I know that a lot of this topics exists but I don't understand this topic at all. And an exact explanation of what is happening for a beginner is needed.
I have a list of persons:
val person1 = Person("A", 8, 24,"darts")
val person2 = Person("A", 8, 24,"football")
val person3 = Person("A", 2, 24,"basketball")
val person4 = Person("B", 8, 24,"skiing")
val person5 = Person("B", 1, 24,"snowboard")
data class Person (val street: String, val number: Int, val age: Int, val hobby: String){
override fun toString(): String {
return "$street $number $age $hobby"
And now to sum up. If I use a groupBy the result will be Map with key, and values Am I right?
Where keys are the atrributes on which I am grouping by like:
var grouping = list.groupBy { it.street }
result is:
{A=[A 8 24 darts, A 8 24 football, A 2 24 basketball], B=[B 8 24 skiing, B 1 24 snowboard]}
And now I would like to group by multiple fields like street and number. How to do this?
And moreover I would like to specify a LIST (I have to do some kind of projection from this map?) of hobbies which people have under adresses and numbers. For example under adress A number 8 i have a list of (darts,football).
Do I have somehow to divide this list as 2nd object class?
Yes, groupBy returns a map where the keys are whatever was returned by the lambda and values are lists of items from the original list.
To group by a pair of things, you need to be able to have a key that represents all those things and be unique. The probably means another data class, or maybe you could concatenate the as a String.
data class Address(val street: String, val number: Int)
val grouping = list.groupBy { Address(it.street, it.number) }
And to make the values of the map simply the hobby, you can use mapkeys:
val addressesToHobbies = grouping.mapKeys { it.map(Person::hobby) }
Is it possible to access the whole Pair of a map, not only the key or a value?
Let's say we have a map
map = mapOf(Pair("Example1", 1), Pair("Example2", 2), Pair("Example3",
I would like to access the second pair and put it into a variable, something like I would do with a list:
val ex2 = map[1] #this would result with {"Example2", 2}
And then i would be able to access the pair's key/value like:
ex2.key / ex2.value
More specifically, I would like to use this in my function to return a specific pair of the map.
Not sure if this would help
val mapString = mutableMapOf(1 to "Person", 2 to "Animal")
val (id, creature) = 1 to mapString.getValue(1)
Log.e("MapPair", "$id, $creature")
1, Person
or if you're iterating through the entire map
mapString.forEach {
val (id, creature) = it.key to it.value
Log.e("MapPair", "$id : $creature")
1 : Person
2 : Animal
or using Pair
val key = 1
val pair = Pair(key, mapString.getValue(key))
Log.e("MapPair", "$pair")
(1, Person)
or if you're iterating through the entire map using Pair
mapString.forEach {
val pair = Pair(it.key, it.value)
Log.e("MapPair", "$pair")
(1, Person)
(2, Animal)
Update: For iterating through the map you can also go with Destructuring Declarations
val mapString = mutableMapOf(1 to "Person", 2 to "Animal")
for ((key, value) in mapString) {
Log.e("MapComponents", "$key, $value")
From your comment, it seems like you want to fetch the key corresponding to a given value.
val map = mapOf("Chicken" to 20, "Egg" to 10, "Bread" to 5)
val valueToFind = 20
val key = map.toList().find { it.second == valueToFind }?.first
If the value doesn't exist, it will give null.
Sorry for the poor title but it is rather hard to describe my use case in a short sentence.
I have the following model:
typealias Identifier = String
data class Data(val identifier: Identifier,
val data1: String,
val data2: String)
And I have three main data structures in my use case:
A Set of Identifiers that exist and are valid in a given context. Example:
val existentIdentifiers = setOf("A-1", "A-2", "B-1", "B-2", "C-1")
A Map that contains a List of Data objects per Identifier. Example:
val dataPerIdentifier: Map<Identifier, List<Data>> = mapOf(
"A-1" to listOf(Data("A-1", "Data-1-A", "Data-2-A"), Data("A-1", "Data-1-A", "Data-2-A")),
"B-1" to listOf(Data("B-1", "Data-1-B", "Data-2-B")),
"C-1" to listOf(Data("C-1", "Data-1-C", "Data-2-C"))
A List of Lists that group together the Identifiers that should share the same List<Data> (each List includes always 2 Identifiers). Example
val identifiersWithSameData = listOf(listOf("A-1", "A-2"), listOf("B-1", "B-2"))
Problem / Use Case
The problem that I am trying to tackle stems from the fact that dataPerIdentifier might not contain all identifiersWithSameData given that existentIdentifiers contains such missing Identifiers. I need to add those missing Identifier to dataPerIdentifier, copying the List<Data> already in there.
Given the data in the Context section:
A-1=[Data(identifier=A-1, data1=Data-1-A, data2=Data-2-A),
Data(identifier=A-1, data1=Data-1-A, data2=Data-2-A)],
B-1=[Data(identifier=B-1, data1=Data-1-B, data2=Data-2-B)],
C-1=[Data(identifier=C-1, data1=Data-1-C, data2=Data-2-C)]
The desired outcome is to update dataPerIdentifier so that it includes:
A-1=[Data(identifier=A-1, data1=Data-1-A, data2=Data-2-A),
Data(identifier=A-1, data1=Data-1-A, data2=Data-2-A)],
B-1=[Data(identifier=B-1, data1=Data-1-B, data2=Data-2-B)],
C-1=[Data(identifier=C-1, data1=Data-1-C, data2=Data-2-C)],
A-2=[Data(identifier=A-2, data1=Data-1-A, data2=Data-2-A),
Data(identifier=A-2, data1=Data-1-A, data2=Data-2-A)]
The reason is that existentIdentifiers contains A-2 that is missing in the initial dataPerIdentifier Map. B-2 is also missing in the initial dataPerIdentifier Map but existentIdentifiers does not contain it, so it is ignored.
Possible solution
I have already a working code (handleDataForMultipleIdentifiers() method is the one doing the heavy lifting), but it does not feel to be the cleanest or easiest to read:
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val existentIdentifiers = setOf("A-1", "A-2", "B-1", "C-1")
val dataPerIdentifier: Map<Identifier, List<Data>> = mapOf(
"A-1" to listOf(Data("A-1", "Data-1-A", "Data-2-A"), Data("A-1", "Data-1-A", "Data-2-A")),
"B-1" to listOf(Data("B-1", "Data-1-B", "Data-2-B")),
"C-1" to listOf(Data("C-1", "Data-1-C", "Data-2-C"))
val identifiersWithSameData = listOf(listOf("A-1", "A-2"), listOf("B-1", "B-2"))
print("Original Data")
print("Target Data")
println(dataPerIdentifier.handleDataForMultipleIdentifiers(identifiersWithSameData, existentIdentifiers))
fun Map<Identifier, List<Data>>.handleDataForMultipleIdentifiers(identifiersWithSameData: List<List<Identifier>>, existentIdentifiers: Set<Identifier>)
: Map<Identifier, List<Data>> {
val additionalDataPerIdentifier = identifiersWithSameData
.mapNotNull { identifiersList ->
val identifiersWithData = identifiersList.find { it in this.keys }
identifiersWithData?.let { it to identifiersList.minus(it).filter { it in existentIdentifiers } }
}.flatMap { (existentIdentifier, additionalIdentifiers) ->
val existentIdentifierData = this[existentIdentifier].orEmpty()
additionalIdentifiers.associateWith { identifier -> existentIdentifierData.map { it.copy(identifier = identifier) } }.entries
}.associate { it.key to it.value }
return this + additionalDataPerIdentifier
typealias Identifier = String
data class Data(val identifier: Identifier,
val data1: String,
val data2: String)
So my question is: how can I do this in a simpler way?
If identifiersWithSameData always contains 2 identifiers per item then it should not really be a list of lists, but rather a list of pairs or dedicated data classes. And if you convert this data structure into a map like this:
val identifiersWithSameData = mapOf("A-1" to "A-2", "A-2" to "A-1", "B-1" to "B-2", "B-2" to "B-1")
The the whole solution is pretty simple:
existentIdentifiers.associateWith {
dataPerIdentifier[it] ?: dataPerIdentifier[identifiersWithSameData[it]!!]!!
I'm not sure about both !!, for example I don't know if it is guaranteed that identifier existing in existentIdentifiers exists in identifiersWithSameData as well. You may need to tune this solution a little.
I have a data class in Kotlin like this:
data class Activity(
var id: String? = "",
var prize: MutableMap<String?, Int?>? = null
And a list of this object:
var myList = listOf(Activity("A", prize={day_5=70, day_4=70}),
Activity("B", prize={day_5=40, day_4=80}))
The desired result is:
Activity("A", prize={total=140}),
Activity("B", prize={total=120})
So basically I want to sum the values of the prize map inside of each object.
I think that has something to do with transformation but I'm new to Kotlin and I couldn't find any resources over the internet, or maybe they were to complicated.
This algorithm is easy, just iterating through all the maps and replace elements with the sum:
val myList = listOf(
Activity("A", hashMapOf("day_5" to 70, "day_4" to 70)),
Activity("B", hashMapOf("day_5" to 40, "day_4" to 80)),
for (i in myList) {
val total = i.prize.values.sum()
i.prize["total"] = total
I have a map of collections . I need to get a list of ids from that..
val m1 = mapOf("id" to 1, "name" to "Alice")
val m2 = mapOf("id" to 2, "name" to "Bob")
val m3 = mapOf("id" to 3, "name" to "Tom")
val nameList = listOf(m1, m2, m3)
The result shall be [1, 2, 3]
Assuming you want a list as per the example, not a map as per the title, I would do it like this:
val result = nameList.map {
it.getValue("id").also { id ->
require(id is Int) { "id must be an Int" }
} as Int
This has the advantage of handling the following errors cleanly:
The id key is missing: NoSuchElementException: Key id is missing in the map
The id value is not an Int: IllegalArgumentException: id must be an Int
First things first, I believe that if you can, you should use classes instead of maps for storing heterogeneous data like this. So instead of your maps, you can use:
data class Person(val id: Int, val name: String)
val m1 = Person(id = 1, name = "Alice")
val m2 = Person(id = 2, name = "Bob")
val m3 = Person(id = 3, name = "Tom")
val list = listOf(m1, m2, m3)
val idsList = list.map { it.id } // no error handling required, rely on the type system
Now, if you really want to use maps like that, you have several options.
If you're certain the id key will be present and its value will be an Int, you can use the following:
nameList.map { it["id"] as Int }
This will fail with NullPointerException if id is not present in one of the maps or with ClassCastException if it's not an Int.
Normally you should make sure your map matches your contract at creation time, and not when accessing this kind of information.
But if you need to handle errors here for some reason, you can use the following instead:
nameList.map {
(it.getValue("id") as? Int) ?: error("'id' is not an Int")
getValue fails on absent keys with NoSuchElementException, and the error() call fails with IllegalStateException. You can also use other kinds of exceptions using throw or require().
If you want to just ignore the entries that don't have a valid integer id, you can use the following:
nameList.mapNotNull { it["id"] as? Int }
If you want to ignore the entries that don't have an id, but fail on those who have a non-integer id, you can use this:
nameList.mapNotNull { map ->
map["id"]?.let { id ->
(id as? Int) ?: error("'id' is not an Int")
These 2 last examples rely on mapNotNull, which filters the elements out if their mapped value is null.
I have created two states in corda. Now I want to compare the fields of these two states and create a third state based on the comparison. Is it possible? If possible how to do it? Is there any ideal programming solution other than comparing each field?
If you are using Kotlin, you can use data classes: https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/data-classes.html For example, the following will return true:
data class Person(val name: String)
val person1 = Person("John")
val person2 = Person("John")
person1 == person2
Because equality is determined solely based on the fields in the primary constructor. Alternatively, you can override the equals method of your class.
If you are only trying to compare some of the fields, you can compare them directly in a large if statement. But if you are using a data class, you can also compare them by creating a copy where the fields you don't want to compare have been set to be equal in both instances. For example, the following will return true:
data class Person(val name: String, val age: Int, val address: String)
val person1 = Person("John", 24, "London")
val person2 = Person("John", 25, "London")
person1 == person2.copy(age = person1.age)