npm xml2js - parseStringPromise - Why is this method async? - xml2js

I am trying to understand if the method "parseStringPromise" and its counterpart "parseString" (which takes a callback) actually do I/O operations which require async.
Does anyone know if the callback was just a convention that was followed and the promisify was to continue that convention? Or is this truly an async operation?
If this is truly an async operation, could you enlighten me as to what actions are async within this function? My intuition is that the function does only in-memory operations and does not require I/O.
Thanks in advance!

XML can reference other files so the parser may need to load those before it can generate the output


Project Reactor. vs Mono.flatMap()

What is the principal difference between these in terms of Mono?
From the documentation, I read that flatMap acts asynchronous and map synchronous. But that doesn't really make sense for me b/c Mono is all about parallelism and that point isn't understandable. Can someone rephrase it in a more understandable way?
Then in the documentation for flatMap stated (
Transform the item emitted by this Mono asynchronously, returning the
value emitted by another Mono (possibly changing the value type).
Which another Mono is meant there?
Mono#flatMap takes a Function that transforms a value into another Mono. That Mono could represent some asynchronous processing, like an HTTP request.
On the other hand, Mono#map takes a Function that transforms a value of type T into another value, of type R. That transformation is thus done imperatively and synchronously (eg. transforming a String into an URL instance).
The other subtlety with flatMap is that the operator subscribes to the generated Mono, unlike what would happen if you passed the same Function to map.
I would say it simply,
map(a -> b) is returning Mono.just(b)
map wraps the returned value in another mono whereas flatmap already expects a Mono do no further wrapping required
Practical use case example,
public Mono<String> getResponseFromServer(Mono<String> request) {
// here few logics
request.flatMap(r -> callServer(r);
Where callServer looks like
public Mono<String> callServer(String body) {
// invoke http
return http call returned mono
Above use case is not possible with map.

how to write a getawaiter for

I have a program in (VS 2017) using 4.7 framework, where a function is taking too long to process, interrupting message pumping and causing a timeout error. To solve this I want to run the function asynchronously, using tasks and await. (new to me). I understand that to do that I need to create an asynchronous function (using the async keyword) which uses await to call another asynchronous function which then does the processing. The problem is how to make my own function asynchronous, which internally uses no predefined asynchronous process called by await. To do that it seems I need to have a GetAwaiter defined for my function making it callable using await. Here is where I get stumped. I have searched the web, and looked for books to cover this topic, and I come up short. All the web examples are in C# (which I am not very conversant in), and I can't wrap my head around the C# code examples I have found for creating a GetAwaiter. As an example, from a blog by Stephen Toub there is this:
public static TaskAwaiter GetAwaiter(this DateTimeOffset dateTimeOffset)
return (dateTimeOffset – DateTimeOffset.UtcNow).GetAwaiter();
to create a GetAwaiter for the DateTimeOffset function. I don't understand the declarative line, specifically the TaskAwaiter GetAwaiter twin and the contents of the parenthesis following the GetAwaiter keyword. I do think that 'this' refers to sender in vb, DateTimeOffset is the name of the function getting the GetAwaiter, and dateTimeOffset is a value being passed, but I don't understand that combination of function names and values inside a paren. How can this line be rewritten in vb? Are there any good, comprehensive books, articles, etc covering the task/await functionality - particularly when you have to create a new asynchronous function, one that is not pre-packaged and included as part of .net, and written including vb examples. I found a very informative youtube presentation by Michael Kennedy, but as in all other examples I've found, it relies on a predefined async function that can be called using await. I need to get my head above water - which way is the surface?

Is it possible to record data being passed from a program to a library or a function using DLL injection

Is it possible to use DLL injection to record the data passed in a function call and can this system be used for internal calls and external calls aswell? And how would one achieve that in rough terms?
Thanks in advance
Yes its possible. When a call is hooked, you can take the arguments and record as you like. For internal calls, you will probably need to know the VTables to hook those calls by their index in VTable.

VB.NET: What happens if I run CPU-bound code using Await?

I am trying to understand async/await. I understand that you should not Await a CPU-bound method, but to help my understanding I am curious what happens if you do. Consider:
Public Async Function DoSomeTasks()
Await LongRunningCPUBoundMethod1()
End Function
Public Async Function LongRunningCPUBoundMethod1() As Task
' Do stuff synchronously
End Function
Public Sub LongRunningCPUBoundMethod2()
' Do stuff synchronously
End Sub
How will the Task Scheduler handle the CPU resources? In what order will these methods execute? Will LongRunningCPUBoundMethod1 or LongRunningCPUBoundMethod2 execute first?
The thing to remember here is that Async/Await code is not necessarily multi-threaded. You can use them to help with multi-threaded code by awaiting items that start a separate thread, but what they really do is allow you to break up several tasks efficiently in the same thread.
This doesn't come without some overhead; switching between asynchronous tasks has a cost. When you await cpu-bound tasks, you've added that cost to the already cpu-intensive work, and therefore made things worse rather than better. However, if you combine this with code that starts the cpu-heavy tasks in a separate thread, and then uses a WaitHandle or a Task to send the results back, you might be fine again (depending on how many items you're awaiting relative to the number of available cores), because now you're taking advantage of the multiple cores in your CPU.
Additionally, let's look at this in context of .Net WinForms. It's important to remember here that you never want to do significant CPU work on main UI thread. Really, anything that blocks for more than a few milliseconds is problematic. If that thread is busy, the Windows Message pump doesn't run, you can't respond to events, and your user interface becomes unresponsive.
To understand Await in this context, think of it as if it breaks your method up into two parts (or more, if there is more than one Await). Everything up to and including the line with Await runs immediately, and everything after the await is hidden away by the compiler in a new callback method (called a continuation) that will be called with the same context (including variables local to the original method) and in the same thread when the Await has finished.
With this information, it should be clear that if you directly Await a cpu-bound method, you're still doing that work immediately on the UI thread, and your user interface is still in trouble. However, you can again account for this by starting the cpu-bound method in it's own thread. Await, in conjunction with Tasks, make this relatively easy to do without having to write a lot of new code. Certainly it's much better than the old DoEvents() technique.
Order of execution.
1.) LongRunningCPUBoundMethod1()
2.) LongRunningCPUBoundMethod2()
Heres how you could mess with the program flow and excution
var task = LongRunningCPUBoundMethod1();
var result = await task;
// now result contains what was returned by LongRunningCPUBoundMethod1()
Sorry, I dont know how await/async affects CPU resources.

Serializing Running Programs in a Functional Interpreter

I am writing an interpreter implemented functionally using a variations of the Cont Monad. Inspired by Smalltalk's use of images to capture a running program, I am investigating how to serialize the executing hosted program and need help determining how to accomplish this at a high level.
Problem Statement
Using the Cont monad, I can capture the current continuation of a running program in my interpreter. Storing the current continuation allows resuming interpreter execution by calling the continuation. I would like to serialize this continuation so that the state of a running program can be saved to disk or loaded by another interpreter instance. However, my language (I am both targeting and working in Javascript) does not support serializing functions this way.
I would be interested in an approach that can be used to build up the continuation at a given point of execution given some metadata without running the entire program again until it reaches that point. Preferably, minimal changes to the implementation of the interpreter itself would be made.
Considered Approach
One approach that may work is to push all control flow logic into the program state. For example, I currently express a C style for loop using the host language's recursion for the looping behavior:
var forLoop = function(init, test, update, body) {
var iter = function() {
// When test is true, evaluate the loop body and start iter again
// otherwise, evaluate an empty statement and finish
return branch(test,
next(body, update),
return next(
This is a nice solution but if I pause the program midway though a for loop, I don't know how I can serialize the continuation that has been built up.
I know I can serialize a transformed program using jumps however, and the for loop can be constructed from jump operations. A first pass of my interpreter would generate blocks of code and save these in the program state. These blocks would capture some action in the hosted language and potentially execute other blocks. The preprocessed program would look something like this:
Label Actions (Block of code, there is no sequencing)
start: init, GOTO loop
loop: IF test GOTO loop_body ELSE GOTO end
loop_body: body, GOTO update
update: update, GOTO loop
end: ...
This makes each block of code independent, only relying on values stored in the program state.
To serialize, I would save off the current label name and the state when it was entered. Deserialization would preprocess the input code to build the labels again and then resume at the given label with the given state. But now I have to think in terms of these blocks when implementing my interpreter. Even using composition to hide some of this seems kind of ugly.
Are there any good existing approaches for addressing this problem? Am I thinking about serializing a program the entirely wrong way? Is this even possible for structures like this?
After more research, I have some thoughts on how I would do this. However, I'm not sure that adding serialization is something I want to do at this point as it would effect the rest of the implementation so much.
I'm not satisfied with this approach and would greatly like to hear any alternatives.
As I noted, transforming the program into a list of statements makes serialization easier. The entire program can be transformed into something like assembly language, but I wanted to avoid this.
Keeping a concept of expressions, what I didn't originally consider is that function calls can occur inside of deeply nested expressions. Take this program for example:
function id(x) { return x; }
10 + id(id(5)) * id(3);
The serializer should be able to serialize the program at any statement, but the statement could potentially be evaluated inside of an expression.
Host Functions In the State
The reason the program state cannot be easily serialized is that it contains host functions for continuations. These continuations must be transformed into data structures that can be serialized and independently reconstructed into the action the original continuation represented. Defunctionalization is most often used to express a higher order language in a first order language, but I believe it would also enable serialization.
Not all continuations can be easily defunctionalized without drastically rewriting the interpreter. As we are only interested in serialization at specific points, serialization at these points requires the entire continuation stack be defunctionalized. So all statements and expressions must be defunctionalized, but internal logic can remain unchanged in most cases because we don't want to allow serialization partway though an internal operation.
However, to my knowledge, defunctionalization does not work the Cont Monad because of bind statements. The lack of a good abstraction makes it difficult to work with.
Thoughts on a Solution
The goal is to create an object made up of only simple data structures that can be used to reconstruct the entire program state.
First, to minimize the amount of work required, I would rewrite the statements level interpreter to use something more like a state machine that can be more easily serialized. Then, I would defunctionalize expressions. Function calls would push the defunctionlized continuation for the remaining expression onto an internal stack for the state machine.
Making Program State a Serializable Object
Looking at how statements work, I'm not convinced that the Cont Monad is the best approach for chaining statements together (I do think it works pretty well at the expression level and for internal operations however). A state machine seems more natural approach, and this would also be easier to serialize.
A machine that steps between statements would be written. All other structures in the state would also be made serializable. Builtin functions would have to use serializable handles to identify them so that no functions are in the state.
Handling Expressions
Expressions would be rewritten to pass defunctionalized continuations instead of host function continuations. When a function call is encountered in an expression, it captures the defunctionalized current continuation and pushes it onto the statement machine's internal stack (This would only happen for hosted functions, not builtin ones), creating a restore point where computation can resume.
When the function returns, the defunctionalized continuation is passed the result.
Javascript also allows hosted functions to be evaluated inside almost any expression (getters, setters, type conversion, higher order builtins) and this may complicate things if we allow serialization inside of those functions.
Defunctionalization seems to require working directly with continuations and would make the entire interpreter less flexible.