MaxMind Geolite2-City doesn't show city and region information - maxmind

I am using Geolite2-City Database for Geolocation. In some cases not possible to get city, region except the country. For the IP -, the database provides the below details only (city, region details are missing).
Which Maxmind database have to use to get all the information including city, region details?

Not all IP addresses will resolve to city level. In this case, there is no city information for


Retrieve US population by zipcode

I am trying to use Census Bureau API to retrieve the United States population by zipcode.
I have a valid key and followed this link but I wasn't able to retrieve population result, it kept fails with 404.
Could anyone please help me to draft correct API URL to GET population response via zipcode input?
to retrieve population result via zipcode

How to design table or collection for storing destinations?

I have an task to store data about destinations of delivery, where companies can ship the postal parcel.
The trivial way is to create a table
id | country | city
There are the some design issues:
What if need be delivered to towns or villages, not to cities? That means altering a table?
What if company needs to specify a part of city, townm or village?
What if the destinations have the same name?
How I plan to use this data:
When system gest a order, the order should be distributes across all companies. I must get all companies that can deliver this product.
It pushes me to use noSQL database, but I am not confident.
What do you think about that?
What if need be delivered to towns or villages, not to cities? That means altering a table?
This would be solved by the solution of jaimish11.
Peronsaly I would change the naming of "City" to "locality" (or something comparable - to generalize).
What if company needs to specify a part of city, townm or village?
I think this is solved by the address lines.
What if the destinations have the same name?
Normaly (as much that i know) each location in a country has it's own pin- or zipcode respectively if the naming doesn't match the post will use the code to identify the location. (to be sure you should ask the post in your at least in your country)
When system gest a order, the order should be distributes across all companies. I must get all companies that can deliver this product.
I would get all locations where the products are available and then get the location wich is next by the city out of the first selection. Maybe you could save the nearest location to a city in your "city table".
The issue you're describing isn't actually an issue. No matter what database you use (SQL or NoSQL) you can simply have all the address fields you need such as:
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Pincode/ Zipcode
This way, it won't matter whether it's city, town or village.

query maxmind mmdb for country when given a city

I'm looking to get a city to country mapping without an IP address
I have access to these files on my box:
Normally the way I would use this is and it would return a country name for the IP I feed it.
In my use case I want to provide it with a city name and have it return a country name. Since all the data is in there this would save me a lot of time. Is it possible to query mmdb (no idea how to do this) then convert that to a dataframe so I can just have a df of country to city mapping or vise versa?
based on this :Query by city name on geolite2 .mmdb file (JAVA) I cant do what I wnated to.
BUT there is also a country_code.csv I think thats offered by maxmind which does what I need in conjunction with some other non mmdb files.

Where to get worldwide City name, State/Province name, Postal/Zip code, Country, Latitude, Longitude data for free

For this site "" I cant get only 85 countries.
I referred "" they not provide postal/zip code. (provides street address data too)
OpenstreetMap Has more complete coverage. You can build queries to extraxt the data you need.

What is the most flexible design for a table of physical addresses in some variety of SQL?

What is the most flexible design for a table of physical addresses in some variety of SQL? I assume there is something better than { street address, building address, city, state/province/region, country, zipcode }. Also are there standard names for various components of addresses, especially international standard names? Further, what sort of provision should be made for the same physical location having multiple addresses? In what circumstances could this occur? has the format standards for international addresses. Publication 28 at has the U.S. format standards.
The USPS wants the following unpunctuated address components concatenated on a single line:
house number
predirectional (N, SE, etc)
suffix (AVE, BLVD, etc)
postdirectional (SW, E, etc)
unit (APT, STE, etc)
apartment/suite number
If you keep the entire address line as a single field in your database, input and editing is easy, but searches can be more difficult (eg, in the case SOUTH EAST LANE is the street EAST as in S EAST LN or is it LANE as in SE LANE ST?).
If you keep the address parsed into separate fields, searches for components like street name or apartments become easier, but you have to append everything together for output, you need CASS software to parse correctly, and PO boxes, rural route addresses, and APO/FPO addresses have special parsings.
A physical location with multiple addresses at that location is either a multiunit building, in which case letters/numbers after units like APT and STE designate the address, or it's a Commercial Mail Receiving Agency (eg, UPS store) and a maildrop/private mailbox number is appended (like 100 MAIN ST STE B PMB 102), or it's a business with one USPS delivery point and mail is routed after USPS delivery (which usually requires a separate mailstop field which the company might need but the USPS won't want on the address line).
A contact with more than one physical address is usually a business or person with a street address and a PO box. Note that it's common for each address to have a different ZIP code.
It's quite typical that one business transaction might have a shipping address and a billing address (again, with different ZIP codes). The information I keep for EACH address is:
name prefix (DR, MS, etc)
first name and initial
last name
name suffix (III, PHD, etc)
mail stop
company name
address (one line only per Pub 28 for USA)
ZIP/postal code
I typically print mail stops somewhere between the person's name and company because the country contains the state/ZIP which contains the city which contains the address which contains the company which contains the mail stop which contains the person. I use CASS software to validate and standardize addresses when entered or edited.
The most generic ADDRESS table I constructed included the following columns:
ADDRESS_1 - c/o line
ADDRESS_3 - suite/apt
ADDRESS_4 - street address
The ADDRESS_TYPE_CODES would be business, home, mailing/shipping, etc.
There's no way to know what address details you're going to get, so you have to make it flexible.
One possibility is, a text field could be used so that the address could be formatted in any way needed. However, then the text would need to be parsed for the parts of the address useful for providing links to maps and directions. Perhaps there should be a text full_address field and then a separate set of columns that will contain parsed (automatically or manually) address pieces useful for links to maps and directions. If the address could not be parsed, a flag would be set saying it couldn't be recognized. (Perhaps this means the address is in a country that the parser doesn't know the address format for, or that the address was entered improperly.)
According to the United States Postal Service:
The components of the delivery address [line] are the primary address number, street name, secondary address identifier, and secondary address range.
Here's more than most people ever wanted to know about the delivery address line for United States addresses.
You would have to look up similar documents for any other countries that you're interested in.
Are you sure you need to be very flexilbe? I usually try and get the simplest design (ie least amount of columns) for the dataset I'm currently working with, then be agile.