Selecting data from 3 tables in database in Codeigniter - sql

I want to collect values from 3 tables in a database. I have used following code;
public function view_event( $where=array())
$this->db->select(',,event.eid, event.hall, event.event_date,
event.time, event.guests, payment.Paid');
$this->db->from('client', 'event');
$this->db->join('event', 'event.client_id =');
$this->db->join('payment', 'payment.event_id = event.eid');
$result = $this->db->get();
return $result->result();
But this code gives following error;
Error Number: 1054
Unknown column 'payment.Paid' in 'field list'

Use this :
public function view_event( $where=array())
$this->db->select(',,event.eid,event.hall,event.event_date, event.time,
->join('event', 'event.client_id =', 'LEFT')
->join('payment', 'payment.event_id = event.eid', 'LEFT')
return $this->db->get()->result();


Column not found: 1054 Unknown column '2' in 'on clause' - InnerJoin query not working properly

I am trying to execute the following code, the error applies to the $waitingToBeShipped... section of the code. As you can see I am using an innerJoin. I want to retrieve all of the rows that have orders containing products that are still waiting to be shipped.
public function destroyMany($ids) {
$status = false;
$ids = explode(",", $ids);
foreach ($ids as $id) {
$innerJoin = OrderDetails::where('product_id', $id)->pluck('order_id');
if ($innerJoin->count()) {
$innerJoin = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9\-]/", '', $innerJoin);
$waitingToBeShipped = Order::where('is_delivered', 0)
->join('order_details', '', '=', $innerJoin)
But it returns:
local.ERROR: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column '2' in 'on clause' (SQL: select * from `orders` inner join `order_details` on `orders`.`id` = `2` where `is_delivered` = 0 and `orders`.`deleted_at` is null)
I've tried to run this query manually in PHPMyAdmin, which also gives an error with the literal query that I just copied, BUT, when I remove the backticks around the number 2, it does actually give me a result.
I am not sure how I can do the same for my code? Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
The fix to this is to change the query to:
public function destroyMany($ids) {
$status = false;
$ids = explode(",", $ids);
foreach ($ids as $id) {
$innerJoin = OrderDetails::where('product_id', $id)->pluck('order_id');
if ($innerJoin->count()) {
$innerJoin = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9\-]/", '', $innerJoin);
$waitingToBeShipped = Order::where('is_delivered', 0)
->join('order_details', '', '=', 'order_details.order_id')
->where('order_details.order_id', $innerJoin)

Query giving double result instead of single

I have two tables: products and current_product_attribute_values
I have tried a join query to filter them as per attribute selected by the user but when I try this with an additional condition it gives me 2 results instead of one it is including the first one which is not matching as per query:
select * from `products` inner join `current_product_attribute_values` on `products`.`id` = `current_product_attribute_values`.`product_id` where `current_product_attribute_values`.`attribute_id` = ? or `current_product_attribute_values`.`attribute_value_id` = ? and `current_product_attribute_values`.`attribute_id` = ? or `current_product_attribute_values`.`attribute_value_id` = ? and `product_name` LIKE ?
here is my laravel Controller code :
$all = Input::all();
$q = Input::get('search_text');
$att_val = Input::get('attribute_value');
$subcat = Input::get('subcat_id');
$subcat_name = DB::table('subcategories')->where('id', $subcat)->value('subcategory_name');
$brandname = DB::table('brands')->where('subcat_id', $subcat)->value('brand_name');
$brand_id = DB::table('brands')->where('subcat_id', $subcat)->value('id');
$product_count = DB::table('products')->where('brand_id', $brand_id)->count();
if ($q != "") {
// getting multiple same name params
$query = DB::table('products');
$query->join('current_product_attribute_values', '', '=', 'current_product_attribute_values.product_id');
$j = 0;
foreach ($all as $key => $values) {
//echo 'my current get key is : ' . urldecode($key). '<br>';
if ($key == $name[$j]) {
$query->where('current_product_attribute_values.attribute_id', '=', $att_id_value[$j]);
//echo '<br> key matched and have some value : <br>';
//echo count($values);
if (count($values) >= 1) {
//echo '<br> it has array inside <br>';
foreach ($values as $val) {
// or waali query in same attribute
$query->orwhere('current_product_attribute_values.attribute_value_id', '=', $val);
$records = $query->toSql();
$query->where('product_name', 'LIKE', '%' . $q . '%');
$records = $query->toSql();
$products = $query->paginate(10)->setPath('');
$pagination = $products->appends(array(
'q' => Input::get('q')
if (count($products) > 0) {
$filters = DB::table('product_attributes')->where('subcategory_id', $subcat)->get(['attribute_title']);
} else {
$filters = array();
$categories = categories::where('add_to_menu', 1)->with('subcategories')->with('brands')->get();
$categoryhome = categories::where('add_to_menu', 1)->with('subcategories')->get();
return view('searchfilter')
->with('productsdata', $products)
->with('filtersdata', $filters)
->with('categories', $categories)
->with('categorieshome', $categoryhome)
->with('subcat_name', $subcat_name)
->with('subcat_id', $subcat)
->with('brandname', $brandname)
->with('product_count', $product_count)
->with('querytext', $q);
return 'No Details found. Try to search again !';
its easier if you use raw sql as calling db select function. ex:
$query=DB::select("select * from `products` inner join `current_product_attribute_values` on `products`.`id` = `current_product_attribute_values`.`product_id` where `current_product_attribute_values`.`attribute_id` = ? or `current_product_attribute_values`.`attribute_value_id` = ? and `current_product_attribute_values`.`attribute_id` = ? or `current_product_attribute_values`.`attribute_value_id` = ? and `product_name` LIKE ?
indeed you can concat vars in raw sql if you need to, ex:
$queryBrands = "select id from brands where subcat_id =".$subcat;
//echo $queryBrands
$queryBrands = DB::select($queryBrands);
By looking at your tables, product table with id value 17 has two records in table current_product_attribute_values in column product_id (I assume this column is used as foreign key to product table).
With select *, you select all of the columns from both tables. So it would most likely cause your query to return multiple records.
My suggestions:
Only select the columns you need. Avoid using select * in the long run, i.e. select, product.description, current_product_attribute_values.attribute_values ......
Make use of GROUP BY
Hope these helps.

How to select data from table that not inserted on other table in codeigniter

I've two tables products, stock I want to select all rows from table products that not inserted on stock and i've 2 conditions
1: column products.s_compnay_id = users.u_company_id
2: cloumn stock.s_company_id =users.u_company_id
that's my model
Class UserProducts_m extends CI_Model{
function index(){
$session_data = $this->session->userdata('logged_in');
$name = $session_data['username'];
$this->db->where('u_username', $name);
$user_data = $query = $this->db->get();
if ($user_data->num_rows() > 0) {
foreach ($query->result_array() as $row_userdata) {
$usercompanyid[] = $row_userdata;
$query="select products.* from products where !FIND_IN_SET(products.p_id,select stock.s_p_id from stock and stock.s_company_id=$usercompany and p_company_id=$usercompany)";
$result= $this->db->get();
if ($result->num_rows() > 0) {
foreach ($result->result_array() as $row_result) {
$product_data[] = $row_result;
//return $result=$query->result();
And that's my controller
Class UserProducts extends CI_Controller {
function index(){
that's my errors
Error Number: 1064
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'select stock.s_p_id from stock and stock.s_company_id=1 and p_company_id=1)' at line 1
select products.* from products where !FIND_IN_SET(products.p_id,select stock.s_p_id from stock and stock.s_company_id=1 and p_company_id=1)
Filename: C:/xampp/htdocs/Elvan/system/database/DB_driver.php
Line Number: 691
I suggest you try putting curly braces around the vars in your query statement. Then it should resolve to array values properly.
$query="select products.* from products where
!find_in_set(products.p_id,select stock.s_p_id from stock and
stock.s_company_id = {$usercompanyid[0]['u_company_id']} and
p_company_id = {$usercompanyid[0]['u_company_id']})";
I see a couple other problems.
The line
$result= $this->db->get();
is not needed because $this->db->query($query); already returned a database result object. Do this
$result = $this->db->query($query);
if ($result->num_rows() > 0)
{ ...
Then you have this useless block of code (Pardon me for being blunt)
foreach ($result->result_array() as $row_result)
$product_data[] = $row_result;
This is useless because your code just copies array values from one array to another. You'll save a lot of code execution with the following which produces the same thing your foreach loop does.
$product_data = $result->result_array();
result->array() returns an array where each item is an array representing a table row.
You did the same thing earlier adding items to the $usercompanyid array. Do this.
if ($user_data->num_rows() > 0)
$usercompanyid = $query->result_array();
One last problem. It appears that UserProducts_m::index() does not return anything.
You can use the NOT IN sql query for this.
FROM products
WHERE product_id NOT IN (select field name form stock where clause);

Conditions in JOINed tables shows error CakePHP

I have two tables employee_personals where all the personal record of the employee is stored and telephone_bills where the telephone bills paid to a particular employee is stored for each month. Now in my employeePersonalsController.php I have a function called api_show_employees() which is similar to below :
function api_show_employees() {
//$this->autoRender = false;
$office_id = '';
$cond = '';
if(isset($_GET['office_id']) && trim($_GET['office_id']) != '') {
$office_id = $_GET['office_id'];
$cond['EmployeePersonal.office_id'] = $office_id;
if(isset($_GET['telephoneBillTo']) && isset($_GET['telephoneBillFrom']) ) {
if($_GET['telephoneBillTo'] != '' && $_GET['telephoneBillFrom'] != '') {
$cond['TelephoneBill.bill_from'] = $_GET['telephoneBillFrom'];
$cond['TelephoneBill.bill_to'] = $_GET['telephoneBillTo'];
$order = '';
// $employee = $this->EmployeePersonal->find('all');
$employee = $this->EmployeePersonal->find('all',array('order' => $order,'conditions'=>$cond));
//return json_encode($employee);
This functions basically finds all the employees who paid bills in the given period. But I am getting an error
Error: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'TelephoneBill.bill_from' in 'where clause'
Models : EmployeePersonal.php:
var $hasMany = array(
'TelephoneBill' => array(
'className' => 'TelephoneBill',
public $name = 'TelephoneBill';
var $hasMany = array('EmployeePersonal');
NB: If I skip the bill_from and bill_to conditions, I am getting the results , with TelephoneBill array !
TLDR: use Joins instead.
1) it looks like you're using recursive. Don't do that. Use Containable instead.
2) You can't limit the parent model based on conditions against data from a contained/recursive-included table - instead, use Joins.
2b) Or, you could query from the other direction, and query your TelephoneBill with conditions, then contain the EmployeePersonal.

ZendFramework 2:Syntax error or access violation: 1066 Not unique table/alias:

I am a new at Zendframework 2. I am trying to join two tables and display the result.
The two tables are.
Works and Artist . The tables are joined based on artist_id.
STEP 1> Created 2 class(Works , Artist) in Model
STEP 2> In WorksTable I have the following code
class WorksTable extends AbstractTableGateway
protected $table ='works';
public function __construct(Adapter $adapter)
$this->adapter = $adapter;
$this->resultSetPrototype = new HydratingResultSet(
new ArraySerializableHydrator(),
new Works()
public function fetchAll()
$select = $this->getSql()->select();
$select->join('works','artists.artist_id = artist_id ');
//create paginator object to display records
$paginator = new Paginator(
new DbSelect($select, $this->adapter, $this->resultSetPrototype)
return $paginator;
STEP 3> In controller I defined the following code
public function searchAction()
$request = $this->getRequest();
$paginator = $this->getWorksTable()->fetchAll();
// $paginator->setItemCountPerPage(12);
$vm = new ViewModel(array(
'poster' => $paginator,
$vm->setVariable('paginator', $paginator);
return $vm;
For statement $paginator->setItemCountPerPage(12); get error
SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1066 Not unique table/alias: 'works'
Has anyone come across this error? Any ideas on how to resolve this?
you join works table to itself, mysql treat it as two separate tables joined but with same name, hence the error.
Use alias for table you join:
$select = $this->getSql()->select();
$select->join(array('w' => 'works'),'artists.artist_id = artist_id ');
but it looks like it is just typo there and table should be artists
There hasn't used artists table begin the query.and also didn't use works table on join.
use Zend\Paginator\Adapter\DbSelect;
use Zend\Db\Sql\Sql;
public function fetchAll()
$sql = new Sql($this->tableGateway->getAdapter());
$select = new Select();
$select->join('works','artists.artist_id = works.artist_id',array('your_wanted_column_names,don't mention again artist_id here because there should be a error'));
$paginator = new Paginator(
new DbSelect($select, $this->adapter, $this->resultSetPrototype)
return $paginator;