Complex JOINS in Access SQL difficult to convert to JET OLEDB - sql

I'm a long time follower of Stack overflow but this is my first post. I'm hoping the community can help.
I have a successful Access Query that returns the required results - Perfect!
HOWEVER, I'm trying to return the same using OLEDB connection to the database within an ASP script. This is all legacy stuff however we are allowing web access to this legacy information.
MS Access (2016) shows Query as this... (works)
SELECT [EventName] & ": " & [RoundCaption] AS RoundTitle, ChunkEntryTable.WinPos
FROM ((EventTable INNER JOIN EventRoundTable ON EventTable.EventId = EventRoundTable.EventId) INNER JOIN ((RoundHeatTable INNER JOIN ChunkTable ON RoundHeatTable.RoundHeatId = ChunkTable.RoundHeatId) INNER JOIN (EventEntryTable INNER JOIN ChunkEntryTable ON EventEntryTable.EventEntryId = ChunkEntryTable.EventEntryId) ON ChunkTable.ChunkId = ChunkEntryTable.ChunkId) ON EventRoundTable.RoundKeyId = RoundHeatTable.RoundKeyId) LEFT JOIN EventEntryMemberTable ON EventEntryTable.EventEntryId = EventEntryMemberTable.EventEntryId
WHERE (((EventEntryTable.Entry1Id)=[EntryId])) OR (((EventEntryTable.Entry2Id)=[EntryId])) OR (((EventEntryTable.Entry3Id)=[EntryId])) OR (((EventEntryMemberTable.MemberId)=[EntryId]))
ORDER BY EventTable.SortIdx, EventRoundTable.RoundId DESC , EventRoundTable.IsRepechage DESC;
Doing this in OLEDB. Connection string as follows...
' FileName="Connection_ado_conn_string.htm"
' Type="ADO"
' DesigntimeType="ADO"
' HTTP="true"
' Catalog=""
' Schema=""
Dim MM_csresultdb_STRING
MM_csresultdb_STRING = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=xyz.mde;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=xxxxxxxxx;"
Connection works perfectly but I can't seem to get the SQL command to work. I get "No value given for one or more required parameters".
NOTE: I have replaced [EntryID] in 4 places with a valid value and it works perfectly in Access just not outside of Access using OLEDB. Here's what the SQL is I'm using...
SELECT EventTable.EventName & ": " & EventRoundTable.RoundCaption AS RoundTitle, ChunkEntryTable.WinPos FROM
((EventTable INNER JOIN EventRoundTable ON EventTable.EventId = EventRoundTable.EventId) INNER JOIN
((RoundHeatTable INNER JOIN ChunkTable ON RoundHeatTable.RoundHeatId = ChunkTable.RoundHeatId) INNER JOIN
(EventEntryTable INNER JOIN ChunkEntryTable ON EventEntryTable.EventEntryId = ChunkEntryTable.EventEntryId) ON ChunkTable.ChunkId = ChunkEntryTable.ChunkId) ON ChunkTable.ChunkId = ChunkEntryTable.ChunkId)
ON EventRoundTable.RoundKeyId = RoundHeatTable.RoundKeyId)
WHERE ((EventEntryTable.Entry1Id)=4741) OR ((EventEntryTable.Entry2Id)=4741) OR ((EventEntryTable.Entry3Id)=4741)
ORDER BY EventTable.SortIdx, EventRoundTable.RoundId DESC , EventRoundTable.IsRepechage DESC;
FOUND PROBLEM ** See answer below

FOUND PROBLEM ** It's to do with this part of the SQL...
[EventName] & ": " & [RoundCaption] AS RoundTitle
Changed to
[EventName], [RoundCaption] AS RoundTitle
and it works but gives me two separate fields rather than the one concatenated field called "RoundTitle". So I'll join the two result fields during the display output rather than at the query stage.
Whew! That many days to figure out. Thanks to the comments that kinda steered me in that direction of the AS part of the statement.


MS Access VB SQL Syntax for 3 Table Join

I have been trying to create a form which contains information from 3 tables. On this form I would like to have a filter combo box so that the user may select a member type and it will filter the list to members with that member type.
Members in our database can have more than one type. For this reason I created a memberTable:
A membertype table:
and a joining table membermembertype:
I have tried to set my form up with a number of different queries:
SELECT qryMemberType.MemberID, qryMemberType.FName, qryMemberType.SName,
qryMemberType.MemberTypeName, qryMemberType.MemberTypeID FROM qryMemberType;
SELECT [member].[MemberID] AS [member_MemberID], [member].[FName], [member].[SName],
[membertype].[MemberTypeID] AS [membertype_MemberTypeID], [membertype].[MemberTypeName],
[membermembertype].[MemberID] AS [membermembertype_MemberID], [membermembertype].[MemberTypeID]
SELECT [member].[MemberID] AS [member_MemberID], [member].[FName], [member].[SName],
[membermembertype].[MemberID] AS [membermembertype_MemberID],
[membermembertype].[MemberTypeID] AS [membermembertype_MemberTypeID],
[membertype].[MemberTypeID] AS [membertype_MemberTypeID]
The VBA for the combo box that I have been attempting to filter with is:
Dim myMember As String
myMember = "SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE ([MemberTypeID] = " & Me.cboMemberType & ");"
Me.frmFilterTestSub.Form.RecordSource = myMember
I have tried numerous different syntaxes for the SELECT statement in the VBA for the combo box including:
"Select * from membermembertype where ([MemberTypeID] = " & Me.cboMemberType & ")"
"SELECT member.MemberID AS member_memberID, member.FName, member.SName,
membertype.MemberTypeID AS membertype_MemberTypeID, membertype.MemberTypeName,
membermembertype.MemberID AS membermembertype_MemberID,
membermembertype.MemberTypeID AS membermembertype_MemberTypeID
FROM member
LEFT JOIN (membertype
RIGHT JOIN membermembertype ON membertype.[MemberTypeID] = membermembertype.[MemberTypeID])
ON member.[MemberID] = membermembertype.[MemberID]
WHERE ([MemberTypeID] = " & Me.cboMemberType & ")"
"SELECT member.*,
(membermembertype.MemberID AS mmt_MemberID),
(membermembertype.MemberTypeID AS mmt_MemberTypeID),
FROM (member
LEFT JOIN membermembertype ON mmt_MemberID = (member.MemberID AS m_MemberID))
RIGHT JOIN membertype ON mmt_MemberTypeID=(membertype.MemberTypeID AS mt_MemberTypeID)
WHERE ([MemberTypeID] = " & Me.cboMemberType & ");"
I'm pretty sure the first example returned the closest result with the list returning the correct number of records for each member type selected, however the fields were filled with the #Name? error value which is why I was trying to do a number of different ways to join the tables. The other SELECT STATEMENTS are returning SQL Syntax errors.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Since you only want to list the members, I guess that you are not really interested with membertype table info, then you can simply do this :
"SELECT member.MemberID AS member_memberID, member.FName, member.SName
FROM member
INNER JOIN membermembertype
ON (membermembertype.[MemberTypeID] = " & Me.cboMemberType & " AND member.[MemberID]=membermembertype.[MemberID]) "
Right outer join is highly frowned on in SQL, when you can use a left outer join in the correct order instead.
In your case, inner joins are better anyway.
You should use a parameter rather than string concatenation if you care about security, but since you're using Access I guess anyone with access to the file can already do what they like.
Please try this one and let me know if you get an error.
SELECT [Member].MemberId
, [Member].FName
, [Member].SName
, [MemberType].MemberTypeId
, [MemberType].MemberTypeName
FROM ((MemberType
INNER JOIN MemberMemberType ON MemberMemberType.MemberTypeId = MemberType.MemberTypeId)
INNER JOIN Member ON Member.MemberId = MemberMemberType.MemberId)
WHERE MemberType.MemberTypeId = 123 --Put your parameter here once you've tested that it works for a specific value

Sql syntax working in MS Access, but not in Visual Basic

This is my first time posting so I'm sorry if I make any mistakes.
So I have a database in access and I am trying to get the top 10 Client ID, the number of reservations made by the client and the sum of those reservations.
I have this Sql code in MS Access and it works there, but when I enter it in Visual Basic, I get te following error.
SQL syntax:
SELECT top 10 Clienti.CodCl, sum(Rezervari.SumaTotala) ,
FROM Clienti
INNER JOIN Rezervari ON (Clienti.CodCl = Rezervari.CodCl)
where datarezervarii BETWEEN #6/21/2020# AND #6/23/2020#
group by Clienti.CodCl
order by sum(Rezervari.SumaTotala) desc
The result table in access
Visual basic error :
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: 'The SELECT statement includes a
reserved word or an argument name that is misspelled or missing, or
the punctuation is incorrect.'
Thank you.
I managed to solve the problem. For anyone looking for the same answer, this is the code that i have used:
Dim top1 As String
top1 = "SELECT top 10 Clienti.CodCl, sum(Rezervari.SumaTotala) as suma, count(Rezervari.CodRezervare) FROM
Clienti INNER JOIN Rezervari ON Clienti.CodCl = Rezervari.CodCl where rezervari.datarezervarii BETWEEN #" & Inceput & "# AND #" & Sfarsit & "# group by Clienti.CodCl order by sum(Rezervari.SumaTotala) desc"
Dim cmdtop1 As New OleDbCommand(top1, con)
Dim dstop1 As New DataSet
Dim datop1 As New OleDbDataAdapter(cmdtop1)
datop1.Fill(dstop1, "Clienti INNER JOIN Rezervari ON Clienti.CodCl = Rezervari.CodCl")
Dim readtop1 As OleDbDataReader
readtop1 = cmdtop1.ExecuteReader
Give an Alias to the aggregated fields. It's likely that .NET do not call them "Expr1001" and if inthe code you are referring to them you get the error.

ConcatRelated() - query or tables

I have similar issue to this question Combine values from related rows into a single concatenated string value.
I've got two queries:
This is what it looks like now without ConcatRelated():
I need to get return:
I tried to use this SQL:
"FakturaID = '" & [Q_Fakt1]![FakturaID] & "'"
) AS Letters
FROM Q_Fakt1 INNER JOIN Q_Fakt2 ON Q_Fakt1.FakturaID = Q_Fakt2.FakturaID;
Result is 7× popup:
ConcatRelated() Error3464: Data type mismatch in criteria expression.
I did the same with Tables but I have little bit more complicated Relations so...
[DatumVystavenia]+[splatnostFaktury] AS DatumSplatnosti,
ConcatRelated("Oznacenie","kategorie","FakturaID = '" & [FakturaID] & "'") AS Letters
FROM Kategorie INNER JOIN (Faktury INNER JOIN (FakturujemVam INNER JOIN FakturyDetaily ON FakturujemVam.FakturujemVamID = FakturyDetaily.FakturujemVam) ON Faktury.FakturaID = FakturyDetaily.Faktura) ON Kategorie.KategoriaID = FakturujemVam.Kategoria;
Result is 6× popup:
ConcatRelated() Error3061: Too Few parameters. Excepted 1.
Where did I go wrong? Thank you for Help
That's because you're using string delimiters when you're not using a string.
Remove those delimiters, and it will work fine:
ConcatRelated("Oznacenie","kategorie","FakturaID = " & [FakturaID] ) AS Letters
Create Query to merge more tables in one
Datasheet View
Design View
Create another Query & Use ConcatRelated()
Design View
"Q_Part_Bill_Num2!NumBill = " & [Q_Part_Bill_Num2]![NumBill]
) AS PartBillNum2
FROM Q_Part_Bill_Num1 INNER JOIN Q_Part_Bill_Num2 ON Q_Part_Bill_Num1.NumBill = Q_Part_Bill_Num2.NumBill;
STEP 3 - Optional
Edit MODULE to delete / change separator ", "
Create One Last Query to Concatenate everything together.
Design View
[PartBillNum1] & [PartBillNum2] AS [Full]
(T_Bills INNER JOIN Q_Part_Bill_Num1 ON T_Bills.Bills_ID = Q_Part_Bill_Num1.Bills_ID)
INNER JOIN (Q_Part_Bill_Num2 INNER JOIN Q_Part_Bill_Num3
ON (Q_Part_Bill_Num2.NumBill = Q_Part_Bill_Num3.NumBill)
AND (Q_Part_Bill_Num2.C_Mark = Q_Part_Bill_Num3.C_Mark))
ON Q_Part_Bill_Num1.NumBill = Q_Part_Bill_Num2.NumBill;
Use DISTINCT to avoid duplicates.
I Hope this will help someone.
Thank you all, for your time :)

SQL Statement won't work anymore after small change. VBA

this Statement works totaly fine in ORACLE SQL DEVELOPER, but when I insert it to my vba makro it won't return me my BLOB files from the database. The statement worked before in VBA with a data-number variable instead of referencing to SYSDATE...
Provider is OraOLEDB.Oracle, the Connections string "works/opens" but there is no data to pass my - IF rs.EOF = FALSE Then - I've already tested eof=true but no data comes through....Any ideas ? thx!
select datas
from tdb
INNER JOIN (select datas_id
from tfdz
INNER JOIN (select fb_id
from tfb
INNER JOIN (select pu_id
from tpu
INNER JOIN (select tap.p_id
from tap
FROM tpo
WHERE tpo.lastdate like (SYSDATE-1)
) sub_tpo
ON tap.po_id = sub_tpo.po_id and tap.lastdate like (SYSDATE-1)
) sub_tap
ON tpu.p_id = sub_tap.p_id
) sub_tpu
ON tfb.pu_id = sub_tpu.pu_id
where tfb.deleated = 0
) sub_tfb
ON tfdz.fb_id = sub_tfb.fb_id
) sub_tfdz
ON tdb.datas_id = sub_tfdz.datas_id
order by sub_tfdz.datas_id asc
It would be good to see how you are passing it, I assume as a string, have you tried.
WHERE tpo.lastdate like (" & Format(DateAdd("d", -1, Now()), "DD/MMM/YYYY") & ")"
You may need to change the format to be compatible Oracle date processing

Another Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression

I need a little help developing my SQL query. My goal is to remove an entry. My condition is two tables away. I've gotten this far but I can't seem to find where the other mistake
con.Execute "DELETE FROM Expenses INNER JOIN Agreements ON Agreements.AgreementsID =
Expenses.AgreementID AND INNER JOIN Audits
ON Audits.AuditID = Agreements.AuditID WHERE Audits.Share = True"
I'm using access 2007 and my con variable is
con.Open _
"Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};" & _
"Dbq=" & Loc & ";"
Try This, You are using AND before INNER JOIN, remove that only.
FROM Expenses
INNER JOIN Agreements ON Agreements.AgreementsID = Expenses.AgreementID
INNER JOIN Audits ON Audits.AuditID = Agreements.AuditID
WHERE Audits.Share = True
[EDIT Query]
DELETE Expenses.*
FROM Expenses
WHERE Expenses.AgreementID IN (
SELECT Agreements.AgreementID FROM Agreements
INNER JOIN Audits ON Audits.AuditID = Agreements.AuditID
WHERE Audits.Share = True
OP get error:- Too few parameters Expected 2.
To handle this, This error may be obtained because the any column names being selected have special characters in it. If there are special characters in the column names of the database, the name should be surrounded with brackets in the SQL query. So if you have any column name which have special char value , then try [ColumnName]