Write datas from Stripe API in a CSV file in golang - api

I am trying to retrieve Stripe datas and parse them into a CSV file.
Here is my code:
package main
import (
func main() {
stripe.Key = "" // I can't share the API key
params := &stripe.InvoiceListParams{}
params.Filters.AddFilter("limit", "", "3")
params.Filters.AddFilter("status", "", "paid")
i := invoice.List(params)
// Create a CSV file
csvdatafile, err := os.Create("./mycsvfile.csv")
if err != nil {
defer csvdatafile.Close()
// Write Unmarshaled json data to CSV file
w := csv.NewWriter(csvdatafile)
//Column title
var header []string
header = append(header, "ID")
for i.Next() {
in := i.Invoice()
fmt.Printf(in.ID) // It is working
w.Write(in) // It is not working
fmt.Println("Appending succed")
When I am running my program with go run *.go I obtain the following error:
./main.go:35:10: cannot use in (type *stripe.Invoice) as type []string in argument to w.Write
I think I am not far from the solution.
I just need to understand how to write correctly in the CSV file thank's to w.Write() command.

According to the doc, the Write function is:
func (w *Writer) Write(record []string) error
That is, it is expecting you to pass a slice of strings representing a line of CSV data with each string being a slice. So, if you have only one field, you have to pass a string slice of 1:


Why such a simple BufWriter operation didn't work

The following code is very simple. Open a file as a write, create a BufWriter using the file, and write a line of string.
The program reports no errors and returns an Ok(10) value, but the file just has no content and is empty.
async fn save_file_async() {
let path = "./hello.txt";
let inner = tokio::fs::OpenOptions::new()
let mut writer = tokio::io::BufWriter::new(inner);
"{} bytes wrote",
Need an explicit flush:

Tables not getting created in Postgresql using Gorm

I am trying to create a table from a struct using the following code. It had initially worked by hard coding the credentials to test. Once changing to env vars, I wanted to test that the tables and schemas would get created as expected.
So far I have tried:
Removing the tables from the db, running "go run main.go".
Result: Established connection successfully to the db, but tables do not get created.
Deleting the database, recreating the database using psql "CREATE DATABASE" command, and running "go run main.go"
Result: Established connection successfully to the db, but tables do not get created.
Use AutoMigrate, but was not able to successfully create the tables.
Debug: When I run it in debug mode, the debug console displays that its connected, i see no indication of any errors. I have not been coding for many years, still in the learning process.
Below are 2 files, main.go and api.go (opens db)
import (
_ "gitlab....."
var err error
func main() {
api := controllers.API{}
// Using env vars from a config file
api.Initialize("user=%s password=%s dbname=%s port=%s sslmode=disable")
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8000", handlers.CORS()(api.Router)))
if err != nil {
// Models
type Application struct {
ID string `json:"id" gorm:"primary_key"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"-"`
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"-"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Ci string `json:"ci"`
if !api.Database.HasTable(&Application{}) {
func (api *API) Initialize(opts string) {
// Initialize DB
dbinfo := fmt.Sprintf("user=%s password=%s dbname=%s port=%s sslmode=disable",
config.DB_USER, config.DB_PASSWORD, config.DB_NAME, config.PORT)
api.Database, err = gorm.Open("postgres", dbinfo)
if err != nil {
log.Print("failed to connect to the database")
fmt.Println("Connection established")
log.Printf("Postgres started at %s PORT", config.PORT)
I have already created the database, and am able to establish a connection to the database. Just can not get the tables created.

Golang api (with buffalo) retrieve Post datas

I am developing an API in Golang (with Buffalo library).
I have my route set to point to :
func (ur UserResource) Create(c buffalo.Context) error {
// new User
u := &models.User{}
if err := c.Bind(u); err != nil {
return c.Render(500, r.String(err.Error()))
id, _ := uuid.NewV4()
u.ID = id
db[u.ID] = *u
return c.Render(201, r.JSON(u))
The problem is that when I test my api I have the following error :
(and my header Content-Type is set to multipart/form-data)
If I change the way values are passed to form-url-encoded and set no header, I have this error :
invalid character 'i' in literal false (expecting 'a')

Google bucket SignedUrls 403

I'm doing a simple rest API which does the following:
get base64 encoded image
decode it
stores it on on specific google bucket
Now, on the GET verb, my api returns a signed url targeting the bucket image.
I've coded a test that works:
initialization stuff
BeforeEach(func() {
// First store
image, _ = ioutil.ReadFile("test_data/DSCF6458.JPG")
encodedImage = b64.RawStdEncoding.EncodeToString(image)
fileName, storeError = storage.Store(ctx, encodedImage, "image/jpeg")
// Then get
uri, getError = storage.Get(ctx, fileName)
getResponse, _ = http.Get(uri)
// Finally delete
deleteError = storage.Delete(ctx, fileName)
// Only 1 test to avoid making too much connexion
It("should create, get and delete the image", func() {
// Store
// Get
b, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(getResponse.Body)
// Delete
But when I run the .exe and try to make ssome request with postman, I get a 403 error in the signed url:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<Message>Access denied.</Message>
<Details>Anonymous caller does not have storage.objects.get access to teddycare-images/08d8c508-d97d-48d3-947b-a7f216f622db.jpg.</Details>
Any ideas ? I really don't understand...
Save me guys
[EDIT] Here after the code I use to create signedUrl:
func (s *GoogleStorage) Get(ctx context.Context, fileName string) (string, error) {
url, err := storage.SignedURL(s.Config.BucketImagesName, fileName, &storage.SignedURLOptions{
GoogleAccessID: s.Config.BucketServiceAccountDetails.ClientEmail,
PrivateKey: []byte(s.Config.BucketServiceAccountDetails.PrivateKey),
Method: http.MethodGet,
Expires: time.Now().Add(time.Second * 180),
if err != nil {
return "", err
return url, nil
Ok, after I woke up, I found the answer.
It turns out that when the json is marshalized into string, all the special characters are encoded.
Example: & -> \u0026
So the url I tested in my UT had &, while the url returned by the api had \u0026, and google does not seem to have the same behaviour on both cases.
So the solution is to disable HTML escaping:
encoder := json.NewEncoder(w)
return encoder.Encode(response)

Golang file upload to s3 using OS Open

I am trying to upload an Image to my s3 account using Golang and the amazon s3 api . I can get the imagine uploaded if I hard code the direct path such as
file, err := os.Open("/Users/JohnSmith/Documents/pictures/cars.jpg")
defer file.Close()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("err opening file: %s", err)
if I hard code the file path like that then the picture will be uploaded to my s3 account . However that approach is not good as I can't obviously hard code the direct image path to every image that I want to upload . My question is how can I upload images without having to Hardcode the path . This will be apart of an API where users will upload images so I clearly can not have a hard coded path . This is my code first the HTML
<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="profile_image">
<h2>Image Upload</h2>
<p><input type="file" name="file" id="file"/> </p>
<p> <input type="submit" value="Upload Image"></p>
then this is my HTTP Post function method
func UploadProfile(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var resultt string
resultt = "Hi"
sess, _ := session.NewSession(&aws.Config{
Region: aws.String("us-west-2"),
Credentials: credentials.NewStaticCredentials(aws_access_key_id,aws_secret_access_key, ""),
svc := s3.New(sess)
file, err := os.Open("Users/JohnSmith/Documents/pictures/cars.jpg")
defer file.Close()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("err opening file: %s", err)
fileInfo, _ := file.Stat()
size := fileInfo.Size()
buffer := make([]byte, size) // read file content to buffer
fileBytes := bytes.NewReader(buffer)
fileType := http.DetectContentType(buffer)
path := file.Name()
params := &s3.PutObjectInput{
Bucket: aws.String("my-bucket"),
Key: aws.String(path),
Body: fileBytes,
ContentLength: aws.Int64(size),
ContentType: aws.String(fileType),
resp, err := svc.PutObject(params)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("bad response: %s", err)
fmt.Printf("response %s", awsutil.StringValue(resp))
That is my full code above however when I try to do something such as
file, err := os.Open("file")
defer file.Close()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("err opening file: %s", err)
I get the following error
http: panic serving [::1]:55454: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
goroutine 7 [running]:
err opening file: open file: no such file or directorynet/http.(*conn).serve.func1(0xc420076e80)
I can't use absolute path (filepath.Abs()) because some of the files will be outside of the GoPath and as stated other users will be uploading. Is there anyway that I can get a relative path ..
After POST to your API, images are temporarily saved in a OS's temp directory (different for different OS's) by default. To get this directory you can use, for example:
func GetTempLoc(filename string) string {
return strings.TrimRight(os.TempDir(), "/") + "/" + filename
filename is a header.Filename, i.e. file name received in your POST request. In Gin-Gonic framework you get it in your request handler as:
file, header, err := c.Request.FormFile("file")
if err != nil {
return out, err
defer file.Close()
Example: https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin#another-example-upload-file.
I'm sure in your framework there will be an analogue.
os.TempDir() is a function go give you a temp folder (details: https://golang.org/pkg/os/#TempDir).
TrimRight is used to ensure result of os.TempDir is consistent on different OSs
And then you use it as
file, err := os.Open(GetTempLoc(fileName))