Error when using a Macro variable in DO loop in SAS: Required operator not found in expression - error-handling

I'm using SAS and I need to combine a number of tables, each of which has suffix of month and year in their name. The specific tables to use will be variable depending on user-defined start and end date. To achieve this, I'm trying to use a do loop via a macro to loop through the months/years in the date range and append to the previous table. However, I'm having issues (seemingly to do with it using the macro variable for the start/end year in the loop). I receive the following errors:
ERROR: Required operator not found in expression: &start_year.
ERROR: The %FROM value of the %DO QUOTE_YEAR loop is invalid.
ERROR: Required operator not found in expression: &end_year.
ERROR: The %TO value of the %DO QUOTE_YEAR loop is invalid.
ERROR: The macro GET_PRICES will stop executing.
Here is some example test code I've come up with that replicates the issue which produced the errors above which I am trying to debug. Note for this example, I'm only looping through the years. (I will add the months in once I resolve this issue.)
FORMAT start_date end_date DATE9.;
start_date = '01JUL2018'd;
end_date = '30JUN2019'd;
CALL SYMPUT('start_date',start_date);
CALL SYMPUT('end_date',end_date);
%MACRO get_prices(start_date, end_date);
%LET start_year = year(&start_date.);
%LET end_year = year(&end_date.);
%LET start_month = month(&start_date.);
%LET end_month = month(&end_date.);
DATA test;
t = 0;
%DO quote_year = &start_year. %TO &end_year.;
DATA test2;
t = &quote_year.;
The expected output is a table with a single column 't', with 3 rows: (0, 2018, 2019). (The 0 value I just included to initialise a non-empty table on which to append.) The code works when I replace the macro variables to the start/end year in the loop values to their actual value.
Doesn't Work
%DO quote_year = &start_year. %TO &end_year.;
%DO quote_year = 2018 %TO 2019;
I can't work out what is causing this to fail. I believe it must have something to do with the way I've defined the macro variables, but the strange thing is if I remove the do loop completely and have the following data step under the %LET statements, the values appear as expected.
DATA test_macro_values;
s = &start_year.;
t = &end_year.;
u = &start_month.;
v = &end_month.;
Can anyone see what's going wrong?

There are no macro functions called year and month. You should use %sysfunc:
%LET start_year = %sysfunc(year(&start_date.));
%LET end_year = %sysfunc(year(&end_date.));
%LET start_month = %sysfunc(month(&start_date.));
%LET end_month = %sysfunc(month(&end_date.));


SAS How iterate on date in macro?

I have a macro like this:
%macro loop(report_date);
/* some sql-code with where-statement on report_date:
create table with name small_table */
Then I want to write a code which creates a table: this table is union of tables where the condition on the varible report_day is true.
But my code doesn't work:
%let days_number = 31;
%let Min_Date = '01Jan2018:00:00:00'dt;
/* create table with name big_table */
/*this macro creates a union table */
%macro doInLoop(report_date);
FROM big_table
FROM small_table;
%macro createTable;
%local j;
%do j = 1 to &days_number.;
%let rep_date = dhms(datepart(&Min_Date.) + j, 0, 0, 0);
%if day(rep_date) = 1 %then %doInLoop(%rep_date);
I have 31 mistakes with messages:
"ERROR: The following columns were not found in the contributing tables: j"
Or how can I create a macro, that uses a working macro for one day ("loop"), for certain days from the range?
Thank you.
Use INTNX() to increment your date, don't do it manually.
You cannot use functions in a %LET statement without %SYSFUNC() otherwise the
macro processor cannot tell what is text and what is a function.
Unfortunately you also have more issues than just your date, so I'll
show you how to loop it and leave the rest to you.
%let rep_date = %sysfunc(intnx(DTDAY, &min_date, 1, 's');
DTDAY specifies a day interval for a datetime variable. If you had a date variable the interval would be DAY.
Remember to reference rep_date with the ampersand, &rep_date, otherwise it's just text to SAS.
You may find the sample macros in the macro appendix helpful. One illustrates looping with dates.

How to handle multiple filters in SAS stored process

I'm creating a SAS stored process report in which user can filter data using different cafeterias.
This is what I'm doing
%let Source = "group";
%let ActionRequired = "Daily";
%macro SetFilters;
data _null_;
%if &&ActionRequired ne "A" %then %do;
%let test = "ActionR";
call symputx('ID_WHERE_CLAUSE',cats(' and ActionRequired = ',' &ActionRequired',''));
%if &&Source ne "A" %then %do;
%let test = "Source";
call symputx('ID_WHERE_CLAUSE',cats('and Source = ',' &Source',''));
%mend; %SetFilters;
in ID_WHERE_CLAUSE data should be as and action required = "Daily" and source = "group" but my code is only appending last filter to my ID_WHERE_CLAUSE variable as and source = "group"
my expected result is and action required = "Daily" and source = "group"
but actual result I'm getting is and source = "group"
That's why I'm not getting my expected result. How can I append all where conditions in my ID_WHERE_CLAUSE variable.
I tried this too but didn't work either.
call symputx('ID_WHERE_CLAUSE',' and ActionRequired = &ActionRequired','');
call symputx('ID_WHERE_CLAUSE', ' and Source = &Source');
I'm using it as
proc sql noprint;
create table filter_data as
select * from data
where 1=1 &ID_WHERE_CLAUSE;
Kindly tell me how can i concatenate all where clause to it or any better approach.
call symputx does not append to macro variables - it overwrites them. So you need to capture the existing value as part of the new value you want to set. E.g.
call symputx('ID_WHERE_CLAUSE',cats(symget("ID_WHERE_CLAUSE"),'and Source = ',' &Source',''));
You need to use symget to do this in your scenario rather than referencing the macro variable directly, otherwise it may be resolved before your earlier data step executes and sets the initial value.

Using macro variables/language in PROC SQL

I use PROC SQL for Oracle database queries (I'm not a db person though, so I can't be more specific than that), and we often apply formats from a library that is automatically loaded. I was wondering if there's a faster way to program these types of queries, for example let's say I have a variable called prim_disease_cd in a view, and I want to pull that out, apply the format (which has the same name) and also call it prim_disease_cd. Right now I would do
put(a.prim_disease_cd, prim_disease_cd.) as prim_disease_cd
Is there a way I can shorten this using macro language? I have been unsuccessful so far, but we do this often and it seems quite inefficient. Essentially I want a macro that takes in a view/dataset a and a variable X and applies "put (a.X, X.) as X"
Additionally, if there's anyway I can implement something like this for dates too that would be great, i.e. to replace
datepart(a.(var_name)) as (var_name) format mmddyy10.
Thanks for any help you can provide.
You could create simple macros to do those two things. Macros that emit just a portion of a statement like that are often referred to as macro functions or function style macros. Make sure not to emit any semi-colons. For example you might make these two macros.
%macro decode(alias);
%local varname ;
%let varname=%scan(&alias,-1,.);
put(&alias,&varname..) as &varname
%macro datepart(alias);
%local varname ;
%let varname=%scan(&alias,-1,.);
datepart(&alias) as &varname format yymmdd10.
Then your SQL query might look like:
create table want as
select a.patid
, %decode(a.prim_disease_cd)
, %datepart(a.onset_date)
from oralib.diagnosis a
You might find that the use of the these will make your SAS code much harder to maintain. It might be easier to find a way to automate the generation of the text in your editor instead. Or running a program that generates the text from the metadata and then just copy and paste it into your program.
PS Don't use MDY (or DMY) format for dates. It will just confuse your European (or American) friends.
If ever need to use the <concept>_cd code values in a future query against the Oracle data I would say create a new variable such as <concept>_value or simply <concept>.
If the coded data in the Oracle query is named consistently, such as only <concept>_cd, you can have a macro examine the pulled data and create a SAS view that applies the mapping from code to value via SAS format. Since you are pulling the coded values from Oracle, there is likely one or more lookup tables in Oracle that map the code to the value, and possibly your SAS formats are built from that data.
In your use case, transforming code to value is, in essence, performing left joins against the supposed lookup table or tables. I would presume you are performing the code mapping so that it is easier to perform subset selections.
If you are only reporting the data, you may only need to apply the format to the code variable itself. Here is a sample macro that post processes a query result and performs code to value mappings according to naming convention <concept>_cd
data code_lookups;
length id 8 fmt $31 desc $50 ;
input id & fmt & desc;
1 country_cd US
2 country_cd Canada
10 color_cd Green
11 color_cd Blue
12 color_cd Red
20 footwear_cd Shoes
21 footwear_cd Socks
22 footwear_cd Laces
proc format cntlin=code_lookups(rename=(fmt=fmtname id=start desc=label));
data have(label="Some result from Oracle with unmapped codes");
input item_id country_cd color_cd footwear_cd;
1 1 11 22
2 2 11 21
3 1 12 22
3 1 10 20
%macro auto_codemap (data=, out=, out_struct=view, map_func=new_var);
%local dsid i l p q varname;
%let dsid = %sysfunc(open(&data));
%if &map_func ne format_only and &map_func ne new_var %then %do;
%put ERROR: &=map_func unknown.;
proc sql;
create &out_struct &out as
%do i = 1 %to %sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,nvar));
%if &i > 1 %then %str(,);
%let varname = %sysfunc(varname(&dsid,&i));
%let l = %length(&varname);
%if &l > 3 %then %do;
%let p = %eval(&l-3);
%let q = %eval(&l-2);
%if %substr(%upcase(&varname),&q) = _CD %then %do;
%if &map_func = format_only %then %do;
%else %if &map_func = new_var %then %do;
, put(&varname, %str(&varname).) as %substr(&varname,1,&p)
from &data
%let dsid = %sysfunc(close(&dsid));
options mprint;
%auto_codemap (data=have, out=want)
proc print data=want;
%auto_codemap (data=have, out=want2, map_func=format_only)
proc print data=want2;

SAS sql select variable as change name to a date in MonYY7. format

I am not sure if it is possible at all, but in case someone knows the answer. I need to select variables and rename them to dates in MonYY7. format. My understanding is that SAS stores dates as numbers, and it is the formats which represent them in the former way. However, would it be possible to somehow rename the variable's name itself according to the format?
Here is the code I have written:
%macro try;
%let month_count_back = 12;
%let today = %sysfunc(today());
%let sysmonth = %sysfunc(month("&sysdate"d));
proc sql;
create table try as
select *,
%do i = -&sysmonth. %to -&month_count_back.-&sysmonth.+1 %by -1;
max(month(FP_NDT) = month(intnx('month',&today.,&i.))) as mn%eval(&month_count_back.+&sysmonth.+&i.)
%if &i. = -&month_count_back.-&sysmonth.+1 %then %goto leave_month;
from work.test
group by var;
%mend try;
It returns dummy indicators for each month value of the 'var' variable for the previous year (the intention here is to know which values are null and which are not). However, I would like each dummy variable created be named according to the month and the year it refers to. For example, m12 should be DEC2015, m11 - NOV2015 etc... As a corollary if month_count_back is equal to, say, 36 then m36 should be DEC2015, but M12 should be DEC2013 and M1 should be JAN2013 etc...
Maybe there is way to rename it later in a data step? I have tried to loop through it, but could not control for the changing month_count_back value...
Would appreciate any suggestions, thanks!

SAS/SQL - Create SELECT Statement Using Custom Function

Given this new approach using INTNX I think I can just use a loop to simplify things even more. What if I made an array:
array period [4] $ var1-var4 ('day' 'week' 'month' 'year');
And then tried to make a loop for each element:
%MACRO sqlloop;
proc sql;
%DO k = 1 %TO dim(period); /* in case i decide to drop something from array later */
%LET bucket = &period(k)
CREATE TABLE output.t_&bucket AS (
SELECT INTX( "&bucket.", date_field, O, 'E') AS test FROM table);
This doesn't quite work, but it captures the idea I want. It could just run the query for each of those values in INTX. Does that make sense?
I have a couple of prior questions that I'm merging into one. I got some really helpful advice on the others and hopefully this can tie it together.
I have the following function that creates a dynamic string to populate a SELECT statement in a SAS proc sql; code block:
proc fcmp outlib = output.funcs.test;
function sqlSelectByDateRange(interval $, date_field $) $;
day = date_field||" AS day, ";
week = "WEEK("||date_field||") AS week, ";
month = "MONTH("||date_field||") AS month, ";
year = "YEAR("||date_field||") AS year, ";
IF interval = "week" THEN
day = '';
IF interval = "month" THEN
day = '';
week = '';
IF interval = "year" THEN
day = '';
week = '';
month = '';
where_string = day||week||month||year;
I've verified that this creates the kind of string I want:
data _null_;
q = sqlSelectByDateRange('month', 'myDateColumn');
put q =;
This yields:
q=MONTH(myDateColumn) AS month, YEAR(myDateColumn) AS year,
This is exactly what I want the SQL string to be. From prior questions, I believe I need to call this function in a MACRO. Then I want something like this:
%MACRO sqlSelectByDateRange(interval, date_field);
/* Code I can't figure out */
CREATE TABLE output.t AS (
%sqlSelectByDateRange('month', 'myDateColumn')
I am having trouble understanding how to make the code call this macro and interpret as part of the SQL SELECT string. I've tried some of the previous examples in other answers but I just can't make it work. I'm hoping this more specific question can help me fill in this missing step so I can learn how to do it in the future.
Two things:
First, you should be able to use %SYSFUNC to call your custom function.
%MACRO sqlSelectByDateRange(interval, date_field);
%SYSFUNC( sqlSelectByDateRange(&interval., &date_field.) )
Note that you should not use quotation marks when calling a function via SYSFUNC. Also, you cannot use SYSFUNC with FCMP functions until SAS 9.2. If you are using an earlier version, this will not work.
Second, you have a trailing comma in your select clause. You may need a dummy column as in the following:
CREATE TABLE output.t AS (
%sqlSelectByDateRange('month', 'myDateColumn')
0 AS dummy
(Notice that there is no comma before dummy, as the comma is already embedded in your macro.)
I read your comment on another answer:
I also need to be able to do it for different date ranges and on a very ad-hoc basis, so it's something where I want to say "by month from june to december" or "weekly for two years" etc when someone makes a request.
I think I can recommend an easier way to accopmlish what you are doing. First, I'll create a very simple dataset with dates and values. The dates are spread throughout different days, weeks, months and years:
DATA Work.Accounts;
Format Opened yymmdd10.
Value dollar14.2
INPUT Opened yymmdd10.
Value dollar14.2
2012-12-31 $90,000.00
2013-01-01 $100,000.00
2013-01-02 $200,000.00
2013-01-03 $150,000.00
2013-01-15 $250,000.00
2013-02-10 $120,000.00
2013-02-14 $230,000.00
2013-03-01 $900,000.00
You can now use the INTNX function to create a third column to round the "Opened" column to some time period, such as a 'WEEK', 'MONTH', or 'YEAR' (see this complete list):
%LET Period = YEAR;
CREATE TABLE Work.PeriodSummary AS
SELECT INTNX( "&Period.", Opened, 0, 'E' ) AS Period_End FORMAT=yymmdd10.
, SUM( Value ) AS TotalValue FORMAT=dollar14.
FROM Work.Accounts
GROUP BY Period_End
Output for WEEK:
Period_End TotalValue
2013-01-05 $540,000
2013-01-19 $250,000
2013-02-16 $350,000
2013-03-02 $900,000
Output for MONTH:
Period_End TotalValue
2012-12-31 $90,000
2013-01-31 $700,000
2013-02-28 $350,000
2013-03-31 $900,000
Output for YEAR:
Period_End TotalValue
2012-12-31 $90,000
2013-12-31 $1,950,000
As Cyborg37 says, you probably should get rid of that trailing comma in your function. But note you do not really need to create a macro to do this, just use the %SYSFUNC function directly:
proc sql;
create table output.t as
select %sysfunc( sqlSelectByDateRange(month, myDateColumn) )
* /* to avoid the trailing comma */
from output.myTable;
Also, although this is a clever use of user-defined functions, it's not very clear why you want to do this. There are probably better solutions available that will not cause as much potential confusion in your code. User-defined functions, like user-written macros, can make life easier but they can also create an administrative nightmare.
I could make all sorts of guesses as to why you're getting errors, but fundamentally, don't do it this way. You can do exactly what you're trying to do in a data step that is much easier to troubleshoot and much easier to implement than a FCMP function which is really just trying to be a data step anyway.
1. Create a dataset that has your possible date pulls. If you're using this a lot, you can put this in a permanent library that is defined in your SAS AUTOEXEC.
2. Create a macro that pulls the needed date strings from it.
3. If you want, use PROC FCMP to make this a function-style macro, using RUN_MACRO.
4. If you do that, use %SYSFUNC to call it.
Here is something that does this:
data pull_list;
infile datalines dlm='|';
length query $50. type $8.;
input type $ typenum query $;
day|1|&date_field. as day
week|2|week(&date_field.) as week
month|3|month(&date_field.) as month
year|4|year(&date_field.) as year
%macro pull_list(type=,date_field=);
%let date_field = datevar;
%let type = week;
proc sql noprint;
select query into :sellist separated by ','
from pull_list
where typenum >= (select typenum from pull_list where type="&type.");
%mend pull_list;
proc fcmp outlib = work.functions.funcs;
function pull_list(type $,date_field $) $;
rc = run_macro('pull_list', type,date_field);
if rc eq 0 then return("&sellist.");
else return(' ');
data test;
input datevar 5.;
option cmplib = (work.functions);
proc sql;
select %sysfunc(pull_list(week,datevar)) from test;
One of the big advantages of this is that you can add additional types without having to worry about the function's code - just add a row to pull_list and it works. If you want to set it up to do that, I recommend using something other than 1,2,3,4 for typenum - use 10,20,30,40 or something so you have gaps (say, if "twoweek" is added, it would be between 2 and 3, and 25 is easier than 2.5 for people to think about). Create that pull_list dataset, put it on a network drive where all of your users can use it (if anybody beyond you uses it, or a personal one if not), and go from there.