Convert between MKMapView.CameraZoomRange minimum and MKTileOverlay maximumZ - camera

My app uses the NOAA RNC Chart Tile Service as an overlay for my MKMapView.
When downloading each chart QuiltedTileSet, I am able to retrieve the tile set's maximum zoom level (e.g. maximumZ = 21)
func setupTileRenderer() {
template = "{z}/{x}/{y}.png"
let overlay = MKTileOverlay(urlTemplate: template)
print("overlay template max zoom is : \(String(describing: overlay.maximumZ))")
overlay.canReplaceMapContent = true
mapView.addOverlay(overlay, level: .aboveRoads)
tileRenderer = MKTileOverlayRenderer(tileOverlay: overlay)
Understandably, when the user tries to zoom in beyond the maximumZ level, the charts will not render.
I want to programmatically restrict the user from zooming in past the maximumZ, and have implemented an approximation using a minimum distance CameraZoomRange of 3500 (based on trial and error):
func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, rendererFor overlay: MKOverlay) -> MKOverlayRenderer {
let zoomRange = MKMapView.CameraZoomRange(minCenterCoordinateDistance: 3500)
mapView.setCameraZoomRange(zoomRange, animated: true)
return tileRenderer
Since not all tileSets have the same maximumZ, I would like to know if there is a way to interpolate the CameraZoomRange from the maximumZ that is provided by the tileSet?
And, since not all tiles in NOAA's quiltedTileSets actually have the same maximum zoom as the original x y location requested, the z is often less than 21. How do I check for the maximumZ as the user pans, and how would I modify the CameraZoomRange minimum distance to accommodate this new value?
All of the older solutions I have been able to find use MKCoordinateSpan to calculate the maximumZ, and do not use iOS13's CameraZoomRange (e.g. Is there way to limit MKMapView maximum zoom level?)


Polyline drawn is showing below buildings

The polyline is drawn showing below building.
How can I get the polyline top of all layers
please suggest
adding polyline as
var coordinates ={ (location: CLLocation!) -> CLLocationCoordinate2D in
return location.coordinate
let polyline = MKPolyline(coordinates: &coordinates, count: locationsArrToAdd.count)
self.mapView.addOverlays([polyline], level: .aboveLabels)
According to Apple, the highest available level you can add an overlay to is the MKOverlayLevel.aboveOverlays constant you are currently using. However, their documentation states that this will:
Place the overlay above map labels, shields, or point-of-interest icons but below annotations and 3D projections of buildings.
From what I can see, the best solution is to disabled buildings in 3D mode, so that your polylines are visible:
self.mapView.showsBuildings = false

how to prevent [circle] body from sliding into 0px gaps between static bodies

So I have this body that is a circle collider
and it has sometimes a big velocity
the problem is that the tiled map of the boundaries is made of small tiles
and at high velocity the body goes through it
here is my config of all bodies:
const config = {
inertia: Infinity, // do not spin
friction: 0, // X*100% stop on hit
frictionAir: 0, // X*100% slow on move
restitution: 0.5, // bounce X*100% on hit
collisionFilter: this.level.getCollisionFilter(), // default collision filter
getCollisionFilter (key = null) {
switch (key) {
case 'fly':
return {
category: 0x0008,
mask: 0xFFFFFFF1,
group: -1
case 'items':
return {
category: 0x0004,
mask: 0xFFFFFFF1,
group: -1
case 'woda':
return {
category: 0x0002,
mask: 0xFFFFFFFF,
group: -1
return {
category: 0x0001,
mask: 0xFFFFFFFF,
group: 0
woda means water if it's of any relevance
this is between the default and woda
The problem is that matter.js you are using has no continuous collision detection. It has been a feature request for a few years. Now that doesn't mean there is nothing you can do. There is some code in the issue description itself which is probably the cheapest way of fixing issue with going through rectangular boundaries:
It detects if a body is outside the world bounds and then reverses the velocity and translates the body back
Alternatively, this post gives a few ideas.
If you want to implement something yourself, I'll try to explain continuous collision detection algorithm.
Basically, for each moving object in your scene you have to calculate moment of next collision within the fraction of the frame 0<t0<1, then advance positions to this moment t0 within the frame, update velocities due to collision and proceed further to the next collision t0<t1<1, until you reach time of tn=1 (end of frame), making sure you don't get stuck in a the middle of the frame due to rounding of calculation or "cornered" objects. For spherical colliders, that is usually done by using capsule vs capsule (for pairs of objects) intersection and capsule vs box for the boundaries.
You can also cheat by having multiple hidden frames at a slower speed:
take highest object velocity
take smallest object collider radius
divide highest velocity by smallest radius of your colliders and get 'slowdown scale' rounded it to an integer
slow down all the objects in the scene by that integer 'slowdown scale' and update scene 'slowdown scale' times, without redrawing the screen
redraw the screen only once with result of 'slowdown scale' updates and you should get same positions as without slowdown, but respecting collisions
Good luck colliding!

How to center map to selected point

I have a featurelayer that consists of points. by clicking some row on the table grid, the map view is switched and only one selected point is displayed
by the JavaScript command:
Now my goal is to center the map to this point
First you must get the graphic from featureLayer by Then use map.centerAndZoom(mapPoint, levelOrFactor) or map.centerAt(mapPoint) to zoom to your graphic.
var graphic =[0];
if (graphic && graphic.geometry.type === "point") {
map.centerAndZoom(graphic.geometry, 17); // or map.centerAt(graphic.geometry);

Cesium: Having the camera in an entity's first person view

I would like to have my camera follow the first-person view of a moving entity. I do not believe that trackedEntity will work for this use case because I don't want to look at the entity, but I want to look out from it. I would also like the user to be able to use the mouse to turn the camera with respect to the moving entity (for example, to look out the left window of a moving plane).
In a traditional game engine, I would do this by attaching the camera to the entity, so it would move with it, but retain its own local transform with respect to the entity so that it was free to move with respect to the entity.
The only way I can think of right now is to keep track of the "user-controlled" transform separately and multiply it with the entity transform at every clock tick. Is there a better way?
Have a look at Cesium's Cardboard sandcastle example. Here you are on board of a hot-air balloon and perceive the world from there. After scrolling out, you can pan with the mouse to look around. Since the calculations are quite complicated, I cannot give any details how it works, but it seems that the camera view is aligned to the moving direction of the entity. The essential part of the script is:
// Set initial camera position and orientation to be when in the model's reference frame.
var camera =;
camera.position = new Cesium.Cartesian3(0.25, 0.0, 0.0);
camera.direction = new Cesium.Cartesian3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
camera.up = new Cesium.Cartesian3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
camera.right = new Cesium.Cartesian3(0.0, -1.0, 0.0);
viewer.scene.postUpdate.addEventListener(function (scene, time) {
var position = entity.position.getValue(time);
if (!Cesium.defined(position)) {
var transform;
if (!Cesium.defined(entity.orientation)) {
transform = Cesium.Transforms.eastNorthUpToFixedFrame(position);
} else {
var orientation = entity.orientation.getValue(time);
if (!Cesium.defined(orientation)) {
transform = Cesium.Matrix4.fromRotationTranslation(
// Save camera state
var offset = Cesium.Cartesian3.clone(camera.position);
var direction = Cesium.Cartesian3.clone(camera.direction);
var up = Cesium.Cartesian3.clone(camera.up);
// Set camera to be in model's reference frame.
// Reset the camera state to the saved state so it appears fixed in the model's frame.
Cesium.Cartesian3.clone(offset, camera.position);
Cesium.Cartesian3.clone(direction, camera.direction);
Cesium.Cartesian3.clone(up, camera.up);
Cesium.Cartesian3.cross(direction, up, camera.right);
Maybe you can try to modify the camera vectors or multiply the transform with another rotation matrix to simulate turning one's head (to look left/right/back) while being in the initial perspective. For instance, you can try to combine the example above with code from a repository called Cesium First Person Camera Controller.
Had to figure this out myself as well.
Camera.setView and self-defined utility functions are your friend.
E.g. Here is a naive implementation of rotation (does not work well when the pitch of the camera is too "birds-eye-view" like):
Cesium.Camera.prototype.rotateView = function(rotation) {
let { heading, pitch, roll } = rotation;
heading = this.heading + (heading || 0);
pitch = this.pitch + (pitch || 0);
roll = this.roll + (roll || 0);
const destination = this.position;
orientation: {
Similarly you can update the position with the position of the entity by providing destination.

dojox.drawing.Drawing - custom tool to create rectangle with rounded corners

I'm working with dojox.drawing.Drawing to create a simple diagramming tool. I have created a custom tool to draw rounded rectangle by extending as shown below -
dojo.require(""); = dojox.drawing.util.oo.declare(,
); = {
tooltip:"Rounded Rect",
dojox.drawing.register(, "tool");
I was able to add my tool to the toolbar and use it to draw a rectagle on canvas. Now, I would like to customize the rectangle created by my custom tool to have rounded corners, but I'm not able to figure out how.
I have checked the source of class as well as it's parent dojox.drawing.stencil.Rect class and I can see the actual rectangle being created in dojox.drawing.stencil.Rect as follows -
_create: function(/*String*/shp, /*StencilData*/d, /*Object*/sty){
// summary:
// Creates a dojox.gfx.shape based on passed arguments.
// Can be called many times by implementation to create
// multiple shapes in one stencil.
//console.log("render rect", d)
//console.log("rect sty:", sty)
this[shp] = this.container.createRect(d)
In dojox.gfx, rounded corners can be added to a a rectangle by setting r property.
With this context, could anybody please provide answers to my following questions?
What's the mechanism in dojox.drawing to customize the appearance of rectangle to have
rounded corners?
In the code snippet above, StencilData is passed to createRect call. What's the mechanism to customize this data? Can the r property of a rectangle that governs rounded corners be set in this data?
Adding rounded rectangles programmatically is easy. In the tests folder you'll find test_shadows.html which has a line that adds a rectangle with rounded corners:
myDrawing.addStencil("rect", {data:{x:50, y:175, width:100, height:50, r:10}});
You create a data object with x,y,width,height, and a value for r (otherwise it defaults to 0).
If you wanted to do it by extending rect, the easiest way to do it would just be to set the value in the constructor function (data.r=10, for example), or you could create a pointsToData function to override Rect's version. Either you would have set the value for, or the default:
pointsToData: function(/*Array*/p){
// summary:
// Converts points to data
p = p || this.points;
var s = p[0];
var e = p[2]; = {
x: s.x,
y: s.y,
width: e.x-s.x,
height: e.y-s.y, || 10
In that example I give r the value 10 as the default, instead of 0 as it was before. This works because every time stencil goes to draw your rect, it converts canvas x,y points (all stencils remember their points) to data (which gfx uses to draw). In other words this function will always be called before rect renders.