Accessing Vuex store in Nuxt project from JS file - vuex

In my Nuxt project I have a file named "apiAccess.js" in the root folder. This file simply exports a bunch of functions that make Ajax calls to the server API. This file is imported in any page that needs access to the server API. I need to send a JWT token with each of these api requests, and I have stored that token in the Vuex store.
I need to access the JWT token from the Vuex store within this "apiAccess.js" file. Unfortuntaely, this.$store is not recognized within this file. How do I access the Vuex store from within this file? Or should I have done something differently?
Here's a snippet from the apiAccessjs file where I try to access the store:
import axios from 'axios'
const client = axios.create({
baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000/api',
json: true,
headers: { Authorization: 'Bearer' + this.$store.state.auth.token }

After i readed this post i used this generic structure:
// generic actions file
import {
} from '#/types/mutations'
export const getDataContext = api => async function ({ commit }) {
const data = await this[api].get()
commit(SET_DATA_CONTEXT, data)
export const getItemContext = api => async function ({ commit }, id) {
const data = await this[api].getById(id)
commit(SET_ITEM_CONTEXT, data)
export const createItemContext = api => async function ({}, form) {
await this[api].create(form)
export const updateItemContext = api => async function ({}, form) {
await this[api].update(form)
export const deleteItemContext = api => async function ({}, id) {
await this[api].delete(id)
and for any store i used actions from my generic file:
// any store file
import {
} from '#/use/store.actions'
const API = '$rasterLayerAPI'
export const state = () => ({
dataContext: [],
itemContext: {},
export const actions = {
createItemContext: createItemContext(API),
getDataContext: getDataContext(API),
getItemContext: getItemContext(API),
updateItemContext: updateItemContext(API),
deleteItemContext: deleteItemContext(API),
because I had many stores with similar features.
and the same for mutations i used generic mutations functions.


How to update API path dynamically in VUEX state

I am trying to dynamically update the API path in my Vuex state. Vuex must have a default path "" set when the page loaded and I want to update the path to "" by the user interaction and fetch the new API data immediately.
The relevant part of my code is as follows (updated code):
export const state = () => ({
apiData: [],
apiId: 'datasetA.json'
export const mutations = {
fillApiData: (state, data) => {state.apiData = data},
updateApi: (state, newApiId) => {state.apiId = newApiId;}
export const actions = {
async getApiData({commit, state}) {
const response = await this.$axios.$get('https://example/api/'+state.apiId);
commit('fillApiData', response);
then VUE method as follows:
methods: {
updateApi(apiId) {
this.$store.commit('updateApi', apiId)
Create a mutation that changes the vuex state. Then run this mutation(commit) in the getApiData function
export const state = () => ({
apiData: [],
apiId: 'datasetA.json'
export const mutations = {
updateAPI(state, newApiId ) {
state.apiId = newApiId;
export const actions = {
async getApiData({commit, state}) {
const response = await this.$axios.$get('https://example/api/'+state.apiId);
commit('updateValue', response);
commit('updateAPI', '');
I can update the state directly by using this.$store.state.apiId = apiId in methods but I know this is bad practice
You are correct. However, if you would like that approach to update the state outside Vuex, you can use mutations to change the Vuex - This is good practice.
Then you can do
this.$store.commit('updateAPI', 'my new value')

Nuxt.js - The best place for API calls

I'm new to Vue.js Nuxt and all front-end stuff.
I have a question about API calls. I'm not sure what is the right way, the best practice here.
I have a store. In that store, I have actions that are calling my API and sets state eg.
async fetchArticle({ state, commit }, uuid) {
const response = await this.$axios.get(`articles/${uuid}/`)
And that is fine it is working for one component.
But what if I want to just fetch the article and not changing the state.
To be DRY first thing that comes to my mind is to create the service layer that is fetching the data and is used where it is needed.
Is it the right approach? Where can I find some real-world examples that I can take inspiration from?
Using the repository pattern to abstract your API is definitely a good idea! Whether you use the #nuxtjs/axios module or the #nuxt/http module, you can pass either instance to your repository class/function. Below a real world example of an abstracted "repository.js" file.
export default $axios => resource => ({
index() {
return $axios.$get(`/${resource}`)
create(payload) {
return $axios.$post(`/${resource}`, payload)
show(id) {
return $axios.$get(`/${resource}/${id}`)
update(payload, id) {
return $axios.$put(`/${resource}/${id}`, payload)
delete(id) {
return $axios.$delete(`/${resource}/${id}`)
You can then create a plugin to initialize all different kinds of repositories for your endpoints:
import createRepository from '~/path/to/repository.js'
export default (ctx, inject) => {
const repositoryWithAxios = createRepository(ctx.$axios)
const repositories = {
posts: repositoryWithAxios('posts'),
users: repositoryWithAxios('users')
inject('repositories', repositories)
Further read: Organize and decouple your API calls in Nuxt.js
I will an example of a service layer implementation for my portfolio to create my dashboard that shows some statics about my github and stackoverflow profiles, to do this i created a folder called services inside the project root :
in the AxiosConfig.js file i put i created an axios instance with its configuration :
import axios from 'axios';
const clientAPI = url =>
baseURL: url,
withCredentials: false,
headers: {
Accept: 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
export default clientAPI;
then in my GitHubService.js i imported that axios instance called clientAPI which i used to my requests :
import clientAPI from './AxiosConfig';
const baseURL = '';
export default {
getUser(name) {
return clientAPI(baseURL).get('/users/' + name);
return clientAPI(baseURL).get('/users/' + name+'/repos');
return clientAPI(baseURL).get('/users/' + name+'/events?per_page=100&page='+page);
return clientAPI(baseURL).get('/repos/' + name+'/'+repo+'/stats/commit_activity');
then in my page i used asyncData hook to fetch my data :
import GitHubService from '../../services/GitHubService'
export default {
async asyncData({ error }) {
try {
const { data } = await GitHubService.getUser("boussadjra");
const resRepos = await GitHubService.getRepos("boussadjra");
return {
user: data,
} catch (e) {
statusCode: 503,
message: "We cannot find the user"
I wanted to use axios in my service/service.js file, so instead of passing axios, I accessed it directly like this:
export default {
async fetchArticle() {
let response = await $nuxt.$axios.$get('/api-url')
return response
In Nuxt, if you want to just get the data without keeping it in your store, you could use the asyncData function, which asynchronously loads data (from API calls and the like) and pushes it into the component's data object before rendering.

Nuxt access store (in Module mode) from JS file

I have an AuthService that I use in a namespaced store in my Nuxt app. I need to commit mutations from AuthService to the namespaced store but I can't figure out how to import the store into my AuthService.
I've seen examples where the store is imported into the JS file, but the store is explicitly defined in the Vue app. Because I'm using Nuxt with the Module mode for my store, I'm not sure of the root path where I can import my store into the AuthService file. As I understand it, Nuxt handles creating the root store and all the namespaced store behind the scenes when use "Module mode"
My Nuxt store directory includes index.js (which is empty) and auth.js which has the mutations I want to call from AuthService.
import AuthService from '../firebase/authService'
const authService = new AuthService()
export const state = () => ({
user: null
export const mutations = {
setUser (state, user) {
state.user = user
export const actions = {
async signUp ({ commit }, payload) {
try {
await authServices.createUser(payload)
return Promise.resolve()
} catch (err) {
const notification = {
duration: 5000,
message: err.message,
type: 'error'
commit('ui/activateNotification', notification, { root: true })
return Promise.reject()
import { fAuth, fDb } from './config'
// I think I need to import auth store here but I'm not sure how
export default class AuthClient {
async createUser (payload) {
try {
const res = await fAuth.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(, payload.password)
const { uid } = res.user
const user = {
await this._createUserDoc(user)
return Promise.resolve()
} catch (err) {
return Promise.reject(err)
async _createUserDoc (user) {
await fDb.collection('users').doc(user.uid).set(user)
_initAuthListener () {
fAuth.onAuthStateChanged(async (user) => {
try {
if (user) {
const userProfileRef = fDb.collection('users').doc(user.uid)
const userProfileDoc = await userProfileRef.get()
const { uid, userName } =
// Here is where I want to call a mutation from the auth store'setUser', {
} else {'setUser', null)
} catch (err) {
I'd like to propose a solution using a plugin.
In the external module (externalModule.js) we define store variable and export an init function that receives Nuxt context as argument. The function assignes the store from context to the variable which can be now used in the module:
let store;
export function init (context) {
store =;
(...further business logic using store)
Then in the plugins folder we create a plugin file (let's call it storeInit.js). The file imports the init function from the external module and exports default plugin function required by Nuxt. The function receives context from Nuxt and we call the init function passing the context further:
import { init } from '[pathTo]/externalModule.js';
export default (context, inject) => {
Then we register the plugin in the nuxt.config.js file:
module.exports = {
plugins: [
{ src: '~/plugins/storeInit' }
This way when the app is built by Nuxt and plugins are registered, the context object is passed to the external module and we can use anything from it, among others the store.
In index.js file which is in store folder you need to return store like this
import Vuex from 'vuex'
const createStore = () => {
return new Vuex.Store({
state: {
counter: 0
mutations: {
increment (state) {
export default createStore
and in your authService.js file you need to import store like this
import $store from '~/store'
by this you will be able to access your store
$store.commit('setUser', null)
I hope this works for you
Important Note: you don't need to install vuex because it is already shipped with nuxtjs
You can access as window.$nuxt.$store
Note: My nuxt version is 2.14.11

Saving data to local storage using vuex persisted state

I'm currently using this plugin vuex-persistedstate
and I would like to use it with Vuex module of my Nuxt app.
Basically I have a login module if success, then store the authToken coming from the response to localStorage
Here's my code:
import axios from "axios";
import createPersistedState from 'vuex-persistedstate';
export const state = () => ({
signInAttrs: {
email: "",
password: ""
authToken: ""
export const mutations = {
SET_AUTH_TOKEN(state, token) {
state.authToken = token;
key: 'admin-auth-key',
paths: [],
reducer: state => ({
authToken: '123123123'
export const actions = {
signInAdmin({ commit }, context) {
return`${process.env.BASE_URL}/sign_in`, {
password: context.password
}).then(response => {
}).catch(error => {
console.log(`failed ${error}`);
export const getters = {
signInAttrs(state) {
return state.signInAttrs;
authToken(state) {
return state.authToken;
Inside the mutations there's SET_AUTH_TOKEN that receives the token as the parameter from API. How can I save it to localStorage?
I think you're misunderstanding usage of vuex-persistedstate. Once you add it to Store plugins (plugins: [createPersistedState()]), it automatically updates localStorage variable vuex with a copy of your store on each mutation commit (see example). So your token should be inside vuex.authToken in localStorage already.
If you want to simply store a variable with custom name you can do it without plugins: localStorage.setItem('key', 'value'). See this question.

How to structure api calls in Vue.js?

I'm currently working on a new Vue.js application. It depends heavily on api calls to my backend database.
For a lot of things I use Vuex stores because it manages shared data between my components. When looking at other Vue projects on github I see a special vuex directory with files that handles all the actions, states and so on. So when a component has to call the API, it includes the actions file from the vuex directory.
But, for messages for example, I don't want to use Vuex because those data is only important for one specific view. I want to use the component specific data here. But here is my problem: I still need to query my api. But I shouldn't include the Vuex actions file. So in that way I should create a new actions file. This way I have a specific file with api actions for vuex and for single components.
How should I structure this? Creating a new directory 'api' that handles actions for both vuex data and component-specific data? Or separate it?
I am using axios as HTTP client for making api calls, I have created a gateways folder in my src folder and I have put files for each backend, creating axios instances, like following
import axios from 'axios'
export default axios.create({
baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000/api/v1',
timeout: 5000,
headers: {
'X-Auth-Token': 'f2b6637ddf355a476918940289c0be016a4fe99e3b69c83d',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
Now in your component, You can have a function which will fetch data from the api like following:
methods: {
getProducts () {
myApi.get('products?id=' + prodId).then(response => this.product =
Similarly you can use this to get data for your vuex store as well.
If you are maintaining product related data in a dedicate vuex module,
you can dispatch an action from the method in component, which will internally call the backend API and populate data in the store, code will look something like following:
Code in component:
methods: {
getProducts (prodId) {
this.$store.dispatch('FETCH_PRODUCTS', prodId)
Code in vuex store:
import myApi from '../../gateways/my-api'
const state = {
products: []
const actions = {
FETCH_PRODUCTS: (state, prodId) => {
myApi.get('products?id=' + prodId).then(response => state.commit('SET_PRODUCTS', response))
// mutations
const mutations = {
SET_PRODUCTS: (state, data) => {
state.products = Object.assign({},
const getters = {
export default {
Note: vue-resource is retired ! Use something else, such as Axios.
I'm using mostly Vue Resource.I create services directory, and there put all connections to endpoints, for e.g PostService.js
import Vue from 'vue'
export default {
get(id) {
return Vue.http.get(`/api/post/${id}`)
create() {
// etc
Then in my file I'm importing that service and create method that would call method from service file
import PostService from '../services/PostService'
export default {
data() {
item: []
created() {
methods: {
fetchItem() {
return PostService.get(
.then(result => {
this.item = result.json()
Based on concept of Belmin Bedak`s answer, i have wrapped it all into a simple library:
You can request your API like this:
All results
// GET /posts?filter[status]=ACTIVE
let post = await Post
.where('status', 'ACTIVE')
Specific result
// GET /posts/1
let post = await Post.find(1)
// PUT /posts/1
post.title = 'Awsome!'
// GET /users/1
let user = await User.find(1)
// GET users/1/posts
let posts = await user