FileExist returns false -

I have a folder with 700+ .jpgs. I also have a Textbox with one filename per line.
I want to check which file does not exist in the folder, but should be there.
This is my code:
Dim Counter As Integer = 0
For Each Line As String In tbFileNames.Lines
Counter = Counter + 1
If (IO.File.Exists(tbFolder.Text & "\" & tbFileNames.Lines(Counter - 1).ToString & ".jpg")) = False Then
tbNotExistingFiles.Text = tbNotExistingFiles.Text & vbNewLine & (tbFileNames.Lines(Counter - 1).ToString)
End If
Problem: I get more than 300 "missing" files, but there should be only 7. When I search for the output filenames, they are in the folder, so the FileExists functions returns false, but it shouldn't.
Where is the problem? Is it the amount of files?

According to this line:
If (IO.File.Exists(tbFolder.Text & "\" & tbFileNames.Lines(Counter - 1).ToString & ".jpg")) = False
Which can be interpreted as:
The tbFolder TextBox contains the directory's path where the images are located.
The tbFileNames TextBox contains the main and complete file names. One file name per line.
Appending the extension & ".jpg" means that the file names in the tbFileNames TextBox are without extensions. And,
You need to get a list of the missing files in that directory and show the result in the tbNotExistingFiles TextBox.
If my interpretation is correct, then you can achieve that using the extension methods like:
Imports System.IO
Dim missingFiles = tbFileNames.Lines.
Select(Function(x) $"{x.ToLower}.jpg").
Select(Function(x) Path.GetFileName(x.ToLower)))
tbNotExistingFiles.Text = String.Join(ControlChars.NewLine, missingFiles)
Or by a LINQ query:
Dim missingFiles = From x In tbFileNames.Lines
Where (
Aggregate y In Directory.EnumerateFiles(tbFolder.Text)
Where Path.GetFileName(y).ToLower.Equals($"{x.ToLower}.jpg")
Into Count()
) = 0
Select x
'Alternative to tbNotExistingFiles.Text = ...
tbNotExistingFiles.Lines = missingFiles.ToArray
Note that, there's no need nor use for the File.Exists(..) function in the preceding snippets. Just in case you prefer your approach using For..Loop and File.Exists(..) function, then you can do:
Dim missingFiles As New List(Of String)
For Each line In tbFileNames.Lines
If Not File.Exists(Path.Combine(tbFolder.Text, $"{line}.jpg")) Then
End If
tbNotExistingFiles.Lines = missingFiles.ToArray


Extract PDF table and insert into Excel

I have a PDF file that contains a table. I want to use Excel-VBA to search just the first column for an array of values. I have a work around solution at the moment. I converted the PDF to a text file and search it like that. The problem is sometimes these values can be found in multiple columns, and I have no way of telling which one it's in. I ONLY want it if it's in the first column.
When the PDF converts to text, it converts it in a way such that there is an unpredictable amount of lines for each piece of information, so I can't convert it back to a table in an excel sheet based on the number of lines (believe me, I tried). The current method searches each line, and if it sees a match, it checks to see if the two strings are the same length. But like I mentioned earlier, (in a rare case but it does happen) there will be a match in a column that is NOT the column I want to search in. So, I'm wondering, is there a way to extract a single column from a PDF? Or even the entire table as it stands?
Public Sub checkNPCClist()
Dim lines As String
Dim linesArr() As String
Dim line As Variant
Dim these As String
lines = Sheet2.Range("F104").Value & ", " & Sheet2.Range("F105").Value & ", " & Sheet2.Range("F106").Value & ", " & Sheet2.Range("F107").Value
linesArr() = Split(lines, ",")
For Each line In linesArr()
If line <> " " Then
If matchlinename(CStr(line)) = True Then these = these & Trim(CStr(line)) & ", "
End If
Next line
If these <> "" Then
Sheet2.Range("H104").Value = Left(these, Len(these) - 2)
Else: Sheet2.Range("H104").Value = "Nope, none."
End If
End Sub
Function matchlinename(lookfor As String) As Boolean
Dim filename As String
Dim textdata As String
Dim textrow As String
Dim fileno As Integer
Dim temp As String
fileno = FreeFile
filename = "C:\Users\...filepath"
lookfor = Trim(lookfor)
Open filename For Input As #fileno
Do While Not EOF(fileno)
temp = textrow
Line Input #fileno, textrow
If InStr(1, textrow, lookfor, vbTextCompare) Then
If Len(Trim(textrow)) = Len(lookfor) Then
Close #fileno
matchlinename = True
GoTo endthis
End If
End If
'Debug.Print textdata
Close #fileno
matchlinename = False
End Function

Excel VBA user defined function to find images in folder (match excel names to folder names of images)

Currently i am using a function to match image names from excel sheet to image folder, but i want one more thing... that if i save image and forget to add its name in excel then it should show me that i forget to add name.
for example if i save 3 images in image folder
and i add image names in excel sheet as
then it should warn me that i forget one image name in excel cell.
my image name format is - 16095_1.jpg,16095_2.jpg
function i am using is...
Function findimage(Path As String, ImageList As String)
Dim results
Dim x As Long
Dim dc 'double comma
results = Split(ImageList, ",")
If Not Right(Path, 1) = "\" Then Path = Path & "\"
For x = 0 To UBound(results)
results(x) = Len(Dir(Path & results(x))) > 0
dc = InStr(ImageList, ",,")
If dc = 0 Then
findimage = Join(results, ",")
findimage = ("Double_comma")
End If
End Function
This function takes a folder path and a variable number of patterns (See MSDN - Parameter Arrays (Visual Basic)). Using the MSDN - Dir Function to iterates over the file names in the folder path and compares them against the patterns with the MSDN - Like Operator (Visual Basic) to count the number of files that match the patterns.
getFileCount("C:\Users\Owner\Pictures","apple_.gif","banana_.gif", "orange_##.*")
Function getFileCount(DirPath As String, ParamArray Patterns() As Variant) As Integer
Dim MyFile As String
Dim count As Integer, x As Long
If Not Right(DirPath, 1) = "\" Then DirPath = DirPath & "\"
MyFile = Dir(DirPath, vbDirectory)
Do While MyFile <> ""
For x = 0 To UBound(Patterns)
If MyFile Like Patterns(x) Then
count = count + 1
Exit For
End If
MyFile = Dir()
getFileCount = count
End Function

FileInfo returning wrong value?

Okay, so I'm working in VB.NET, manually writing error logs to log files (yes, I know, I didn't make the call). Now, if the files are over an arbitrary size, when the function goes to write out the new error data, it should start a new file with a new file name.
Here's the function:
Dim listener As New Logging.FileLogTraceListener
listener.CustomLocation = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("LogDir")
Dim loc As String = DateTime.UtcNow.Year.ToString + DateTime.UtcNow.Month.ToString + DateTime.UtcNow.Day.ToString + DateTime.UtcNow.Hour.ToString + DateTime.UtcNow.Minute.ToString
listener.BaseFileName = loc
Dim logFolder As String
Dim source As String
logFolder = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("LogDir")
If ex.Data.Item("Source") Is Nothing Then
source = ex.Source
source = ex.Data.Item("Source").ToString
End If
Dim errorFileInfo As New FileInfo(listener.FullLogFileName)
Dim errorLengthInBytes As Long = errorFileInfo.Length
If (errorLengthInBytes > CType(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("maxFileSizeInBytes"), Long)) Then
listener.BaseFileName = listener.BaseFileName + "1"
End If
Dim msg As New System.Text.StringBuilder
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(logFolder) Then logFolder = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("LogDir")
msg.Append(vbCrLf & "Exception" & vbCrLf)
msg.Append(vbTab & String.Concat("App: AppMonitor | Time: ", Date.Now.ToString) & vbCrLf)
msg.Append(vbTab & String.Concat("Source: ", source, " | Message: ", ex.Message) & vbCrLf)
msg.Append(vbTab & "Stack: " & ex.StackTrace & vbCrLf)
I have this executing in a loop for testing purposes, so I can see what happens when it gets (say) 10000 errors in all at once. Again, I know there are better ways to handle this systemically, but this was the code I was told to implement.
How can I reliably get the size of the log file before writing to it, as I try to do above?
Well, as with many things, the answer to this turned out to be "did you read your own code closely" with a side order of "eat something, you need to fix your blood sugar."
On review, I saw that I was always checking BaseFileName and, if it was over the arbitrary limit, appending a character and writing to that file. What I didn't do was check to see if that file or, indeed, other more recent files existed. I've solved the issue be grabbing a directory list of all the files matching the "BaseFileName*" argument in Directory.GetFiles and selecting the most recently accessed one. That ensures that the logger will always select the more current file to write to or -if necessary- use as the base-name for another appended character.
Here's that code:
Dim directoryFiles() As String = Directory.GetFiles(listener.Location.ToString(), listener.BaseFileName + "*")
Dim targetFile As String = directoryFiles(0)
For j As Integer = 1 To directoryFiles.Count - 1 Step 1
Dim targetFileInfo As New FileInfo(targetFile)
Dim compareInfo As New FileInfo(directoryFiles(j))
If (targetFileInfo.LastAccessTimeUtc < compareInfo.LastAccessTimeUtc) Then
targetFile = directoryFiles(j)
End If
Dim errorFileInfo As New FileInfo(listener.Location.ToString() + targetFile)
Dim errorLengthInBytes As Long = errorFileInfo.Length

Renaming multiple files by name

I'm writing a little program that is supposed to rename multiple files in a chosen directory by the filenames.
this is what I use now:
Dim sourcePath As String = dir
Dim searchPattern As String = "*." & ComboBox3.Text
Dim i As Integer = 1
For Each fileName As String In Directory.GetFiles(sourcePath, searchPattern, SearchOption.AllDirectories)
File.Move(Path.Combine(sourcePath, fileName), Path.Combine(sourcePath, type & i & "." & ComboBox3.Text))
i += 1
But i want it to be more like:
For Each fi As FileInfo In Directory.GetFiles(searchPattern).OrderBy(Function(s) s.FullName)
File.Move(Path.Combine(sourcePath, fileName), Path.Combine(sourcePath, type & i & "." & ComboBox3.Text))
i += 1
This is how far I've gotten, but it's not working as i hoped.
Also, I was wondering if it is possible to exclude file-types with the GetFiles, i don't want it to rename text-files.
Thanks :)
The first code works almost perfect, it takes the dir from a 'FolderBrowserDialog' and renames all the files within the path-folder. The problem is that it sometimes get the order wrong: lets say i got these 3 files:
01Movie.avi, 07Movie.avi and 11Movie.avi
I want them to be renamed in the order they are in the folder by name:
01Movie.avi should be Movie1.avi, 07Movie.avi -> Movie2.avi and 11Movie.avi -> Movie3.avi
Try not to modify a collection you are still looping through. Created a detatched array to work with. Then sort your new array to get them in the order you described.
Keep in mind that you have SearchOption.AllDirectories, this is going to return subs, so your filename array may not be what you were thinking... Either change the logic of the sort or handle subs separately.
'detached array of file names
Dim fileNames() As String = Directory.GetFiles(sourcePath, searchPattern)
'sort the names System.Array.Sort(Of String)(fileNames)
Dim newFileName As String
For Each fileName As String In fileNames
'manipulate you filename here
'Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName) might help
'Path.GetExtension(fileName) might help
newFileName = "newFileNameWithoutExtension" & i.ToString
File.Move(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName), fileName), Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName), newFileName))
i += 1

VBA code to delete files in a directory that contains specific characters

I need help in a VBA macro that'll delete files in a directory that contains more than 2 "_" and is older than 3 months old, however there are some folders & sub folders in the directory that must not be touched or modified.
E.g, Hi_Thanks_for_your_help or Hi_Thank_You etc.
Const DIR = "x"
Const MAX_AGE = 3 ' Unit: Months
Dim oFSO
Dim aExclude
Sub XLS()
aExclude = Array("x")
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FilesystemObject")
deleteFiles oFSO.GetFolder(DIR)
Set oFSO = Nothing
End Sub
Function isExclude(sPath)
Dim s, bAns
bAns = False
For Each s In aExclude
If InStr(1, sPath, s, vbTextCompare) = 1 Then
bAns = True
Exit For
End If
isExclude = bAns
End Function
Function isOldFile(fFile)
' Old file if "MAX_AGE" months before today is greater than the file modification time
isOldFile = (DateAdd("m", -MAX_AGE, Date) > fFile.DateLastModified)
End Function
This is the furthest i got with a code, what i'm lacking is how to check if a file name consists more than 2 "_" and if so & it's older than 3 months old = delete.
Thanks in advance! Cheers!
Dim pathname As String = ""
If fileNameCount("file_name") And DateDiff("m", NOW(), FileDateTime(pathname)) > 3 Then ' if '_' is more than 2 count and more than 3 months old, then delete
' if true delete file codes starts here
End If
Public Function fileNameCount(filename As String) As Boolean
fileNameCount = False
Dim count As Long
Dim temp() As String
temp = Split(filename, "_")
count = UBound(temp, 1)
If (count > 2) Then
fileNameCount = True
End If
End Function
I have written portion of the codes for you, the method fileNameCount will return you true / false for number of counts of '_', I'm using DateDiff to get the difference of the month of the file. Therefore I'm detecting on the both conditions, if both statement are true condition then you should proceed on with your deletion of file codes which I didn't write for that.
What you need to do is
1) Pass in the "file_name" argument which you need to think on how to get the file name
2) Pass in the right pathname of the file
3) Write the code for deletion of files
Anyway, I didn't test out the code so it might have some error(s). Hope this will help what you're trying to do.
To get the amount of "_" in a file, I would use something similar to this:
Dim a
Dim c As Integer
a = Split("File_Name_Here", "_")
c = Ubound(a)
Using this, you know that if the filename gets split into 3 or more substrings, there were 2 "_" in the filename. As for the age of the file, FileDateTime("FilePath") will get you the created date or the last modified date.