Incremental Data Transfer from Google Cloud Datastore to BigQuery - google-bigquery

We are Trying to copy data from Google Cloud DataStore to BigQuery by using Compute Engine VM Instance on daily basis,but its so costly to me copy whole data set to BigQuery, Basically we Required updated data only (the record which has changed only) we don't want to copy whole table from datastore to bigquery by using shell script.
please help us to resolve this issue...

when you export data from datastore to Bigquery you cannot append data to an existing table. you can either create a new table or overwrite an existing table. Either way you have to export all your entities or entities of specific kind from your datastore but you cannot export just the new data.
an example script that can handle export data from datastore to Bigquery can be found here.
If you want to reduce cost use:
- preemtibale instances which is very cheap in comparison to normal instances --> for cron jobs
Another way that I found is this. but I'm not sure if it would work because it's an old post and it uses MapReduce API.


BigQuery to BigQuery DataFlow

I've had a look at this SO post but it's three years old and I think GCP has changed since then.
What I'm trying to do is set up a data pipeline using DataFlow jobs to copy/transform data from one GBQ project into another GBQ project.
To create a DataFlow job, you need to choose a template and there is no template that matches my needs i.e. no BQ to BQ template.
There is an option to use a custom template (which I imagine would be a python script or something along those lines), but it seems odd that there is no BQ to BQ template. Is DataFlow not the right tool for this job? Should I just use scheduled queries?
Thanks in advance
There is a way which is not very straight forward if you really want to use Dataflow template, you can use BigQuery to cloud storage template to store data in GCS and then cloud storage to BigQuery template to bring the data to destination project. However make sure you gave proper permission that is required to access the cloud storage buckets from the destination project.
If the transformations you want are not possible using SQL or not practical to use SQL, you can use Cloud Data fusion -> Integration studio. Here you can choose both source and sink as BigQuery and there are a number of options available for transformation component. It is similar to ETL tool. Data Fusion Quickstart documentation.
Otherwise, you can simply execute or schedule a query as per your requirement in BigQuery itself and save the result of the query in another table Saving query results in destination table.

How to minimize cost per SQL query execution in BigQuery

I am new to BigQuery and GCP. I am working with a (big) public data set available in BigQuery on which I am running a SQL query - it selects a bunch of data from one of the tables in the dataset, based on a simple where clause.
I then proceed to perform additional operations on the obtained data. I only need to run this query once a month, the other operations need to be run more often (hourly).
My problem is that every time I do this, it causes BigQuery to process 4+ million rows of data, and the cost of running this query is quickly adding up for me.
Is there a way I can run the SQL query and export the data to another
table/database in GCP, and then run my operations on that exported
Am I correct in assuming (and I could be wrong here) that once I
export data to standard SQL DB in GCP, the cost per query will be
less in that exported database than it is in BigQuery?
Is there a way I can run the SQL query and export the data to another table/database in GCP, and then run my operations on that exported data?
You can run your SQL queries and therefore export the data into another table/databases in GCP by using the Client Libraries for BigQuery. You can also refer to this documentation about how to export table data using BigQuery.
As for the most efficient way to do it, I will proceed by using both BigQuery and Cloud SQL (for the other table/database) APIs.
The BigQuery documentation has an API example for extracting a BigQuery table to your Cloud Storage Bucket.
Once the data is in Cloud Storage, you can use the Cloud SQL Admin API to import the data into your desired database/table. I attached documentation regarding the best practices on how to import/export data within Cloud SQL.
Once the data is exported you can delete the residual files from your Cloud Storage Bucket, using the console, or interacting with the Cloud Storage. API
Am I correct in assuming (and I could be wrong here) that once I export data to standard SQL DB in GCP, the cost per query will be less in that exported database than it is in BigQuery?
As for the prices, you will find here how to estimate storage and query costs within BigQuery. As for other databases like Cloud SQL, here you will find more information about the Cloud SQL pricing.
Nonetheless, as Maxim point out, you can refer to both the best practices within BigQuery in order to maximize efficiency and therefore minimizing cost, and also the best practices for using Cloud SQL.
Both can greatly help you minimize cost and be more efficient in your queries or imports.
I hope this helps.

How do I create a BigQuery dataset out of another BigQuery dataset?

I need to understand the below:
1.) How does one BigQuery connect to another BigQuery and apply some logic and create another BigQuery. For e.g if i have a ETL tool like Data Stage and we have some data been uploaded for us to consume in form of a BigQuery. So in DataStage or using any other technology how do i design the job so that the source is one BQ and the Target is another BQ.
2.) I want to achieve like my input will be a VIEW (BigQuery) and then need to run some logic on the BigQuery View and then load into another BigQuery view.
3.) What is the technology used to connected one BigQuery to another BigQuery is it https or any other technology.
If you have a large amount of data to process (many GB), you should do the transformation of the data directly in the Big Query database. It would be very slow to extract all the data, run it through something locally, and send it back. You don't need any outside technology to make one view depend on another view, besides access to the relevant data.
The ideal job design will be an SQL query that Big Query can process. If you are trying to link tables/views across different projects then the source BQ table must be listed in fully-specified form projectName.datasetName.tableName in the FROM clauses of the SQL query. Project names are globally unique in Google Cloud.
Permissions to access the data must be set up correctly. BQ provides fine-grained control over who can access, and it is in the BQ documentation. You can also enable public access to all BQ users if that is appropriate.
Once you have that SQL query, you can create a new view by sending your SQL to Google BigQuery either through the command line (the bq tool), the web console, or an API.
1) You can use BigQuery Connector in DataStage to read and write to bigquery.
2) Bigquery use namespaces in the format project.dataset.table to access tables across projects. This allows you to manipulate your data in GCP as it were in the same database.
To manipulate your data you can use DML or standard SQL.
To execute your queries you can use the GCP Web console or client libraries such as python or java.
3) BigQuery is a RESTful web service and use HTTPS

Synchronize Amazon RDS with Google BigQuery

People, the company where I work has some MySQL databases on AWS (Amazon RDS). We are making a POC with BigQuery and what I am researching now is how to replicate the bases to BigQuery (the existing registers and the new ones in the future). My doubts are:
How to replicate the MySQL tables and rows to BigQuery. Is there any tool to do that (I am reading about Amazon Database Migration Service)? Should I replicate to Google Cloud SQL and than export to BigQuery?
How to replicate the future registers? Is possible to create a job inside MySQL to send the new registers after a predefined number? For example, after 1,000 new rows are inserted (or a time is passed), some event is "triggered" and the new registers are copied to Cloud SQL/BigQuery?
My initial idea is to dump the original base, load it to the other and use a script to listen to new registers and send them to the new base.
Have I explained it properly? Is it understandable?
You will need to use one of the ETL tools which have integration with both mySQL and BigQuery to perform initial transfer of the data and copy subsequent changes to BigQuery. Take a look on the list of available tools [1]
You can also implement your own tool by developing a process which will extract the data from mySQL to a CSV file and then load that file into BigQuery using data import [2]
In addition to what Vadim said, you can try:
mysqldump to CSV files to s3 (I believe RDS allows that)
run "gsutil" Google Cloud Storage utility to copy data from s3 to GCS
run "bq load file.csv" to load the file to BigQuery
I'm interested in hearing your experience, so feel free to ping me in private.

Tableau data extract refresh from Google BigQuery takes very long

We are very pleased with the combination BigQuery <-> Tableau Server with live connection. However, we now want to work with a data extract (500MB) on Tableau Server (since this datasource is not too big and is used very frequently). This takes too much time to refresh (1.5h+). We noticed that only 0.1% is query time and the rest is data export. Since the Tableau Server is on the same platform and location, latency should not be a problem.
This is similar to the slow export of a BigQuery table to a single file, which can be solved by using "daisy chain" option (wildcards). Unfortunately we can't use similar logic with a Google BigQuery data extract refresh in Tableau...
We have identified some approaches, but are not pleased with our current ideas:
Working with incremental refresh: our existing BigQuery table rows can change: these changes can only be applied in Tableau if you do a full refresh
Exporting the BigQuery table to GCS using the daisy chain option and making a Tableau data extract using the Tableau SDK: this would result in quite some overhead...
Writing a Dataflow job using a custom sink for Tableau Server (data extracts).
Experimenting with a Tableau web connector that communicates directly with the BigQuery API: I don't think this will be faster? I didn't see anything about parallelizing calls with the Tableau web connecector, but I didn't try this approach yet.
We would prefer a non-technical option, to limit maintenance... Is there a way to modify the Tableau connector to make use of the "daisy chain" option for BigQuery?
You've uploaded the data in BigQuery. Can't you just use the input for that load job (a CSV perhaps) as input for Tableau?
When we use Tableau and BigQuery we also notice that extracts are slow but we generally don't do that because you lose BigQuery's power. We start with a live data connection at first, and then (if needed) convert this into a custom query that aggregates that data into a much smaller datasets which extracts in just a few seconds.
Another way to achieve higher performance with BigQuery and Tableau is aggregating or joining tables on beforehand. JOINs on huge tables can be slow, so if you use a lot of those you might consider generating a denormalised dataset which does all of the JOIN-ing first. You will get a dataset with a lot of duplicates and a lot of columns. But if you select only what you need in Tableau (hide unused fields!) then these columns won't count in your query cost.
One recommendation I have seen is similar to your point 2 where you export the BQ table to Google Cloud Storage and then use the Tableau Extract API to create a .tde from the flat files in GCS.
This was from an article on the Google Cloud site so I'd assume it would be best practice:
There is an article here which provides a step by step guide to achieving the above.
It would be nice if Tableau optimised the BQ connector for extract refresh using the BigQuery Storage API. We too have our Tableau Server environment in the same GCP zone as our BQ datasets and experience slow refresh times.