Groupby aggregate based on multiple condition pandas - pandas

I have a data frame as shown below
Sector Plot Year Amount Month
SE1 1 2017 10 Sep
SE1 1 2018 10 Oct
SE1 1 2019 10 Jun
SE1 1 2020 90 Feb
SE1 2 2018 50 Jan
SE1 2 2017 100 May
SE1 2 2018 30 Oct
SE2 2 2018 50 Mar
SE2 2 2019 100 Jan
From the above I would like to prepare below data frame
Sector Plot Number_of_Times Mean_Amount Recent_Amount Recent_year Recent_Month
SE1 1 4 30 50 2020 Feb
SE1 2 3 60 30 2018 Oct
SE2 2 2 75 100 2019 Jan

So if all rows are sorted in input data use GroupBy.agg with named aggregations:
df1 = (df.groupby(['Sector','Plot']).agg(Number_of_Times=('Year','size'),
print (df1)
Sector Plot Number_of_Times Mean_Amount Recent_Amount Recent_year \
0 SE1 1 4 30 90 2020
1 SE1 2 3 60 30 2018
2 SE2 2 2 75 100 2019
0 Feb
1 Oct
2 Jan
If necessary sorting convert Month to datetimes, add DataFrame.sort_values, apply solution and last convert months back to strings:
df['Month'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Month'], format='%b')
df1 = (df.sort_values(['Sector','Plot','Year','Month'])
df1['Recent_Month'] = df1['Recent_Month'].dt.strftime('%b')
print (df1)
Sector Plot Number_of_Times Mean_Amount Recent_Amount Recent_year \
0 SE1 1 4 30 90 2020
1 SE1 2 3 60 30 2018
2 SE2 2 2 75 100 2019
0 Feb
1 Oct
2 Jan
Another idea, buggy in pandas 0.25.1:
months = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']
df['Month'] = pd.Categorical(df['Month'] , ordered=True, categories=months)
df1 = (df.sort_values(['Sector','Plot','Year','Month'])
print (df1)
ValueError: Buffer dtype mismatch, expected 'Python object' but got 'long long'


Pandas Sort Two Columns with Day of Year Wrap-Around to New Year

I have data that may at certain times of the year around the first of each year, that a day_of_year sequence involves changing the "year" column to the new year when day_of_year ==1. It is a trick that I have not been able to figure out and in some ways not sure how to start so any help here is much appreciated. My data looks like this:
Here is my df1 =
day_of_year year var_1
364 2017 17.71666667
364 2018 5.166666667
364 2019 2
364 2020 1.595833333
364 2021 3.75
364 2022 6.8875
365 2017 14.83333333
365 2018 2.758333333
365 2019 4.108333333
365 2020 5.766666667
365 2021 5.291666667
365 2022 10.58636364
1 2017 2.0125
1 2018 14.0125
1 2019 -0.504166667
1 2020 7.666666667
1 2021 5.520833333
1 2022 1.229166667
2 2017 1.7625
2 2018 15.10416667
2 2019 -0.391666667
2 2020 9.5
2 2021 7.645833333
2 2022 0.9125
And, after the re-formatting, I need it to look like the below sorted df with "n/a" for any missing or expected data in a year that might be missing data. thank you again,
final df:
day_of_year year var_1
364 2017 17.71666667
365 2017 14.83333333
1 2018 14.0125
2 2018 15.10416667
364 2018 5.166666667
365 2018 2.758333333
1 2019 -0.504166667
2 2019 -0.391666667
364 2019 2
365 2019 4.108333333
1 2020 7.666666667
2 2020 9.5
364 2020 1.595833333
365 2020 5.766666667
1 2021 5.520833333
2 2021 7.645833333
364 2021 3.75
365 2021 5.291666667
1 2022 1.229166667
2 2022 0.9125
364 2022 6.8875
365 2022 10.58636364
n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a
Why would you change the year based on the day? Just sort by the two columns:
df.sort_values(by=['year', 'day_of_year'])
day_of_year year var_1
12 1 2017 2.012500
18 2 2017 1.762500
0 364 2017 17.716667
6 365 2017 14.833333
13 1 2018 14.012500
19 2 2018 15.104167
1 364 2018 5.166667
7 365 2018 2.758333
14 1 2019 -0.504167
20 2 2019 -0.391667
2 364 2019 2.000000
8 365 2019 4.108333
15 1 2020 7.666667
21 2 2020 9.500000
3 364 2020 1.595833
9 365 2020 5.766667
16 1 2021 5.520833
22 2 2021 7.645833
4 364 2021 3.750000
10 365 2021 5.291667
17 1 2022 1.229167
23 2 2022 0.912500
5 364 2022 6.887500
11 365 2022 10.586364
If for some reason you really need to fix the year, use a conditional with mask:
(df.assign(year=df['year'].mask(df['day_of_year'].le(2), df['year'].add(1)))
.sort_values(by=['year', 'day_of_year'])
Or, if you want to update the years after a change from 365 to a lower day:
.sort_values(by=['year', 'day_of_year'])
day_of_year year var_1
0 364 2017 17.716667
6 365 2017 14.833333
12 1 2018 2.012500
18 2 2018 1.762500
1 364 2018 5.166667
7 365 2018 2.758333
13 1 2019 14.012500
19 2 2019 15.104167
2 364 2019 2.000000
8 365 2019 4.108333
14 1 2020 -0.504167
20 2 2020 -0.391667
3 364 2020 1.595833
9 365 2020 5.766667
15 1 2021 7.666667
21 2 2021 9.500000
4 364 2021 3.750000
10 365 2021 5.291667
16 1 2022 5.520833
22 2 2022 7.645833
5 364 2022 6.887500
11 365 2022 10.586364
17 1 2023 1.229167
23 2 2023 0.912500
I would convert everything to date time first. Just run:
pd.to_datetime(df['day_of_year'].astype(str) + '-' + df['year'].astype(str),
I assign it to column ymd and sort, yielding the following:
>>> df.sort_values('ymd')
day_of_year year var_1 ymd
12 1 2017 2.012500 2017-01-01
18 2 2017 1.762500 2017-01-02
0 364 2017 17.716667 2017-12-30
6 365 2017 14.833333 2017-12-31
13 1 2018 14.012500 2018-01-01
19 2 2018 15.104167 2018-01-02
1 364 2018 5.166667 2018-12-30
7 365 2018 2.758333 2018-12-31
14 1 2019 -0.504167 2019-01-01
20 2 2019 -0.391667 2019-01-02
2 364 2019 2.000000 2019-12-30
8 365 2019 4.108333 2019-12-31
15 1 2020 7.666667 2020-01-01
21 2 2020 9.500000 2020-01-02
3 364 2020 1.595833 2020-12-29
9 365 2020 5.766667 2020-12-30
16 1 2021 5.520833 2021-01-01
22 2 2021 7.645833 2021-01-02
4 364 2021 3.750000 2021-12-30
10 365 2021 5.291667 2021-12-31
17 1 2022 1.229167 2022-01-01
23 2 2022 0.912500 2022-01-02
5 364 2022 6.887500 2022-12-30
11 365 2022 10.586364 2022-12-31

From 10 years of data, I want to select only calendar days with max or min value

Ok, so I have a dataset of temperatures for each day of the year, over a period of ten years. Index is date converted to datetime.
I want to get a dataset with only the min and max value for each calendar day throughout the 10-year period.
I can convert the index to a string, remove the year and get the dataset that way, but I'm guessing there is a smarter way to do it.
Use Series.dt.strftime with aggregate by GroupBy.agg with min and max:
d = pd.date_range('2000-01-01', '2010-12-31')
df = pd.DataFrame({"temp": np.random.randint(0, 30, size=len(d))}, index=d)
2000-01-01 0
2000-01-02 8
2000-01-03 3
2000-01-04 22
2000-01-05 3
2010-12-27 16
2010-12-28 10
2010-12-29 28
2010-12-30 1
2010-12-31 28
[4018 rows x 1 columns]
df = df.groupby(df.index.strftime('%m-%d'))['temp'].agg(['min','max'])
print (df)
min max
01-01 0 28
01-02 0 29
01-03 3 21
01-04 1 28
01-05 0 26
... ...
12-27 3 29
12-28 4 27
12-29 0 29
12-30 1 29
12-31 2 28
[366 rows x 2 columns]
Last for datetimes is possible add year (be careful with leap years):
df.index = pd.to_datetime('2000-' + df.index, format='%Y-%m-%d')
print (df)
min max
2000-01-01 0 28
2000-01-02 0 29
2000-01-03 3 21
2000-01-04 1 28
2000-01-05 0 26
... ...
2000-12-27 3 29
2000-12-28 4 27
2000-12-29 0 29
2000-12-30 1 29
2000-12-31 2 28
[366 rows x 2 columns]

Segregating data based on last 3 months and this time last year

I need to filter out my data into two different index.
(1) last three months, includes December as current month minus three
(2) current month (December 2019) and current month values from the year before
pDate Name Date Year Month
11/17/2019 12:18 A 2019/11 2019 11
12/23/2018 11:52 B 2018/12 2018 12
12/1/2019 11:42 C 2019/12 2019 12
12/10/2018 14:31 D 2018/12 2018 12
12/14/2018 12:42 E 2018/12 2018 12
10/15/2019 15:19 F 2019/10 2019 10
10/23/2019 10:50 G 2019/10 2019 10
12/2/2018 15:14 H 2018/12 2018 12
I was able to group them based upon their last 3 months values, relatively quick as:
df1 = df.sort_values(by="pDate",ascending=True).set_index("pDate").last("3M")
How do I get a dataframe which maps December 2019 (current month) and December 2018 only.
Idea is create month periods by Series.dt.to_period and then you can subtract values for past periods filtering by Series.between with boolean indexing:
$changed sample datetimes
df['pDate'] = pd.to_datetime(df['pDate'])
df = df.sort_values(by="pDate")
print (df)
pDate Name Date Year Month
7 2018-12-02 15:14:00 H 2018/12 2018 12
4 2018-12-14 12:42:00 E 2018/12 2018 12
3 2019-10-10 14:31:00 D 2018/12 2018 12
5 2019-10-15 15:19:00 F 2019/10 2019 10
6 2019-10-23 10:50:00 G 2019/10 2019 10
2 2019-11-01 11:42:00 C 2019/12 2019 12
1 2019-12-23 11:52:00 B 2018/12 2018 12
0 2020-01-17 12:18:00 A 2019/11 2019 11
nowp = pd.to_datetime('now').to_period('m')
print (nowp)
df['per'] = df['pDate'].dt.to_period('m')
df = df[df['per'].between(nowp-4, nowp-1) | df['per'].eq(nowp-13)]
print (df)
pDate Name Date Year Month per
7 2018-12-02 15:14:00 H 2018/12 2018 12 2018-12
4 2018-12-14 12:42:00 E 2018/12 2018 12 2018-12
3 2019-10-10 14:31:00 D 2018/12 2018 12 2019-10
5 2019-10-15 15:19:00 F 2019/10 2019 10 2019-10
6 2019-10-23 10:50:00 G 2019/10 2019 10 2019-10
2 2019-11-01 11:42:00 C 2019/12 2019 12 2019-11
1 2019-12-23 11:52:00 B 2018/12 2018 12 2019-12
print (nowp)
print (nowp-1)
print (nowp-13)
print (nowp-4)

Calulate the groupby (several columns) average in pandas [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to move pandas data from index to column after multiple groupby
(4 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I have a dataframe as shown below.
Unit_ID Price Sector Contract_Date Rooms
1 20 SE1 16-10-2015 2
9 40 SE1 20-10-2015 2
2 40 SE1 16-10-2016 3
2 30 SE1 16-10-2015 3
3 20 SE1 16-10-2015 3
3 10 SE1 16-10-2016 3
4 60 SE1 16-10-2016 2
5 40 SE2 16-10-2015 2
8 80 SE1 20-10-2015 2
6 80 SE2 16-10-2016 3
6 60 SE2 16-10-2015 3
7 40 SE2 16-10-2015 3
7 20 SE2 16-10-2015 3
8 120 SE2 16-10-2016 2
From the above I would like to prepare a dataframe as shown below in pandas.
Expected Output:
Sector Rooms Year Average_Price
SE1 2 2015 30
SE1 2 2016 60
SE1 3 2015 25
SE1 3 2016 25
SE2 2 2015 60
SE2 2 2016 120
SE2 3 2015 50
SE2 3 2016 50
I think I should use pandas groupby
I tried following code
df['Year'] = df.Contract_Date.dt.year
df1 = df.groupby(['Sector', 'Year', 'Rooms']).Price.mean()
( df.groupby(['Sector','Rooms',df['Contract_Date'].dt.year.rename('Year')])
.reset_index() )
Sector Rooms Year Average_Price
0 SE1 2 2015 46.666667
1 SE1 2 2016 60.000000
2 SE1 3 2015 25.000000
3 SE1 3 2016 25.000000
4 SE2 2 2015 40.000000
5 SE2 2 2016 120.000000
6 SE2 3 2015 40.000000
7 SE2 3 2016 80.000000
or using groupby.agg:
( df.groupby(['Sector','Rooms',df['Contract_Date'].dt.year.rename('Year')])
.agg(Average_Price = 'mean')
.reset_index() )

expand year values to month in pandas

I have sales by year:
year value
0 2015 12
1 2016 24
2 2017 36
I want to extrapolate to months:
yyyymm value
201501 1 (ie 12/12, etc)
201502 1
201512 1
201601 2
201712 3
any suggestions?
One idea is use cross join with helper DataFrame, convert columns to strings and add 0 by Series.str.zfill:
df1 = pd.DataFrame({'m': range(1, 13), 'a' : 1})
df = df.assign(a = 1).merge(df1).drop('a', 1)
df['year'] = df['year'].astype(str) + df.pop('m').astype(str).str.zfill(2)
df = df.rename(columns={'year':'yyyymm'})
Another solution is create MultiIndex and use DataFrame.reindex:
mux = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([df['year'], range(1, 13)], names=['yyyymm','m'])
df = df.set_index('year').reindex(mux, level=0).reset_index()
df['yyyymm'] = df['yyyymm'].astype(str) + df.pop('m').astype(str).str.zfill(2)
print (df.head(15))
yyyymm value
0 201501 12
1 201502 12
2 201503 12
3 201504 12
4 201505 12
5 201506 12
6 201507 12
7 201508 12
8 201509 12
9 201510 12
10 201511 12
11 201512 12
12 201601 24
13 201602 24
14 201603 24