Is it possible to integrate a TWA into a React Native project? - react-native

I am wondering if it is possible to integrate TWA (Trusted Web Activities) into an existing React Native project. This way I could have a section in my app where costumers can use my PWA inside my app. As fallback for iOS I would use something like their WebView. If it is possible, how would I go about implementing it?

In short, yes, it is possible to integrate Trusted Web Activity into a React Native App.
You'd need to create an Android Native Module that wraps Android Browser Helper into a React Native API. Since you want to use the Trusted Web Activity as part of your app, you will probably be looking into wrapping TwaLauncher.
Then, you will need to implement a module for iOS, which will have the same API in React, but will use the WebView as an implementation.
It seems someone has already created a wrapper for Android (but I haven't tested).


Can we develop a web and mobile application (Android, iOS, web) with single code base by using React Native?

Can you please help with this.
I am trying to develop mobile and web apps using react native with single code base for web, android and ios. Can we Develop Web and Mobile Application with single code base by using React Native?
The simple answer is yes. However, there are a lot of caveats that you could encounter along the road with certain device requirements and functionality where you may have to write conditional code, but it could still stay in the same codebase.
The easiest way to get started is by using Expo (, which would let you get started with a project that could be run on Android, iOS, and the Web (via React Native Web) all with very minimal setup on your part.

Bypass Native Dialer App And Place a Call

Good Day Everyone, I have an app idea I'll soon be implementing with react native, it's kinda a calling app but i want to know if it's possible to place a call directly from my app without launching the native phone/dialer app...I want to know if it's possible with any programming language, framework, or library, Even tho it's react I'll be using. Thanks..
Here is a library for the purpose to bypass native dialer app

How to integrate unity3d AR app inside React native app

As I mentioned, I need to insert a unity project into an app in react native.
I saw that there is this component that should help me do this (react native unity view).
I saw that there is a way to intercept messages sent by unity. (onUnityMessage method), but how do I send some data from react native app to unity? (example: auth token).
I must be able to send the token to unity so that it can be used by unity app.
How can I do this?
thank you in advance!

React Native Mobile App also working on Web and Desktop

Does React Native support Web and Desktop targets?
I would like to build the main version of app as mobile.
Would it be possible to compile the same mobile app, maybe with minor modifications for Web and Desktop?
The user experience for the secondary use cases - Web and Desktop doesn't matter much, I need just the app more or less in a working state and it will be enough. Does React Native allows that?
For Web, you can use react-native-web

Do I have to code my site with NativeScript and VueJs for a separate native app or I could just directly convert it to native?

I am new to NativeScript and I just used VueJs since last year only. I already got a working website with admin page and dashboard made with VueJs and Bootstrap for my front-end.
I have read about nativescript these past few weeks and I planned to make my website native.
Should I rewrite my website with admin functions in nativescript or could I just use nativescript to enable my website as native app in android?
Thank you.
If you have coded your app with Vue or Angular and if you choose NativeScript to build your native mobile app, then you will be able to reuse the data model, services, basically anything that is not related to UI.
We call it native mobile app for a reason, your UI is pure native here, more or less equivalent to building a mobile app using Java (Android) / Objective C (iOS). You will have access to all native UI components and device apis, which is why you have to recode your UI.
What you must be looking for is something like Corodova / PhoneGap (Hybrid mobile app) which can just take your web app and wrap it inside a WebView.