I'll have the following..
2 share vpcs (prod/non-prod)
custom subnets in only 2 regions in each svpc
I'll have 4 circuits from my partner provider 2 for each region...how many vlan attachments should I have or do I need more circuits from the partner provider to set up partner interconnect.
For the highest level availability, Google recommends the 99.99% availability configuration.
99.99% availability requires at least four VLAN attachments across two metros (one in each edge availability domain). You also need four Cloud Routers (two in each GCP region of a VPC network). Associate one Cloud Router with each VLAN attachment. You must also enable global routing for the VPC network. For more information about layer 2&3 connections please refer to documentation 1 and see the example configurations.
For how to establish 99.99 & 99.9 % Availability for Partner Interconnect please refer to Tutorial 2 & 3.
I have some basic questions on SAP Ariba. From what I understand, Ariba network has million of suppliers and buyers can search for their requirements on this ariba network. So looks like there would be one global Ariba cloud based hosted website, which all customers(both buyers and suppliers) would use.
But, my Ariba knowledgeable colleague was saying that companies have their own instance of Ariba and in this instance they feed their suppliers, but this sounds very counter-intuitive. If companies manage their own suppliers, then they are not using the millions of suppliers who are listed with ariba network. Why would company want to maintain their own Ariba instance?. Is it for buying processes streamlining feature that Ariba provides, and they are not interested in dealing with all the suppliers registered with Ariba network?.
If I should be asking this question on some other stack exchange site, please let me know.
Not a programming issue but I may help as there is no much information in this.
I can tell you about my experience at my company using Ariba Supply Chain Solution with CIG.
We are using Ariba Network with SAP 4 Hana ERP.
This version of SAP ERP uses something called CIG (Cloud Integration Gateway) which is just another website used to communicate with Ariba Network.
Do companies have their own instance of Ariba?
I would say no, understanding "own instance" as an on Premise solution, in your own servers.
As far as I understand, Ariba provides a cloud web service website.
How does it work
You only deal with the suppliers listed in your ERP.
Some of them you can work with just an email, which will create an automatic account in Ariba Supplier side, these would be Ariba Standard Accounts.
Others will have to be contacted from Ariba, if interested, and make an Enterprise Account for them which will have more benefits than the Standard Account.
The communication would be something like this: SAP ERP <- CIG -> ARIBA NETWORK.
Each company has their own Ariba Network ID (ANID) which will log into.
If you are a supplier, you will log into supplier.ariba.com
However if you are a buyer, you will use buyer.ariba.com
If you are a buyer and you've already logged into buyer.ariba.com you may go to integration.ariba.com (Cloud Integration Gateway or CIG) to check for errors between your ERP and Ariba Network.
So basically, a purchase order from your SAP, will be shown from your Ariba Buyer account (buyer.ariba.com), and the supplier, will receive these orders via email notifications, having the possibility to confirm these, creating advanced ship notices or invoicing directly from his Ariba Supplier account (supplier.ariba.com).
Hi Ariba Network can be used when you decide buy from you non incumbent supplier which are already registered in Ariba network in this case you have send the trading relation to your supplier in network and then start transactions with the new supplier which you selected from Ariba Network.
Hope I have clarified your doubts.
In the Sonos API reference documentation there is an example for how to allow the user to select a household in case multiple households are associated with the connected user account
In the Sample Screenshot at the bottom, the text says "Make sure that this device and the Sonos system are on the same WiFi network."
Am I correct to assume this is only a recommendation and not a requirement?
The Sonos API is cloud based, so I would assume it does not matter if the device and the Sonos system are connected to the same Wifi Network?
Also, using the Sonos API, would there even be a way to determine to which WiFi network the Sonos System is connected?
Does the Household ID contain any information about the WiFi SSID?
Thank you for the help
Am I correct to assume this is only a recommendation and not a requirement?
This is correct, this is a recommendation, with regards to discovery. More broadly, however, if you want to have a Sonos speaker interact with a specific Sonos system, it has to be on the same network. For instance, all speakers in a single household should be on the same network.
The Sonos API is cloud based, so I would assume it does not matter if the device and the Sonos system are connected to the same Wifi Network?
Your assumption is correct; since the Sonos API is cloud-based, you can access and control the Sonos system regardless of what network you are on.
Also, using the Sonos API, would there even be a way to determine to which WiFi network the Sonos System is connected?
Does the Household ID contain any information about the WiFi SSID?
No, there currently is not any way to get information regarding the WiFi SSID using the Sonos API nor Household ID.
For more on Discovery, see https://developer.sonos.com/build/direct-control/discover/.
I had a question regarding global availability of an API and performance. Basically, we would like to build an API that is central to our business, but it must be highly available and performant globally, meaning, response times of the API should be minimal whether the call is being made in the United States, China, or any other country in the world. The API is actually an interface into a microservice architecture that is domain driven. We are currently using Microsoft Azure as our cloud provider to host these microservices but I wanted to get some suggestions on architecting a solution that makes this performant across the globe. Would we need to deploy services in multiple regions to be able to make this work? If so, how would I route an incoming request to the appropriate region?
I would partition your data by region using username as the partition key. Distribute your microservices and databases around the world in appropriate places, but keep one central login service. As users register with your central registration service, you assign them to a region depending on their home address, IP, or some other geographical indicator. When they return to login the second time (using the central service), you authenticate them and pull their region from the central DB. You can now route all additional traffic to the proper region for the best performance.
You would have to implement a full set of domains in each region.
Just came to my attention that there are now more regions supporting Cognito. Is it possible to move a user pool from one region to another?
AWS Cognito, does not replicate ( moving or sharing) the user pools across the regions at the moment, if your users / clients are closer to the region then there will be a minimum propagation delays and users will have a better speed to get the resources from the data center.
If you want to authenticate your users across the region that will be possible by the API they have provided (For example, in javascript sdk you need to mention the region while setting up API for authentication and accessing resources).
For the folks tuning in now , As of June 2020 cognito supports multi-region user pools.
In google shopping API there is a limitation as 2500 hits per day. So in order to cope up with this forum suggest to pass the ip address and it will act as 2500 per ip address per day. Hence how to pass that and will it be practical for a mobile device?
You need to pass the userIp parameter along with your request. See the docs here - https://code.google.com/apis/console-help/#PreventMonopolizing
However, I don't believe this allows 2500 requests per user ip address. Rather it allows you to cap requests per second for a specific ip address, whilst the overall daily limit for the api key remains at 2500.