JProfiler agent: bind communication socket to specific network interface on AIX platform - jprofiler

We try to bind the communication socket of the jprofiler agent (running in a tomcat) to a specific network interface on AIX platform cause of security reason, but we always get following error message:
JProfiler> ERROR: Could not bind socket.
If we delete the ip address (address= from the config everything works fine.
CATALINA_OPTS="$CATALINA_OPTS -agentpath:/products/web/jprofiler/agent/,port=8849,config=/tools/jprofiler/jprofiler_config.xml,nowait
platform details:
Server version: Server
Server built: 1
Server number: 1
OS Name: AIX
OS Version: 7.1
Architecture: ppc64
Java Home: /usr/java8_64/jre
JVM Version: - pap6480sr5fp41-20190919_01(SR5 FP41)
JVM Vendor:IBM Corporation
Is there a special config needed on AIX?


cannot connect to X.X.X.X:10514: Connection refused

Configuring a ELK stack version 8.1, based on two virtual machine which both run Oracle linux 8. I need to send logs from a VM to the other using rsyslog. On the recieving machine logs will be acquired using FileBeat. The file rsyslog.conf has been configured on the sending machine, adding target machine parameters. The file filebeat.yml has been configured to recieve logs from rsyslog like this:
- type: syslog
enabled: true
format: auto
host: "X.X.X.X:10514"
The firewalld on the receiving machine has been configured opening the port 10514.
Since the reboot after configuration, the only thing I can get is the error:
cannot connect to X.X.X.X:10514: Connection refused
How can I solve this problem?

Artemis running on WSL2 not accessible from Windows

This is a specific question. I am running an Artemis MQ service on WSL2. I would like to access the service from an app running on the Windows side, but I got the following exception:
Caused by: ActiveMQNotConnectedException[errorType=NOT_CONNECTED message=AMQ219007: Cannot connect to server(s). Tried with all available servers.]
When I run both Artemis and the app on the same "side" (both on WSL or both on Windows, but not at the same time), they work correctly.
Before I installed artemis on WSL, the app running on Linux was able to access the MQ on Windows, so my guess is the problem connected to Artemis being installed on both platform. (However, I checked and no service is running automatically.) Because artemis is not "installed", but unzipped and a broker is created, uninstalling is not possible.
Any idea where the two install is interfering each other?
Note: The web console is also unavailable:
Some more information:
I tried to find out any port issue (changed the ports, for example), and to find any reference about port forwarding, but the only info I've found (on the official WSL FAQ), that the ports are shared and we can't talk about forwarding, because they are technically the same (that's why the two instances are conflicting when starting at the same time).
Also, the fact, that earlier (when there were only the Win version installed) I was able to access the Windows version from WSL, indicates some strange behavior other than a port forwarding issue. (And my collegues use this setup (Win -> WSL) at the moment without problem.)
I've even uninstalled (deleted, because Artemis is simply unzipped, not installed) the Windows version, but it didn't solve the problem.
Well, running some extra circles, I've found a solution for the problem, thanks to the suggestion of Justin Bertram.
Once a day, when connection (starting a bash) to WSL, it prints some statistics:
Welcome to Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.19.104-microsoft-standard x86_64)
* Documentation:
* Management:
* Support:
System information as of Thu Jul 16 08:58:33 CEST 2020
System load: 0.0 Processes: 8
Usage of /: 3.6% of 250.98GB Users logged in: 0
Memory usage: 0% IPv4 address for eth0:
Swap usage: 0%
Here I noticed a local IP address, which was different from the Windows IP address. When I changed my connection from localhost to this address, I was able to access the MQ.
This solved my initial problem. On the other hand, some questions still hold: What is this address? Why it is defined on this machine and not on my other? How could I get rid of this redirection of eth0?
I've found some of the answers (although it brings up other questions). At the PC the connection worked by localhost, my Ubuntu uses the shares the IP of eth0 and Windows:
>ip addr
6: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 group default qlen 1
link/ether 10:7b:44:1b:1c:d8
inet brd scope global dynamic
valid_lft 86394sec preferred_lft 86394sec
(The address is a static DHCP assigned address to the host Windows.)
On the other computer, where localhost doesn't work, the eth0 interface gets a different IP address.
The (new) question: why and how to make Ubuntu to share IP?

Can I change the port on which my application runs in SAP Web IDE for HANA?

I got a SAP HANA system installed. In the SAP Web IDE for HANA, I run an application, this application runs on port 51066. My question is: can I change this port to e.g. 80?
Assuming that you have a HANA XSA installation, You can change the port on which an application runs. However you can't change it to port 80.
ID: demo_mta
_schema-version: '2.0'
description: Demo
version: 0.0.2
- name: site-LPH
type: nodejs
path: site-web
memory: 64M
port: 52000 #Explicitly specify port(s)
host: site-web
You can also specify multiple ports/range.

How can i access CrateDB Admin UI on Ubuntu server 18.04 across the LAN?

I installed CrateDB on an Ubuntu server 18.04 across the LAN. But I am not able to access the Admin-UI and I get the following message:
Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at
How can i solve this problem?
CrateDB is running on the server and this is the status:
sudo systemctl status crate.service
crate.service - CrateDB Server
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/crate.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Sat 2018-06-30 14:15:38 +04; 18min ago
Main PID: 17614 (java)
Tasks: 35 (limit: 4649)
CGroup: /system.slice/crate.service
└─17614 java -Xms512m -Xmx512m -Djava.awt.headless=true -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=75 -XX:+U
per default cratedb binds itself to local which means that you can't access it from the outside.
you need to set to something like _site_.
you need to make sure all the bootstrap checks pass:
Solution 1
And in addition to what #Johannes Moser has replied, that first you need to add your machine's IP in crate.yml file, against
Then optionally you can specify psql.port, which defaults to 5432, and then you can access Crate from outside like:
Solution 2
ngrok exposes local servers behind NATs and firewalls to the public
internet over secure tunnels.

SSL Network Extender Applet is trying to connect to before crashing

OS: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.8 (Tikanga)
FireFox version: FireFox ESR, 17.0.3, x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
java version verification by Your Java version: Version 6 Update 45
Problem: SSL Network Extender Applet crashes on FireFox. I guess the most interesting part of the stack trace as it seen in the Java Console is:
02/06/2014 04:08:11[SNXNetMode] Checking communication to SNX Network
Mode 02/06/2014 04:08:11[Component] Trying to create socket to network: Connecting with proxy=DIRECT 02/06/2014 04:08:11[Component] Could not connect Connection refused at Method) at
Any idea why it is trying to connect to the local machine and fail eventually?