the
duplicates to happen in order to
prevent a recurrence.
Identify your records by grouping data by your logical keys, since you obviously haven't defined them, and applying a HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 statement at the end. The article goes into this in depth.
This is an easier way
Select * Into #TempTable FROM YourTable
Truncate Table YourTable
Insert into YourTable Select Distinct * from #TempTable
Drop Table #TempTable

Remove duplicate rows - Impossible to find a decisive answer

You'd immediately think I went straight to here to ask my question but I googled an awful lot to not find a decisive answer.
Facts: I have a table with 3.3 million rows, 20 columns.
The first row is the primary key thus unique.
I have to remove all the rows where column 2 till column 11 is duplicate. In fact a basic question but so much different approaches whereas everyone seeks the same solution in the end, removing the duplicates.
I was personally thinking about GROUP BY HAVING COUNT(*) > 1
Is that the way to go or what do you suggest?
Thanks a lot in advance!
As a generic answer:
WITH cte AS (
PARTITION BY <groupbyfield> ORDER BY <tiebreaker>) as rn
FROM Table)
WHERE rn > 1;
I find this more powerful and flexible than the GROUP BY ... HAVING. In fact, GROUP BY ... HAVING only gives you the duplicates, you're still left with the 'trivial' task of choosing a 'keeper' amongst the duplicates.
ROW_NUMBER OVER (...) gives more control over how to distinguish among duplicates (the tiebreaker) and allows for behavior like 'keep first 3 of the duplicates', not only 'keep just 1', which is a behavior really hard to do with GROUP BY ... HAVING.
The other part of your question is how to approach this for 3.3M rows. Well, 3.3M is not really that big, but I would still recommend doing this in batches. Delete TOP 10000 at a time, otherwise you'll push a huge transaction into the log and might overwhelm your log drives.
And final question is whether this will perform acceptably. It depends on your schema. IF the ROW_NUMBER() has to scan the entire table and spool to count, and you have to repeat this in batches for N times, then it won't perform. An appropriate index will help. But I can't say anything more, not knowing the exact schema involved (structure of clustered index/heap, all non-clustered indexes etc).
Group by the fields you want to be unique, and get an aggregate value (like min) for your pk field. Then insert those results into a new table.
If you have SQL Server 2005 or newer, then the easiest way would be to use a CTE (Common Table Expression).
You need to know what criteria you want to "partition" your data by - e.g. create partitions of data that is considered identical/duplicate - and then you need to order those partitions by something - e.g. a sequence ID, a date/time or something.
You didn't provide much details about your tables - so let me just give you a sample:
;WITH Duplicates AS
DELETE FROM dbo.Orders
WHERE RowN > 1
The CTE ( WITH ... AS :... ) gives you an "inline view" for the next SQL statement - it's not persisted or anything - it just lives for that next statement and then it's gone.
Basically, I'm "grouping" (partitioning) my Orders by CustomerID, and ordering by OrderDate. So for each CustomerID, I get a new "group" of data, which gets a row number starting with 1. The ORDER BY OrderDate DESC gives the newest order for each customer the RowN = 1 value - this is the one order I keep.
All other orders for each customer are deleted based on the CTE (the WITH..... expression).
You'll need to adapt this for your own situation, obviously - but the CTE with the PARTITION BY and ROW_NUMBER() are a very reliable and easy technique to get rid of duplicates.
If you don't want to deal with a new table delete then just use DELETE TOP(1). Use a subquery to get all the ids of rows that are duplicates and then use the delete top to delete where there is multiple rows. You might have to run more than once if there are more than one duplicate but you get the point.
You get the idea hopefully. This is just some pseudo code to help demonstrate.