YouTube API Services Compliance Review - api

I have a project where I need to have the API quota increased significantly from the 10,000 daily hits, and I think this is being processed by Google as part of a YouTube API Services Compliance Review.
However, I have not had any response in over a week and the delay is putting the project at risk of a delayed launch and additional costs.
Does anyone know if this is normal and if there is a way to expedite the review, or speak to someone? Even pay for a higher tier of support?
Thanks in advance.

If you’ve filled the audit form properly, you should get a response within two weeks (Google reviews thousands of these, among other things to prevent abuse this is one of the processes that isn’t fully automated).
I recommend if your in a rush since your paying for credits you might as well open a second account and load balance between two or even three accounts; in your code you can create counters and swap before capping out the 24 hour term; not sure what data you’re looking to extract but depends on what data you may be able to even use other services to supplement.
They will get back to you about your application; just requires massive patience.


How to get a rout information with trafic flow information included for a past date?

I am trying to use Azure Maps API. It will be nice to have route information which should include the locations of course and a speed profile. As you can understand speed profile is not an east one. Free flow speed profile is ok. But we want to simulate real-world conditions meaning that we want to select date and time of departure to get accurate speed information as close to as possible to a real world traffic influence.
Is there any feature that Azure provide this? If not, which API can provide this
I don't have any code at this moment to show since ı don't know which API to use.
Historical traffic data is not currently available in Azure Maps but is being investigated as a potential future feature.

Is it possible to increase the Google Sheets API quota limit beyond 2500 per account and 500 per user?

The problem: Running into Google Sheets API read/write quota limits. Specifically, the read/write requests per 100 seconds and read/write requests per 100 seconds per user quotas.
Some background:
For the past few months I've been developing a web app for students and staff in our school district which uses a Google spreadsheet as the database. Each school in our district was assigned a different Google spreadsheet, and a service account was created to make read and write calls to these spreadsheets on behalf of the web app.
We started with one school of approximately 1000 students, but it has now expanded to two other schools with a total user load of around 4000. Due to the nature of a school day schedule, we started hitting our quota limit (per 100 sec & per 100 sec per user) since almost everyone uses the app at the same time.
I found the usage limits guide for the Google sheets API, and as per the instructions I created a billing account, and linked the associated service account project to it. I then went to the quotas section in the developers console and applied for a higher quota. This involved filling out a Google form which asked "How much quota do you need? Express in number of API queries per day." Again, queries per day is not the problem, rather it's the number of queries per 100 seconds and per user (service account). After a couple of weeks our limit was increased to 2500 read/write requests per 100 seconds and 500 read/write requests per 100 seconds per user. The billing account was not charged, and after a little searching, I realized this was a free increase. This bump in our quota limit helped, but it's still going to be an issue because our district wants to add more schools in the future.
Here's what I need to know:
1) [ESSENTIAL QUESTION] Does Google have an upper limit or maximum to the number of read/write requests a single service account/user/IP can make within the 100 second time frame, and if so what is it?
2) If it is possible to go beyond our current quota limit (2500/500), is there another way of requesting/applying for the increase. Once again we have a billing account established for the project and are willing to pay for the service.
I've been pulling (what's left of) my hair out trying to find definitive answers to my questions. This post came close to what I was looking for, and I even did some of the things the OP suggested, but I just need a direct answer to my "essential" question.
Couple more things.
I understand that Google Charts Visualization doesn't have a quota limitation, and I'd consider using it however, for privacy reasons I can't have the spreadsheet keys exposed in plain javascript. Are there other options here?
Also, one might suggest creating multiple service accounts, but I'd rather avoid this if possible.
Thank you for your help. I'm very much a novice and I greatly appreciate your time and expertise.
To answer your questions:
1) [ESSENTIAL QUESTION] Does Google have an upper limit or maximum to the number of read/write requests a single service account/user/IP can make within the 100 second time frame, and if so what is it?
*The provided documentation only stated that Google Sheets API has a limit of 500 requests per 100 seconds per project, and 100 requests per 100 seconds per user. Check this post for additional information.*
2) If it is possible to go beyond our current quota limit (2500/500), is there another way of requesting/applying for the increase. Once again we have a billing account established for the project and are willing to pay for the service.
AFAIK, you can request for a higher quota limit and the Google Engineers may grant the request as long as you are making a reasonable request.
Also, you may check this thread for additional tips:
You can use spreadsheets.get to read the entire spreadsheet in a single call, rather than 1 call per request. Alternately, you
can use spreadsheets.values.batchGet to read multiple different
ranges in a single call, if all you need are the values.
The Drive API offers "push notifications", so you can get notified when changes occur and react to those, instead of polling for
them. The latency of the notifications is a little on the slow side,
but it gets the job done.

What is a good strategy for polling Microsoft Graph API so that I don't get throttled?

My goal is to maintain "real-time" (or as close as possible) information about the email messages sent by a group of users.
My ideal solution would be to periodically query the API for messages by all users in the group. This feature is not (yet?) implemented.
My second choice would be to create subscriptions ( for every member in the group and then request message information after I become aware of an event. The problem is, in practice, I am only allowed to create 20-30 simultaneous subscriptions (Issues to use Webhook for Microsoft Graph API), which might not be enough.
So I'm stuck with polling all the users in a cycle. The main problem with this approach is I can't find any information how many request are "too many", ie I get throttled. I want to maximize the number of requests to minimize the time it takes to get through one cycle.
A solution that comes to mind is to develop an adaptive program that slowly decreases the time between requests until throttled, then abruptly adds some time to it until a nice balance is found and maintained. This seems like a lot of work though. Right now I'm working on the assumption that 1/second is about the highest I can safely go (0.5 seconds on average per round trip, then a cool down of another 0.5 seconds).
What is the best way to deal with an unknown throttling limit in general, and Microsoft Graph in particular?
While I think the accepted answer is a good response, it might not be suitable for all cases. For instance, if you don't want to use the 365 API, and you don't mind using beta features, perhaps you might check out this (delta tokens), which seem to be designed for real-time syncing with the data.
The only potential downside with the accepted answer is that you still need a subscription for each user you want to track (I think...), and there are limits on those. Very curious as to how other people tackled this problem.
While still in Preview, you may want to take a look at Outlook Streaming Notifications. These APIs provide a more robust notification model than simple web hooks. You would still need to establish multiple subscriptions but I expect you'll see far less latency.

API call request limit

I have been looking into various different APIs which can provide my the weather data I need in JSON format. A lot of these API's have certain limits such as: in order to get more requests per minute, you need to pay more money per month so that your app can make more API requests.
However, a lot of these API's also have free account which five you limited access to them.
So what I was thinking is, wouldn't it be possible for a developer to just make lots of different developer accounts with an API provider and then just make lots of different API keys?
That way, they wouldn't have to pay anything as they could stick with the free accounts. Whenever one of the API keys has reached the maximum daily request calls, the developer could just put a switch statement in their code which gets their software to use a different API key.
I see no reason why this wouldn't work from a technical point of view... but, is such a thing allowed?
Thanks, Dan.
This would technically be possible, and it happens.
It is also probably against the service's terms, a good reason for the service to ban all your sock puppet accounts, and perhaps even illegal.
If the service that offers the API has spent time and money implementing a per-developer limit for their API, they have almost certainly enforced that in their terms of service, and you would be wise to respect those.
(relevant xkcd)

"reasonable" use of web APIs to sync data

My goal is to synchronize a web-application with an internal database. The web-application has a public API, but in order to fully synchronize the two sources I would need to make around 2000 separate API calls every time. My instinct tells me that this is excessive and possibly irresponsible, but I lack the experience to know for sure.
In this particular case the web-application is Asana, but I've encountered similar situations before with other services. Is there any way to know if you're abusing a service through excessive API calls? I know I'm not going to DOS a company like Asana, but I can't shake the feeling that there must be a better way than making ~150k requests per day.
The only other option I can think of is to update the web-service only when I know there's been a change in the database, but I'll lose a lot of capability that way.
I apologize for the subjectivity of this question, but I'm really hoping that someone can explain if there's any kind of etiquette that's expected when using public APIs.
(I work at Asana)
This is an excellent question, or rather set of questions.
You are designing a system that will repeatedly make requests for every object. What will happen as the number of objects grows? Even if your initial request rate were reasonable, this would suffer problems with scalability. A more scalable solution is one that scales with the number of changes in the system. This will also grow over time, but much more slowly - the number of changes a single user can make per day is relatively constant, but the total number of objects they've created over time grows and grows. So my first piece of advice would be to avoid doing things this way, and instead find a way to detect changes and just act on those. It would be interesting to know why you feel you'll lose capability by taking this approach.
Now, I happen to know that the Asana API does not currently provide you with any friendly mechanism to just detect changes in the system. This is a commonly requested feature and we are looking into it, though I unfortunately cannot promise a delivery date. So you might be left with no choice but to poll our system for now.
As for being polite to the API, many service providers set limits on their API usage to prevent accidental or malicious use of the API from impacting the service to their other customers -- Asana is no exception. Sometimes these limits are published, other times not, and there is no standard limit: it all depends on the service. But it is very thoughtful of you to be curious about service limitations.
That said, 150k requests per day is, for the Asana API, kind of a lot. If all of our API users gave us that much traffic, we might be serving more requests per day than Google Web Search, and we're not quite that scalable yet. :) Technically, sometimes, we might handle requests at that volume from a single user.
If you must poll, try to poll on intervals like 15 minutes. But please do not poll your entire workspace on this time period; it's likely to be too much traffic/data. We're working on trying to provide you with a better solution.
If you do happen to make too many requests of the Asana API, you will get back HTTP status code 429 instead of your desired response; you can read more about that here (