How can I locate code in IDEA plugin by FilePath and LineNum? - intellij-plugin

In IDEA plugin, Can I implement the functionallity just like
clicking the item in debug thread stack and jump to corresponding location in IDEA ? I have full className and line Numbers. I can't find it in the official sdk doc or miss it.


How to solve crashes in Google Play Console?

In Google Play Console on the dashboard of your application there
is a graph with Crashes & ANRs.
What is the best practice to solve
crashes to provide the best service to your users? My application is
written in Python in Kivy framework.
Navigate to Quality -> Android Vitals -> Crashes and ANRs.
This lists each event and on the right you will see a "->" arrow labelled "View Details".
Click this, scroll down past the graph and you'll see the Stack traces.
This is what you need to look at to fix your code.
The top line will be the error, then it'll show the line of code where the error occurred, for example:
at com.test.MyApp.doSomethingCool (
at com.test.MyApp.somethingElse (
Here you have some null value causing an issue in the "doSomethingCool" function of your app and that code should be on line 123 of "".
The trace lines after that show what called that function that failed, so above, this is showing that "doSomethingCool" was called from function "somethingElse" on line 321 and that code is in "".
This example is for Java.
If you are coding in Python, then the stack trace may not show you where in your own code the problem lies. Instead your best bet is to search on Google for the top line error and hope that the answer is online.
Separately from stack trace analysis I would highly recommend that you place your project into source control with GIT or SVN, specifically so that you can see what changes might have caused an error.
Update your code in the repository only when it's working and then you will always have a safe saved version that is known as working. You can then easily compare your current code and see what changes might have caused an error. This is especially useful for Android, which regularly updates versions of shared libraries.

Ported OSX Obj-C/CG Screenshot Code to js-ctypes - crash on final line

I ported some objective-c/CoreGraphics code that takes a screenshot of multiple monitors but it's not working. The jsctypes guys won't be able to help because the section is just me answering questions lol
The objc/cg code is from here:
My jsctypes type/struct/declares are here:
The jsctypes port is here:
And the last line is line 643 which causes the crash:
var rez_writeToFile = ostypes.API('objc_msgSend')(data, ostypes.HELPER.sel('writeTofile:atomically:'), myNSStrings.get(OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.desktopDir, 'full_ss.png')), ostypes.CONST.YES);
This coincides with the objectivec of
[data writeToFile:#"/tmp/screenshot.png" atomically:YES];
except i changed path to ...desktop/...png
I wrote to sepearte gists, to align the lines in text diff software to make sure I did everything.
Here is objc/cg:
and here is jsctypes:
I dont think i missed anything i dont know why it crashes on that final line
Do any of the ObjC/CG people see any type definition that is wrong or something that I missed (for example the ObjC code uses compound statments I'm not sure I understood/translated them correctly in the port).
Wowww so after struggling for like some hours then posting this I realize it right away haha
Casing typo in selector!! I had writeTofile:atomically instead of writeToFile:atomically!
If anyone would like to test this out, it's a simple firefox addon test case.
Install an addon that allows installing addons from github repos from here:
Go to commit on this branch that works here:
Then click the "Add to Firefox" button at bottom right, below the "Download Zip" button
Click on the toolbar button icon that gets added to firefox, as seen in this screenshot:
Check desktop you now have a single png file with a screenshot of all the monitors, huge props to #KenThomas!

Titanium: Notification with download status

I want to create a notification that will include a download status, such as the photo below (marked in yellow:
Is there a special way of doing these? A code sample would be nice...
There indeed is a special way of doing it. Usually these kind of features require a module to be included. This can easily be done by using
The module in question is nc.progressnotification
You can find the module on Github, or through
An example is added to the app.js file in the example folder

Quick Helper Annotaion in Java Editor

I'm trying to develop a eclipse plugin, which displays a Quick help annotation in the Java Editor.
The Quick Help icon should appear at every place, a type statement is missing in the Java-Code.
I'm a total noob in Eclipse plugin development. I read a few things about it and understand the idea with Extension points but I don't get how to add a annotation in the Eclipse Java editor.
Are there any examples or tutorials available for this problem/topic?
I don't know how to start and appreciate any help or hints.
I finally made it by placing a Marker and specifying a markerResolution for him.
Howto add a Marker
Marker Customization ,
Adding a Quick Fix to a marker type

ZXing barcode iphone error

i'm trying to import the zxing into my project but i am getting the following :
can't open -exported_symbols_list file: /zxing/iphone/ZXingWidget/exportList
Anyone know how to fix this?
Which guide dou you use to import the framework? I reccoment this one.
Answer taken from here:
Ultimately you need to make a tweak so that ZXing actually decodes
barcode. In target section, double
click on your project target, and go to the build tab. Look for
the "Exported Symbols Files" and
double-click on it. Att the relative path to the exportList files
in "/zxing/iphone/ZXingWidget/exportList".
This will tell the linket to actually link with some key classes
so that this code registers the necessary