How pass data from component to external js file - vue.js

I want to use my component's data within my external JavaScript file, containing my Dropzone configuration. I tried unsuccessfully to use Function.prototype.bind:
export const dropzoneConfig = {
url: api.http.baseUrl + '/files',
thumbnailWidth: 150,
maxFilesize: 5,
acceptedFiles: 'image/*',
addRemoveLinks: true,
sending: function (file, xhr, formData) {
formData.append('type', 'photo');
success: function (file, xhr) { =;
if (this.entry.files === undefined) {
this.entry.files = [];
headers: api.http.authHeaders().headers
In the code above, this.entry and this.saveNote are unavailable because they're from my Vue component. How do I make them accessible to the external file?

A more general solution would be for the component to pass in a success-event handler that has access to the component's data and methods, as shown below. This solution decouples the configuration from the component's internals.
export const dropzoneConfig = ({ onSuccess }) => ({
success(file, xhr) {
import Dropzone from 'dropzone'
import { dropzoneConfig } from './dropzoneConfig'
export default {
data() {
return {
entry: {
files: []
created() {
Dropzone.options.myComponent = dropzoneConfig({
onSuccess: fileData => this.onDropzoneSuccess(fileData)
methods: {
saveNote() {
onDropzoneSuccess(fileData) {


Nuxt js Router Push Not Working After Delete

I've created a simple CRUD with Nuxt. Data is provided by Lumen. I got a problem with the DELETE, data is deleted but Nuxt does not redirect to the other page.
Here is my script:
export default {
name: 'EmployeePage',
data() {
return {
fields: ['name','email','image','address'],
mounted() {
this.$axios.get('/employee').then(response => {
this.pegawais =
}).catch(error => {
methods: {
async delete(id) {
await this.$axios.delete(`/employee/${id}`).then(response => {
this.$router.push({ name: 'employee' }) <-----this redirect not working
I want Nuxt to redirect to the employee page that display all the data after the deletion.
You should not mix async/await and .then. Use the first approach, that way you will not have the .then callback hell and it will be cleaner overall.
Like this
export default {
name: 'EmployeePage',
data() {
return {
fields: ['name', 'email', 'image', 'address'],
emplyees: [],
async mounted() {
try {
const response = await this.$axios.get('/employee')
this.pegawais =
} catch (error) {
methods: {
async delete(id) {
await this.$axios.delete(`/employee/${id}`)
await this.$router.push({ name: 'employee' })
await this.$router.push does not require an await but it's a Promise too, so I'm writing it like that in case you need to call something else afterwards.
this.$axios.$get('/employee') can also be used if you want to remove a .data aka this.pegawais = as shown here.

How to check if JSON data is loaded

I use axios to fetch my JSON file en vuex for using the fetched data over multiple components.
The thing is that my page renders before all data is loaded.
The following works because I delayed the rendering by 2 seconds, without this timeout it would result in an error.
I would like to do this the proper way but am not sure how to do it.
const store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {
poss: null
getters: {
NAME: state => {
POSS: state => {
return state.poss
mutations: {
SET_POSS : (state,payload) => {
state.poss = payload
ADD_POSS : (state,payload) => {
GET_POSS : async (context,payload) => {
let { data } = await axios.get("json/poss.json")
SAVE_POSS : async (context,payload) => {
let { data } = await"json/poss.json")
module.exports = {
var self = this;
setTimeout(function () {
}, 2000);
methods: {
mkPageload: function(){
let positions = this.$store.getters.POSS.pos
Object.keys(positions).forEach(key => {
// rendering
The desired result is that the page is only rendered after all data from the JSON file has been loaded.
There are several ways to solve this.
You could use wait / async in your component.
async mounted () {
await userStore.getAll()
// access getter and render
Your could watch vuex variable like (could be done without async but I like to add them)
async mounted () {
await userStore.getAll()
computed: {
watch: {
users(newValue, oldValue) {
// render
dont'forget to import the mapGetters:

Why can't I pass my user_name value into my component? (Auth)

I am trying to pass the name of the user after authentication into a Vue component, but I get a name: undefined value after load.
Here is my AuthService.js:
//config details taken from OAUTH JS doc:
import { JSO, Fetcher } from 'jso';
const client = new JSO({
providerID: '<my-provider>',
default_lifetime: 1800,
client_id: '<my-client-id>',
redirect_uri: 'http://localhost:8080/',
//scopes: { request: [''] }
export default {
getProfile() {
// JSO plugin provides a simple wrapper around the fetch API to handle headers
let f = new Fetcher(client);
let url = '';
f.fetch(url, {})
.then(data => {
return data.json();
.then(data => {
return data.user_name;
.catch(err => {
console.error('Error from fetcher', err);
Then, in my single file component named MainNav, I have:
import AuthService from "#/AuthService";
export default {
name: "MainNav",
data() {
return {
name: ""
created() { = AuthService.getProfile();
Anyone have any tips on how I can get the user_name value from the AuthService to my component? I will then need to then display the name in my nav template. Doing a console.log test works fine, just can't return it to my SFC. Also, the JSO library is here:
Because getProfile returns nothing (undefined). I see you use es6 then you can use async functions
//config details taken from OAUTH JS doc:
import { JSO, Fetcher } from 'jso';
const client = new JSO({
providerID: '<my-provider>',
default_lifetime: 1800,
client_id: '<my-client-id>',
redirect_uri: 'http://localhost:8080/',
//scopes: { request: [''] }
export default {
getProfile() {
// JSO plugin provides a simple wrapper around the fetch API to handle headers
let f = new Fetcher(client);
let url = '';
return f.fetch(url, {}) // return promise here
.then(data => {
return data.json();
.then(data => {
return data.user_name;
.catch(err => {
console.error('Error from fetcher', err);
import AuthService from "#/AuthService";
export default {
name: "MainNav",
data() {
return {
name: ""
async created() {
try { = await AuthService.getProfile();
} catch(error) {
// handle
Or without async (add one more then)
import AuthService from "#/AuthService";
export default {
name: "MainNav",
data() {
return {
name: ""
created() {
AuthService.getProfile().then((userName) => = userName))
.catch((error) => { /* handle */ })

Pass the url of the current domain in axios VueJS

I am trying to pass the url of the domain where I am to pass it in axios. Here is my current hard url:
import axios from 'axios';
export default {
name: 'cart',
components: {},
data() {
return {
cart: '',
timer: '',
baseUrl: 'http://prestashop_1_6.local/modules/analyticsvuejs/php/cart.php',
methods: {
getCarts() {
.get(this.baseUrl, {
params: {
action: 'cart'
.then(response => {
this.cart =;
}, (error) => {
created() {
this.timer = setInterval(this.getCarts, 5000)
and I'm trying to create a variable to dynamically pass it to all my components
I am looking to replace 'http: //prestashop_1_6.local/' with a dynamic variable.
Thank you for your help.
1) Create a separate file with a const containing this base url.
2) export this const
3) use it wherever you want
// consts.js
export const BASE_URL = 'http://prestashop_1_6.local';
// Any file that consume it.
import {BASE_URL} from './consts';
data() {
return {
url: `${BASE_URL}/something/something-else`

VueJS: Setting data initially based on http response

So I have a template .vue file:
<div id="app">
<textarea v-model="input" :value="input" #input="update"></textarea>
<div v-html="compiledMarkdown"></div>
var markdown = require('markdown').markdown;
export default {
name: 'app',
data() {
return {
input: '# Some default data'
mounted: function () {
this.$nextTick(function () {
this.$http.get(window.location.pathname + '/data').then((response) => {
this.input = response.body.markdown;
}) })
computed: {
compiledMarkdown: function() {
this.$, {
"html": markdown.toHTML(this.input)}).then(function() {
},function() {
return markdown.toHTML(this.input);
methods: {
update: function(e) {
this.input =
In the mounted function I am trying to set input equal to the response of an HTTP request, but when you view this file this.input is still the same as it was initially declared. How can I change this.input inside the compiledMarkdown function to be this.input in the mounted function. What other approaches might I take?
You can not call a async method from a computed property, you can use method or watcher to run asynchronous code, from docs
This is most useful when you want to perform asynchronous or expensive operations in response to changing data.
You have to ran that relevant code when input changes, like following:
var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
input: '# Some default data',
markdown : ''
methods: {
fetchSchoolData: function (schoolId) {
var url = this.buildApiUrl('/api/school-detail?schoolId=' + schoolId);
this.$http.get(url).then(response => {
this.schoolsListData =;
}).catch(function (error) {
mounted: function () {
this.$nextTick(function () {
this.$http.get(window.location.pathname + '/data').then((response) => {
this.input = response.body.markdown;
watch: {
// whenever input changes, this function will run
input: function (newInput) {
this.$, {
"html": markdown.toHTML(this.input)}).then(function() {
},function() {
this.markdown = markdown.toHTML(this.input);
Have a look at my similar answer here.