Syncing Route 53 static website to github website repository (allowing offline/destop editing) - amazon-s3

I have had a website for quite some time, and want to move it over to it's own domain name. Currently, I have transferred all the files to the right S3 bucket and I can access the website all the same as I can my Github. However, I want to be able to edit individual files in a desktop app (such as SubEthaEdit or Brackets), like you can in Github, which to my knowledge you cant.
I would like to be able to migrate the Github website over to the domain name, so that when I edit, save, and push a commit from the Github desktop using SubEthaEdit, it would be automatically updated on the domain website (ideally). Either this, or they share a library that is still accessible from the Github desktop app. I really just hate editing files using S3's editor, or having to download and re-upload any document I am working on.
Im quite new to any sort of coding or programming languages other than a little bit of javascript, apologies if the language I used is, shall I say, sub-par.

Got It!
#ceejayoz helped to point me in the right direction.
after some fiddling, I got a CNAME record that points towards my github website, while maintaining https.


How to set OctoberCMS permissions to allow editing Content, but not StaticPages?

I have a problem with setting permissions for a backend user in OctoberCMS. We have built a website for a client, using the StaticPages plugin among others.
Now I want to give a certain backend user (the client) the permission to edit CMS content files (which should occur most conveniently through the rainlab.editable plugin on the frontend), and really nothing much else (save for some custom plugins, like a gallery, and the mediamanager to upload some files etc.).
In particular, he should not be able to edit the StaticPages files.
However, the way StaticPages plugin is set up, all static pages are actually saved in the content/staticpages subdirectory. And when I give the user permission to manage CMS content, content files in the content directory can be edited, and the content/staticpages subdirectory, where static pages files are stored in their peculiar format, is not excluded from this, even though I have denied permission to manage StaticPages, manage StaticMenus, manage StaticPages content, manage Snippets (i.e. all options to edit StaticPages components in any way).
I don't know if this is by design, or if this should count as a bug in the StaticPages plugin. But for now, I am just looking for a quick solution, even a hack, if in anyway possible, to exclude the content/staticpages subdirectory from being edited through "manage CMS content" permission.
I am not yet very familiar with how the permission management works under the hood and where I could look to edit in a quick dirty hack to prevent this.

How to allow permission for user's Home folder in cocoa application for mac

I am having a mac app in which I am deleting some data from user's Home directory.
My app is rejected saying the below reason.
The app only finds files in the ~/Downloads folder. It would be appropriate to have the user grant access to the Home folder.
So I used NSOpenPanel for asking the access from the user but I have no idea about how to give access to user's hidden folders.
I have successfully enabled sandboxing for my app but now on allow button, what should I do?
Please guide me on this...
Any help will be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance...
I spent some time researching this and I can say that if you want an easy solution for being able to access files outside your app's sandbox, it's just not going to be possible.
And even if you were willing to work on a tougher, more technical solution, it is still likely to not be possible.
You should look at this section in the Apple's App Sandbox Design Guide entitled "Accessing User Data", specifically this bit:
If your app requires access to the user’s home directory in order to
function, let Apple know about your needs using the Apple bug
reporting system. In addition, be sure to follow the guidance
regarding entitlements provided on the iTunes Connect website.
The next paragraph says the same thing about other app's preferences. Since you're trying to manipulate -- or delete -- other app's files, you're going to have to ask Apple for permission and/or guidance to do this.
If this were my problem, the only workaround I might possibly attempt would be to come up with might involve Security-Scoped Bookmarks and Persistent Resource Access, but as you can see from the linked documentation, it's not trivial to setup.
Summed up: if you want your app to remain sandboxed, you may need to rethink what you are trying to accomplish.
More information can be found in this related question.

Is it a bad idea to call phaser.min.js directly from GitHub?

As a jQuery user, I link the remote library from Google using
<script src="//"></script>
which is very clever because it's already loaded in the brower cache if the reader visited another site that did the same.
As I discover Phaser, I was hoping to see people on the web doing the same with
<script src=""></script>
or any library hoster, but apparently no one does.
Is there a reason why Phaser users don't do that?
I would strongly advise against linking to the master release as it will absolutely break your games over time. Most of the 2.0.x updates have been non-API changing, but 2.1 and above will be altering some core aspects of Phaser. You should only ever link to specific versions.
For a similar service to the Google hosted APIs (of which they only host very specific libraries that they've selected) we use CDN.js, which offers the same thing. You can find details in the Phaser README or just go to and search for Phaser.
There is as such no issue if you link to a specific version. But you don't want the latest build, as this can potentially break your site by making changes.
I don't know Github's policies on referencing their site like this.

Apache Isis vs JSON Presentation

I am working on building a sample web application for proof of concept - with a link of some sort on an html page consuming a restful web service via a json object and displaying the data on the web page .
Something like the Apache Isis todo maintenance version with presentation of the json representation on a web page.
I have been trying to use the JQueryMobile example of the Apache Isis ( But, I do not have the original source code (only the war file with some online demo jar files in the lib). I could decompile the online demo jar files, but its not straight forward setting up the project in eclipse for adapting to a real life project. I searched the Isis github repo and could not find the source , no archtype like the simple wicket etc. Please, could someone help, I really need a sample app or references, with source file and or any kind of guideline on how this works end to end.
FYI - We are not considering changing the choice of technology here, Its DDD using Apache Isis. Any help will be appreciated ... Since there are not too many online tutorials or sample app on this project. Thanks.
I think you posted a similar question on my youtube channel. Just to reiterate what I said there, you might want to check out the JQueryMobile viewer that was developed by one of our "google summer of code" students last year, namely
In terms of ongoing help, your best bet is subscribing to the mailing list (blank email to, and reply to the confirmation) then send your questions via email to

How Adobe AIR application can find out what URL it was downloaded from?

We have an Adobe AIR application which could be possibly downloaded from multiple domains. And when it's run, it should connect back to the site it was downloaded from to get data to show to the user.
So far we have a separate application build for each domain with a site URL hardcoded into it. And I wonder is there a way for AIR application to find out at runtime the URL (or at least domain) from which it was downloaded?
What we would like to have is a single downloadable binary served from all different domains, which still can know it's origin URL.
There's no function to retrieve such information, it would just make no sense if you think about it.
The most stable way is to include an external configuration file into the package.
Note that you can use ANT to automate this process for this final deployment.
There's no direct way to do it.
Here are some options which come in mind:
Build different versions for each site (this could be automated)
Let user choose the site at first launch
Try to guess it using using whatever resources you have (timezone, language, etc)
How should this work? The only solution i see (independent from AIR) is that you deliver an extra (properties) file with the application, containing the URL downloaded from. So you dont need to build a separate app for each domain, but only package a different domain-file with it. The app then reads this file and executes some context sensitive stuff.
I am trying to address the exact same issue right now.
It looks like you can modify the install badge to pass parameters to the air app.
From what I gather the values are only passed down on install or launch-from-badge.
Something I plan on researching is that one of the parameters in "" is _appURL which is the URL of the page the badge is on. I don't yet know if that value makes it down to the installed AIR app in some way; but it could be a useful property. I'm ultimately hoping that the AIR install process injects that into the application descriptor xml, but I'm not holding my breath.
Check this page out:
When the user downloads, you could store their IP address in your central DB. Then when the app is installed and runs the first time, the app could hit your central DB to match up their IP address with the server they downloaded from.
A cookie with a specific name being stored on a download page, and the AIR app looking for that? Though that might not work for direct downloads. It might also be hard to pull off since knowing the specific browser used to download it would be an issue.