Wix CustomAction not executed under Windows7 - wix

the following sequence executes correctly on Windows 10 but on Windows 7 seems not to execute:
<Component Id="TargetProgram" Win64="yes" Guid="32BBAECC-AC90-4F79-8E59-8D5B3FA5D4DE">
<File Id="EXE" Source="c:\Windows\system32\sc.exe" />
ExeCommand="config SomeService start=delayed-auto" />
<Custom Action="EXECUTE_AFTER_FINALIZE" After="InstallFinalize">NOT Installed</Custom>
Do anybody know what the problem is under Windows7? Thanks.


Wix Executing command using custom action not working

I have the following custom actions which normally remove the exe from windows service and add it back,
<CustomAction Id="ExecRemoveService" Directory="INSTALLDIR" Execute="immediate" ExeCommand="MyExe.exe -remove" Return="ignore" />
<CustomAction Id="ExecInstallService" Directory="INSTALLDIR" Execute="immediate" ExeCommand="MyExe.exe -install" Return="ignore" />
<Custom Action="ExecRemoveService" After="InstallFinalize" />
<Custom Action="ExecInstallService" After="InstallFinalize" />
When run the MSI nothing happening, it successfully finish but nothing inside windows service I am seeing.
This one worked for me,
ExeCommand='cmd.exe /k "MyService.exe -remove & MyService.exe -install & exit"' Return="check" Impersonate="no" />

Wix: Open different URLs on install and uninstall

I'm trying to open different URLs based when app is installed and uninstalled. Currently this setup opens both URLs when uninstalling but nothing when installing.
<Property Id="InstallURL">$(var.HomepageURL)install?ver=$(var.VersionNumber)</Property>
<Property Id="UninstallURL">$(var.HomepageURL)uninstall?ver=$(var.VersionNumber)</Property>
<CustomAction Id="SetOpenInstallURL" Property="WixShellExecTarget" Value="[InstallURL]" />
<CustomAction Id="SetOpenUninstallURL" Property="WixShellExecTarget" Value="[UninstallURL]" />
<CustomAction Id="OpenInstallURL" BinaryKey="WixCA" DllEntry="WixShellExec" Impersonate="yes" Return="ignore" />
<CustomAction Id="OpenUninstallURL" BinaryKey="WixCA" DllEntry="WixShellExec" Impersonate="yes" Return="ignore" />
<!-- Launch webpage during install -->
<Custom Action='SetOpenInstallURL' After='InstallFinalize'><![CDATA[Installed]]></Custom>
<Custom Action="OpenInstallURL" After="SetOpenInstallURL"></Custom>
<!-- Launch webpage during full uninstall, but not upgrade -->
<Custom Action="SetOpenUninstallURL" After="InstallFinalize"><![CDATA[REMOVE ~= "ALL" AND NOT UPGRADINGPRODUCTCODE]]></Custom>
<Custom Action="OpenUninstallURL" After="SetOpenUninstallURL"></Custom>
Another attempt after examining msi log at https://gist.github.com/raspi/7072ecdb43d929901e3d228893cfa124
<Property Id="InstallURL">$(var.HomepageURL)install?ver=$(var.VersionNumber)</Property>
<Property Id="UninstallURL">$(var.HomepageURL)uninstall?ver=$(var.VersionNumber)</Property>
<!-- Set value of WixShellExecTarget property to value of InstallURL if this is first time install -->
<SetProperty Id="WixShellExecTarget" Action="SetInstallURL" Value="[InstallURL]" Before="OpenURL" Sequence="execute">NOT Installed</SetProperty>
<!-- Set value of WixShellExecTarget property to value of UninstallURL if this is uninstall -->
<SetProperty Id="WixShellExecTarget" Action="SetUninstallURL" Value="[UninstallURL]" Before="OpenURL" Sequence="execute">REMOVE</SetProperty>
<CustomAction Id="OpenURL" BinaryKey="WixCA" DllEntry="WixShellExec" Return="ignore" />
<Custom Action="OpenURL" After="InstallFinalize"/>

What Property ID should be used instead of "WixShellExecTarget" in case of several CustomActions with BinaryKey/DllEntry?

I use following configuration to start my server after installation of application:
<Custom Action='LaunchApplication' After='InstallFinalize'/>
<Property Id="WixShellExecTarget" Value="[#startServer.vbs]" />
<CustomAction Id="LaunchApplication"
Impersonate="yes" />
Installer executes script startServer.vbs at the end of installation procedure.
What property Id should I use if I need to execute several custom actions?
For example if I will use following configuration. What property Id should I use for StopApplication custom action?
<Custom Action='LaunchApplication' After='InstallFinalize'/>
<Custom Action='StopApplication' Before='InstallValidate'/>
<Property Id="WixShellExecTarget" Value="[#startServer.vbs]" />
<CustomAction Id="LaunchApplication"
Impersonate="yes" />
<Property Id="???" Value="[#stopServer.vbs]" />
<CustomAction Id="StopApplication"
Impersonate="yes" />
There is error "There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A script required for this install to complete could not be run." during installation if I use following configuration:
<Custom Action='StartServerCustomAction' After='InstallFinalize'/>
<Binary Id='StartServerScript' SourceFile='startServer.vbs' />
<CustomAction Id='StartServerCustomAction' BinaryKey='StartServerScript' JScriptCall='startServerSub' Return='check' />
Public Function startServerSub()
Return 0
End Function

WIX Custom Action running as 32 bit process

I need to get my Custom Action to run as an x64 bit process and am using Visual Studio 2010. When i run the msi i see the following entry in the verbose log file:
Hello, I'm your 32bit Elevated custom action server
and the custom action fails due to wrong processor architecture (I am calling DISM.exe via a batch file). My project is fairly simple:
<Component Id="Launch.cmd" Guid="{423CD408-F053-496B-8FA7-6C329A2F53BB}" Win64="yes">
<File Id="Launch.cmd" Name="Launch.cmd" Source="C:\Temp\Build\MSU Wrapper for SCUP\Launch.cmd" KeyPath="yes" Checksum="yes" ProcessorArchitecture="x64"/>
<Component Id="KB977453.cab" Guid="{E8ABB2AE-6F57-4153-B44C-E1083D6702B1}" Win64="yes">
<File Id="KB977453.cab" Name="KB977453.cab" Source="C:\Temp\Build\MSU Wrapper for SCUP\KB977453.cab" KeyPath="yes" Checksum="yes" ProcessorArchitecture="x64"/>
<Feature Id="MainApplication" Title="Main Application" Level="1">
<ComponentRef Id="Launch.cmd" />
<ComponentRef Id="KB977453.cab" />
<CustomAction Id="BatchCmd" Property="BatchRun" Value=""[#Launch.cmd]" KB977453" Execute="immediate"/>
<CustomAction Id="BatchRun" BinaryKey="WixCA" DllEntry="CAQuietExec" Execute="deferred" Return="check" Impersonate="no" />
<Custom Action="BatchCmd" Before="BatchRun">NOT Installed</Custom>
<Custom Action="BatchRun" After="InstallFiles">NOT Installed</Custom>
<ScheduleReboot After="InstallFinalize" />
I have x64 release selected in Configuration Manager in Visual Studio. Does anyone have an idea of what is wrong?
Set DllEntry="CAQuietExec64" for x64 custom actions

WiX - Set multiple properties in custom action

I have several properties to set when ALLUSERS is 1:
<CustomAction Id="CA1" Property="InstallDir" Value="[MYINSTALLDIR]" Execute="immediate" />
<CustomAction Id="CA2" Property="Version" Value="2.0" Execute="immediate" />
<CustomAction Id="CA3" Property="x" Value="x" Execute="immediate" />
<CustomAction Id="CA4" ... />
<CustomAction Id="CA5" ... />
<Custom Action="CA1" After="AppSearch">ALLUSERS=1</Custom>
<Custom Action="CA2" After="AppSearch">ALLUSERS=1</Custom>
<Custom Action="CA3" After="AppSearch">ALLUSERS=1</Custom>
<Custom Action="CA4" After="AppSearch">ALLUSERS=1</Custom>
<Custom Action="CA5" After="AppSearch">ALLUSERS=1</Custom>
This is working but I'm wondering if there is more concise way instead of tons of CAs and stupid IDs, something like:
<CustomAction Id="CA" Property="InstallDir=[MYINSTALLDIR]; Version=2.0; x=x; y=y; z=z ..." Execute="immediate" />
<Custom Action="CA" After="AppSearch">ALLUSERS=1</Custom>
Is this possible?
You could write a C++ custom action that calls MsiSetProperty() a bunch of times. There will technically be more risk for failure though. Once setup, a bunch of set property CA's is usually not that horrible.