Running "ansible-playbook playbook.yml" outputs fatal: [localhost]: FAILED - ibm-blockchain

Following the ansible 2-org-network example tutorial, when running "ansible-playbook playbook.yml" command, this outputs
"TASK [ibm.blockchain_platform_manager : Authenticate to IBM Blockchain Platform service] *****************************************************
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "connection": "close", "content": "{\"context\":{\"requestId\":\"3aed45737c8d4cc7a3a52b03cfbf7e64\",\"requestType\":\"incoming.Identity_Token\",\"userAgent\":\"ansible-httpget\",\"url\":\"\",\"instanceId\":\"iamid-5.2-7439-f51ff7a-6488f4d469-jxdn5\",\"threadId\":\"f61a\",\"host\":\"iamid-5.2-7439-f51ff7a-6488f4d469-jxdn5\",\"startTime\":\"15.02.2020 21:04:28:625 GMT\",\"endTime\":\"01.01.1970 00:00:00:000 GMT\",\"elapsedTime\":\"0\",\"locale\":\"en_US\",\"clusterName\":\"iam-id-prams03-igyr\"},\"errorCode\":\"BXNIM0415E\",\"errorMessage\":\"Provided API key could not be found\"}", "content_language": "en-US", "content_length": "517", "content_type": "application/json", "date": "Sat, 15 Feb 2020 21:04:28 GMT", "elapsed": 0, "json": {"context": {"clusterName": "iam-id-prams03-igyr", "elapsedTime": "0", "endTime": "01.01.1970 00:00:00:000 GMT", "host": "iamid-5.2-7439-f51ff7a-6488f4d469-jxdn5", "instanceId": "iamid-5.2-7439-f51ff7a-6488f4d469-jxdn5", "locale": "en_US", "requestId": "3aed45737c8d4cc7a3a52b03cfbf7e64", "requestType": "incoming.Identity_Token", "startTime": "15.02.2020 21:04:28:625 GMT", "threadId": "f61a", "url": "", "userAgent": "ansible-httpget"}, "errorCode": "BXNIM0415E", "errorMessage": "Provided API key could not be found"}, "msg": "Status code was 400 and not [200]: HTTP Error 400: Bad Request", "redirected": false, "set_cookie": "sessioncookie=76599c5849373452d151007c6314be2a; Path=/; Secure; HttpOnly", "status": 400, "transaction_id": "3aed45737c8d4cc7a3a52b03cfbf7e64", "url": "", "x_powered_by": "Servlet/3.1"}
PLAY RECAP ***********************************************************************************************************************************
localhost : ok=4 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=1 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
I don't know if this an error, but a node file should be created but it's not. a screenshot of the output is attached
Edit: I'm using ibm blockchain platform vscode extension. changed the infrastructure.type from "saas" to "software" while the previous error is gone another one apperead "I'm using the ibm platform extension on vs code. changed the infrastructre.type from "saas" to "software" in the "playbook.yaml" file, that error is gone but a new appeared
"fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "content": "", "elapsed": 0, "msg": "Status code was -1 and not [200]: Request failed: ", "redirected": false, "status": -1, "url": ""}
PLAY RECAP ***********************************************************************************************************************************
localhost : ok=11 changed=3 unreachable=0 failed=1 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0

The ansible role provides support for 3 options, saas, software and docker.
saas refers to IBM Blockchain platform in the cloud, ie the software as a service offering in IBM Cloud, so you need to have provisioned IBM Blockchain platform on the IBM Cloud for this option.
software refers to IBM Blockchain platform software which you need to purchase from IBM and have it deployed.
docker refers to a local deployment on your machine using docker of the Open Source Hyperledger images it creates a local fabric network on your machine.
I'm guessing that you would want to use the docker option.


influxdb2.4.0 set auth error authorization not found

i'm a new influxdb user and i want to deploy influxdb2 on a linux server without root authority
so i use influxd from influxdb2-2.4.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz as influxdb and influx from influxdb2-client-2.4.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz as influx-cli.
my influxdb use command
to start with config.yaml in the same path, the yaml config is
bolt-path: mypath/.influxdbv2/influxd.bolt
engine-path: mypath/.influxdbv2/engine
http-bind-address: ":18088"
instance-id: ":18088"
sqlite-path: mypath/.influxdbv2/influxd.sqlite
log-level: debug
after start influxdb I connect it by influx with command
./influx config create --active -n test_config -u http://localhost:18088 -t test1234 -o test-org --config-path "mypath/.influxdbv2/config"
(becasue i dont have root authority so i have to save my cli config into another path instead of default)
but after I create config and try to view auth list with command
./influx auth list --config-path "mypath/.influxdbv2/config
I got an Error "Error: could not find authorization with given parameters: 401 Unauthorized: unauthorized access"
and see the text below in the influxdb log
2022-09-30T09:02:51.147998Z info Unauthorized {"log_id": "0dFLgdmW000", "error": "authorization not found"}
2022-09-30T09:02:51.148198Z debug Request {"log_id": "0dFLgdmW000", "service": "http", "method": "GET", "host": "localhost:18088", "path": "/api/v2/authorizations", "query": "", "proto": "HTTP/1.1", "status_code": 401, "response_size": 55, "content_length": 0, "referrer": "", "remote": "[::1]:18370", "user_agent": "influx", "took": "0.263ms", "error": "unauthorized", "error_code": "unauthorized", "body": ""}
I tried ./influx with flag -t "test1234" bug get same return and I wonder how can I handle this problem
Could anyone help me :)

Error while uploading (img+json) pairs on to Solana Devnet

I'm trying to upload NFT assets using the Solana devnet with candy machine v2
This is the command that I am running
ts-node ~/metaplex-foundation/metaplex/js/packages/cli/src/candy-machine-v2-cli.ts upload -e devnet -k ~/.config/solana/devnet.json -cp config.json ./assets
when I run the command above, I get this error message:
Beginning the upload for 7 (img+json) pairs
started at: 1644272598092
initializing candy machine
Error deploying config to Solana network. RangeError: indeterminate span
at Structure.getSpan (/Users/dlku/metaplex-foundation/metaplex/js/node_modules/buffer-layout/lib/Layout.js:1221:13)
at Structure.encode (/Users/dlku/metaplex-foundation/metaplex/js/node_modules/buffer-layout/lib/Layout.js:1267:23)
at InstructionCoder._encode (/Users/dlku/metaplex-foundation/metaplex/js/packages/cli/node_modules/#project-serum/anchor/src/coder/instruction.ts:85:24)
Has anyone else ran into this issue ? Any help would be appreciated
Here's an example of the json data:
"name":"NFT NAME",
"symbol": "NN",
"description": "My collection",
"image": "7.png",
"properties": {
"creators": [{"address": "00x00x00x00x000x00x00x", "share": 100}],
"files": [{"uri": "7.png", "type": "image/png"}]
and this is the config:
"price": 0.50,
"number": 10,
"storage": "arweave"
similar questions but didn't solve my issue:
4 months ago
1 month ago
Apparently many users are having issue with devnet
So as of March 7 2022 devnet is acting up , it'd recommend using an RPC

My AKS Cluster was brought down, how can I recover?

I have been playing around with load-testing my application on a single agent cluster in AKS. During the testing, the connection to the dashboard stalled and never resumed. My application seems down as well, so I am assuming the cluster is in a bad state.
The API server is
kubectl cluster-info dump shows the following error:
"name": "kube-dns-v20-6c8f7f988b-9wpx9.14fbbbd6bf60f0cf",
"namespace": "kube-system",
"selfLink": "/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/events/kube-dns-v20-6c8f7f988b-9wpx9.14fbbbd6bf60f0cf",
"uid": "47f57d3c-d577-11e7-88d4-0a58ac1f0249",
"resourceVersion": "185572",
"creationTimestamp": "2017-11-30T02:36:34Z",
"InvolvedObject": {
"Kind": "Pod",
"Namespace": "kube-system",
"Name": "kube-dns-v20-6c8f7f988b-9wpx9",
"UID": "9d2b20f2-d3f5-11e7-88d4-0a58ac1f0249",
"APIVersion": "v1",
"ResourceVersion": "299",
"FieldPath": "spec.containers{kubedns}"
"Reason": "Unhealthy",
"Message": "Liveness probe failed: Get net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)",
"Source": {
"Component": "kubelet",
"Host": "aks-agentpool-34912234-0"
"FirstTimestamp": "2017-11-30T02:23:50Z",
"LastTimestamp": "2017-11-30T02:59:00Z",
"Count": 6,
"Type": "Warning"
As well as some Pod Sync errors in Kube-System.
Example of issue:
az aks browse -g REstate.Server -n REstate
Merged "REstate" as current context in C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp29d0conq
Proxy running on
Press CTRL+C to close the tunnel...
error: error upgrading connection: error dialing backend: dial tcp getsockopt: connection timed out
You'll probably need to ssh to the node to see if the Kubelet service is running. For future you can set Resource quotas from exhausting all resources in the cluster nodes.
Resource Quotas -

Can't Connect to Service via Marathon-lb using DCOS

I recently went through the tutorial for load balancing apps in DCOS using marathon-lb (in the example they balance some nginx containers: I am trying to use this approach to internally load balance my own custom application. The custom app I am using is a play scala app. I have the internal marathon-lb set up and can successfully use it for the nginx container but when I try to use my own docker image I cannot get this to work. I start up my service with my custom image and I can access the service fine by using the IP and port that gets assigned to it (i.e. if the service gets deployed on and is available on port 1234 then curl works as expected and I can also make my api calls as defined in my application routes). However, when I try to access the app through the load balancer (curl -i http://marathon-lb-internal.marathon.mesos:10002, where 10002 is the service port) then I get this message:
HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable
Cache-Control: no-cache
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html
<html><body><h1>503 Service Unavailable</h1>
No server is available to handle this request.
For reference, here is my json file I'm using to start my custom service:
"id": "my-app",
"container": {
"type": "DOCKER",
"docker": {
"image": "my_repo/my_image:1.0.0",
"network": "BRIDGE",
"portMappings": [
{ "hostPort": 0, "containerPort": 9000, "servicePort": 10002, "protocol": "tcp" }
"parameters": [
{ "key": "env", "value": "USER_NAME=user" },
{ "key": "env", "value": "USER_PASSWORD=password" }
"forcePullImage": true
"instances": 1,
"cpus": 1,
"mem": 1000,
"healthChecks": [{
"protocol": "HTTP",
"path": "/v1/health",
"portIndex": 0,
"timeoutSeconds": 10,
"gracePeriodSeconds": 10,
"intervalSeconds": 2,
"maxConsecutiveFailures": 10
"uris": [ "" ]
I had the same problem and found the solution here
marathon-lb health check failing on all containers
Need to add
"HAPROXY_0_BACKEND_HTTP_HEALTHCHECK_OPTIONS": " http-send-name-header Host\n timeout check {healthCheckTimeoutSeconds}s\n"
To your config so that the REST layer doesn't bark on the health check from marathon

Worklight Flight Ticket Sample "Function [onAuthRequired] not found."

I'm trying to run the Flight Ticket Sample Application for Worklight v6.1.0. My setup is working fine. I deployed the application as follows:
I imported the project zip file into my workspace.
I created a new web application in the server.xml file with the context root as flightticket and pointed the war location to flightticket.war. When I navigate to http://localhost:10080/flightticket I get the message simple index.html. Everything is fine so far.
I then deployed the three adapters FTAdapter, FTPushAdapter and LoginAdapter to the server.
Finally, I deployed the app using Run As -> Run on Worklight Development Server.
When I open Worklight Console and click on Preview as Common Resources, I get an error in Eclipse console as follows:
[ERROR ] FWLSE0020E: Ajax request exception: There is no application in the DB with the id 'FlightTicket'. [project module_60_4_FlightTicket]
[ERROR ] FWLSE0117E: Error code: 1, error description: INTERNAL_ERROR, error message: FWLSE0069E: An internal error occurred during gadget request [project module_60_4_FlightTicket]There is no application in the DB with the id 'FlightTicket'., User Identity {wl_authenticityRealm=null, FTRealm=null, wl_remoteDisableRealm=null, SampleAppRealm=null, wl_antiXSRFRealm=null, wl_deviceAutoProvisioningRealm=null, WorklightConsole=null, wl_deviceNoProvisioningRealm=null, wl_anonymousUserRealm=null}. [project module_60_4_FlightTicket]
[ERROR ] FWLSE0099E: An error occurred while invoking procedure [project module_60_4_FlightTicket]FTAdapter/onAuthRequiredFWLSE0100E: parameters: [project module_60_4_FlightTicket]{
"arr": [
"Accept": [
"text\/javascript, text\/html, application\/xml, text\/xml, *\/*"
"Accept-Encoding": [
"gzip, deflate"
"Accept-Language": [
"Cache-Control": [
"Connection": [
"Content-Length": [
"Content-Type": [
"application\/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8"
"Cookie": [
"testcookie=oreo; JSESSIONID=0000Ujzcx6nIYXNuXrpCFmbvqwt:040ac9eb-2103-4149-97c9-431f2113a34f"
"Host": [
"Referer": [
"User-Agent": [
"Mozilla\/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; Trident\/7.0; MALNJS; rv:11.0) like Gecko"
"WL-Instance-Id": [
"X-Requested-With": [
"x-wl-app-version": [
"x-wl-platform-version": [
Function [onAuthRequired] not found.
I have checked the source for the onAuthRequired function but I'm not able to find either the definition nor the call to the function.
Can someone tell me what's happening here?
You are just doing it wrong. Step 2 is completely not correct and no where in the Worklight documentation will you see it being asked to do.
Here's what I've done and what you should follow:
Downloaded the Flight Ticket sample project
Imported it to Eclipse running Worklight Developer Edition 6.1
Right-clicked on each of the adapters in the adapters folder and chose Run As > Deploy Worklight adapter
Right-clicked on the FlightTicket app in the apps folder and chose Run As > Run on Worklight Development Server
Open Worklight Console
Ran the app in the Android Emulator
Step 4 is required! If you do not do this step, it means you do not deploy your application, which means your app will fail to connect to the Worklight Server. See the error message you've mentioned in the question. It tells you exactly that, that the app does not exist.
After login:
Please ensure you don't delete the native folder under your Android project.
The war file is used as backend server(JAX-RS), so mobile will get the data from this war file like your real enterprise data, while worklight war is auto deployed in the eclipse, and serve as the gateway for your mobile app and adaptors will connect to the backend server REST api to get mock up data.